UPSC Interview Transcript : Chattar Singh, 27th March, Civil Engineering Background

  • Interview Experience
  • Board – Chattar Singh
  • Date: 27th March
  • Graduation– Civil Engineering
  • Optional Subject– Public Administration
  • Hobby– Watching movies and playing cricket


You have no spects in your photo?

Me- Sir due to glare effect while getting photographed.

Ch- No other technical reason?

Me- No sir

Ch- You should wear your spects no matter how it appears.

Me- Yes sir, from next time onwards I will keep this in mind sir.

Ch- So you are planning to come here next year also?( laughing)

Me- No sir, But wherever it will be required in future I will try to have photo with my spects sir.

Ch- You have your hobby as watching movies. What kind of movies do you watch?/

Me- Sir movies socio-economic issues and suspenseful plots.

Ch- Name three movies you like.

Me- 12 Angry Men, Blue Jasmine and 3 Idiots.

Ch- Are they in the same order of preference of liking?

Me- Yes Sir.

Ch- Why do you like 12 Angry Men.

Me- I narrated the plot and purposeful discussion by the jury members in the movie.

Ch- In jury type of justice system, members are prone to influence. So how it can be checked?

Me- Sir, we can restrict their access to influential items. ( Chairman interrupted)

Ch- Then why people would like to become jury members if restrictions are imposed?

Me- No Sir, I meant to say restricted access and not complete ban. Things like social media, print media have                  considerable influence on jury members.

Ch- You also like to play cricket? What do you do in cricket ie batsman or bowler?

Me- Sir I am a opener batsmen.

Ch- So you are a risk taker.

Me- Yes Sir.Nodded in affirmative.

Ch- Name any opener you like.

Me- Sir Sachin Tendulkar

Ch- Everybody like him. Any other?

Me- Sir Adam Gilchrist.

Ch- Have you ever met any government servant.?

Me- No Sir I have not met any high ranking official personally. ( I thought he was asking any high ranking government servant).

Ch- You must have met officers like ticket examiner in railways?

Me- Yes Sir.

Ch- Like that.?

Me- Yes Sir at tehsil to get my caste certificate.

Ch- What is the average time it takes to get a certificate.

Me- Sir, Around 10 to 15 days to get it and uploaded on website for verification.

Ch- Ideally it should take 2 -3 days. How it can be reduced?

Me- Sir we can use technology to reduce time period( Chairman interrupts and said leave the technology apart). I further added Sir the Inquiry time and processing time for allotment of certificate can be reduced. ( I fumbled a little).

Ch- You have your graduation in Civil Engineering. how the structures can be made effective?

Me- Sir we can use nanotechnology to increase its strength, use of prestressed concrete.

Ch- What about light weightmaterials.?

Me- Yes sir

Ch- Name some civil engineering structures.

Me- Sir, BurjKhalifa, Naini Bridge.

Ch- Have you seen BurjKhalifa?

Me- I have seen It in newspaper and magazine sir.

Ch- Tell something about Naini Bridge from civil engineer’s perspective.

Me- Sir it is a cable- stayed bridge, It’s deck is supported on rollers and it is a 8 lane bridge.

Ch- Anything else.

Me- Not that I am able thing of Sir.( I forgot to mention base isolation method of pier design to check vibration impact)

Ch- When it was built?

Me- Sorry sir I am unable to recall it.

Ch- What is the use of rollers in bridges?

Me- Sir it is used to check expansion and contraction effects in bridges due to temperature changes.


Finally chairman passed the baton to the lady member(M1)

Member 1

You like to watch movies. Tell me changes you have seen in film industry from women perspective?

Me- Mam, Now a days we are making women centric movies but at the same time the discrimination and mistreatment of women have risen.

M1- Can you elaborate discrimination issue.?

Me- Mam one needs to be highly approachful to get good movies in the beginning and there is presence of nepotism in the industry.

M1- Was It not earlier also?

Me- Mam it was there earlier also but it has increased.

M1- Why people still like to listen old songs compared to the new songs?

Me-Mam old sons are clear, melodious and pleasant while new songs are fast and there is a high presence of music.

M1- Tell me four songs of past decade.

Me- I recited 80’s song. M1 interrupts and said of last decade.

Me- I was blank and wasn’t able to think of any good song. Finally M1 said it’s ok leave it.


Member 2

M2- You have opted Public Administration as your optional subject. Can you tell what is integrity in public service.?

Me- Mam integrity means unwavering moral conduct and absence of conflict of interest. It helps in handling dilemmas.

M2- Can you tell me about what are reasons of farmer suicides and distress?

Me- Mam, poor realization of price for their produce, exploitation by moneylenders, faulty investment methods like chit fund,ponzi schemes, sudden loss of crops, family disputes, marriage and death in families, etc.

M2- Does cultivation of water intensive crops have any relation with farmer distress?

Me- yes mam

M2- So, this problem is specific to any region?

Me- mam the problem is present at all India level but it is much more acute in certain regions like Marathwada.

M2- why the problem still persists?

Me- Mam there is a fault from farmer side as well as government has not been able to deliver the benefits to the farmer as per their need and expectations.

Member 3

M3- You live in Bhadohi(district). Why it is famous?

Me- Sir it is famous for hand tufted and hand knotted carpets.

M3- Impact of child labour law on carpets industry.

Me- Sir the Child Labour Prohibition Act has reduced the cost competitiveness of carpets due to increase in production costs.

M3- Why we have not been able to transport containers beyond Bangladesh?

Me- I began with Pakistan having problem of security issues.( M3 interrupts I mean Beyond Bangladesh).  I take the name of Myanmar (M3 again interrupts that he mean North eastern States). I mentioned that Sir undulated terrain.

M3- Yes but don’t you think absence of good quality road is the main issue.

Me- Yes sir.

M3- If you have to construct a road what type you would like to built it.

Me- Sir it should be of good quality ( M3 supported me by saying that road having high axle load bearing capacity).

M3- If you have to construct a road what are the major factors which you have to take into account?

Me- Sir, identification of location where the  road is to be built, acquisition of land whether it is agricultural or waste land, proper rehabilitation and compensation mechanism, availability of cheaper and local materials. ( I failed to focus more on civil engineering aspects).

Member 4

M4- You were mess secretary in your college hostel. Tell me whether it is a position of power or not?

Me- Yes sir it has some authority of power. I stopped(M4 said that’s it). I said no sir and I explained the responsibilities of Mess Secretary.

M4- So Mess Secretary is a position of power or responsibility.

Me- Sir I want to correct myself it is a position of authority with responsibility.

M4- What are the changes you brought?

Me- Sir, the Mess bill was reduced by about 5-10 %, I conducted a whole hostel level survey and took feedback by going to every rooms about the quality of food and changes needed.

M4- On the issue of bill reduction, then quality of food must have been reduced.

Me- No sir, quality was not reduced but it was not improved it as much as it was expected.

M4- What is the difference between power and responsibility?

Me- Sir power is a neutral term and can be exercised arbitrarily whereas responsibility has common public interest in mindset.

M4- Suppose you are a police officer and you have captured a hardcore criminal which have killed many people. You alone know about it. Nobody was coming to be a witness against him. What would you do in this situation.

Me– Sir as a police office it is my duty to present him before the court and present my case.

M4- Nobody is coming to give witness against him and he goes free.

Me- Sir I will present him before the court and make my case stronger. It is the courts prerogative to decide upon the further course of action ie whether to punish him or free him.

M4- But if he again goes free?

Me- Sir I would arrest him again and make my case more stronger.

M4- Do you know how much time it took to get rid of Veerappan.

Me- I can only guess Sir.

M4- Go on

Me- Nearly 20 years.

Please comment how it was.

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript : PK Joshi Board, 19th April 2017, Political Science

  • Name Patil Pranjal Lahensingh
  • State Maharashtra
  • Background- BA in political science.
  • MA and M.Phil from JNU
  • Optional- PSIR
  • Hobby- reading biography, autobiography, doing voluntary work
  • Present service- PnT Accounts and Finance Service
  • Board- Prof. PK Joshi
  • Date- 19 april 2017
  • Afternoon  session


Your name is Pranjal. Right?

Yes sir. In Maharashtra, we write our title first and then our own name and our father’s name in the last. (the entire atmosphere got so lightened up).

You have completed your PG in 2012. Since then you have been preparing for UPSC?

Sir, I completed my M.Phil meanwhile and I am presently pursuing PhD from JNU.

What are your views on freedom of Speech?
Sir, it is our fundamental right as per article 19 of the Constitution. but it also puts reasonable restrictions on it.

So we should try that while expressing our views, others should not get hurt. But sometimes, even when we do not have any such intensions, people get hurt. In this situation, we can not do much.

Member 1

But we have to respect each other’s views. So that tension will be avoided.

Some people argue that political science nomenclature is not right. It should be political studies or something else. But not political science. What do you think about it?

Sir, all disciplines like political science, sociology, economics try to claim themselves as science. It is to bring objectivity in the discipline.

But how will you convince those people who don’t think it as science? Because it does not have lab, practicals, etc.

sir,  laboratory is not just about the 4 walls of the room. World itself is a laboratory. And we can have different experiments in that.

Behaviouralism has also tried to bring scientific objectivity in political science discipline.

Now, we also have surveys, sample method research, etc.

In political science, we can have rules. Sometimes, those rules get proved and sometimes, they get disproved also.

It is a science.  But it is not a science in a way of fundamental science.

What is budget?

Sir, budget is financial statement which decides how the money is to be spent in a next financial year on different sectors and different areas.

How is budget prepared?

Sir, finance ministry prepares the budget. It gets inputs from Indian economic service personnels. Different ministries give their own plan of action  on spending money in their areas.

Member 2

In university, don’t you think that students should study rather than speaking on current affairs and other things? Their main motive should be studies.

Ma’am, they should definitely study. But they should have space to express their opinions on different issues. Because they are the future of country and humanity. So through their opinions, they can shape the larger world view in whatever small or minute way.

Do you think that RTI is useful legislation? How far has it served its purpose?


RTI is a very revolutionary legislation. In last 12 years of its passage, it has made people aware that they can make public officials accountable through asking for information.

It has  democratized Indian democracy.

Yes. There are limitations in RTI act. Such as political parties, judiciary, etc. are out of the ambit of RTI.

Information can be denied in the name of public interest which is not clearly defined.

But despite this, it is a very useful legislation and it has a long way to go.

Member 3

Your hobbies are reading biography and autobiography? Which biographies have impressed you?

Sir, the blind doctor, a story of Jacob Bolotine by Roseland Parman, impressed me a lot. How in difficult time when advanced technology was not available,  awareness was not there, he became a doctor. and he had a strong urge to serve the people through his profession.

Sir, also, Churchill‘s My Life by Martin Gilbret impressed me. His decisive leadership, fiercely independent thinking really inspired me a lot.

What do you think about India-Nepal relations?

Sir, we have been very friendly neighbours. But recently, there are some hick ups in their relations.

The present turmoil in Nepal started when the new constitution is adopted. Madhesis, tharus are not happy with the new constitution. They are protesting. So there is a feeling in Nepal that India is there behind these protests. However, Nepalese President Bidya Devi Bhandari assured us that India and Nepal will continue to have good relations. And India should not worry about Nepal-China military exercises.

Do you think that the collapse of Soviet Union proved to be good for the world? What will you say about it if you look back more than 2 decades?

Sir, it has both sides.

It is good for the world because it ended the Cold War.

Central Asian and East European countries got sovereign status.

But it did  not proved to be completely good for the world because it did not really end the rivalry between US and Russia.

They are in conflict in West Asia, East Europe, UNSC, etc.

What is the state of East European countries vis-à-vis Russia now?

(I did not understand the question at first instance. I repeated it and asked that whether he is asking the same thing.)

Sir, politically, these countries are independent now. They are also a part of EU. So, economically, they are getting investment  from EU.

But the way Russia took Crimea from Ukraine, there is a fear among these countries for their sovereignty.

What do you have to say about internal immigration issue within Europe?

Sir, there is migration from east European to west European countries. Historically, east European countries were part of Soviet Union. So they were not open for investment and all.

So west Europe is more developed than east Europe. And therefore, migration is taking place.

But if the employment opportunity is created in the east European countries then there won’t be need of migration.

Member 4

UP, government has come up with anti-romio scord. What do you think about it?

Sir, it is to prevent eve-teasing against women. the intensions are good but innocent couples are also getting harassed. (interrupted)

Isn’t it leading to misuse of power by police? Do you agree to me or not? Police take bribe and all.

It is leading to misuse because there are no clearcut guidelines for the police. They do not know what is their jurisdiction in this situation.

So although it is important step to prevent some unwanted situations against women but it is not the only way.

There can be some alternative way to stop eve-teasing and all. Do you know that SC has passed some judgement regarding this under IPC 498 A?

Sir, I am not aware of it.

Jalakattu has been there for so long. Why the issue regarding it has been raised now?

Sir, recently, the issues of animal right violation and human right violation came in limelight.

What is SC’s action on it?

SC has passed a judgement for banning it.

what is government’s response to it?

Sir, government has passed the ordinance in favour of continuing Jalakattu.

Which festival is it celebrated in?

(I took time to remember it).

Pongal or Sankranti? Or both?

I think, both sir.

What is the difference between regional party and national party?

Sir, ECI give such recognition to political parties. (did not remember the exact requirements to become national party and all).

What is the process of registration of political party?

(could not remember it well.

(I am happy with my interview. The chair person and other members of the board were very cordial and encouraging).

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript : PK Joshi Board, 19th April 2017, Political Science

  • Name Patil Pranjal Lahensingh
  • State Maharashtra
  • Background- BA in political science.
  • MA and M.Phil from JNU
  • Optional- PSIR
  • Hobby- reading biography, autobiography, doing voluntary work
  • Present service- PnT Accounts and Finance Service
  • Board- Prof. PK Joshi
  • Date- 19 april 2017
  • Afternoon  session


Your name is Pranjal. Right?

Yes sir. In Maharashtra, we write our title first and then our own name and our father’s name in the last. (the entire atmosphere got so lightened up).

You have completed your PG in 2012. Since then you have been preparing for UPSC?

Sir, I completed my M.Phil meanwhile and I am presently pursuing PhD from JNU.

What are your views on freedom of Speech?
Sir, it is our fundamental right as per article 19 of the Constitution. but it also puts reasonable restrictions on it.

So we should try that while expressing our views, others should not get hurt. But sometimes, even when we do not have any such intensions, people get hurt. In this situation, we can not do much.

Member 1

But we have to respect each other’s views. So that tension will be avoided.

Some people argue that political science nomenclature is not right. It should be political studies or something else. But not political science. What do you think about it?

Sir, all disciplines like political science, sociology, economics try to claim themselves as science. It is to bring objectivity in the discipline.

But how will you convince those people who don’t think it as science? Because it does not have lab, practicals, etc.

sir,  laboratory is not just about the 4 walls of the room. World itself is a laboratory. And we can have different experiments in that.

Behaviouralism has also tried to bring scientific objectivity in political science discipline.

Now, we also have surveys, sample method research, etc.

In political science, we can have rules. Sometimes, those rules get proved and sometimes, they get disproved also.

It is a science.  But it is not a science in a way of fundamental science.

What is budget?

Sir, budget is financial statement which decides how the money is to be spent in a next financial year on different sectors and different areas.

How is budget prepared?

Sir, finance ministry prepares the budget. It gets inputs from Indian economic service personnels. Different ministries give their own plan of action  on spending money in their areas.

Member 2

In university, don’t you think that students should study rather than speaking on current affairs and other things? Their main motive should be studies.

Ma’am, they should definitely study. But they should have space to express their opinions on different issues. Because they are the future of country and humanity. So through their opinions, they can shape the larger world view in whatever small or minute way.

Do you think that RTI is useful legislation? How far has it served its purpose?


RTI is a very revolutionary legislation. In last 12 years of its passage, it has made people aware that they can make public officials accountable through asking for information.

It has  democratized Indian democracy.

Yes. There are limitations in RTI act. Such as political parties, judiciary, etc. are out of the ambit of RTI.

Information can be denied in the name of public interest which is not clearly defined.

But despite this, it is a very useful legislation and it has a long way to go.

Member 3

Your hobbies are reading biography and autobiography? Which biographies have impressed you?

Sir, the blind doctor, a story of Jacob Bolotine by Roseland Parman, impressed me a lot. How in difficult time when advanced technology was not available,  awareness was not there, he became a doctor. and he had a strong urge to serve the people through his profession.

Sir, also, Churchill‘s My Life by Martin Gilbret impressed me. His decisive leadership, fiercely independent thinking really inspired me a lot.

What do you think about India-Nepal relations?

Sir, we have been very friendly neighbours. But recently, there are some hick ups in their relations.

The present turmoil in Nepal started when the new constitution is adopted. Madhesis, tharus are not happy with the new constitution. They are protesting. So there is a feeling in Nepal that India is there behind these protests. However, Nepalese President Bidya Devi Bhandari assured us that India and Nepal will continue to have good relations. And India should not worry about Nepal-China military exercises.

Do you think that the collapse of Soviet Union proved to be good for the world? What will you say about it if you look back more than 2 decades?

Sir, it has both sides.

It is good for the world because it ended the Cold War.

Central Asian and East European countries got sovereign status.

But it did  not proved to be completely good for the world because it did not really end the rivalry between US and Russia.

They are in conflict in West Asia, East Europe, UNSC, etc.

What is the state of East European countries vis-à-vis Russia now?

(I did not understand the question at first instance. I repeated it and asked that whether he is asking the same thing.)

Sir, politically, these countries are independent now. They are also a part of EU. So, economically, they are getting investment  from EU.

But the way Russia took Crimea from Ukraine, there is a fear among these countries for their sovereignty.

What do you have to say about internal immigration issue within Europe?

Sir, there is migration from east European to west European countries. Historically, east European countries were part of Soviet Union. So they were not open for investment and all.

So west Europe is more developed than east Europe. And therefore, migration is taking place.

But if the employment opportunity is created in the east European countries then there won’t be need of migration.

Member 4

UP, government has come up with anti-romio scord. What do you think about it?

Sir, it is to prevent eve-teasing against women. the intensions are good but innocent couples are also getting harassed. (interrupted)

Isn’t it leading to misuse of power by police? Do you agree to me or not? Police take bribe and all.

It is leading to misuse because there are no clearcut guidelines for the police. They do not know what is their jurisdiction in this situation.

So although it is important step to prevent some unwanted situations against women but it is not the only way.

There can be some alternative way to stop eve-teasing and all. Do you know that SC has passed some judgement regarding this under IPC 498 A?

Sir, I am not aware of it.

Jalakattu has been there for so long. Why the issue regarding it has been raised now?

Sir, recently, the issues of animal right violation and human right violation came in limelight.

What is SC’s action on it?

SC has passed a judgement for banning it.

what is government’s response to it?

Sir, government has passed the ordinance in favour of continuing Jalakattu.

Which festival is it celebrated in?

(I took time to remember it).

Pongal or Sankranti? Or both?

I think, both sir.

What is the difference between regional party and national party?

Sir, ECI give such recognition to political parties. (did not remember the exact requirements to become national party and all).

What is the process of registration of political party?

(could not remember it well.

(I am happy with my interview. The chair person and other members of the board were very cordial and encouraging).

Source: Telegram

UPSC Interview Transcript : 02/05/17, ARVIND SAXENA BOARD, IIT KANPUR


DATE– 02/05/17



Source: Telegram

UPSC Interview Transcript : 28-04-2017, Working as Junior Engineer


Interview date: 28-04-2017
Board: chatter singh
Afternoon 4th person to be interviewed.
Background : B.Tech. E.E.E , working as junior engineer in central public works department.


So,You read books.. what kind of books you read? Why you read books? What are the books you read recently??

How can you buy an air-conditioner in the market in terms of energy efficiency??

What is star rating? What are the technical specifications to be included in tender Applications?? ( About my work profile)

How the centralised air conditioning system will ensure uniform flow of air from the room near to plant to last room??

Member 1

Your optional is pub ad??

What are the topics in pub ad?

What are administrative improvement techniques ?

What is difference between public administration and business administration?

How can you apply business administration in public administration??

How the PERT &CPM will be useful in pub ad??

Application of ICT in administration??

Member 2

what are the SHGs? How they function?? How did you assist them ? ( Hobby: assisting SHG’s)

Start ups are failing and leading to loss of employment . What are the suggestions to improve the start ups to make them successful??

Member 3

Why Electrical engineering called evergreen engineering??

How will you apply your technical knowledge in administration especially in terms of energy sector??

What kind of audits will takes place in your office??

What is DSR? (reg job) what are quality audits takes place in your office??

Member 4

Warangal is once main centre for naxalism?? How did it got reduced significantly??

What is Greyhound s??

Who is CVC?

Again chairman

Ch: you’re an NCC cadet. Did you do shooting??

Which riffle?? Rounds of the magazine?? Self loaded or manually loaded??

OK your interview is over. Around 25 to 30 minutes.

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript : Air Marshal Ajit Bhosale Board, M.Ed. MA , M.Phil.


Date – 7-04-2017 Afternoon session
first one to be interviewed
Name- Divyanshu Patel
Qualification – M.Ed. MA, M.Phil. 26 yr
Board– Air Marshal Ajit Bhosale sir


So the day came and that moment came for what i had taken a great risk 4 years back by not joining capf and continued my studies, I reached UPSC gate 12.50pm, met Raju Bhaiya of ABVP, already positive environment started building J

Entered the UPSC building 2nd time in my life, went to document verification got news that I am first one to be halal ? I was very happy to hear this because i didn’t want to sit all along till evening,

Went to main hall at 1.45pm and daavat came around 2.05. 2.15 tring sounds came and i entered the room after 2 min,

Inside the Room

I said “May I come in Sir? “

Yes please young man, please come inside “a confident voice came and I saw Air Marshal Sir and other members

There were 5 members, one very handsome and pleasant Air marshal as uniform officers often is and others were good people with one lady member,

It was a very big hall type room and  after walking 3-4 steps I wished Chairman sir first then lady member then others but in a low tone L ( I got little nervous that moment ) he said come come please , I went and took 2-3 sec pause and stand besides the chair  ,

Chairman sir was looking at my DAF suddenly he looked at me and said “good afternoon! I got confused and a little nervous as I thought did I make a mistake to wish him and lady member while coming? Then he said please sit down…….. I said thank you sir J


C- Are you comfortable?

Me- yes sir with big smile

C- Good you are looking happy?

Me- I smiled only: O

C- You had something in lunch?

Me- yes sir I had my lunch

C- Oh you have had your lunch, so how will u say this in Sanskrit?

Me- (first jhatka of interview but controlled myself) sir “aham mam khadya padartham akhadat” ( it is incorrect but I said with beshrami smile )

c- ohhh this much to I can also speak yar ?

Me- smiled back with almost little laugh

C- Ok ….. Now we will begin your interview, the so called interrrvieww (said like this only with a sarcastic smile) but believe me it will be a conversation only ok?

Me- thinking that shuru karo na L

C- you have done soooooo manyyyy things in your life , you seems to be very engaging personality , u have done NCC , NSS and other things , i think you have  good time management skill, isn’t so ? How did u manage I mean it must have been quite challenging!

me- sir yes I prioritised my activities as in NCC we had go for parade only for 2 days in a week and in NSS we had to spent 240 hours in village community development activities in 2 years I was part of student council also so by putting them in time table I had managed my studies with my ECA

c- hmmm very good alright but I had a little regret had I got such opportunities in my early years to do such diverse things and (looking in to my DAF u are sprinter too hmm gave positive smile )

Me – (maaf kar do sir galti ho gyi aage se nhi kruga ) yes sir I was team member of school track event team

c- So ….. ! yar  in Sanskrit we have to rot very much , I had Sanskrit , I loved Sanskrit , it was very good subject , scoring also , but our modern education philosophies condemn this method, as educationist how do u see this , u must have an opinion about it , isn’t so ?

Me – sir in Sanskrit rot method of learning is an integral part of Sanskrit learning so if anyone want to learn he has to rot in initial years specially to learn Sanskrit grammar but after that we can teach in modern methods

c- What and how?

Me- sir like we are using ICT, we are developing textbooks in digital form and sir ONGC gave good projects under CSR to develop textbooks as digital material…..Something like that

c- Hmmm good

c- ……! This 1857 war of independence camp as team leader you organised? Smiled

me- sir I did not organise that camp but yes I participated in that camp as team leader of Uttar Pradesh contingent and it was organised by ministry of youth affairs and sports sir.

c- Oh I see you were team leader of this camp?

Me- sir I was team leader of my state team for which I got selected to participate in this camp which was organised to commemorate the 150th year of 1857 war of independence.

c- Hmmm I see interesting smiled

c- You did NCC and other things so there must be a purpose?  You have done BA then other degree in education then JNU, why civil then?

Me- sir during my first year in BA I got a chance to work with civil administration and police administration there I got motivated to join civils.

c- Ok so in your first year of grad u decided? (Probing face)

Me- yes sir, he nodded with probing smile

Now pls aap (lady member se bole)

mam was smiling then she said ok ……

Member 1

M1- you use Patel and live in up, are you from Gujarat or migrant?

Me- mam I live in up and Patel title used by agrarian communities yes migration is also one of the factors

M1- so you are Gujarati too?

Me- yes mam I am Gujarati by Gotra and Patel title put on my name by them ( kya puche jar hi ho aunty L )

M1- why and who are “them”

me- It was a result of caste politics in nineties through which many communities started these kind of changes so it was put by my parents n community members i had no control over it ( kya kr rhi ho aunty )

M1- you have done masters from JNU so what are the issues going on in JNU , I mean what these so called protestors do there , other member laughed

me – (thnku mam ab mai batata hu ) – mam recently in jnu UGC announced seat cut in research programmes which instigated students there ,logic given by UGC and HON. Minister of Human Resource Development is it is a step to correct teacher student ratio

M1- so why they are protesting

Me- mam in JNU there are some misguided people who think that they are revolutionary so they oppose every act of govt ……cut short

M1- no no they must be very influential leaders otherwise why they get support?

Me- mam they instigate student on emotional issues like state or govt is going to take all the things from you…..Again interrupted

M1- and people join them?

Me- Mam in my 6 years i have seen only 5-6 big protests otherwise only 50-60 people usually come

M1- seemed satisfied and smiled and said o my god you r in jnu since 6 years?

Me- (what’s the big deal mam?) yes mam smiled I am doing my Ph.D. there

M1- oh u r doing phd but u didn’t mention that in your DAF?

Me- mam in online DAF form of UPSC only 2 Colum were there so i couldn’t

M1- oh hmmm koi nahi

M1- you have so many degrees and variety of knowledge with NCC NSS also so how you are going to use it, have you ever been interfaced with such situation?

Me- mam variety of knowledge can be used in different areas, cut short

M1- no gives me exp

Me- Mam for exp I can use my knowledge in madam how leakages happening, how social discrimination is happening

M1- no no have u ever been interfaced with it, I mean have u worked in these situation ?

Me- (knowing that i didn’t get her question right didn’t show any anxiety and smiled besharmly ) ma mam I participated in flood relief program as NCC cadet in villages i distributed food packets

M1- which village what was name of that village?

Me- Mam it was Ranjeetpur village it is situated in Balrampur district UP there a team of 10-15 cadets were assigned with district magistrate sir ( Bhosale sir looked at mam smiling probably he was satisfied that I answered that rapid fire question confidently)

M1- you do photography? Where you do it , how do you get enough subject to take photo ?

Me – mam i devp this hobby along with my another hobby of trekking, cut shot

M1- o yes you do trek where u went last time

Me- mam! I went to Triund, another member said where? I again said loudly sir Triund in Dharmshala distt in Himachal Pradesh.

Me – mam i get time and subject when I go to JNU there are enough jungle area so there and mam I prefer to take photos in social atmosphere we can say social photography

(She passed it on I don’t know whether she was satisfied or not but I replied back to back in positive and enthusiastic manner)

Member 2

M2-  jabardast uncle ,I have seen him in conferences but don’t remember his name anyways , he was reading my summary sheet very thoroughly and i saw he has marked 3 points in that , I got scared thoda sa

M2- you have opted lit of Sanskrit?

Me- yes sir

M2- why lit of Sanskrit why not lit in Sanskrit?

Me- sir it was written as it is that’s why

M2- no no is there any difference between two?

Me- sir one difference is that lit of Sanskrit means whole literature of Sanskrit and literature in Sanskrit means literature written in Sanskrit language.

M2- so what do you think is correct?

Me- sir literature of Sanskrit

M2- so in lit of Sanskrit all were written in Sanskrit, what u have studied in syllabus

Me- sir i have studied mahakavyas , natakas fumbled little bit and sir there were written in Sanskrit with eng hindi translation

M2- so why didn’t you choose to write in Sanskrit only, in which language you have written your exam?

Me- sir we have to write 2 question in Sanskrit in Devnagari lipi and rest in medium we have chosen i wrote my exam in eng medium

M2- why? Why not in Hindi?

Me- sir in these 6years i have converted myself from Hindi medium to eng medium , I worked hard all these years to learn English , so i just wanted to write in English

M2- but you have chosen your medium of interview too in eng, why?

Me- sir i wanted to study more and for that i had to learn English because there is no other option available  ,after that i always try to write and speak in English only specially in official matters

M2- why? You could have studied in Hindi medium too

Me- sir in JNU one has to study in eng medium only at masters level in social sciences

M2- what? Is it so, Bhaosale sir too said what? aisa hai kya

Me- smiled yes sir no alternative

M2- so it seems that you are putting Hindi and other languages as inferior to English , is it so ?

Me- sir to me it is not so but unfortunately in our education system since 70 years of independence this kind of system is prevailing so i had no option .

(In between Bhosale sir was showing something to member next to him, i too got distracted a little bit but kept giving my answer and suddenly he interrupted)

C- You got selected in CAPF? (Looked very happy and interested)

Me- yes sir (I was not ready for such kind of interruption anyway it was my achievement so I didn’t get nervous)

C-you got in to service?

Me- I got him wrong, first said yes then corrected myself , sir I got selected but didn’t join

C- Smiling and m2 asked what CAPF is :’(

C- Are it is armed police commandant exam

M2- oh nice,

chairman still looking at me smiling , I was not sure to tell him reason or just smile back , I preferred last one as my exp with armed forces officers has taught me that they don’t like faltu ka explanation

M2- ok yar chalo hindi me baat karte hain , ye women studies me kya kiya hai tumne ? ( I saw he had marked that women studies word )

Me- sir maine women studies me national eligibility test pass kiya hai ugc ke through

M2- ok, kya padhai kari iske liye ?

me- sir maine iskle liye feminism ko padha jisme 3 main wave hain feminist history , pahle wali to voting right se related hai aur sir dusri wali teesari wali ke sath mix krke dekhte hain nariwadi log jo baki  rights se related hain ,

(I said this only because I was not sure how much i should speak on this vast topic)

M2- hmm good enough ,chalo switch over to eng , ok ?

M2- ok …… tell me about dowry

Me- sir it is a social evil of our society …cut short

M2- Hamm, its origin? Smiling

Me- sir it can be originated in Rigveda era when Duhita which means daughter was given certain gifts by parents so it has been present since long in our society

Chairman smiled

M2- nope, if I say it is a colonial practice and in England during industrialization people used to give chastity to daughter, aur pata nahi kya kya bolte rahe WO………………….. akhir me bole to what do u say ?

Me- thank you sir, it is very new kind of info for me but I don’t know about it, smiled to him politely  (lo de lo bhashan han ni to L )

M2- ok what’s your view on inheritance laws and rights?

Me- sir according to Hindu code bill women have equal rights and now we have enacted law too so they can take and it should be given and sir for this Dr Ambedkar resigned from first cabinet of India J

M2- there is law for that, what is your opinion?

Me- yes sir now we have law for that and it should be implemented because patriarchal mindset people think women as their property and there lies the problem, kuch aur blabber kiya tha

M2- sister hain?

Me- yes sir smiled

M2- shadi ho gyi?

Me – yes sir smiling

M2- dahej kitta diya ?

Me- nai diya

M2- q nahi diya ,dena padta hai

Me- she was M.A.,  B.ed and was teaching

M2- oh yes dowry is problem of illiterate people hmmm?

Me- sir dowry is not related to illiterate people but we didn’t give because in our family it is not permitted and should be curbed at societal level also

M2- why?

Me- sir because in my district there was a social movement against it by some gandhian leaders they inculcated that practice aisa hi kuch aur bol rha tha but cut short

M2- babuji hain ?

Me- yes sir

M2- kamate hain ?

Me- yes sir smiled

M2- unke bad property doge bahan ko ?

Me- sir if she wants to take she can obviously take and moreover after sad demise of my mother 2 years back , my father has made a will and make a provision of 50.50

(chairman was listening very keenly ,I saw his face in between ,thank god I didn’t get provoked )

He passed it to another uncle

Member 3

M3- he had a serious face but I was smiling at him

M3- you did M.Phil. In which area

Me- sir I did my M.Phil on curriculum study of school text books of up

M3- what?

Me- sir curriculum study……

M3- oh you did that in education field

Me- yes sir

M3- you said you are doing Ph.D.

Me- yes sir

M3- what is your topic

Me- sir my topic is rationalism in india: a study of arjak sangh

M3 and chairman said what sangh ?

Me – sir Arjak sangh (made a poker face , didn’t explain because  they didn’t ask though they were looking at me)

m3- hmmm you said you do trek, where you have been and since when u r doing it

Me- sir since school days when i was class 9th we went with associationship of YHAI in nainital

M3- where ?

me- sir I don’t remember exact place now

m3- ok after that smiled cunningly like he caught me

me- sir recently I went for triund ,

m3- before that again probing eyes stern looks

me- sir I went to kedarnath for religious purpose and before that i went to gurmarg with my senior and before that ……..

M3- ok ok , what is jaat ?

Me- I told him something about varna system

M3- no what is concept of caste , u should be aware of it , there are some caste groups who are same in terms of their origin but they live in different places and have no relation so you have heard about substantialization of caste in our social system ?

Me- I told him about political mobilization and caste as institution but he was not satisfied or pretending so

then I told him that according to some scholars like Dirk ha said that caste is a colonial product and scholars like M.N. Sriniwas has given concept dominant caste in which certain caste become affluent in society and political system , I blabbered but mentioned these terms and scholars just for the sake of speaking confidently ( he was looking at  table )

(After that i checked the fact term was given by Dumont but luckily Dirk has also said something on this and MN sriniwas too used that, so i hope unko laga ho ki ladke ko wo pata nahi hai but use related relevant baate bol rha hai )

M3- what is varna and jaat give me one exp

Me- Brahman is varna goswami is caste among Brahman

M3- hmmm (finally satisfied shayad ) so you must be knowing about Jamindari abolition act so  how Jamindari abolition affected this in eastern up and western up ?

me- sir in eastern up mainly small land holders are there , Jamindari abolition provided a chance to landless labourers to get some land and live with dignity and to contribute in nation building, (I fumbled a bit but tried my best that I didn’t stop abruptly while speaking  )

M3- tell me about west up?

Me- sir! There are still large farmers but situation has changes too though i have no depth knowledge

M3- ok pass

Member 4

M4- ….. while looking at your form I found that you are from Akbarpur? Smiled

Me- yes sir smiled and looked at m3 again and gives him smile too

M4- so yar there is so much dispute in our curriculum these days about Akbar and Aurangzeb, who was great, why Akbar is called great not Aurangzeb what do u think

Me- sir! Akbar tried to understand India , he formulated his policies not as administrator but as learner of culture and showed empathy while Aurangzeb was no doubt had more resources than Akbar and he was capable sir but he lacked empathy ,

So sir in India empathy is very imp to run administration

(Chairman smiled, madam too nodded other khali bali ko mai dekh ni rha tha jyade jo bagal me baithte hain )

M4- nope, muslim call Aurangzeb great, he followed sharia , he destroyed music , u must be aware that when music lovers were taking procession he told them to dig so deep

me- (forgot to tell that Aurangzeb was himself a great veena player anyways ) sir I beg to differ here , I have many Muslim friends and no one called Aurangzeb great , it is Akbar who holds greatness sir because of his policies

M4- what r you saying, if people are so nice then why kashmiri pundits migrated from valley, you know the reason? Tell me

Me- sir reason is depletion of Sufi culture and arrival of wahabism in valley but now people have realised their mistake and apart from misguided people many want kashmiri pundits to return

M4- u think situation is like that?

Me- sir though current situation is not like that but govt is making its best efforts

M4- but what about Kerala and Bangladesh border where Hindus are minority and they are facing threats?

me- sir India is large country , in some part a community can have majority and in other another can have , what bind us is our composite culture , our constitutional values like secularism , sir in policies secularism should prevail , our policies should be like this that no community face anxiety based on numbers in particular area , secularism should be guiding principle for everyone in administration , sir in India it is not possible for a Hindu to live without Muslim and for Muslim to live without Hindu , we have composite culture and we should always put secularism at front in decision making,

M4- Hamm so what about that survey in which only 33% Hindus have a Muslim friend, if your views are correct if people are so good if there is composite culture  then why it is so ? Smiled

me- sir this survey was conducted by CSDS , ( I told him purposefully ,he nodded smiling ), so sir first we should see their questionnaire , how they have framed their questions , what kind of data they got , what was the methodology and we should scrutinise their findings further to get a sound analysis ,

M4- hmmm alright

He passed to chairman

C-so …… you did NSS (again chairman sahab looking in my daf and smiling) and NCC, so in JNU is there NCC and NSS kind of thing?

Me- (almost laughing but control uday moment sustained and said) sir we have nss in jnu and not NCC and made again poker face

c- ohhh , chalo suppose you have to do something as NSS volunteer to bring back situation to normal in JNU from what happened , what will you do , take your time then speak , then started smiling

Me- 4-5 sec thought process only and started – sir as NSS teaches us community development , I would like to first start dialogue between teacher and students which has gone missing for quite some time , sir nodded positively ,

C- But as NSS cadet what will you do? you are talking about JNU problem not NSS , smiled

Me- got confused little bit but smiled , sir I would organise a discussion session and will try to question those students or revolutionaries according to their terms that what kind of leadership is that , you should have been there whether u supported those slogans or not , but you hided and other people suffered , what is this , this not leadership , you can protest , you can question govt that our democratic system gives you right but only under constitutional rights and unity and integrity of India should be maintained ,

Sir! these people take name of Dr Ambedkar in their protests but they forget that he himself was against all these kind of thoughts and said that we have enacted political democracy but what we need is social democracy ……ok said chairman

( thoda sa bhashan type bola but i thought ye akhiri mauka hai bol do dil ki baat )

Chairman Sir and specially lady member nodded very pleasantly

C- Do you agree with govt policies made in domain of education and social sector , what is your view ?

me- sir it is matter of great satisfaction that we have a stable govt with full majority at centre through which many decisions have been taken which would have been not possible in coalition govt , sir i support govt schemes in education and social sector and i am very optimistic about future of my country , smiled positively to sir .

C- Hmmm ……. it was nice talking to you now your interview is over  , and I must thank you specially that you did not choose your medium of interview as Sanskrit and laughed , others too smiled

You may go now good all the best

I stand up, left the chair said thanku sir, thanku mam , and thanku to sirs , pushed chair little ahead , and turned back , walked slowly opened the door and closed it gently. (forget to wish other member)


I don’t know how it was , what substance in it , one thing is clear that I responded in straight forwarded manner and in those tricky questions like which village dowry or trekking I tried to be frank and truthful yet polite , though it was very unexpected interview , no as such big and tough questions as our great coaching mafias ask and terrorise the students , I revised almost all the syllabus of my Sanskrit , was scared like hell for economics but see how things unfold in those 30 minutes,

I did some minor mistakes too I think like wished chairman and lady member while entering and then went till table , thanked chairman and lady member in last and then other 2 members in low tone but didn’t looked at another member ,

Put my forehand on handles of chair and palm in my lap then after 20 min I adjusted them on thighs, these kind of things I hope don’t matter in big way L

I was cheerful, confident , spoke confidently , admitted that I have learned English only in 6 years and improving myself , though I didn’t answer some questions in that manner like they were probably expecting but I didn’t get blank or confuse and just shut up , I spoke on almost all questions , tone was polite yet I was putting emphasis on those key terms on secularism, leadership etc and where taking stand was required I took and remained firm on that for instance from Akbar to CSDS survey panel member tried to trap me and unsettle me on my stand on secularism but somehow I replied him while maintain my stand .

Don’t know where will I land, but can hope for at least minimum 165 barrier, I hope they didn’t mind my opinion based answers and some silly mistakes like forgetting one member to wish while leaving.

Source: Telegram

UPSC Interview Transcript : Sujata Mehta, 3.5 years in NTPC, ESE-13


Interview date: 26th april, 5:25 pm onwards,
Duration: around 40 min
Board: Sujata Mehta
Hobby: teaching
Optional: geography
Job experience- 3.5 years in NTPC Ltd and currently working in central water commission (thru ESE-13)
I was last candidate that day.


1. Is this your photo
2. So u r working in central water commission
3. what is ur role in central water commission
(here chairman asked for tea but I kindly refused by saying thank you)
4.why so much water disputes in india
5. solutions to the river water disputes ( explained recent developments considering the water as state subject ) flood forecast is done
7.Do u use computers for rivers data collection or depend on registers etc.
9. What kind of softwares you use for data collection
10. Are these s/w developed in India ( mainly European s/w are used bt nw a days ISRO and CWC are developing some s/w)
(Sujata mam was writing something on a note whenever I use some key words throughout the interview)

Member 1

1. .What was ur role in NTPC Ltd
2. Compare the merits and demerits of diff modes of electricity generation(coal fired, hydro etc.)
3. Which is more polluting among coal fired and gas fired power plant
4. Why coal is preferred over other fuels
5. Environmental impacts of hydro projects
6. Benefits of hydro power including operational benefits(quick start, good for grid stability)
7. Name some hydro projects in Himalayan regions
8. Do u share flood data with railways
9. How flood forecasting is done
10. Do u issue any bulleting for flood alert and how
11. Diff modes of flood forecasting
12. Structural and non structural measures of flood protection

Member 2

1. Which state u belong to
2. Before formation of ur state which state did u belong to
3. How new state is formed in india (xplained legislative processes )
4. Is it necessary to pass a resolution by parent state govt for state formation
5. Do u think that 3rd party interventions should be allowd in Kashmir issue and if no then why not ( Kashmir is disputed region for Pakistan bt india considers it as integral part of india, also mentioned shimla agrrement)
6. What are diff regions of Kashmir(PoK, aksai china etc,)
7. What is PoK and how it came to existence(explained from independent )
8. Whats going on in Korean peninsula and its background (explained current developments by USA, Korean countries, China, Japan and Russia)

Member 3

1. Tell me something about ur village
2. Highlight tourism aspect of ur region
3. How ur hobby of teaching developed
4. U were monitor of the class throughout ur schoolling so tell me what was the reason behind ur popularity
5. Quality of a leader (to understand the task to perform and strength and weakness of the resources a leader has and accordingly resource utilisation)

Member 4

1. Have u heard of RUSA
2. What are the features of RUSA
3. Do u think that the role of UGC is diminishing due to new agencies coming up in education sector (no, but the education sector is expanding with multidimensions which needs diff agencies so basically the sector is diversifying)
4. How much monitoring of higher education institutions are required
5. At what level the monitoring should be done(central, state, local)
6. What kind of control(curriculum, financial audit )
7. How much autonomy should be given to colleges
(he was in the mood of grilling on the issue of monitoring by centre vs state bt everytime my ans was balanced due to the fact that education is a concurrent subject )

Overall the interview was smooth except little discussion with M-4 but managed to give balanced ans. Chairman was attentive all the time and was supporting my ans. Kept eye contact atleast with the person asking question and Chairman throughout the interview. Said sorry for 1 or 2 questions i was not aware of and also not mentioned here.

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript : Vinay Mittal Board, 5th May, Indian Economic Service


Vinay Mittal Board
Optional– economics
Education– and MA (Eco)
Domicile– Delhi
Hobby: art n craft, jute work, cooking
Service– Indian Economic Service, posted in the Ministry of I&B


1. Why u want to join another service? Won’t you lose seniority? You will have to start again as probationer. (Ans- I want to serve people at grass root level, I want diversity, more opportunities and challenges. My present job is advisery in nature and we rarely get to work on functional posts)
2. What is your work profile ? ( plan coordination and e- samiksha)
3. What is e Samiksha (told)
4. Why did RBI not changed rates in its recent monetary policy review? (Ans- inflation concerns, 4+/- 2% target- But chairman was not satisfied, I don’t know what he wanted to here)
5.What changes you see in Indian economy since independence.(Ans- transformation from highly agrarian to service based econony, population involved in agriculture reduced to below 50%mark for the first time, fastest growing economy etc.)
6.What policy were responsible for such changes?(Ans- economic policy of 1991, liberalisation started during 1980s etc.)

Member 1

1. do you play any game.(no)
2.Your favourite game and player.( told)
3. What physical activity or exercise do you do?(told)
4. Do you think you are fit to join IPS. (Yes, explained in terms of physical fitness and mental fitness)
5. What do know about IPS training. (Told what I hear from those who are already in IPS)
6. Don’t you think there should be separate exam for IPS as it requires really tough people in areas like Chhattisgarh , J&k.(Ans- No, present system of exam is ok, rest of the things can be taken care off during training of the candidates)
7.what is our national bird? Why not Peahen? Is it not gender discrimination? (Ans- Peacock, not gender discrimination, bcz its beauty is distinct)
8. State bird of Delhi? Why is it disappearing?(Ans- house sparrow, disappearing bcz of pollution, environmentaland climate change, some people quote rdiation from mobile towers , apathy of people in providing water and food. Then a counter question- why is then population of crow, pigeon is increasing? My ans- may be because house sparrow are more susceptible to environmental and climate change..)

Member 2

1. How do you see women position in society since independence(Ans- improving in terms of education, working, decision making, confidence, more empowered etc. Etc.)
2. Should flexi hours and work from home be allowed in govt?( Ans- some posts/ places of work cannot have flex hours. However should be allowed wherever possible)
3. What do you know about Khadi? ( Ans-role in swadeshi movement during independace struggle, now focus of Modi govt.)
4. Now a days govt is working like corporate. What’s you view? ( Ans-two aspects- govt. Need money for investment, employment generation. So ministry / departments are expected to become independent and less dependent on budgetary resources. Second aspect – expensive govt. Service/ higher user charges can hurt poor people. .. Wayout- increase user charges/ fee for services availed by affluent classes/ corporates, leaving them cheaper for common poor man.)
5.why many women are not there at the top or at higher positions in working arena? ( Ans-
patriarchal society, women not encouraged to reach higher in position, made to be pacified in lower level jobs only)

Member 3

1. What is audit? Types of audit?( told)
2. Who sets accounting standards in India? Explain some of them. (ICAI, .. I asked few seconds to recall the standards, then M3 said- ok, leave.. you had studied it long back.. half of the answer was wrongly answered by me.. he asked – does ICAI sets AS for govt also? To this I replied in affirmative which is wrong response and that I realised after coming out of interview board… )
3. What is propriety in audit? (Told)
4. What kind of audit does a chartered Accountant do?(told)
5. Why is income tax progressive and indirect tax regressive?( Ans- cannon of equity- as income increases capacity to pay increases, in case of indirect tax, most of the part of income is consumed by poor people on goods and services, so they end up paying more indirect tax )
6. In today’s world of social media, is there any role for Radio? ( Ans- Yes, expanding in smaller cities and towns, also explained- community radio )
7. Doordarshan , once had monopoly. Now it’s facing so much competition. Why? What strategy should be adopted? (Ans- Now competition with more than 800 channels, problems- outdated technology, old studios, transmitter towers, no new content due to paucity of resources etc… Strategy- investment in new tech, transmitters, digital studios, new content, talent and programs)

Member 4

1. Do u remember preamble? Narrate. ( Ans-
my response- sir, if u permit, I will try.. But could not remember properly..he moved on to next question. )
2. What kind of country we are? Are we socialistic ? (Ans- Sovereign, socialist…etc. etc. .. yes we are socialist, believe in social equality of all… )
3.Does our policies moving towards capitalism? Ans- first i said “yes” then said- not actually ( dont know how board will take this change of opinion), more space is given to private sector, while the role of govt. Is not reducing but changing from a direct participant and controller to a facilitator … so we r not moving towards capitalism , rather role of pub and pvt. Sector is undergoing some change.
4.Should we go for disinvestment? (Ans- Yes, loss making should be sold as they are eating precious resources which can be gainfully employed elsewhere, PSUs which can be converted into profit making from loss making through change of management/ policy should be divested, ..)
5.What do know about All India Service?(told)

Source: Telegram

UPSC Interview Transcript : P K Joshi, PMRDF in Bihar, IRS(C&CE)


Profile– B.Tech (Civil Engineering), PMRDF in Bihar, IRS(C&CE)
Optional– Philosophy
Hobbies/Interests- Writing Letters, To understand development aspects and models of Indian states primarily Bihar

Time duration– Around 30-35 mins


1- Enquiring about my profile and what all have been done till now.

2- Tell me all about Gautam Buddha, His early life, childhood name and his philosophy

3-You have seen this UPSC building. As per the modern civil engineering designing, what changes would you like to have in this building?

4- Tell me about the modern building materials which are being used nowadays?

5- Do you know some construction materials which are found from agriculture?

6- Do you know the difference between expressway and highway? What are the differences as per the designing of these two are concerned?

7- Whom do you write letters? (Hidden question why do you write letters, can be traced through his expression)

8- If you have to compare two states, what indicators would you use?

9- What is HDI?

10- What about Gross Happiness Index? Recent data ? India’s position with respect to Bangladesh, Pakistan?

Member 1

1.Why do you want to know the development model of Bihar? Is it because you have worked there (as your home state is UP)?

2- So what happened to Bihar after its glorious past? What led to its degradation?

3- Tell me about the district where you worked in Bihar.

4- As a PMRDF, what did you do to contribute in the development of your district and Bihar?

5- Recently government has given some powers to tax authorities to provisionally attach property, search and seizure. What is your stand?

6- Should government keep faith in it’s officers? Should officers be given free hand?

Member 2

1. You have been the President of your college.Tell me some incidents during your presidency. Any violence? What did you do?

2- What was your biggest challenge as President?

3- What is your stand whether police should be allowed inside the campus or not?

4- What are the qualities of a Leader?

5- Any incident in your department of good leadership ? How did he manage to do so?

6- What’s your stand on frisking ladies at the airport?

7- Difference between Central Universities and State Universities? Name few central Universities.

Member 3

1. You were part of NSS in your college? Tell me about NSS. What is it’s objective?

2- What had you done as a member in NSS? Do you think NSS has achieved it’s objective? Whatever you have done in it, is it sustainable? NSS as a scheme, a success or not?

3- Could you name few more organizations like NSS?

Member 4

1- Do you know TPP? How many countries in it? What is the issue with it now? What is it’s status at present?

2- You talked about increasing protectionism in the world. Is it fair ? Why it is happening?

3- Any other recent multilevel trade agreement? RCEP? Whether India is a member or not?

4- Very long question, summary is Trade Facilitation Agreement will be implemented by you people only but Customs is responsible for the delay at ports and hence our ease of doing business gets affected. What is your take on this?

Chairman– Theek hai bhai, Thank you!!

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript : First interview, 27th April, Mechanical engineer


Mechanical Engineer 2nd attempt, First interview
27-April. B.Tech Mechanical engineering, Optional Mechanical engineering.
Hobbies : Cricket, Singing


1. What’s your roll number.
2. How Mechanical engineering can help in administrative services
3. Why IAS is your first preference ? why not IPS
4. Why BCCI was against DRS (cricket being a hobby) , how does “Hot spot” technology works, why no Hot spot technology in India.

Member 1

1. What is the difference between flywheel and governor
2. What is your take on recent H1B visa issues
3. Do Indian IT companies misuse H1B Visa ?
4. How will you deal with Pakistan and China if you are a foreign secretary
5. What is silk road and how its relate to ancient silk route
6. What is gold monetization scheme, Why its failing to enthuse Indians, what is your suggestion to improve this.

Member 2

1. You have decent marks in graduation , why are you not interested in core engineering job , you can do much better in mechanical engineering area than in administrative service

2. Tell me what is BSES standard in emission, is It same for all kind of Vehicles , what are the parameter taken into consideration
3. Even after a huge market for automobile sector ,Why there is less focus on R&D in India .Still we are importing engines from other countries . Your suggestion to enhance the R&D

Member 3

1. What is happiness it differs from HDI ..why India is behind Pakistan , Bangladesh in happiness index , do you think this make sense .
2. RBI monetary policy and its key highlights ..( forgot the exact question asked on this )
3. what are the 5 top issues as per you which India facing currently and your suggestion to deal.
4. How China’s currency depreciation impact Indian rupee, what steps you will take to appreciate rupee agonist $

Member 4

1.difference between ethics and etiquette
2. as an IAS officer what ethics and etiquette you should have you will motivate your subordinates to give their best at work
4. what is value , difference between values and principles.
5. How will you deal with conflicting priorities in your job as an IAS , how will decide the level of priorities.

Overall ~ 30 mins…M4 grilled lot..could not answer few question..and handled few question clumsily..not satisfied overall.

Source: Forum IAS

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