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I’m losing interest in civil services preparation. What should I do to get back on track?


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I’m losing interest in civil services preparation. What should I do to get back on track?

Congratulations! You are a perfectly normal UPSC aspirant, as you are conflicted between choices. This is what MOST people feel through their preparation phase, although few admit. Those who plod through regardless, are the ones who make it. And frankly, this is how things work for most of us.

Let’s analyse it further:

  1. The positive aspect is that you have been able to  determine the fundamental mistakes you have committed. How many are able to do it? Not many. And secondly, as you say, you have a keen desire to  work towards eliminating them. So, this has to be the key focus area for  you. It will bring the biggest incremental change in your learning process. Otherwise, what is the point in having identified your problems / mistakes / weaknesses? You were better off not having done that


  2. Though I understand and appreciate your dilemma, I still  would not advise you to give up IAS preparation. Very rarely have people managed  to clear the IAS exams in the first attempt. I am sure you know that the number is perhaps an average of 10% of selects in any given year. In case of exams like these, it  usually is a question of The Last Man Standing. As Sean Connery memorably asks a demotivated Kevin Costner, while dying of multiple gunshot wounds, in ‘The  Untouchables’, “What are you prepared to do now?” That (metaphorical) allegory is apt here, for you.

  3. UPSC Exam  preparation does result in a lot of fatigue. It’s not child’s play, after all. The second time you may again find it monotonous. Maybe your problem lies in the fact that you think this is  happening only with you. Trust me, this would be happening with a lot of people  right now. However only the ones who fight, survive.


  4. Try taking  a break for a week or two. By taking a break I mean being physically and  emotionally away from UPSC. This strategy works very well. In you case, I think,  you haven’t had a formal mental closure on the 2015 attempt and you started preparing for 2016.  Bad idea. A 7-10 day break will help you achieve closure. It’s like a catharsis. You can then start  afresh with renewed zeal and optimism. In November you can afford a break. Take  it. This option will not be available one month down the line.


  5. Finally, keep up your spirits. Day in and day out. Ask your parents, siblings or friends (onlythe real ones 🙂 ) to perk you up from time to time. No shame in that. What else is the choice? Going back to what you had left? Not now. Not so fast. Watching a  few motivational movies may also help.
  6. Finally, if after the break and the thinking and the analysis, your heart still tells you – drop UPSC, get into a corporate job – go ahead, and do it with all the conviction you can muster, and then forget about UPSC once and for all. No harm done. Life does not stop for anything. Be happy.

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Civils Daily (CD) Economics Compilation


Civils Daily (CD) Economics Compilation

Now you have made up your mind to become IAS officer and looking for the books and study materials to achieve your goal. Well, you are on the right page. Now We are Sharing With You Civils Daily (CD) Economics Compilation.

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What makes UPSC Civil Services aspirants win and lose


What makes UPSC Civil Services aspirants win, and lose.


To adapt traits which are helpful to crack the exam is one of the decisive factors for students preparing for UPSC.

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Competitive exams like UPSC requires focused attention and a progressive approach.

UPSC is qualified by people who have a personality of their own. That means they understand themselves better, they know their strengths and limitations, and they can defend their statements, their perspective and their actions rationally. Every human being posses some good and bad characteristics; personality attributes which help one in personal and professional growth are categorized as good traits and vice versa. Competitive exams like UPSC requires focused attention and a progressive approach, a slight deviation from the right path can terribly affect the result.

To adapt traits which are helpful to crack the exam and to withdraw from habits which could lead to failure is one of the decisive factors for students preparing for UPSC. Let’s discuss them one by one.

Winning Traits

High curiosity level

No one can ever qualify in UPSC exam without having a curiosity for things in the micro and macro environment. Curiosity helps a student to understand and comprehend the topic from various angles. Dimensionless learning has no meaning as the candidates won’t be able to comprehend and understand the issues associated with a particular subject or even developing insight into it.

Having a learner’s attitude

This means that a candidate is not having a fixed mindset with full of prejudices and stereotyped thinking while interpreting any information. Because learning is not limited to studies, it can also be acquired from observations, by watching films, through conversation, by being alone or being together, being in love, being jealous, and being opponent. Additionally, UPSC syllabus is so large that it is impossible to study alone. Learning attitude and techniques lessen the burden on the candidate and make the efforts easier and enjoyable. That’s why of all the learning methods the most important is the development of the sense of observation. In fact, this trait is not only useful in qualifying the exam, after becoming an administrator, but it also guides civil servant in taking unbiased decisions.

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Having an administrator attitude

The administration is not run by information or knowledge rather it is run by attitude and that’s the most important trait that is looked for in any candidate. If you have an administrative attitude, you can always gain information and/or convert into knowledge to fit the desired situation, but it’s not the other way. Attitude is like zero (0) and 100 in a multiplication. If everything is present, but the attitude is absent, then everything is zero, and if everything is below the actual requirement, but one is attitudinally sound, then it’s a blessing like no other trait.

The various attitudinal traits include the candidates’ ability to differentiate emotions (which is what is tested in essay and ethics). Ability to differentiate emotions doesn’t clutter the mind of the student. An uncluttered mind has great clarity, great receptivity and a high degree of imagination. This is what is required for Civil Services preparation.

High degree of self-understanding

This means that one should know his strength and weaknesses because having knowledge of one’s own strengths and weaknesses are essential to strategise preparation and optimise study lest everyone will start following the toppers. Self-understanding reflects in decision-making such as selection of the books, choosing a trainer or institute and most importantly finalizing the subjects for preliminary and mains. So a curious aptitude and ability to draw a conclusion between right and wrong is quite essential to ensure success.

Ability to bond with people

Form the social capital; identify people of your need and choice, because the time you spend with them should be the time of mutual learning, motivation, and development. But, people of negative mentality should be kept at bay to protect one from the unwanted circumstances. Social capital and bonding the right people is essential to discuss and exchange, knowledge, information, and fruitful ideas. So, always choose friends with whom you can interact for studies, learning, and opinion sharing.

Losing Traits

Herd mentality

This means behaving like masses, like a crowd who doesn’t think much at all. Such students do not have a personality of their own or have a very weak personality. The herd mentality can only propagate certain news and are thus born to be used by coaching institutes. They never ever qualify until they regain their senses.

Being gullible and rumormongers

These students believe everything that the market says, everything that they hear and that pleases them. They are guided by their peer group and hold an opinion on their basis of their own perception, rather than reality. These students cannot defend any action or any statement that they deliver without any substantive logic. Such students do not have any command over their language, too. They can distort any statement both knowingly and unknowingly and interpret any statement in the most irrational manner ever and propagate it equally well. Even if a student is talented, he/she wastes his talent by choosing a wrong company.

Being non-receptive to novel things

Being rigid to a set frame of mind, one cannot open up his/her mind for new ideas, information, concepts, and even proved theories because rigidity and receptivity can’t co-exist, they are counteractive to each other. Being only judgmental means one can’t be a learner and do not have a learning attitude and this will never allow the student to get out of the shell. Opinionated and judgmental people can never learn because people whose decisions based on perceptions are bound to make mistakes.

Being arrogant

Arrogance is essentially a sign of weak people. Their arrogance reflects in their actions and their speech; the type of absolutist words that they use. For example, a good student will shy away from using the word ‘best’ and the concept of ‘best’. Indeed, there is nothing like best in the world. Best is an absolutist statement. The use of best inhibits expression. People who do not have expression use the word ‘best’. Anyone using the words ‘best’, ‘awesome’, ‘fantastic’ are short of expressions. Instead, they can use varied expressions by classifying the traits. 

– Authored by Mr. K Siddhartha, Director, Ensemble IAS Academy, Educationist, Earth Scientist, Mentor, and Advisor to various government departments.

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World History Hand Written Notes (156 Pages) PDF


World History Hand Written Notes (156 Pages) PDF

Now you have made up your mind to become IAS officer and looking for the books and study materials to achieve your goal. Well, you are on the right page. Now We are Sharing With You World History Hand Written Notes (156 Pages) PDF.

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What is the routine timetable of IAS trainees at LBSNAA?


What is the routine Timetable of IAS trainees at LBSNAA?


IAS Officer Trainees spend three major phases at LBSNAA (and two more, but those come at a later stage in their careers).

  1. First is during Foundation Course that is held with IAS, IFS, IPS and other services together.
  2. Next is in Phase I, right after Bharat Darshan.
  3. Then, Phase 2 is after district training, and it is held one year after Phase I.

Foundation Routine:

5:00 AM: Wake up and get ready for PT

6–7 AM: PT

8 AM: Breakfast

9:15 AM – 2 PM: Classes

2–3 PM: Lunch

3–4:15 PM: Classes

4:30–6 PM: Hobbies (ECM)

8 PM: Dinner

On every Saturday, a trek is organised that starts at 6 AM and ends at noon to 1 pm. Also, many activities are held during the course ranging from various cultural events in the evenings, talks by eminent personalties, visits to villages, Himalayan treks etc., which is part of the routine itself.

Phase I Routine:

Pretty much same routine except that activities reduce, classes are different and different set of things are held. For example, literary festival, various visits, competitions etc. are held

Phase II Routine: Yet to come for me!

Attached are some pics to give you a better perspective.

  1. LBSNAA Main Building and Director’s Lawn
  2.  Director’s Office

3. Inter Services Meet 2018 when all various service officers are invited to participate in various cultural and sports events at LBSNAA

4. A class in progress

5. Ganga Hostel

6. Another class in progress

7. Director’s Lawn

8. This is historical Happy Valley with snow sprinkles

9. Himalayan Trekking at foundation course

10. Interlude between classes

11. Bharat Darshan — Army Attachment

12. Same

13. Formal Dinner

14. Sometimes we get treated to big cakes! For the entire academy, of course.

15. Chilling at Home Turf Cafe inside Academy

16. India day celebrations

17. From the above pictures it seems like a comfortable life, but its a period of introspection, learning and making lifetime bonds with friends. Followed by village visits where reality hits and we face some humbling events…

18. Cultural Programs and dignitaries..

19. Rooms!

Source Quora

Insight IAS Prelims 2019 Test 13 With Solutions


Insight IAS Prelims 2019 Test 13 With Solutions Download

Insights IAS Prelims Test Series

Now you have made up your mind to become IAS officer and looking for the books and study materials to achieve your goal. Well, you are on the right page. Now We are Sharing With You Insight IAS Prelims 2019 Test 13 With Solutions Download PDF. 

Quantitative Aptitude: Average, Percentage; Logical Reasoning

: Blood Relations; Reading Comprehension


R S Agarwal/ Quantum CAT – Quantitative Aptitude; R. S Agarwal – Verbal Reasoning

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GS score Prelims 2019 Test – 1 with solution


GS score Prelims 2019 Test – 1 with solution

GS Score Prelims Test 1 2019

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Shankar IAS Mains GS Paper 3 Trend Analysis (2015-18) PDF


Shankar IAS Mains GS Paper 3 Trend Analysis (2015-18)

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Shankar IAS Mains GS Paper 2 Trend Analysis 2015-18 PDF


Shankar IAS Mains GS Paper 2 Trend Analysis (2015-18)

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Shankar IAS Mains GS Paper 1 Trend Analysis (2015-18)

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World Geography Objective For all competitive Exams


World Geography Objective For all competitive Exams

World Geography Objective For all competitive Exams

Now you have made up your mind to become IAS officer and looking for the books and study materials to achieve your goal. Well, you are on the right page. Now We are Sharing With You 1600 World Geography Objective For all competitive Exams.

World Geography is an important topic of all competitive exams. Practicing the objective questions on World Geography will benefit the candidate appearing various competitive exams like UPSC Civil Services Prelims Exam, State PCS Exam, Group -1 and Group -2 exams, SSC, Bank, Railway and Other exams. There are more than 1600 multiple choice questions on World Geography in this PDF. These questions will cover all aspects of World Geography.

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World Geography Objective For all competitive Exams

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Vision IAS Prelims 2019 Test 9 With Solutions in HINDI


Vision IAS Prelims 2019 Test 9 Hindi PDF

Vision IAS

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InsightsonIndia [InsightsIAS] Prelims 2019 Test 12 With Solution


InsightsonIndia [InsightsIAS] Prelims 2019 Test 12 With Solution

Insights IAS Prelims Test Series

Now you have made up your mind to become IAS officer and looking for the books and study materials to achieve your goal. Well, you are on the right page. Now We are Sharing With You InsightsonIndia [InsightsIAS] Prelims 2019 Test 12 With Solution PDF. 


Ideology and the Establishment of the British Empire Part 1


World Geography + Human Geography (Part 1)

Current Affairs (Backgrounder + Linkage)

Regionalization of world politics (IR) + Theoretical aspects and its applications to

Indian Society Part 3 + Current Affairs September 9 to September 23



15% Qs based on topics covered in any of the previous tests

Ch 01,02 and 10 Class VIII Our Past-3 (History) + Spectrum Ch 03 and 02

Ch 06,07,08,09 and 10 Class VII (Geo) + CH 03,04,05 and 06 Class VIII (Geo) +

Fundamentals of Human Geography Class XII (Full)

Ch 01 and 02 Class VI (Polity)+ Ch 05 Class XII Social Change and

Development in India (Sociology) +

Ch 04 and 06 Indian Society (Sociology) +

Ch 04 Class XII contemporary World Politics (Polity)


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Vision IAS Prelims 2019 Test 9 With Solutions in English


Vision IAS Prelims 2019 Test 9 English PDF

Vision IAS

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UPSC CSE Mains 2018 General Studies Paper 4 Solution PDF Download


UPSC CSE Mains 2018 General Studies Paper 4 Solution PDF Download

UPSC CSE Mains 2018 General Studies Paper 4 Solution

Now you have made up your mind to become IAS officer and looking for the books and study materials to achieve your goal. Well, you are on the right page. Now We are Sharing With You UPSC CSE Mains 2018 General Studies Paper 4 Solution PDF Download 

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UPSC CSE Mains 2018 General Studies Paper 3 Solution PDF Download


UPSC CSE Mains 2018 General Studies Paper 3 Solution PDF Download

UPSC CSE Mains 2018 General Studies Paper 3 Solution

Now you have made up your mind to become IAS officer and looking for the books and study materials to achieve your goal. Well, you are on the right page. Now We are Sharing With You UPSC CSE Mains 2018 General Studies Paper 3 Solution PDF Download 

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All UPSC Mains 2018 Question Paper PDF Download


All UPSC Mains 2018 Question Paper PDF Download

Now you have made up your mind to become IAS officer and looking for the books and study materials to achieve your goal. Well, you are on the right page. Now We are Sharing With You All UPSC Mains 2018 Question Paper PDF Download.

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UPSC Mains GS Paper

UPSC Mains Compulsory Paper

UPSC Mains Optional Paper

UPSC Mains Literature Paper

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