Monday, July 22, 2024

Interview Transcript: Chattar Singh Board, BTech in CSE


Board : Chattar Singh Sir

Background : BTech in CSE , Optional : PubAd

Hobby : Reading Books and Cricket


What keeps u busy nowadays

Where is your training

What books u read

Amartya sen has given some imp concept in development economics

So , what is capability approach

Could u give example from India

Name one most imp invention which revolutionized computers

What is transistor

Member 1

What is semiconductor

Difference between knowledge , literacy and education

Why so many people educated , still not employed

What is status of Skilling

Why there is shift from Test matches to T20s ..What would be it’s effect on cricket

Member 2

Tell me history of Jaunpur ( my Home District )

You were in Microsoft..a very reputed firm.. then why did u leave it

Member 3

What is manual scavenging

How many people in India and up in this

Reasons for it

What u will do to eradicate it ?

Tell me some practical points ..

Even after Toilets being built under SBA , this problem continues .. so what should be done

Member 4

Tell me on very famous movie based on cricket .. which went till Oscars

What message it gives other than the Cricketing Part

If our Freedom Fighters would see India today .. would they be happy or Sad ?

Do u think colonial mindset exist , give me some examples


Tell me names of some Nation builders

Other than political leaders , any ?

When was last time we got nobel prize in science

Why no nobel in science for India for long time

What should be done⁠⁠⁠⁠ for this ( Brief Discussion on this )

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript: Chhatar Singh Board – Working Professional, Hindi Literature


Mr. Chhatar Singh
4 members (2 F, 2 M)
Hindi Literature, ME background, Working in Power Sector PSU


1) Sandhi vichhed of name
2) Which books… Which biographies you have read
3) Why we write poems on certain things while many other aspects are seldom touched
4) When Hindi prose came into existence
5) Why in literature prose came much later than poetry

Member 1

1. How Hindi language influenced freedom struggle and how it got influenced itself
2. Nationalist poets of those times? His poem?
3. You write… Recite your best creation and critically analyse that poem yourself.. cross questions


Member 2

1. What are good things in your organization.. name a few
2. Your profile.. what you do exactly there
3. CSE activities in your company.. elaborate
4. Why do you want to join CSE after spending so many years there


Member 3

1. Types of motors.. cross questions
2. Something about my company’s past . Establishment.. present collaboration.. how it is being executed for STPP.
3. Whether company is doing any foreign projects also… Name a few..
4. Something again from literature… Poet’s name and book name for given lines


Member 4

1. Index of happiness..Cross questions… Should we also not adopt GNH of Bhutan.. He could not be convinced
2. Difference between Development models of China and India.. which is better.. Some cross questions..
3. He later intervened and asked a question when CM started second round of questions…


Many cross questions about NCC training camp, the weapon used during arms training…. Place… How, when and what not..

How bullet is fired from LMG.. and in general… What is the physics involved in firing of bullet and it’s so high speed in such a short span of time…


Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript: Arvind Saxena Board – 28th March, 2017


Interview date: 28-03-17
Interview board: Arvind Saxena
Background: IIT (Chemical Engineering)
Employment and work-ex (if applicable): 1 yr work ex in petroleum refinery
Domicile: Jaunpur, UP
Hobbies: Playing Cricket


  1. Why you quit your previous job?
  2. Skill India Mission is not working well. Only 2% of the institutions can provide marketable skills. This hampers Make in India. For Make In India to be successful we need to raise import duties. How do you see such step?
  3. Should corporates be brought under RTI as they are using taxpayer’s money through PSBs? (Suppose “public office” clause is redefined)
  4. Already India is having so much tension with Pakistan. Should we have raised the Baluchistan issue front? Why we raised it?


  1. Why is *** exporting petroleum products when there is already shortage in India?
  2. Yesterday I read an article that crude oil prices will stabilize at $40/barrel? What are the chances?
  3. How do you perceive a world where there is no petroleum products? Will that be good?


  1. What is the significance of sports in India?
  2. Reason for poor performance of India in international sports event?
  3. Lodha committee 3 recommendation?
  4. Reason for contempt of court charges against Anurag Thakur?


  1. Why should India promote sports when there is already so much socio-economic problem in India?
  2. What is the role of Supreme Court?
  3. Why is judiciary telling people how to live, what food to eat, questioning the cultural practices (Jallikatu)?
  4. How you as a lawmaker can ensure that every pillar of democracy work in its domain?


  1. Has Panchayati Raj Institutions failed in india?
  2. Few days back Gram Panchayat burnt a women, so you are saying that it is strengthening grassroot democracy?
  3. What transition do you see in Village Market (Haat) in India? Reason?

All the Best from Forum IAS Portal! More Transcripts to come ?

Source :Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript: Vinay Mittal Board – 27th March, 2017


Interview date: 27-03-2017
Interview board: Vinay Mittal
Background: IIT (Metallurgical Engineering)
Employment and work-ex (if applicable): IT
Domicile: UP
Optional: Sociology
Hobbies: Playing Cricket, Listening Ghazals


1. You have a long career in IT. What innovative work you have done there?(i have got few awards in various IT companies)
2. You must have seen new UPSC website?Do you like it?
3. What improvements you will make to new upsc website?
4. What qualities you learnt from your work ex which would be applicable to civil services?
5. Civil servants have the perception of being elitist? Why it is so?
6. Why do we need ethics at all?
7. What are your ethical values? How would you use?
8. What are the important sectors where india needs improvement?(I told one as education)
9. What is the issue with our education? How should we improve education system? What reforms you would make to it?
(Chairman took 12-15 minutes asking various questions)

Member 1

1.Which is your favourite ghazal singer?
2. Which is your favourite ghazal?(M1 had very low voice so i thought he was asking me to sing. I said shall i sing? Chairman replied no it is not a singing competition and entire board including me burst into laughter). But M1 asked to recite few lines.
3. What is river bed mining?
4. Some other question related to mining?(I said i dont know to 2 of them).

Member 2

1. What is AFSPA and its future in Manipur after Iron Sharmila?
2. AFSPA related to Kashmir?
3. What is matriarchy?
4. Is matriarchy related to religion?

Member 3

1. Again one question on mining which i said i dont know.
2. What is Indus water treaty?
3. What is the issue?
4. Are we having similar treaty with china?
5. What is prestige?
6. What is power? Some follow up on this
7. Can ganga be cleaned?How can it be done?

Member 4

1. Suppose you are made an IPS officer. How will you reform the system.
2. What is sex ratio?
3. Why sex ratio is poor in india?
4. Why patriarchy is prevalent in India?
5. H1B issue. She said it is good na that brain drain will stop :)

Overall 35 minutes, board was cordial and they never tried to grill me and hence a good feeling after coming out of the interview room. Rest marks will tell.

Source: Telegram

UPSC Interview Transcript: B S Bassi Board, 28th March


Interview Board: B S Bassi
Date: 28 march Forenoon
Background: BTech Biotech
Employment: Solar Sector


What are the current prices in solar sector
Do you think they are sustainable?
Are they cheaper than coal based generation
Cooking your hobby or out of necessity?
Tell me some dishes of awadhi cuisine

Member 1

How to keep vegetables green in the process of cooking?
What is biotechnology?
What are GMOs
Name some GMOs
Types of biotechnology
What is LMO

Member 2

You also mentioned spending time with pets
Are you worried about wild life?
Threw some light regarding 50%fall in number of species.
What are the reasons of this fall in population
What can be done to arrest this fall?
What can be done to prevent cruelty against animals?
What were the targets of demonetization?
Were they fulfilled?

Member 3

You make a pitch to convert my home into solar rooftop system.
Chairman also asked question regarding it

Member 4

Asked some biotech industries but i was not aware about them.
Then asked question pertaining to parents IPR compulsory licensing

Tell me what were the reasons of failure of Arab spring
Told some point but then said think about 2-3 minutes and then give a talk of 2 minutes on the topic
Then had some discussion about dictatorship and dictatorial regime

Overall cordial board!
Some fumbling regarding pitching for solar project
Also Arab spring took many aspects

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript: Vinay Mittal Board, 29th March


Date– 29 March- Forenoon
Board– Vinay Mittal
Background– IIT ( Mechanical)
Employment– Manufacturing Consultancy Firm
Hobbies-Teaching, Table Tennis,

Optional– Geography


Why did you choose geography?
Why not make it compulsory to opt for graduation subject in optional?
Why did hockey lost its prominent position? ( played hockey in school as well as college)
Isn’t the sprouting up of sports leagues is leading to commercialization of sports?
Robotics utility for India? ( Captain of Robotics team in college and had won several medals)

Member 1

Use of robotics in anti terrorist operations.
Isn’t there a mismatch between rates of taxation and quality of public service delivery​?
Why did you choose to opt for job which offer lower salary than your previous one? ( Had 2 years of gap between jobs and started working in present firm from last year with lower salary)

Member 2

Labour laws reforms are needed for export promotions? If yes, why and what government has done about it?
What is your opinion about removal of limits for companies funding to political parties?
Gazi attack issue in 1971 war.

Member 3

Linkages between mechanical engineering and geography.
What are INSAT?
Uses of such satellites for India.
Can we track animals, humans with help of these satellites?
Agro climatic zones and there utility.
Why does Punjab and nearby areas don’t follow such cropping patterns and why are such patterns developed? What can be done to improve these?

Member 4

Why were iits formed?
Isn’t large no of iits is hampering iit’s brand value?
What is the use of permanent address in aadhar?

Overall board was very cordial and almost all the questions were asked from the DAF.

Source: Telegram

UPSC Interview Transcript: Arvind Saxena Board, 27th March (Left PhD in US)


Interview date27-03-17, Afternoon session
Interview boardArvind Saxena
BackgroundGraduate in Geological sciences from IISER Kolkata
Employment and work-ex (if applicable): Joined and left Ph.D. in US
DomicileJaipur, Rajasthan
HobbiesRajasthani folk and bollywood dancing


○ What is integrated BS-MS?
○ So you were in Brown? (I said no, I got a call from there but joined Rice university)
○ Why did you leave your PhD?
○ What was your thesis project on?
○ What would you do as DM?
○ Why IFS your second choice?
○ If you get IFS, would you leave it?
○ Do you think, foreign officers are as important today as they wre20-25 years ago?
○ In this digital age where you issue e-visas, do video conferencing, do you think we still need officers?
○ Don’t you think India is shouting to much terror-terror when so many people are dying in road accidents (I mentioned cooperation on international terrorism etc for my relevance of IFS question)?
○ Why does India need cooperation on terrorism

Member 1

○ What is the literacy situation in Rajasthan?
○ What is diplomacy?
○ Have you ever been to village?
○ How would you communicate to people the importance of Swacch Bharat?

Member 2

○ When were IISER’S established?
○ Why were they founded?
○ Why IISERs when we already have IISc?
○ Why do we need to study basic sciences?
○ Do you know about medicines which are cheap?
○ Why generics are cheap?
○ What is the main thing you would focus on if you are made a health secretary?

Member 3

○ What is the status of women empowerment?
○ What is gender inequality?
○ What are the parameters to test that?
○ And many other questions on this which I cannot recall?

Member 4

○ How old is earth?
○ Different stages of earth evolution?
○ Do you know about anthropogenic? What is it? Do you agree with this theory and why?
○ What to do to reverse it?
○ Can earth fight back? (he mentioned the name of this theory and asked me on it )
○ So you do folk dance.. Do you listen to music?
○ What is the music on which north Indian dances are based?
○ Name some thumri singers
○ Name a famous Rajasthani classical singer

I don’t remember all the questions. They didn’t ask me anything on geography, current affairs or even my hobby per se. The questions asked were very general and therefore unable to judge my performance. Scared but optimistic :)

Best part was I didn’t fumble, was not nervous and there was no awkward movement. The board was way too cordial than I expected except the lady member who was busy staring up and down.

All the best everyone !!

Source: Telegram

UPSC Interview Transcript: Vinay Mittal Board, 27th March (Left PSU Job)


Interview date: 27-03-17, Forenoon session
Interview board: Sh. Vinay Mittal
Background: B-tech, Electrical Engineering,IIT
Employment and work-ex : joined and left IOCL
Domicile: Agra
Hobbies: Astronomy, Cricket.

I was first one to be interviewed. It started around 10am and lasted for 25-30 min.


1. So you have worked in IOCL for some months, Why?
2. Then why you joined it in the first place?
3. Why you want to join civil service?
4. What you want to do for public service. Can you give some example.
5. Can you tell me the district which was changed after good administration
6. What is wireless power transformation, asked me to explain, further cross questions
7. Tell the about the volt/wattage of power lines
8. What is the percentage of losses from transmission to destination, Reason for losses ?
9. Tell me about the percentage of power from different sources
10. Tell me the projection of power demand in India

Member 1

1. Recently in rajasthan money allocated for women is not being used, who is faulty state or district administration?
2. If you are DM of Bastar and you come to know that heavy firing will take place during encounter, will you go with police?
3. Why after so much beauty and heritage, Agra is not able to compete
4. Chairman interrupted and ask what I will do as DM/commissioner?

Member 2

1. There are so many cases of sexual harassment at work, what are government steps ?
2. What is the case from which this legislation started?

Member 3

1. Asked name of some organization related to space similar to NASA & ISRO ?
2. What is NRSC
3. Greatest policy of Akbar the great ?
4. Why fatehpur sikri famous ? chairman asked why it was abandoned ?

Member 4

1. Which book do you recommended me for astronomy?
2. Is there a place for AFSPA in democracy?
3. Chairman again asked, what is AFSPA & related provisions?
4. Which is the case in which conviction done in AFSPA ?
5. What is the problem with AFSPA?
6. Do you read foreign current affairs?
7. Which reforms you propose for civil services?

1. Do aliens exist?
2. Recent event related to it?
3. What were the counter arguments?
4. Stephen hawking on aliens?
5. What Is doing in that field?

Your interview is over

My observation:

Most of the time members were not looking at me and looking in their note book or whatever and only chairman was observing me. Except for 2 cases when chairman nodded in affirmative nobody nodded in yes or no. In the very beginning I had some nicks but after that I was able to middle the ball. Lets see if those shots went to the boundary or not!

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript: P.K Joshi Board, 30th March (Already in Service)


30th march
Board– Prof P.K Joshi- Afternoon session…First to go
Background– IIT Kanpur- Civil Engg, Already in Service- IRAS
Optional – Public administration.
Hobbies– Playing the Tabla, Dance
State, city- Jaipur, Rajasthan


1. Graduated in 2013. What have you been doing since then?
2. Who is Rajarshi Tandon?
3. How can you use agriculture waste in civil engineering?
4. Questions on geography
• Relationship between land, water, vegetation
• Water quality parameters
• How air quality is monitored?

Member 1

1. What do you think abt HRD policy on IIT?
2. What about the autonomy? Do you think more autonomy should be given?
3. More questions related to problems in IIT- told them about shortage of teachers.
4. How much amount is spent in IITK on teachers’ salaries and on education- tell me proportion- didn’t know. He told 68% on salaries.
5. Government does not have that amount to fill in shortage and if it does the amount spent on education will get reduced? What should be way forward?

Member 2

1. India vs China comparison in construction of infrastructure? Why china is way ahead?
2. String of pearls? Obor, Why india is not joining? Leaving aside Cpec, India can join as china is welcoming India. Still why negative response from India?
3. Does Obor is not just China policy to Increase exports?
4. What India is doing to counter Obor?
5. Chabahar port…Recent India cautioned its companies to go slow? Do you think its right?

Chairman– What are the parameters for setting of railway freight rates for different commodities?

Member 3

1. Question on hobbies…which type of dance? What music accompanies that dance style?
2. When you are indulged in policy making and cabinet disapproves of your policy? What will you do?
3. Tell me about your personality?
4. What are your achievements?

Member 4

1. What is 3d printing? Can we build house using 3d printing?
2. Why not we are constructing houses using 3d printing? Tell pros and cons.
3. What are design parameters for house construction in Antarctica?
4. Traffic and air pollution. What will you do as public administrator?

Source: Telegram

UPSC IFoS Interview Transcript: Arvind Saxena Board, Computer Science, PGDM


Background: BE(Hons) Computer Science, PGDM
Chess, Table Tennis, Listening to music
Maths and Forestry
Interview Date: 
Board: Arvind Saxena

Related to my work experience (finance)
Some questions on 2008 financial crisis
Free basics and net neutrality
How could Google help Hillary Clinton in supporting her for Presidential Elections
US withdrawal from tpp good or bad for india
Is globalization coming to end due to protectionism
As a public servant how would you increase public trust
2 people from instrumentals side and 2 from vocals who received bharat ratna (my hobby listening to music)
Impact of climate change on farming in India
H1b visa issue and impact on India
difference between question hour and zero hour
What is operating system
Difference between iOS and android
Insecticide should we use them in forest?
Exotic vs indigenous tree species advantages and disadvantages
Tree species for natural dyes
What is watershed
What is sandal
How to use computer science in forest management
Unesco man and biosphere programs
What is buffer areas
Sal vs teak which is indigenous
How many Tiger reserves
Latest tiger reserve
Why climate change monitoring difficult
Why poverty areas overlapping with forest area
Advantage and disadvantages of monoculture

All the Best ?

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC IFoS Interview Transcript: PK Joshi Board

  • PK Joshi Board
  • 30 minutes

Here is the Transcript:


Why IFS?

– Why such cadre pref?
– Why did you leave such good paying job?
– ITC… hmm.. do you smoke?
– What steps you suggest to control air pollution?
– Hyperloop?
– Govt. spent so much on iitians and here they are.. shortage of engineers ? (!!!! , engg. ki shortage vermin declare kar do :mrgreen: )
– Which nonfiction have you read , Tell me the authors?
– Why arrow in news ?

Other members
– Ecotone, edge effect, NPs in Raj, Chambal Ravines, Trappist-1?
– Kota students suicides, coral reefs, Mangroves species, GSLV vs PSLV, CRISPAR CAS 9
-Indo-Myanmar relations, H1B visa, refrigeration, layering, Red tide misnomer?

Thank God no CGPA!

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript: BS Bassi Board, 10 years Experience


Board BS Bassi
Date 23 rd march
Background Civil engineer
10 yrs of experience 
6 yrs on grp A Post in government department


Where are you currently posted
If I will tell you to make runway in 7 days, how will u proceed.

Member 1

What is the status of education of SC & ST children in our country, what is the literacy rate among them, what is overall literacy rate, have we not been able to reduce the gap between them and general since independence, which are the various scheme for them, what is the problem associated, if you are the dm how will you tackle the situation.

Member 2

What are the threats to Indian external security, which countries are the major source of that threat, who is bigger enemy Pakistan or China, why China, how will you use the kautilya teachings against Pakistan and China, why China and Pakistan are collaborating other factors than common enemy, who need the other more China needs pak or pak need china, where India and China have collaborated…
Why China is called expansionist historically give examples.

Member 3

How will you construct a helipad at 9000ft height in aru. Pradesh, give detailed steps…
What is wbm…
Where it lies wrt blacktop
How roads in hilly area constructed
What are the precautions
Methods to control landsliding
How road drainage is taken care of
How curves in hilly area roads accounted for

Member 4

Which project management software do you use.
What all it does
What others are available
How do you procure it
Have you heard about indradhanush
What are npa
What is asset for banks
In what form government invest in banks
Have you heard about indradhansh 2.0

Passed on to the CM
And the interview was over with all smiles.

Overall nice experience, Board was cordial.

All the Best!

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript: BS Bassi Board, Inspector in Central Excise since last 5 Years


Name: TAR
Interview Date: 30.03.2017. Afternoon.
Interview Board: Mr. B.S.Bassi.
Background: B.Com. University Commerce College, Jaipur.
Employment: Inspector, Central Excise since the last 5 Years.
Domicile: Jaipur, Rajasthan. Working in Ahmedabad.
Hobbies: Playing & Watching Cricket, Lawn Tennis, Table Tennis & Blogging.
Optional: Literature of Sanskrit Language.
Service Preferences: IAS>IRS(IT)>IRS(C&CE).

Last one to be Interviewed. Turn came at around 5.15 PM, went on for 25-27 mins.


  1. So you are the last one to be interviewed.

Yes Sir.

  1. Have you heard of “ek ke saath ek free”(one plus one free). Would you like if we ask you one question and consider your answer equivalent to that of two or you want more questions?

Yes sir I have heard of it. No Sir, l would prefer more questions.

  1. So you don’t want to go home early….so you want us to take FULL interview?

No Sir, I am in no hurry, I would like to have a FULL interview.

  1. Ok so you are working in Central Excise department..u think that the clout of excise officers will be gone after GST (laughingly)?

No Sir, I don’t think that the departmental officers will be at a loss, it’s a misconception due to the fact that 90% of below 1.5 cr units will go to state departments. But sir in the longer run GSt wud also lead to increase in the tax base which would be better for them as well.

  1. They say that GST will benefit…but you know that somebody’s gain comes at the cost of someone else’s loss…so who is at loss in GST?

Sir, I think GST is beneficial for everyone be it the governments, corporate or the customers.

  1. Please elaborate…take 15 seconds to collect your thoughts and then answer.

Sir, the corporate would gain because of EODB, Cascading effect gone, etc. The governments would gain due to robust IT platform and increase in tax base ultimately leading to an increase in Tax-GDP ratio.

  1. So u said that the customers will gain due to streamlining of taxes…or it would be decrease in the tax rates?

Sir I think that there would be streamlining of taxes basically….in the short term there could be increased inflation but in the longer term prices will decrease as well.

( it may seem fine, but I was really scared after these first round of Q&A. I was not able to answer with confidence and also was looking in a hurry due to being tensed. That is why was told by him to collect my thoughts and frame my answer for one question before speaking. Plus I could judge from his face that he was disinterested)

Member 1

  1. I don’t remember his 1st.(maybe was out of mind after chairman’s questions)
  2. So what do u think are the economic indicators of an economy?

Sir, I think FD, BOP, Inflation  etc  are the economic indicators of the economy.

(No counter questions asked, seemed to be really tired of interviewing)

Member 2

  1. What is the current status of NPA’s.?

The status is very bad mam. The Gross NPA’s are at 9.1%, Stressed Asstes at 12.2% and if we include the loans being evergreened by the banks it rises to more than 16%.

  1. What is the reason?

Mam, the reason is as the Economic Survey pointed out-Twin Deficit problem. Sorry Mam, Twin Balance Sheet problem. Mam, the corporate levered more in the times of high economic growth but due to factors such as global recession, high interest rates by RBI due to high inflationary pressures etc they could not pay the loans. While the banks due to the fear of being scrutinized did not write off the loans at the right time which has made this problem so huge.

  1. What is the exact figure of NPA’s?

Mam, it is around 7 lac crores.

  1. No its around 6.06 lac crores.

Mam I read it 4-5 days back only that it has risen to 7 lac crores.

  1. Ok, so it must have increased.
  2. What is the government and RBI doing?

Mam, apart from the last 2 years measures such as Indradhanush Plan, S4A etc, the government has envisaged PARA. Mam, as most of the stressed assets are owned by a few coporates so PARA would focus on the big defaulters and try to restructure those into equity and write-off.

  1. What do u know about the Finance Bill?

Mam, this time 40 amendments have been made. Mam, firstly the IT officers have been given the power to search and seizure without giving any reason even to the tribunals.

  1. That has been made in the IT Act. I am specifically asking about the Finance Bill that was presented in the lok sabha on 22nd

Mam, this is a part of the Finace bill only.

  1. Ok and what else?

Mam secondly AADHAAR is made mandatory for PAN. Thirdly, the cap on political funding by the corporate which was 7.5% earlier has been removed and they don’t have to show the name of the party in the P&L A/c to which they donated. Fourthly,….

  1. What about the merging of tribunals?

Yes Mam, this is also a contentious issue, For ex- the Airport tribunal is merged into TDSAT which people say would not be able to do justice to the work.

( I was able to answer all her questions with confidence and flow. And she was very responsive also..But as she was sitting ADJACENT to me on the right side, I couldn’t see the member sitting ADJACENT to me on the left side. The one time I looked at him, he was playing with an empty bottle)

Member 3

  1. What are ARC’s?

Asset Reconstruction companies.

  1. What have they traditionally been doing?

Sir, they buy bad loans of the banks and then try to extract as much as they can.

  1. What are the new changes…have u heard of them?

No sir.

  1. Why the need for PARA?

Sir firstly ARC’s are private whereas PARA would be public. Secondly, ARC’s buy loans indiscriminately whereas PARA would focus on the big defaulters.

  1. What new can it do?

Sir, private ARC’s are not able to do much as they are not willing to pay much for the loans and the banks are not willing to sell at a lower price..PARA might be able to solve that problem as it would have the help of the government as well.

  1. The new change in ARC’s is that they now would not necessarily have to buy at face value of a loan..anyways..(I didn’t understand what he was trying to say)
  2. Strategic Importance of the gulf region for India?

Sir the importance is on many fronts. Firstly, India sources the largest amount of crude oil from that region. Secondly, the security aspect of the Diaspora. Thirdly, the huge remmitances we get from that region.

  1. And the advantage for gulf from cooperating with us?

Sir, the global crude oil prices are at an all-time low due to the shale gas boom in the USA. So they need a place where they could invest to get better returns.

(He was quite satisfied with my answers….he was the one playing with the bottle, so I made sure that I look at each member while answering him).

Member 4

  1. What are the constituents of Parliament?

Sir, the parliament consists of the president, council of ministares…

  1. What about the two houses?

Sorry Sir, Yes them also.

  1. And what else?

Sir the Attorney General.

  1. What else.?

Sorry sir, I remember only this much.

  1. What is TRIPS?

Trade related Intellectual Property Rights.

  1. 6 lines question…he himself didn’t understand what he said…so asked on his own that did u understand the question?

No Sir. Can u please repeat that.

  1. TRIPS dispute on Pharma….?

Yes sir, I get that. Sir the issue is that the big pharma companies change a small portion of the drug and ask for patent to earn more money which the SC saw as evergreening of loans….

  1. What is the life of a patent?

Sorry Sir, I don’t know.

(I still didn’t know what was he trying to hear from me on the parliament question. But he was satisfied with my TRIPS answer)


  1. What qualities shud a Civil Servant have?

Sir, I think apart from the tradional qualities like honesty, integrity, transparency, compassion etc I think  civil servant shud be like a a tree is always UPRIGHT, he should always be upright and not getting influenced by anything. Like tree gives more than what it takes, a civil servant shu be willing to payback more than what he gets. Thirdly, as the tree is FLEXIBLE which can be seen in its leaves being swayed by winf, a civil servant shud also be flexible. And lastly Sir, as the trees are getting destroyed by deforestation, the civil servant shudnt get destroyed by Corruption.

  1. Do u think that the cold war is still on?

Sir, during the cold war the world was divided into two poles…todays world is is driven by individual benefits…for example despite having border differences, India and China collaborate on the issues of economy and climate change etc..

  1. But don’t u think it is still visible many a times?

Yes sir, there are incidences that shows that the cold war psychology is not over yet. But sir I believe that every nation is now multipolar and thinks of its own interests. Sir USA and Russia may differ on many issues but they do collaborate on issues of their interests.

Thank you . Your Interview is over.

P.S.- No question asked on Hobbies, Optional subject, Graduation, jaipur, rajasthan, ahmedabad, service preferences etc.

All the Best!

Source: Telegram

UPSC Interview Transcript: Shri Vinay Mittal Board


Background: Mechanical Engineer
Optional: Physics
Board: Shri Vinay Mittal



You are having a good background. Why are you working in your present job.
– C: Do you think 3 months ministry attachments for new recruits IAS officers is sufficient to make them understand the working of the ministries.
– C: what is the motive behind having an all India service? Why not let the IAS work completely under the control of states?
– C: What is cooperative federalsim and competitive federalism?
– C: why auto companies giving so many discounts on 31 march?

Member 1

what is post calitalsm?
– M1: what is left wing amd right wing economics?l
– M1: is NITI ayog categorised as left wing economics or right wing ecomics.
– M1: what is the motive for comtempt of provision in courts?
– M1: what are your views on defemation?

Member 2

what is difference between trekking and travelling?
– M2: rural india sees a lot of innovations. Why dont we officially recognise these innovations?
– M2: what can be done to encourage the individuals who dont have formal education but have learned themselves and developed some products eg: innovations in IT field.
– M2: Do you think formal education is more important than self learning.

Member 3

M3: what are neutrions?
– M3: do neutrions have mass and energy?
– M3: what is magnetic levitation technology?
– M3: what is its use in transportation?
– M3: what are vishaka guidelines?

Member 4

M4: what is happening in nepal?
– M4: what has india done for nepal recently?
– M4: what are some suggestions for police reforms?
– M4: do u think police force is apathetic?

Chairman: Your interview is over, Thank you.

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript: 31st march, BS BASSI


INTERVIEW DATE-31 march 17


1.what is the economic, political and geographic importance of malacca strait for India and the world?
2.what is Scarborough shoal?
3.what philippines has done about it?
4.importance of south china sea?

Member 1

1.tell me about H1b visa issue and h1b processing issue?
2, tell me the opportunities for India when Britain leaves EU?
3.specific details of India -UK partnership?

Member 2

1.China Pakistan economic corridor merits and demerits for india.cpec connects what to what?(Kashgar – Gwadar i said)
2.what has India done to offset china’s presence in Gwadar port.?
3.chahbar port and why central asia is important for India?
4.what is the issue of Panama paper leak ?how many Indians involved in it and which Indian government laws were broken ?which firm was involved in it and how the issue surfaced?just tell me the specific details

Member 3

1.what are payment banks ?how they earn money ? name some banks ?
2.why we need to move towards higher frequencies like in 3g or 4g when lesser frequencies have more range ?
3.what is vertical , horizontal and elliptical polarization?
4.antenna make up ?
5.u r young .tell me some attributes of a young administrator?

Member 4

1.take pen and paper and find out cross product of one equation (they gave me question to solve engineering problem ,stress interview started …but with god grace i solved it ..)
2. solve one differentiation problem tan(x^2)?(my answer was not correct bassi sir interfered and said its not a big deal gentlemen )


1.u r a good electronics engineer why u want to enter this field?
2.if we give u indian postal service after ur last attempt ..then what u will do? will u reach people in rural areas ,as a ece graduate? will u use instagram in urban administration?

i had a smile all over ,got very less counter questions ,was happy after exit, there were no questions on hobby ,place i questions were repeated from mocks.

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript: Chattar Singh, March 29


Date of the UPSC Personality Test: March 29 2017
Head of the UPSC Personality Test Board: Chattar Singh Sir
Duration of the interview: about 30 minutes, last candidate in the afternoon session

Background of the candidate:
Home state: Bihar (born in Patna,Brought up and presently living in U.P.)
Education: B.Tech Electrical Engineering,IIT
Optional subject: Electrical Engineering
Hobbies/Interests: Listening Songs Reading Articles
Prizes: Debates ,essay,quiz in school
Attempt at UPSC CSE: Third


1.This is you?(Shows me my photo)
2.From where do you read articles?
3.What are different ways to produce electricity
4.Have you visited any thermal power plant?
5.What happens to electricity after it is generated ?
6.Why do we step up the voltage?
7.Any other reason than efficiency?
8.What will happen to the conductors if we transmit at lower voltages?
9.When did you write essay?
10.When debate?
11.Topic of debate
12.For or Against?
13.Arguements against the topic
14.counter questions
15.Arguements for the topic 

Member 1

1.Justify the proposition “Bihar is the cradle of Human Civilisation”
2.Which transmission line would you use for bringing power from north east to delhi
3.Effect of British Rule on Bihar
4.Crops grown at that time in bihar
5.What happened to indigo
6.effect of that on Fiji and West Indies
7.What is Pravasi Bhartiya Divas
8.Should a PIO support India or his own country?
9.Should a PIO who is a British citizen support England or the best team in a cricket match between india and england?

Member 2

1.Why losses occur in transmission lines?
2.What will heat generated do to the conductors?
3.What is Corporate Social Responsibility?
4.Why should a company who is investing its own money and also paying taxes ,contributr in CSR?
5.Should CSR funds be used in Smart Regions?
6.Do you support ragging?
7.Ragging makes students strong and prepares them to face difficulties in future.No ragging will result in students becoming soft and unable to face stress.Then don’t you think ragging should be allowed?
8.Which vehicle create most problem in traffic?
9. why not two -wheelers?
10. Do you drive?

Member 3

1.Social and economic effects of liquor ban in Bihar
2.As per your field experience, is liquor available illegally in Bihar?
3.How to stop migration from Bihar?
4.Effect of Mgnrega on Migration in Bihar

Member 4

1.Unique thing about your name
2.Which types of songs do you listen?
3.difference between old and new songs?
4.How is social changes reflected in songs?
5.Should Humanities subject b taught in IITs ? Why?

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript: Bassi Sir Board


Background – Elec, IIT, Workex, Traveling

Board: Bassi Sir


– Have you been to cancun..?! What was this competition about?
– Don’t worry I am not going to ask you anything about greepeace. i know enough about them…
– Where all have you travelled?
– Have you been to Machu Picchu?
– Tell me about Inca civilisation
– You’ve been interested in environmental issues..Tell me what is biodiversity, what is biodiversity hotspots, and where are they in india?

Member 1

– High salary…low salary…why this cut?
– Lot of talk about startup…but they have ben facing issues…what issues?
– What to do to help entrepreneurs?
– Surrogacy…what do you think of it?
– What is NSS? What did you do as NSS Secretary ?


– You talked about commercial surrogacy..whats your opinion on it?

Member 2

– NPA…Why they are there?
– What to do with them?

Member 3

– What is the issue with finance bill?
– What is a money bill?
– Why is opposition saying that this finance bill is not money bill?
– What is the difference between judicial review, judicial activism, judicial overreach? give example of each
– Judicial review is based on what?
– One example where judicial activism has been good?
– What do you think of SC judgement on liquor ban on highway?
– Does constitution provide for reservation based on economic criteria?
– There was a judgement too? Mandal case…what the other name of the case…what was the verdict?

Member 4

– What do you think of reservation?
– Shouldn’t those communities who have benefited from reservation be now removed from the list?
– Why civil service? You could have had a good life abroad?
– Education…Lets talk about it…it is not making people employable..why? what to do?


– Is there a mismatch between what engineering institution are offering and what companies are demanding?
– How to fix this?
– I have a problem yaar…I want a bulb outside my room..I have 3 meter wire…That one socket is there..I am using it for all out and i don’t want to use it for light…now what to do? take you time..have a good look..

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript: Joshi Sir Board, IFoS


Board: Joshi Sir


– Tell me about your work experience. How was it?
– Tell me about solar policy of India
– How much land does it take to setup 1MW solar plant?
– Where is the largest solar plant in India?

Member 2

– Why people/students don’t take risk? Is it changing? Why? How?
– Compare startup ecosystem from 2012 to 2017
– What new policies government has announced?
– Have you cleared CSE?

Member 3

– You do photography? What Kind? Why not wildlife? What equipment you would need to do wildlife photography?
– Tell me about vegetations of …… tiger reserve.
– Tell me about corridors of ….. tiger reserve.
– What tribes exist in….. tiger reserve
– Why do we need corridors?
– What dishes do you like to cook?
– What species do we get from forest?
– What medicinal plants do we get from forest?
– How can finance industry help in forest conservation
– How can finance industry help SHG of tribals?
– How should CAMPA fund be used?

Member 4

– What is cultural ecology?
– What do you like in Astronomy?
– What is difference between Astronomy and Astrology?
– Do you believe in Astrology?
– Where do we find Very dense forest in Rajasthan? What is total area of very dense forest?
– Tell me about vegetation and fauna of dessert national park
– How do we know that a certain place had forest before?
– Where do we find coal?
– What is species?

Source : Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript: 3rd April, Chhatar Singh Board


Board: Chhatar Singh sir (03/04/2017)

Profile:- mechanical, 4.3 years Aditya Birla group, currently chief municipal officer M.P.


U r from ****”*, where is it
2. ******** Is famous for ?
3. Tell us the process of cement making and difference between various grades?
4. Equipment of your section , maintenance strategy and suggestions from down the line person u have accepted ? What is kaizen?
5. What ethics you learnt in mechanical that can help you in civil service

Member 1

1. How hydral power is produced ?
2. Different types of turbine
3. Any 5 news of today’s newspaper ?
4. Tell us about tunnel inaugurated in j&k
5. What are shell companies

Member 2

1. What is judiciary activism.
2. Y many engineers are nonemployable
3. What is pok?
4. Dalai lama visiting tawang and Chinese apprehension ?
5. Why China wants tawang and kashmir?

Member 3

1. What is second law of thermodynamics
2. What is hydrogen cell , solar cell
3. What you do except job study and hobby
4. Tell us about chittorgarh fort

Member 4

1. Ipl is tamasha cricket? Do you agree
2. Difference between dhoni and kohli ?
3. Who is a good leader dhoni or kohli ?
4. Minning is banned in uttarakhand . Is it justifiable ?
5. What is scientific temper. Can a non engineer develop scientific temper .
6. Difference in working style of government and private sector ?

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript: 3rd April, PK Joshi Board


Interview Date: 03/04/2017, forenoon
Board: PK Joshi
Background: mechanical engineering, IIT Kgp
Hobbies: meditation, hockey, squash, cricket
Rajasthan, home state
Punjab, birthplace


Similarity between west Bengal and Rajasthan?
What is national income?
Is students from IIT, aiims, other institutions preparing a loss to national income?
How mechanical engineering can be used in civil services?
What are conditions necessary for formation cyclones and storms?
Names of cyclones?
On what basis cyclones are named?

Member 1

What is difference between samadhi and meditation?
What is indus water treaty?
Is revisiting the treaty a right move by India?
Use of NGOs?
Should not they be banned?

Member 2

If you are made an advisor of Japanese automobile firm. What things will you advise them regarding their operations in India?

Member 4

What is the difference between terms dhyana, ekagrata, (one more term, i don’t remember)?
In which sport all these are required?
Who was India’s greatest archer?
(Gave hint, Arjun)
Drug abuse in Punjab? What to do? Causes? Solution?

Member 5

Why civil services? Why not career in mechanical engineering?

On expected lines, very cordial panel members. Thank God, i was not grilled in mechanical engineering.

Source: Forum IAS