Tuesday, July 23, 2024

[UPSC Interview Transcript #75]: Manoj Soni Board, Jharkhand Home State, Philosophy Optional


Interview Date: 28th Feb, morning session
Board: Manoj Soni
Optional: Philosophy
Background: Mechanical Engineering
Home State: Jharkhand
Already in service: CSE 2018 _135_IPS


  1. Hello Alok, so are you in training or leave?
  2. So, are you not satisfied with IPS?
  3. Career progression, dynamism, groundwork, scope, are bookish terms, tell me something that is real?
  4. And power and prestige? That isnt the case ?
  5. You know that ias has greater prestige and power, so why dont you accept that?
  6. You are saying to your interview board that you have not experienced it ?Are you sure?
  7. You are already an IPS. You must have read about power differences. Why cant you accept it that ias is more powerful and prestigious?
  8. A person should learn from his mistakes as well as from mistakes of others. Do you agree?
  9. Some more questions related to police.

Member 1

  1. What is the difference between gi and patent?
  2. So the concept is same or different?
  3. How is it different?
  4. Why wages of women are less compared to men in a district. Does equal pay for equal work not apply to this? Have you seen a wage list?
  5. What would you do to empower women and ensure they get the same wage?
  6. Why philosophy after Mechanical engineering?
  7. Who is J Krishnamurthy?
  8. Do you know Gandhi’s favourite bhajan?

Member 2

  1. Asked about 3 unheard names of philosophers. What have you read in philosophy?
  2. These are all part of the syllabus? Anything else.
  3. What are three threats to the security of India? Arrange them in order.
  4. Why Lwe exists there in Jharkhand?
  5. What is an aspirational district programme? What is the benefit? What does govt do?
  6. Is police corrupt?
  7. Have you ever gone to a police station to file a complaint?
  8. What is people perception of police?
  9. How will you improve as sp?
  10. What is community policing? How is it effective?

Member 3

  1. What is moral dilemma?
  2. Explain it with an example .
  3. Don’t you think when you leave ips for ias you face such a dilemma ?
  4. Justify your action of leaving IPS for iaIAS.
  5. Which cadre did you get? Which choice it was?
  6. Why Gujarat?
  7. What did your seniors say?
  8. But you want to become an IAS? So why think of commiserate system. How is it better? Will, it solves the issue of the tussle of power?
  9. Any negatives about Gujarat cadre?
  10. Tell me at least one. Kept on insisting
  11. Is our patent regime good?

Member 4

  1. What is provisional patenting?
  2. Are provisional applications allowed?
  3. Is there a legal provision to that?
  4. What sort of applications did you work on?
  5. Your hobby is watching ted-ed. What was the latest video you watched?
  6. Questions on the video 3-4 questions on vaccination of smallpox(video)

Chairman Thank you. Your interview is over.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview Transcript #77]: Manoj Soni Board, Telangana Home State, Anthropology Optional, listening and singing Telugu folk songs Hobbies


Board: Mr. Manoj Soni
Background: Electrical and electronics engineering
Optional: Anthropology
Home State: Telangana
Sports: Kabaddi
Extra activities: Conducted blood
Hobbies: listening and singing Telugu folk songs


  1. What is the most interesting thing happened in your life recently.
  2. What has driven you to take up blood donation camps?
  3. why do u like to listen to folk songs? Is it for entertainment or as a source to know about the folk culture
  4. Have u heard of Pathalgadi movement?
  5. What is the reason that suddenly led to the movement?

Member 1

  1. . What do u know about harappan civilisation?
  2. Any other important site belonging to this civilization and it’s uniqueness?
  3. There is lot of talk on crimes against women.. What will be your priority if have given authority… She means to ask whether it is ur first priority or so and why??
  4. U r SDM and wife of DM complained to you of dowry harassment and domestic violence.. What will u do, keeping in mind ur reputation, ACR report is with DM…

Member 2

  1. What is uday and how far it is effective in achieving its targets??
  2. What is one important reform in power sector to tackle discom crisis
  3. Why are some states like Gujarat have least AT and C losses, but states like TN has high losses

Member 3

  1. Any other contemporary civilization of Harappa in Mexico ?
  2. What is the language they used?
  3. In shopping malls and so, lot of data like phone numbers are collected?? What are the legal provisions for data protection
  4. What should be done for data privacy and security

Member 4

  1. What is the status of India in international kabaddi
  2. Why is the criteria for kabaddi to become part of Olympics
  3. Difference between judicial activism and overreach….
  4. Examples of both..
  5. There is lot of talk on aspirational districts… How many and which districts from your state are nominated..
  6. What outcomes are witnessed in aspirational district

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview Transcript #78]: Manoj Soni Board, Kerala Home State, Sociology Optional, Watching Movies Having Conversations Hobbies


Board: Manoj Soni
Optional: sociology
Hobbies: mentoring in civil services, watching movies especially thrillers, having
Home State: Kerala


  1. Why is Kerala called God’s own country?
  2. What were u doing till now
  3. ur a teacher,so tell me what advice would u give students
  4. 5 social problems faced by the world
  5. Biggest social problem faced by India
  6. Counter questions on that

Member 1

  1. Ur a mechanical engineer tell me what do u know about Tesla
  2. What sports do u play
  3. Tell me the skills needed for a cricket player
  4. Do u think cricket is a game of chance or skill?
  5. Do u think there is no element of chance in that?
  6. Have u heard of games called flush, poker?
  7. Which is the latest movie u watched
  8. What award did parasite won?
  9. What’s the specialty that u felt that it won the Oscars

Member 2

  1. Have u heard of Bharatiya vidhya Bhavan?
  2. Who was it’s founder
  3. What is the contributions of km munshi?
  4. Do u think the phones we have is a threat to privacy and should be done away with?
  5. Do u think there are issues in orphanages in Kerala?
  6. There has been incidents of child trafficking to Kerala .what do u have to say about it ?

Member 3

  1. What is afspa?
  2. Where all it is primarily enforced?
  3. Do u think there is a military excess taking place in Northeast?
  4. Suppose ur a DM of Andaman Nicobar islands and there is virus spreading among the centinlaeese.
  5. but the government policy is not to go and government is not responding. they are dying and ur on
  6. the ground zero with the cure .what will u do?
  7. So what do u think about the human shield being used in Kashmir to save lives .it was the same thing there as well?

Member 4

  1. Tell me what are the ethics of a teacher?
  2. Don’t u think ur imposing ur philosophy when u tell the students to never back down from their dreams?
  3. So what do u think about the Hyderabad incident and there u saw nirbhaya case where one guy was left scot-free .what do u think we should do.?
  4. They are using the loopholes in the law and delaying justice .still u think we should allow them?
    Chairman: Thank you
    Your interview is over

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview Transcript #79] Manoj Soni Board, Public Administration Optional, Watching Movies Hobby


Interview Date: 26/02/2020
Board: Manoj Soni sir
Optional: Public Administration
Employee: Bank and Audit
Hobby: Watching Movies


  1. What is the nature of your work?
  2. What are the problems of administration?
  3. How to tacle them?
  4. What is the root cause for all of these problems?
  5. Do you think Family as institution failed in India?
  6. what we can do to improve the position?

Member 1

  1. As a DM how will you tackle those issues?
  2. Tell me about India and Nepal relations?
  3. Have u watched recent ayushman khurana movie?
  4. which movie u watched and what is the essence of the story?

Member 2

  1. In your team one person works well but takes bribe at home and there is no evidence but u received a complaint.
  2.  Another person does not work at all. What will you do in both the cases?

Member 3

  1. What are the guidelines for audits in CAG?
  2. What is a performance audit?
  3. What performance do u measure in social welfare department?
  4. Why Banks merger?
  5. Large banks with pan India presence or small banks with technology which is better?

Member 4

  1. What are the provisions for civil services disciplinary actions?
  2. What are the articles under constitution with respect to civil services?
  3. Explain 311?
  4. Why Micro financial institutions are now not performing well?
  5. Why they are charging High-interest rates?
  6. How to make them viable?
  7. How govt procurement process can be made more efficient?
  8. Some GeM provisions?

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview Transcript #82]: Manoj Soni Board, Telangana Home State, PSIR Optional


Interview Date: 26-02-2020
Optional: PSIR
Interests: world war 2 museums visit and movies related to it
Home State: Telangana


  1. It seems like you stayed about 5.5 years with cognizant. It is too long for a person to stay and
  2. seems you are happy .. then why change
  3. What is your vision for 2047 as india is going to celebrate 100 years of independence ( I brought
  4. in international great power in answer)
  5. so ,asked to reach great power for india, pak and China are dragging us . So which one is your priority ?
  6. With respect to india policy towards China , one are where you want change ?

Member 1

  1. Do you think UN is working as envisaged ?
  2. What do you think of Jamal khasoggi episode ?
  3. what do you think of common man perspective of telangana formation and it really benefitted
  4. If you become secretary and got room , would you place gandhis portrait ( I said without any doubt)
  5. Then he asked why and it seems Gandhi is not relevant today ( I countered that he is more
  6. relevant today then that time and it is we how don’t much about Gandhi rather than question of his relevance )
  7. Then what should be done to make Gandhism more popular ?

Member 2

  1. Let’s assume you are head of department and 10 people under you . 1000s of people surrounded and about to kill
  2. 3 options

a. Take one as hostage and use him to make a passage
b. Do nothing and pray to god by remaining inside
c. Fire at people . What will you choose ?

  1. There is bullying happening to you . How will you respond ??
  2. If there is prejudiced boss on you .


  1. do nothing and carry on with work
  2. Don’t do work as anyway not being recognised
  3. Make it public issue .
  4. Have your ever been angry before ?? What did you do

Member 3

  1. Now if you are angry because your subordinates are not working . How will you respond ?
  2. If you are in ifs ,and all people around you are speaking Chinese and keeping you aside , how will you respond ?

Member 4

  1. Now let’s see if you become ias , what are your priorities for Warangal ?
  2. Why this different interest of wars .What you learned from ww2 museums visit ?
  4. Told me to visit battle of Imphal, Kohima and said I will love it
  5. How ww-2 affected Indian society ?
  6. That is it, it’s been pleasure taking to you . Have a pleasant evening
  7. They took about 35-40 mins in total

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview Transcript #88]: Manoj Soni Board, Mechanical Engineering Optional, Rubik’s cube, Sudoku, Jogging Hobbies


Interview Date: 28-02-2020 (Afternoon)
Board: Manoj Soni Sir
Hobbies: Rubik’s cube, Sudoku, Jogging
Background: B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering
Optional: Mechanical Engineering


  1. Write the figure of 5 trillion.
  2. What is gdp.
  3. What is this 5 trillion dollar economy.
  4. How to achieve it.
  5. What can an individual do to make it happen.
  6. How to give boost to Manufacturing
  7. What will infrastructure do if no goods are to be transferred.

Member 1

  1. What is LOC and international border
  2. Why is the present status like this?
  3. Why haven’t our army got it back?
  4. Security issues in north east?
  5. Should NCC be made compulsory to inculcate feelings of pride, love for the country?

Member 2

  1. Demonetisation–adv, disadv
  2. Why banks being merged
  3. Job losses in banks
  4. HACCP

Member 3

  1. Sir creek
  2. Why privatisation in BPCL
  3. Provisions of Bodo accord and its impact
  4. HDI dimensions and parameters
  5. Difference between nationalism and patriotism
  6. Extreme form of which is bad?
  7. Technology harms humanity too. Iran shot down Ukraine bound plane.

Member 4

  1. Man animal conflict. How to manage it?
  2. Wildlife corridors.
    No questions from hobby, birth place, jobs, Mechanical engineering, etc

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview Transcript #99]: Manoj Soni Board, Uttar Pradesh Home State, Watching Contemporary Movies, Playing Cricket Hobbies


Date of Interview: -24 Feb afternoon
Home State: UP (Azamgarh).
Background: BSc. (maths, computer science, psychology)
PG: MSC(Computer science)
Hobbies: Watching Contemporary Movies, Playing Cricket
Medium: Hindi
Board: Manoj Soni sir.


  1. are you still live in village?
  2. name 3 innovation in computer science in past 10 years?
  3. use of Artificial intelligence in administration?
  4. name any example where gov has used AI?

Member 1

  1. what are the progress made in solar energy in india? what are the goals in solar energy?
  2. What are the disadvantaged of solar energy?
  3. what is the unit of irradiandiance(solar power) ?
  4. regionalism impacts nationalism in negative way and nationalism imapcts global world negatively. Comment?
  5. Do you think nationalism is bad because pm Modi had travelled somewhere and there people criticised him for stressing on nationalism.

Member 2

  1. Tell me about contemporary movies, give example. which movie you have recently watched.
  2. Coaching Institutes are money-making institutions and they exploit civil service students.
  3. (I had earlier said that I work part-time in a coaching Institute) two more questions(not remember).

Member 3

  1. do you watch Hollywood movies too? tell me which movie you have recently watch in
  2. Why indian movies don’t get Oscar?
  3. being very big state and due to administration Inaccessibility, UP should be divided. What do you Think? is e-governance reachable to all? despite this,UP is still backward in almost all indicators.
  4. Have you heard about one nation, one platform. (you are computer science student, what should it be, you can guess.)

Member 4

  1. Do you remember psychology still, tell me the name of some psychologist you have study. tell me about sigmond Freud.
  2. The salvation of India lies in its village. (Quote of Gandhi ji) comment?
  3. Have you study any development models, Do you know the development model of Switzerland?
  4. Why Bollywood movies have too many songs?
  5. Tell me the name of a famous lyricist from Allahabad who recently died.

Chairman okay, your interview is over, dhanyavaad, shubhkamnaayein, namaste.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview Transcript #100]: Manoj Soni Board, Bihar Home State, PSIR Optional, Diary writing & Trekking Hobbies


Duration: 30-35 mins
Board: Manoj Soni sir
Background: B.TECH in CSE
Optional: PSIR
1.5 years in Vizag steel plant,6 years in ONGC
Home State: Bihar
First interview
Hobbies: diary writing and trekking


Greeted and explained the process
Chairman – Started Reading DAF details like native place , company name .. said that it’s good that you are here .. I have seen many students who either leave their job for CSE preparation or change their job always .. you did none of them .. you prepared along with your job and also stuck to ONGC .. That’s good
CM – Tell me how did you manage
A: explained about my schedule and how I managed 2-3 hours on weekdays and utilised weekends in effective way also told them that I managed my leave well and took leave on Monday if necessary and clubbed it with weekends .. also said that my seniors are very supportive and I took 20 days leave before Mains and 5 days before interview
CM – ok that’s nice .. I see that you are from IT and you are working in IT department of ONGC .. that’s a good symphony .. I like it .. now why u want to break this
CM – Lets address the elephant in the room – does power excite you ?
CM – you are from champaran and Gandhi ji was associated with champaran .. let’s discuss about him and then he asked is it practical to follow Gandhi ji ideas .. discussion on poverty , his economic ideas and materialism followed up .. 3-4 minutes discussion on this topic Now he told other members to ask

Member 1

I see you are from PSIR .. tell me your view on general sulameani killing (no cross question ) – tell me about the Jamal karogi killing
– Ok I see you like trekking.. let’s move to that area .. how frequently you trek
– Most difficult trek and details about its terrain
– I want you to send you to a 7 days Himalayan expedition and you won’t get any Porter to carry any luggage .. take your time and plan your bag .. remember you have to carry this bag
– Discussion on the items followed
– Next question on hyderabad killing instant justice — (discussion became little bit uncomfortable )
– Suppose Nirbhaya is ur sister .. how will you react
– Cross question on that
– Chairman also asked follow up question on this
– there are many leather factories which are facing non tariff barrier .. how to approach this problem .. cross question on this

Member 2

– how do you rate ONGC .
– tell me one major problem ongc is facing
– Ok it seems you have prepared ONGC well let’s move on from it
– what is ur view on sick psu .. I want your assessment .. where are we going wrong .. I don’t want bookish answer .. I want ur observation and she specifically mentioned that I have to give 4 observation – questions and answer followed on this
– Next discussion on champaran
– I have visited champaran some time back and I am sorry to say I am disappointed with this .. what do you think is it because of political failure or bureaucratic apathy ?
– Question of development model of champaran and it’s challenges

Member 3

– What is nudge theory
– Is it successful in changing behaviours of people
– Ur assessment of Swach BHARAT mission and role of nudge theory in this
– Name and Shane policy and is it right
– How to use it in other scheme
– Is champaran ODF free
– can you use IT knowledge and improve ODF status in champaran .. tell me ur plan of action
– Follow up question on this

Member 4

– she asked about cooperatives (no idea why she asked — no link to daf )
– Problems of cooperatives specially PACS
– Any successful model of PACS and learning
– Problem of district cooperatives
– Use ur IT knowledge to make it right
– No follow up question
– In the end she said very good
Finally chairman
Thank you .. your interview is over .. have a nice day.
Duration – 30-35 mins
5th one to go in second half (around 4:40)

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview Transcript #138]: Manoj Soni Board, Bihar Home State, Volleyball Hobby


Date of Interview: -25/02/2020
Afternoon session, 4th to go, 3:57
Board: Manoj Soni
Employee: IBM
Home State: Bihar
Hobby: volleyball


I: May I come in Sir
CH: Yes come in (with a smile)
I: Good Afternoon sir, Good afternoon Mam,Good afternoon sir
CH: Please sit down
I: Thank you sir
CH: you worked with IBM for less than 2 years.
I: Yes Sir
CH: Currently you are living in Delhi?
I- Yes Sir
CH: Where?
I: Sir in west Patel Nagar, New delhi.
CH: Is cross border terrorism a threat to India?
I: Yes sir its a threat to our country as it is leading to loss of lives of our soldiers and civilians.
CH: I am asking is it a threat or not?
I: Yes sir its a threat
CH: Israel is also facing similar kind of problem, how they are managing?
I: Sir they are using thermal sensors, fencing,underground walls for better border managememt.
CH (Interrupted in between):But they are also doing some operations in neighbouring territory, do you think India need to learn from Israel and do the same.
I: Yes sir , we can do the same if there is an imminent threat to our soldiers life and innocent civilians and it is in our national interest as we did in Balakot.But there is a need to balance it with human rights.
CH: Human rights?
I: yes sir
CH:Do you think it is possible to seggregate terrorists from civilain population.People like Hafeez saeed are living in isolated places?
I: Sir it is difficult but we can try to pinpoint because in case of Israel there are high civilian casualties.
CH: Okaya lets consider a scenario , there is threat to India from terrrorists like Masood Azhar and you have three options on the table
Operation like US navy seal did in the case of Osama bin Laden.
Cyber Attack
Diplomatic pressure
You have to choose one option what will you choose as you are the deciding authority
I: Sir it depends on the type of threat and time we have.
CH: Its a very serious threat and going to occur by today’s evening itself.
I: Sir i will go for operation in neighbouring territory to neutralize that threat.
CH: As US navy seal did.
I: Yes sir, because Diplomatic channels will take some time and cyber attack may mot he very effective as they can have other plans .
CH: What will be the repercussions?
I: Sir people like Hafeez Saeed have huge popularity base in their country and any action against them will put huge pressure on pakistani govt. Aand thus Pakistan will raise this issue at international level and can also take action against India as they did post balakot.
CH: Do you not think its an act of aggression?
I: Yes sir its an act of aggression (with 1 sec pause) for Pakistan and other countries. But for me as an Indian citizen it is important to save the lives of our soldiers and innocent civilians.
CH: You are giving me a balanced answer. Will not it lead to a war?
I: Sir it may lead to war but there can be intervention by major powers and international institutions like UN to diffuse the tensions or a localized war.
CH: Do we have any international treaty against such act of aggression.
I: Sorry sir I dont know.
CH: Do you not think your decision will lead to war
I: Sir it may lead to war but if it is in national interest and necessary to save the lives of our people then we need to take such decisions.

Member 1

you worked with IBM.
I: Yes mam
M1: What is CSR?
I: Answered
M1: Why corporates are doing this?
I: Answered
M1: What corporates are getting? Followed by two more questions till i said that it will lead to a skilled workforce in future for corporates.Then she noded yes skill development of people.
M1: you have played volleyball?
I: Yes mam
M1: What you have learnt?
I: Mam i have learnt various things

  1. Team work as it requires performance by each team member to win a game.
  2. Learning from others and taking decisions on the court.
  3. To accept a defeat and to come back in the next game.

M1: means to accept weakness and to work on that.
I: Yes mam
M1: As a DM how will you make use of IT for better govermance of a small city.
I: Mam IT can play an important role in governance

  1. For making services accessible to the public
  2. Small cities are facing with issues like congestion, infrastructural issues here we can make use of IT
  3. To address issues like water pollution, energy efficieny we can make use of Intrrnet of things, Artificial intelligence.
  4. M2. suppose you are posted as a police officer in an area, where 5 youth has commited a brutal rape and murder of a girl.You have arrested all the accused but your senior is putting pressure on you to encounter all of them . What will you do I (After 3-4sec): Sir i will follow the rule of law and i will not do the encounter as it is aginst the rule of law. And i will try to convence my senior about the gravity of the situation

Member 2

But your senior is putting preasure on you.
I: Sir i owe to the constitution of my country and it is my duty to uphold its values and follow the due process of law .I will not follow the orders blindly i will try to convence him and if needed i will refer the matter to his senior.
M2: But their is hierarchy in bureaucracy and by informing your senior’s senior you are violating this hierarchy.
I: Sir first i will try to convence him if he still pressurize me then only i will refer it to his senior.

M2: You are saying you will not do the encounter but when encounters happen people showers flower on the police as happened in Telangana.
I: Sir it shows that people lacks faith in CJS and thats why they celebrated such action. But such actions are not the solution we need to improve the overall CJS.
M2: Every day we read about risingcrimes against women like murder, rape, molestation then what is the solution. I: Sir there are two aspects w.r.t rising for such incidents
1.Reporting of such crimes has been increased and more people are registering their complaints.
2.There are issues with respect to law and order specially crimes against women and for that we need to improve the work culture of the CJS in order to restore the faith of the people in the state(M2 corrected me in the system) , in the system , so that people have trust and sense of security while criminals have deterrence. M2: Do you think anything has been improved in last 70 years.
I (with a smile):Yes sir
M2: you write diaries. How often you write.
I: Sir i used to write on daily basis.
M2: Is not its a boring task to writr daily.As after spending whole day you have to write it. I (with a smile): Sir initially when i started writing it was difficult to write on daily basis. But later it has helped me in improving my personality and in setting day to day targets and their follow up.Now i used to write on daily basis and after i do meditation for 15-20 minutes.

M2: Any famous dairy enteries?
I: Sir at international level we have diary of Anne Frank,Samule Peppy’s. And at national levwl diary of Mahatma Gandhi which he wrote after independence amd diary of Dr. A.P.J abdul kalam.
M2: But Dr kalam used to wrote memoirs.
I: Sir i have read his book wings of fire in which he mentioned that after day to day activities he used to write diary about his experience,learning etc.

Member 3

you are from Muzaffarpur which is famous for bad reasons.
I: Sir its muzaffarnagar
M3: Yes yes its Muzaffarnagar.
I: Sir bad reason w.r.t to law and order
M3: Yes wrt law and order
I: yes sir their are issues wrt law and order in Muzaffarnagar and other parts of western UP
M3: how will you measure governance of an area.What are the indicators?
I: Sir it can be measured through

  1. Efficiency of public services.
  2. Transparency and accountability wrt to delivery of services.
    M3: You are telling me simple things, tell me something else.
    I: Sir it can also be measured by the satisfaction level of beneficiaries of different schemes.
    M3: By conducting survey.
    I: Yes Sir (In mind report of various NPO’s and international institutions, not able to recollect indicators of various reports by NITI aayog)
    M3: Tell me some indicators for measuring governance.
    I: Sir we can measure it with HDI index as it has bearing on public services and also with the help of Number of complaints registered and actions taken on them.
  3. M3: Does small states have advantage with respect to governance.
    I: Yes sir they have.But size is not the only criteria as we have states like TN having good governance.
    M3: Tell me about small states what advantage they have.
    I: Sir in a small state it is easy for senior officials to fix accountability of official at local level.
    M3 (added in my answer): and also for political leaders
    I: Yes sir
    M3: Any other
    I: Sir advantage w.r.t allocarion of funds.-Followed by two more questions in one of them i tried to explain by giving example of Sonabhadra i.e even after having 7 major industries and 3 power plants it is still one of the most backward region and 40% populatiom belonging to SC and ST have poor social indicators. But
  4. M3 was not satisfied and said that you are telling me unnecessay thing.It was followed by next question.
    M3: Tell me what will be done to improve the governance and better development of state like UP in points1 2 3.

I: Sir first is policy formulation for balanced regional development.
Second transparency and accountability in public services. Thirdly apart from top down measures we need to empower people to improve governance.
M3: You are an IT guy tell em something w.r.t technology.Is it can be use.
I (With a smile):Yes sir it can be used and we are already using it ex-Common servuce centres for making services accessible to people .( give my village ex) Secondly for making efficient use of resources and fixing accountabilty.ex-2 years back there was death of more than 50 children in Gorakhpur due to unavailibity of oxygen cylinders. To prevent such incidentsWe can make use of AI for maintaing an online inventory of resources for fixing accountability.

Then he seems satisfied and pass to

Member 4

M4 (lady member)- you have served as deputy hrad boy and you were also the part of security management team in your college. Recently there was an incident of molestation in Gargi college in Delhi.Are you aware about that.
I: Yes mam
M4: According to you what were the loopholes in security arrangement.
I: Mam there were many loopholes
First was issue wrt assessment about no. Of people attending cultural event.
M4: means more people attended.
I: Mam issue wrt to number as well as security staff for their handling. As in case of Gargi college large no. Of people entered the campus after overpowering the security staff.
M4: But if they have entered then how it is possible to monitor huge crowd in cultural events.
I: Mam we also faced with same issues during college fest and for that we 20 members (security management team) provided point of contact to the students.
M4: Like control room. I: Mam control room was thrre having participation from security guards and college administration. But we acted as point of contact at ground level.
M4: You were 20 how had you managed.
I: Mam we had members at fixed positions as well as in mobility to monitor activities and to convey the same to control room.
M4: But in such event it is difficult to monitor activities?
I : Mam for that we were briefed about some sensitive areas like Performance area,rehearsal area, events like DJ night and parking
M4- Like dark spots
I: Yes mam as such areas have sense of anonymity.
M4: But if crowd is doing misconduct with a girl then what to do?
I- Mam for that we were instructed overpower the person at the spot.
M4 (interrupted)-means overpower physically
I- yes mam and to inform the security staff and in case of serious issue inform the college administration to handle the situation amd if needed call the police.

Source: Forum IAS

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