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Indian Express 25th June 2018


Indian Express 25th June 2018

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Indian Express 24th June 2018


Indian Express 24th June 2018

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Indian Express 23th June 2018


Indian Express 23th June 2018

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Indian Express 22th June 2018


Indian Express 22th June 2018

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Hindi Vision Mains Test 1 – 15 with solution.


Hindi Vision Mains Test 1 – 15 with solution.

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Vision IAS Monthly Current Affairs May 2018 in English


Vision IAS Monthly Current Affairs May 2018 in English

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Indian Express 21th June 2018


Indian Express 21th June 2018

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Indian Express 20th June 2018


Indian Express 20th June 2018

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Insight IAS Current Affairs June 2018


Insight IAS Current Affairs June 2018

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Indian Express 19th June 2018


Indian Express 19th June 2018

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Indian Express 18th June 2018


Indian Express 18th June 2018

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Ethics and Essay: Strategy, Notes Chandramohan Garg IAS


Ethics and Essay: Strategy, Notes Chandramohan Garg IAS


Indian Express 17th June 2018


Indian Express 17th June 2018

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Indian Express 16th June 2018


Indian Express 16th June 2018

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[UPSC Interview Transcript #4] Manoj Soni Board, Kerala Home State, Watching satirical shows, Opera music, Football, online chess hobbies


Interview Date: 11/02/2020 [IFoS]
Board: Manoj Soni Sir
Background: Mechanical Engg. from IIT Bombay
Home state: Kerala
hobbies: Watching American satirical shows, listening to opera music, following
football, online chess


  1. You have had a long wait, (I was 5th in the session) would you like some tea? What were you during the waiting time?
  2. What did you read in the newspaper? What caught your attention?
  3. You like watching American Satirical shows, which shows do you watch?
  4. Is ‘Friends’ satire?
  5. Why is IIT Mumbai, still named Bombay?
  6. How do forests help in improving the quality of water?
  7. You have good forest cover in your state. Is it the highest?

Member 1

  1. What is an ecosystem?
  2. If I write with my pen, biotic and abiotic factors are interacting, is it an ecosystem?
  3. What happens in an ecosystem?
  4. What are the ecosystem services in agricultural land?
  5. .What are the dominant crops in Kerala?
  6. What do you know about silent valley?
  7. What are the different types of forests in Kerala?
  8. Where else do you see Tropical evergreen forests?

Member 2

  1. Place of Birth Thrissur, why is the festival famous?
  2. What about the environmental impact of firecrackers?
  3. What is CRZ?
  4. Have the restrictions been eased? Why do you think so?
  5. What happened in the Kerala floods?
  6. Kerala is a high literacy, tech-savvy state. Why does mining, deforestation, quarrying take place? Is it a governance deficit?
  7. Can’t we use technology to stop this quarrying? How can we do so?
  8.  What are the concerns with respect to Mullaperiyar Dam?

Member 3

  1. Where do you find the best forests in India?
  2. I say climate change is a hoax. What do you think?
  3. Don’t you think it’s a natural process?
  4. What changes have you observed with regard to climate change?
  5. What is your analysis of the Kerala floods? Don’t you think dam mismanagement is the main cause?
  6. Recently a few buildings were demolished in Kerala. What is your opinion?
  7.  What is your opinion about the parading of elephants in Thrissur Pooram?

Chairman: Thank you, all the best.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview Transcript #9] Manoj Soni Sir Board, Odisha Home State, Gym, Jogging hobbies [IFoS]


Interview Date: 11th Feb 2020
Board: Manoj Soni Sir
Background: B.Tech Biotechnology, Former Software engineer
Home state: Odisha
Hobbies: Gym, Jogging


  1. Tell us briefly about your journey since graduation
  2. Why software engineer after the biotechnology
  3. How agroforestry can help in doubling farmer income
  4. Problems related to agroforestry

Member 1

  1. Ex-situ and in situ conservation
  2. Application of biotechnology in forestry
  3. Features of national parks
  4. Benefits of Mangroves

Member 2

  1. Forest and wildlife resources of Odisha
  2. Olive Ridley turtles
  3. Why an officer of a biotechnology background should be selected instead of a forestry student
  4. How often do you go to the gym(hobby)
  5. Do you go jogging also?

Member 3

  1. Is timber smuggling happening in Odisha?
  2. How timbers are smuggled
  3. What does anglo-Vedic mean(DAV school)?
  4. How would you explain to a layman about the forest resources of Odisha?
  5. Tribal knowledge about forests

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview Transcript #20] :Manoj Soni Board, Tamil Nadu Home State, Growing potted plants Hobby


Contributed by ForumIAS community member
IFS Interview 2019
Duration:  25-30 mins
Board: Manoj Soni
Home State: Tamil Nadu
Hobby: Growing potted plants


  1. Is your native village or town
  2. You didn’t get any placement
  3. Tell me thirukural on forest
  4. Novel wat your reading last

Member 2

  1. Tell me something about the Chola dynasty
  2. Climate change impact in Southern plateau
  3. Govt efforts to tackle climate change
  4. Tamil Nadu efforts to tackle climate change
  5. Role of women in forest management
  6. You have to need to protect wildlife
  7. Step to mitigate drought
  8. Is this the first interview

Member 3

  1. Do you eat grass
  2. Is tiger eat grass
  3. human eat both your tiger not
  4. What is Iran us tension
  5. Role of Saudi
  6. The objective of Namami Ganga project

Member 4

  1. Growing potted plants abt hobby
  2. What pots prefer
  3. How long you do
  4. What plants you take care
  5. As do what you will do
  6. Are plants need affection
  7. what is the flagship species

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview Transcript #21] :Manoj Soni Sir Board, Maharashtra Home State, Agriculture and geology Optional, Diary Writing Hobby


IFoS 2019
Interview Date: 13th Feb
Duration: 30 mins (Forenoon Session)
Board: Soni Sir
Background: Mechanical engineer
Home State: Maharashtra
Hobby: Diary Writing
Optional: Agriculture and geology


While reading DAF, XYZ is meaning of your name, here is you who write a diary at a time when even writing is disappearing…

  1. When you started writing?
  2. What was the trigger to start?
  3. Tell me by introspecting, if you have a second chance which thing you will do in a different way than you did earlier.?
  4. How was the rainfall in Maharashtra this year?
  5. How was it in your village, district?

Member 1

  1. What is clean energy?
  2. What is the solar potential of India?
  3. Why India has large solar energy potential?
  4. Is India tropical or subtropical?
  5. What is India’s Geothermal potential?
  6. What is biodiversity?
  7. What is species diversity?
  8. What is ecosystem diversity?
  9. What are the areas having large ecosystem diversity- globally and in India?
  10. What is habitat diversity?
  11. Which types of the forest does Maharashtra have??
  12. What are the types of deciduous forest?
  13. Where they are present?
  14. what is the dominant species of dry deciduous?
  15. Which is the dominant species in dry deciduous?

Member 2

  1. What promote you to donate blood?
  2. Isn’t it harmful?
  3. What are the benefits of donating blood?
  4. Suppose there is a mutilated animal, how will you know whether it was an attempt of poaching or conflict between animals?
  5. What will you do?

Member 3

  1. What is the meaning of the name of your father?
  2. Whether he was a god?
  3. Was it from your region?
  4. What do you know about Buddhist culture?
  5. By observing Ajanta caves can you tell that how was that society?
  6. Suppose you are going with your driver, and you saw there is an accident that has taken place, what will you do?
  7. When you were at home last time?
  8. Does an ambulance come to your village?
  9. What are the challenges of the health sector in your locality?
  10. As an engineer how will you help SDM to ensure attendance of doctors and stock of essential medicine?
  11. Have you sawed a Municipal sewage treatment plant?
  12. In which company did you work?
  13. How effluent treatment plant in the company is different from Municipal STP?
  14. How the company was disposing of sludge and treated water?
  15. How they were reducing the toxicity of sludge?

Chairman: Thank you, our interview is over.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview Transcript #64]: Manoj Soni Board, Maharashtra Home State, Bodybuilding, Cycling Hobbies


Board: Dr. Manoj Soni
Optional: Maths
Home State: Maharashtra
Hobbies: Bodybuilding, Cycling


  1. What inspired you to follow bodybuilding?
  2. Tell me about Anna Hazare
  3. Then questions on has bureaucracy failed in Maharashtra ? should we promote more people like Anna Hazare to do work? or bureaucracy should be reformed ?-Followed discussion on it

Member 1

  1. Explain about Sugarcane cultivation and problems in Maharashtra
  2. Explain about PMFBY and issues
  3. Gst and its issues has it been successful?

Member 2

  1. Rose valley and Sharda act –(i said I am not able to recall )
  2. If your DM of an earthquake-prone region and there is an earthquake, what would you do?
  3. Judicial activism and issues

Member 3

  1. Brief intro about Bhima-Koregaon and then asekd botcentercentre and the state are fighting
  2. Over its investigation What should be done?

Member 4

  1. Explain Dpsp and literally, she asked me to name a few
  2. Then same about Fundamental duties
  3. If your Dm of a village on which areas you would work, if you have 1 crore budget?
  4. Your interview is over Thank you.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview Transcript #68]: Manoj Soni Board, Maharashtra Home State, Watching Movies Hobby


Interview Date: 25 Feb 2020
Last to go, around 5.10 pm
Board: Manoj Soni sir
Home State: Maharashtra
Hobby: Watching Movies


  1. You daf is happening, why u didn’t join capf?
  2. what are u doing now
  3. what is the role of icls officer
  4. where was your training
  5. How to boost economy,steps by government.

Member 1

  1. Civil service rules
  2. Protection for civil servants
  3. Disciplinary action against civil servants, provisions, acts for same
  4. Penalties for civil servants
  5. Which movies u watch( hobby)
  6. Parasite, learnings
  7. Why Bollywood movies don’t win oscar.

Member 2

  1. j n k sp,2 inspectors with you and 15 civilian staff.2000 people crowd waiting to lynch you all. 2 options a) wait for help, follow rules B) tie one local to jeep and go through the crowd

Member 3

  1. public life index( didn’t know)
  2. parameters to count standard of living
  3. Melania trump dress designer for yesterday s event( no idea)
  4. what type of dress and colors, uniqueness
  5. which old western movies u saw

Member 4

  1. Which Marathi movies went to oscar
  2. Why they didn’t win oscar
  3. 3 problems of Maharashtra
  4. If u are the chief secretary, how u will solve it, targets for them and whether you will achieve it, surety to achieve, etc.

Source: Forum IAS