Thursday, September 5, 2024

Science & Technology UPSC Syllabus



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::Science & Technology ::

Science And Technology (Prelims)


  • Policy Development of S&T in India
    • Role of S&T in the Developing World
    • S&T Policy in India
      • The S&T Policy Resolution in 1958
      • S&T Policy of the 1983
      • S&T Policy of the 2003
      • S&T Policy 2013
    • Science and technology as a source of Human Resource Development
    • Awards related to Science
    • New Initiatives Aligned with the National Agenda
    • India and World collaboration in science projects
    • Technology Vision Document 2035
    • National Biotechnology Development Strategy 2015-2020
    • National Intellectual Property Rights Policy
    • Organ donation rules in India
    • Policy on Synthetic Biology
  • Different Organization Institution and Various Department for the S&T
    • List of Various Centre Institutions and Bureaus
    • Ministries and Department for science and Technology
    • Institutional structure
    • Department of Science & Technology
    • CSIR
    • Survey of India
    • Science and Engineering Research Council
    • Technology Development Board
    • National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories


  • Space Research Programme, Orbits and Launch
    • Space Technology
    • Indian Space research Programme
    • ISRO and ANTRIX
    • Orbits Type
    • Satellite Launching Systems
    • Terminologies Related to the Space Science
  • Satellites, Launch Vehicles and India Satellite Programmes
    • Earth Observation Systems
    • Satellite Communication in India
    • Remote sensing applications – IRS Sytems
    • INSAT Satellite Application
    • GSAT Satellite Application
    • Launch vehicle Technology
    • GSLV and Various Engine
    • Recent National and International Space Missions
    • Cryogenic rockets
      • Global Positioning System
      • Galileo
      • GLONASS
      • IRNSS
      • GAGAN
    • Chandrayaan – I & II
    • Mars Orbitor Mission
      • Space Organisations
      • Space race/Space junk
    • Recent updates
      • South Asia Satellite: Significance
      • Neutrino Observatory
      • Solar Mission- ADITYA
      • Gravitational Waves
      • Spitzer Space Telescope
      • Chandra X-Ray Observatory
      • Multi Application Solar Telescope
      • Thirty Metre Telescope
      • Resourcesat-2A
      • Astrosat
      • Sunspot
      • Magnetars
      • Neutron stars
      • Air-breathing propulsion system
      • Space Junk
      • Graveyard Orbit
      • Super cluster of galaxies known as “Saraswati”.
      • NASA: Asteroid impact and deflection assessment mission.
      • Commercial use of Lithium-Ion batterytechnology
      • Hyperspectral imaging satellite
      • Water propulsion system in CUBESAT
      • Saturn-cassini Mission
      • OSIRIS-Rex passed by earth to reach asteroid Bennu
      • Hackathon # Open Gov Data Hack
      • Google Lunar X Prize Competition
      • NASA-ISRO synthetic aperture radar satellite (NISAR)
      • GSAT-17 heaviest communication satellite of ISRO
      • Astrosat, Chandra and Hubble Jointly detect massive cosmic explosion
      • Scientists create fi rst global map of water on moon
      • World’s largest aircraft “Strato launch”
      • MOM complete 3 years in orbit
      • Solar mission Aditya L-1 in 2019
      • Gravitational waves news
      • Radio galaxies
      • Indigenously developed S-Band Doppler weather radar
      • Kelvin waves
      • ISRO made satellite based chip system
      • TDRS-M NASA
      • Neutrino Observatory
      • Indian Space Vision-2025
        • ‘NIRBHAY’ sub sonic cruise missile
        • Brahmos
        • INS Koltar
        • INS Kiltan
        • NAG missile
        • Hydrogen bomb
        • Vikram OPV
        • Integrated Quarter Master Package
        • INS Kalvari
        • Prithvi II
        • Air Independent Propulsion
        • Rukmini


  • Different Regulatory Bodies in India for ICT
    • Ministry of Communication and information Technology
    • Initiatives in 12th 5 year plan
    • Major Policy Initiatives National Optical Fibre network
    • Spectrum Management
    • Government initiatives
    • Cyber Law
  • Computer Terminology and Fundamental
    • History of Computers
    • Types of Computer
    • Component of Computer system
      • Computer Languages
      • Generation of computers
    • Computer terminologies
    • Supercomputer and its applications
    • Display technologies
    • Cathode ray
    • LCD
    • LED
    • Plasma Monitors
    • OLED
  • Mobile Generations and Technology
    • Definition and Impact of ICT on Society
    • Evolution of Telecommunication
    • Media Transmission technology
    • Wireless , Optical Fibres, VSAT SIM IMEI 3G 4 G VolTE Wi Max
    • Mobile generations
      • Smartphone
      • Important concepts
    • Internet, Types of Network and e- Governance
      • Internet
      • WWW
      • IP
      • URL
      • HTTP
      • Computer Security Tools: firewalls, hackers
      • Global Internet Governance e
      • Internet of things
      • Internet Protocol
      • VPN
      • Networking : Bluetooth , WiFIHotSpot
      • National E Governance Plan
      • Recent Developments
        • Government initiatives
        • Digital India Initiative
        • MeghRaj
        • Code Free for India
        • E-Kranti
        • Bharat Net project
        • Bharat QR
        • Contemporary debates
        • Net Nuetrality
        • Internet of Things
        • Big Data Initiative and Privacy
        • Cyber crime and security
      • Spectrum Policy, Broad Band Policy
        • Spectrum Policy in India
        • Spectrum
        • Mobile Spectrum
        • Broadband Policy in India
        • Cloud Computing
        • Big Data
        • Encyption
        • Biometrics
        • Virtual Reality
        • Digital India
        • QR Codes
        • Recent Developments in IT & Telecom
          • Quantum computing
          • Project brainwave
          • Sagar Vani System
          • Locky Ransomware, Petya, WannaCry
          • Hindi word for computer i.e., “SANGANAK”
          • India’s first technology and innovation support centre (TISC)
          • Net neutrality
          • National cyber coordination center
          • Hortinet
          • Digital Transaction Methodologies
          • Block chain Technology
          • Bitcoins
          • Cyber Swachhta Kendra
          • Digital Transaction Methodologies
          • Bharat Net Project
          • Wi-Fi Technology
          • Digital Terrestrial Television Transmission System
          • Internet of Things


  • Superconductivity Laser, Artificial Intelligence
    • History Classification and Properties of Superconductors
    • Application of Superconductors
    • Types and Applications of LASERS
    • Artificial Intelligence and Application
    • Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence
  • Superconductivity Laser, Artificial Intelligence
    • What is Robotics?
    • Robotics Terminologies
    • Laws of Robotics
    • Robotics in India
    • Machine vs Computer vs Robots
    • Parts of a Robot
      • Controller
      • Manipulator
      • End Effector
      • Sensor
    • Classification of Robots
      • Rolling Robots
      • Walking Robots
      • Autonomous Robots
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Advantages and Disadvantages of Robot
    • Applications of Robotics
      • Industrial Sector
      • Aerospace
      • Healthcare Delivery
      • Outer Space
      • Exploration
      • Military Robots
      • Disaster Areas
      • Entertainment
      • Agriculture
      • Domestic work
    • Nano Technology
      • What is Nanoscience and Nanotechnology?
      • Origination of Nanoscience and Technology
      • Basics of Nanoscience
      • Nanomaterials
      • Applications of nanotechnology
        • Nano medicine
        • Semiconductors and computing
        • Food
        • Textiles
        • Sustainable energy
        • Environment
        • Transport
        • Space
        • Carbon Nanotube
        • Graphene
        • Quantum Dots
        • Nano Bots
        • Agriculture
      • Adverse Health and Environmental Impacts of Nanotechnology
      • Social and Ethical Impacts:
      • Nano-science and Nano-technology in India


  • Defence Technology
    • Organisations
    • Missile system and classification
      • On the basis of type
      • On the basis of launch vehicle
      • On the basis of Range
      • On the basis of propulsion system
    • Ballistic vs Cruise Missile
    • IGMDP Intergrated Guided Missile Development Programme
      • PrithviTrishul Nag Akash AGNI
      • Shaurya Missile
      • ASTRA Missile
      • Dhanush
      • Prahaar
    • Brahmos Missile System
    • Anti-Ballistic Missile System
    • Frigates Destroyers and Aircraft Carriers
    • AWACS
    • Light Combat Aircraft
      • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
      • Stealth technology
      • Chemical Weapon
      • Biological Weapon
    • Submarines
      • Indian Submarines and Naval Ships
      • Commissioned Submarines
      • Project 75
      • INS Astradharini


  • Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Fuels
    • Types of nuclear reactions
      • Nuclear Fusion
      • Nuclear Fission
    • Nuclear Fuel – Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
  • Nuclear Programme in India
    • N-Power Policy of India
      • Advantages of Nuclear Energy
      • Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy
    • Institutions involved in Nuclear energy Development, AERB
    • Safety standards in Nuclear Power plants
    • India’s 3 stage Civil Nuclear Programme
    • Nuclear Reactors in India
    • Kudankulam Project
    • Jaitapur Plant
  • Organisation Institutions
    • Department of Atomic Energy
    • BHABHA
  • Radioactivity
    • Radiation and Radioactivity
    • Radiation Technologies and Applications
    • Radioactive Waste and Nuclear Waster Management
    • Nuclear & Radiological Disasters


  • IPR Intellectual Property Rights
    • Copyrights
    • Trademarks
    • Patents
    • Industrial Design
    • Trades Secrets
    • IPR and Agriculture


  • Biotechnology in India
    • Department of BT
    • Various Fields of BT
    • R&D
  • Genetics and Biotechnology
    • Industrial genetics
    • Genetic engineering
    • DNA sequencing
    • Nucleic acid probes
    • Genomics and proteomics
    • Bioprocess/fermentation technology
  • Biological fuel generation
    • Global warming and the significance of fossils fuels
    • Biofuels from biomass
    • Bioethanol from biomass
    • Biodiesel
    • Methane
    • Hydrogen
  • Environmental Biotechnology
    • Microbial Ecology Environmental Biotechnology
    • Waste water and sewage treatment
    • Landfilling technologies
    • Composting
    • Bioremediation
    • Detect and monitoring of pollutants
    • Microbes and the geological environment
  • Plant and Forest biotechnology
    • Plant biotechnology
    • Forest biotechnology
  • Animal and insect biotechnology
    • Genetic manipulation and transgenic animals
    • Genetically engineered hormone and vaccines
    • Animal organs for human patients
    • Genetically modified insects
  • Food and Beverage Biotechnology
    • Food and beverage fermentations
      • Microorganisms as food, Enzymes and food processing
      • Amino acids, vitamins and sweeteners
      • Organic acids and polysaccharides
      • Public acceptance and safety of new biotechnology foods
    • Biotechnology and medicine
      • Pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals
      • Antibiotics
      • Vaccines and monoclonal antibodies
      • Biopharmaceuticals/therapeutic proteins
      • Pharmacogenetics
      • Molecular biology and human disease
      • Diagnostics in developing countries
      • Gene therapy
      • Systems biology and medicine
    • Stem cell biotechnology
  • Protection of biotechnological inventions
    • Patent protection Trade secrets
    • Plant breeders’ rights
  • Recent Development in Biotechnology
    • Achievements of Biotechnology indifferent fields
    • Genome sequencing of Ragi done for the first time in the world
    • GM mustard policy
    • DNA as storage device
    • Biomarker
    • Algae based footwear
    • Artificial Womb
    • K. grants gene editing license
    • GM Mosquito
    • DBT launched “Sohum” an innovative newborn hearing screening device
    • Biotech-KISAN scheme
    • India’s first biomass to ethanol plant & its commercialization
    • Digital Biopiracy
    • Genetically Modified Mosquito
    • Designer Babies’ or Three Parents Babies
    • National Biotechnology Development Strategy 2015-2020

Contemporary Issues: Science & Technology (Mains)


  • Chandrayaan-2 Mission
  • Reusable Launch Vehicle
  • About SN Bose
  • Stephen Hawking
  • Space Activities Bill, 2017
  • Space Debris
  • 20 years of International Space Station


  • Tuberculosis
  • Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV
  • Nipah Virus Infection
  • Generic Drugs in India
  • Stent Implants
  • Misuse of Secondary Patent Methodology
  • Digital Biopiracy
  • Clinical Applications of whole Genome Sequencing
  • Three-Parent Babies Permitted in UK
  • Mass Embryo Transfer
  • Issues Related to Gm Food
  • Importance of Genetic Testing
  • Health Geo-Mapping Project
  • Digital Health Technology Eco-System
  • Ethical Dimension In Biotechnology
  • Law Commission Report on Human DNA Profiling
  • Law against Genetic Discrimination
  • Genome Editing: What, Why and Way Forward


  • India’s Missile System
  • Brahmos and its Significance
  • India’s Ballistic Missile Defence System
  • Indian Submarines and Naval Ships
  • Light Combat Aircraft
  • UAVs in India
  • Chemical Weapons
  • Biological Weapons


  • Sti Policy 2013 of India: Analysis
  • The Paradox of Innovation
  • Analysis of INSPIRE Scheme
  • National Biotechnology Development Strategy 2015- 2020
  • Organ Donation Rules in India
  • Policy on Synthetic Biology
  • The Dna Technology (Use and Application) Regulation Bill, 2018
  • Maharashtra’s Public Cloud Policy
  • National Policy on Electronics 2019
  • Roadmap for Drones
  • National Wind-Solar Hybrid Policy
  • Draft Rules for E-Pharmacies
  • National Digital Communications Policy
  • Net Neutrality


  • Internet Of Things
  • Big Data Initiative
  • Supercomputer and its Applications
  • Li-Fi Technology and its Application
  • Use of it in Financial Inclusion
  • Credit/Debit Card Crimes
  • Bharatnet Project
  • Wanna Cry Malware
  • Concept of Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Esign Electronic Signature Service: Significance & Applications
  • Digital India: Achievements
  • Adoption of Blockchain Technology to Stop Bank Frauds
  • Artificial Intelligence and Society
  • Two Authentication Procedure
  • Facial Authentication Working
  • Issue of Internet Governance
  • Quantum computing
  • National supercomputing mission
  • Data Protection-B N srikrishna committee
  • Data Localisation and Related Issues
  • National Digital Literacy Mission and Digital NE vision
  • National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-ICPS)
  • Bullet Train


  • Technology and Food Security
  • BOOSTING Horticulture through Remote Sensing
  • Hyperloop Transportation Technology
  • Cloud Seeding Experiment In Maharashtra
  • Nano-Technology Medicines
  • Hydrogen Bomb
  • Ear Tagging In Cattle
  • e-Cigarette
  • Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant
  • Geo-Tagging The Assets In Mgnrega
  • Robot Tax and its Implications
  • India & World Collaboration in Science Projects


  • Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV
  • Nipah Virus Infection
  • Avian Influenza or Bird Flu
  • Bovine TB
  • Encephalitis
  • Kyasanoor Forest Disease (Monkey Fever)
  • Hospital Acquired Infection
  • Rotavirus
  • Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Virus
  • Swine Flu
  • Chikanguniya
  • Tuberculosis

General Science (Prelims)


  • Origin of Life and Cells
    • Cell Structure
    • Membranes
    • Cell-Cell Interactions
    • Energy and Metabolism
    • Respiration
    • Cell Division
    • Sexual Reproduction
  • Genetics
    • Inheritance
    • DNA, The Genetic Material
    • Gene Expression
    • Gene Regulation
    • Mutation
    • Recombinant DNA Technology
  • Classification of Living Things
    • Classification and Domains of Life
    • General Biology/Classification of Living Things/Viruses
    • Prokaryotes
    • Eukaryotes
      • Protista
      • Plants
      • Fungi
      • Animals
  • Evolution of Life
      • Evolution of Life
      • Animal Evolution
      • Human Evolution
  • Tissues
      • Epithelial tissue
      • Connective tissue
      • Muscle tissue
  • Endocrine System
      • Hypothalamus
      • Pineal body (epiphysis)
      • Pituitary gland (hypophysis)
      • Thyroid
      • Adrenal glands
      • Reproductive glands
  • Respiratory System
      • External and Internal Respiration
      • Respiratory system in Plants
      • Respiratory System in Insects
      • Respiratory System in Humans and Animals
  • The Transport System in Organisms
      • Transport system in a Cell
      • Transport System in Plants
      • Transport System in Animals
      • Blood Vascular System
      • The Lymphatic System
  • Skeletal and Muscular Systems
      • Bone and Skeleton System (Osteology)
      • Ligaments (Syndesmology)
      • Muscular System (Myology)
      • Vertebrates
  • Reproductive System
      • Asexual Reproduction in Plants
      • Asexual Reproduction in Animals
      • Sexual Reproduction in Plants
      • Sexual Reproduction in Animals
      • Sexual Reproduction in Humans
  • Excretory System
      • Excretory products
      • Excretion in plants
      • Excretion in Animals
      • Osmoregulation, ADH and formation of Urine in Animals
      • Physiological and Behavioural Adjustments
  • Nutrition
      • Classification by Source of Energy and Carbon
      • Plant Nutrition
      • Animal Nutrition
      • Human Diet
      • The Digestive System
      • Photosynthesis
  • Diseases
      • Tuberculosis
      • Non-Communicable diseases
        • Diabetes mellitus
  • Economic Zoology
        • Beneficial animals: Corals – Earthworm – Vermiculture
        • Beneficial insects – Prawns – Lobsters – Crabs – Pearl oysters – Fishes – Guano – Aquarium – Vivarium.
        • Harmful animals: Disease causing organisms – Vectors – Poisonous organisms – Fouling organisms – Pests.
  • Recent Development
        • India has declared free from Bird flu
        • Revised Draft guidelines for stem cell research, 2017
        • Therapy for sepsis
        • Curcumin, A bioactive component of turmeric treats cancer
        • Embryo transfer technology to increase livestock productivity
        • “SOHUM’ an indigenously developednewborn hearing screening device
        • Kyasanur forest disease or monkey fever developed
        • India Declared Maternal and NeonatalTetanus, H5N1 and Yaws Free
        • Mission Indradhanush
        • New TB Drug Regimen

Science And Technology (Mains)


  • Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday life Achievements of Indians in science & technology; indigenization of technology and developing new technology.
  • Awareness in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, robotics, nano-technology, bio-technology and issues relating to intellectual property rights.


  • India’s Policy in the Field of the Science & Technology
  • The Science & Technology Policy Resolution in 1958
  • Science & Technology Policy 2013
  • Institutional Structure
  • New Initiatives Aligned with the NationalAgenda
  • India & World Collaboration in Science Projects


  • Satellite Communication in India
  • INSAT Satellite Applications
  • Remote Sensing Applications
  • Cryogenic Rockets
  • Global Positioning System
  • Role of Space in Development
  • ISRO as Soft Power
  • Issue of Space Race
  • Space Activities Bill, 2017
  • Outer space treaty


  • IT Industry in India
  • Applications of Information Technology
  • Display Technologies
  • Telecommunication
  • Government Initiatives
  • Contemporary Debates


  • Missile System and their Classification
  • India’s Missile System
  • India’s Ballistic Missile Defence System
  • UAVs in India
  • Stealth Technology ,Chemical Weapons , Biological Weapons


  • Nanoscience Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials
  • Applications of Nanotechnology
  • Health & Environmental Impacts of Nanotechnology
  • Social & Ethical Impacts
  • Nano-Science& Nanotechnology in India


  • Robotics & Artificial Intelligence
  • Applications of Robotics
  • Robotics and Issues of Unemployment


  • Nuclear-Power Policy of India
  • Non-energy Applications of Nuclear Energy
  • Impact of Radiation, Issue of RadioactiveWaste
  • Institutions involved in Nuclear Energy Development
  • Nuclear & Radiological Disasters


  • Application of Biotechnology
  • Biotechnology Projects
  • Issue of Bio-Piracy
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biotechnology and IPR Issue
  • Ethical Dimension In Biotechnology


  • Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC)
  • Concept of Green Building
  • Tidal , Wave , Geothermal Energy , Fuel Cells


  • Scientists of Ancient India
  • Science and Scientists of Medieval India
  • Scientists of Modern India
  • Policies& Reports related to Science
    • Technology Vision Document 2035
    • National Biotechnology Development Strategy 2015-2020
    • National Intellectual Property Rights Policy
    • Policy on Synthetic Biology
    • Law Commission Report on Human DNA Profiling

Rau’s IAS Prelims 2022 Test 11 With Solution PDF


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Economy UPSC Syllabus



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Economy (Prelims)


  • Macroeconomic Concepts
    • Meaning of Economics                         
    • Types of Economies
    • Sectors of an Economy                         
    • Other Sectors of Economy??
  • Microeconomic Concepts


  • National Income Concepts and Methods of Calculation
    • National Income                                     
    • Real National Income                           
    • Calculating National Income  
    • Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF)        
    • National?Organizations?Related to National Income Accounts?
    • Latest India’s National Income Estimates
    • New Series of National Statistics (Base Year 2011-12)
    • Annual Estimates of Expenditures on GDP
    • Per Capita Income
    • Purchasing Power Parity
    • Lorenz Curve                                           
    • Philip’s Curve
    • Gini Coefficient
  • ?Inflation
    • Concepts and Types of Inflation
    • Causes of Inflation                                
    • Effects of Inflation                                
    • Measures of Inflation                            
      • WPI, CPI
      • Producer Price Index
      • GDP Deflator
      • Core Inflation
    • Change in Reporting of Inflation        
    • Measures to Check Inflation??
      • Fiscal Measures
      • Administrative Measures
      • Monentary Measures             
    • Economic Growth and Development
      • Economic Growth                                   
      • Economic Development                        
      • Measurement of Economic Development   
      • Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI)          
      • Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)     
      • Different Levels of Economic Development               
      • Economy and Environment?
      • Environment?Taxes                                
        • Carbon Tax
        • Green Accounting
      • 12th Five Year Plan and Sustainability?


  • Money Function and Classification
    • Money Concept
    • Measures of Money Supply in India  
    • Indian currency system
    • Broad and Narrow Money
    • Money multiplier
    • Digital Money
    • New Monetary Aggregates
    • Monetary Policy
  • Financial Market and its Instruments
    • Concept and functions of financial markets
    • Importance of money market
    • Types of capital market
    • Distinguish between capital market and money market
    • Nature and functions of a stock exchange
    • Advantages of stock exchanges
    • Limitations of stock exchanges
    • The stock exchanges in India
    • Insurance Industry – Insurance Industry and Reforms
    • Role of Financial Regulators: SEBI and IRDA
  • Banking Structure in India
    • Scheduled Commercial Banks             
    • Nationalized?Banks                                
    • Public Sector Banks?
      • State Bank of India               
    • Private Banks                                          
    • Foreign Banks                                         
    • Regional Rural Banks                            
    • Scheduled Co-operative Banks           
    • Reserve Bank of India (RBI)               
    • Methods of Credit Control                    
    • Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
    • Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
    • Repo Rate
    • Reserve Repo Rate
    • Call Rates
    • Marginal Standing Facility (MSF)
    • Bank Rate
    • Banking Sector Reforms in India
    • Differentiated Banks
      • Payment Banks
      • Small Banks
    • New banking licence
    • White Label ATM
    • Unified Payments Interface
    • Bank Board Bureau
    • Marginal Cost of Funds Based Lending Rate (MCLR)
    • Priority Sector Lending Certificates
    • Concept of Micro ATM
    • Banking Reforms
    • Basel Norms                                            
    • Banking Ombudsman                           
    • Development Financial Institutions    
    • Insurance Companies
    • Recent developments in Economic Sector
      • Government to recapitalize the PSB’s
      • RBI rule and regulation for peer to peer (P2P) lending
      • Domestic Systematically Important Banks (SIBs) of India
      • Financial Inclusion in India
      • The Concept of Bad Bank
      • Alternative Mechanism Panel for PSB consolidation
      • Employee Provident Fund of India
      • Enforcement Department In RBI
      • Gold Monetization Scheme (GMS)
      • Indian Post Payment Bank (IPPB)
      • Indian Gold Coins/Gold Bullion Scheme


  • Budgeting
    • Union Budget                                          
    • Plan and Non Plan Expenditure
    • Revenue Receipts
    • Tax Revenue Receipts
    • Non-Tax Revenue Receipts
  • Fiscal Policy
    • Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act, 2003
    • Revenue Deficit, Fiscal Deficit, Primary Deficit
    • Deficit and Surplus Budget
    • Deficit Financing
  • Centre State Distribution
    • Finance Commission (A280)
  • Tax Structure in India
    • Tax – Direct Tax, Indirect Tax
    • Methods of Taxation – Progressive,
      Regressive, Proportional
    • Value Added Tax – VAT in India
    • Goods and Services Tax – GST, GST Council
    • Service Tax
    • DTC – Direct Tax Code


  • Meaning Objectives and History
    • Meaning of Economic Planning          
    • Objectives of?Planning                           
    • Strategies of Planning                            
      • Harrod Domar strategy
      • Nehru Mahalonobis strategy
      • Gandhian strategy
      • LPG strategy
    • Regional and National Planning
    • Imperative and Indicative Planning
    • History of Planning in India
    • Visvesvaraya Plan, Gandhian Plan FICCI Proposal, Congress Plan Bombay Plan
    • Planning Commission and National Development Council(NDC)
    • Central Planning – 5 Year Plans, 20 Point Program, MPLADS
    • Decentralized Planning
  • Planning Institutions
    • Planning Commission                            
    • NITI Aayog                                             
    • National Development Council (NDC)  
  • Five Year Plans in India
    • 12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017)
    • Alternative Scenarios During 12th Plan
    • Economic?Reforms?


  • Foreign Trade Concepts
    • Balance of Payments
    • Foreign Capital – FDI, FPI, FII, QFH  
    • Foreign Exchange–Exchange Rate NEER & REER, ETF
    • FERA & FEMA
    • Capital Account Convertibility in India        
    • India’s External Debt                             
    • NRI Deposits                                           
    • Trade Composition                                
  • Trade Policy and Agreements
    • Import Cover
    • Import/Export Controls
    • Foreign Trade policy 2015-20
    • Export Promotion                                   
    • General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade     
  • Exchange Rate
    • Exchange Market
    • LERMS
    • NEER
    • REER
    • ETF
  • International Organization
    • United Nations
    • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
    • International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
    • International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
    • International Labour Organization (ILO)
    • International Maritime Organization (IMO)
    • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
    • International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
    • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)           
    • United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
    • Universal Postal Union (UPU)
    • World Bank Group (WBG)
    • International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
    • International Finance Corporation (IFC)
    • International Development Association (IDA)
    • World Health Organization (WHO)
    • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
    • World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
    • World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
    • World Trade Organization (WTO)
    • Asian Development Bank
    • Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AII)
    • New Development Bank
    • African Development Bank
  • Trade Agreements
    • RCEP
    • TPP
    • NAFTA
    • Southern African Development Community (SADC)
    • ASEAN
    • SAFTA
  • Recent Developments in External Sector
    • Global foreign exchange committee
    • Price capping of medical devices in India
    • Review of the International Investment Agreement (IIA)
    • India signed the OECD multilateral convention to prevent BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting)
    • Second Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) Bharat 22
    • Double Tax Avoidance Treaty
    • Preferential Trade Agreement with Chile
    • Advance Pricing Agreement
    • National Committee on Trade Facilitation
    • E-tourist Visa
    • India’s Asylum Policy
    • Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)



  • Poverty
    • Definition and Indices
    • Poverty?in India                                      
    • Human Poverty Index (HPI)
    • Expert Groups for Estimating Poverty          
    • Inequality                                                 
  • Employment
    • Employment and Unemployment      
    • Poverty?Eradication and Employment Related Related programs
  • Government Schemes and?Programs
    • New Social Welfare Schemes
    • Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY)
    • Other Social Protection?Programmes?
    • Rural Infrastructure and Development         
    • Urban Infrastructure, Housing and Sanitation  
    • Education Schemes
    • Financial Inclusion Schemes
    • Health Schemes
    • Women Empowerment?Programmes
    • Other Women Empowerment?Programmes
    • Social?Security
  • Committees
    • Ratan P Watal Committee on Digital Payment
    • Committee for Market Infrastructure Institution (MII)
    • P. J. Nayak Committee
    • Deepak Mohanty Committee Report on Medium-term Path on Financial Inclusion
    • Narasimham Committee Report on Banking Sector Reforms
    • Uday Kotak Committee on Corporate Governance
    • Nachiket Mor Committee

Contemporary Issues: Sectors Of Indian Economy (Mains)


  • Draft National Food Processing Policy Released
  • Initiatives for Fund for Start-Ups
  • Companies Need to Look Beyond CSR                                                                               
  • Initiatives to Support MSME Sector                                                                                     
  • Model Shop & Establishment Bill, 2016
  • National Capital Goods Policy 2016 unveiled
  • H-1B Visa Rule Change & It’s Impact on IT Sector                                                           
  • Unemployment Survey                                                                                                     
  • Draft Social Security Code                                                                                              
  • Analysis of Competition Commission of India                                                                 
  • Exit Issues and Insolvency Resolution Process                                                                
  • Government Limitations in Job Creation                                                                        
  • The Code on Wages, 2019                                                                                                           
  • Amendments in Bankruptcy Code                                                                                 
  • Contract Worker: Issues and Steps Needed                                                                             
  • Feminization of Agriculture                                                                                          
  • Challenges and opportunities of fourth
    Industrial Revolution                                         
  • Why Manufacturing Sector is not able to Generate Jobs?                                              
  • Inequality between Large Business Houses & Smaller Businesses
  • How Labour Regulations Affect Manufacturing?  


  • Niti Aayog Launches Agricultural Marketing & Farm Friendly Reforms Index
  • Defects in Procurement Policy
  • Reforming Trade in Agriculture Products  
  • Draft Model APMC Act, 2016
  • NITI Aayog Report on Agriculture
  • Agriculture Export Policy, 2018
  • Farm Policies: One-Size-Fits-All do not Work   
  • Lab to Land: How to Improve
  • Agriculture Price Policy in India  


  • Inland Waterways in India  
  • Aviation Sector & Regional Connectivity Scheme: Udan   
  • Air Service Agreement
  • Airline Sector: Downtime and the Turnaround              
  • Privatization of Air India: Critical Analysis  
  • Help Scheme
  • Multi-Modal Transport System
  • Bharatmala Pariyojana : Revolution In Indian National Highways
  • Privatization of Railways
  • Transformation in Indian Railways  
  • Connecting North East       
  • Optimising Thermal Power in India
  • Reliable and Affordable Energy   
  • Mineral Auction Rules, 2015

Contemporary Issues: Policy & Reforms In Indian Economy (Mains)


  • Low Tax to GDP Ratio: Reasons and Suggestions
  • Public Debt Management Cell
  • IBBI and Insolvency Rules
  • Ponzi Scheme and Issues                       
  • Fat tax: Concept Analysis    
  • Concept of Municipal Bonds                  
  • Lower Taxes, Higher Compliance: Implication on Economy               
  • How Shell Companies are used in Black Money?              
  • Offshore Investments in Tax Havens     
  • Concept of Google Tax and its Implications                      
  • Sunset Clause and its Significance in Policies          
  • Government Rule on Capital Gains Tax
  • Credit Rating Agencies and their Implications                                                                 
  • Fugitive Economic Offenders Bill


Concept of Wilfull Defaulter         

  • Concept of Shadow Banking           
  • Non Performing Assets
  • Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate               
  • Unified Payment Interface
  • India Post Payments Bank          
  • Differentiated Bank Licenses   
  • Digital Payments Scenario                                
  • Monetary Policy Committee
  • Report of Working Group on Development of Corporate Bond Market in India
  • IL & FS issue and Corporate Governance in India             
  • SEBI reforms on Corporate Governance – Uday Kotak Committee
  • SEBI and Commodity markets in India 
  • Concept of Crypto-Currencies              
  • Crypto Currencies Come Under SEBI Lens              
  • Corporate Governance: Role of SEBI                         
  • Peer to Peer Lending Firms                                                                                            
  • Bank Recapitalization Program                        
  • Lessons on NPA from Global Banks                                                                                
  • Need of Regulatory Regime for Alternative Investment Fund
  • Name and Shame Willful Defaulters  


  • Sustainable Development Goals  
  • Ease of Doing Business
  • Critical Analysis of PM Crop Insurance Scheme
  • Bhavantar Bhugtan Yojana      
  • Operation Greens  
  • Critical Analysis of Banks Board Bureau  
  • Critical Analysis of Draft Energy Policy
  • Critical Analysis of Stand up India Scheme  
  • New PPP Policy   
  • Sagarmala Project   
  • Critical Analysis of Bharatmala Project
  • How GST has Affected Small Business


  • FDI Status and Issues in India
  • Permanent Residency Status for Foreign Investors                                                                         
  • WTO Reforms and India’s Stance
  • Dispute Settlement Mechanism at WTO
  • Gist of Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-2020  
  • Reforms in IMF Quota
  • Rising New Form of Protectionism
  • BIT Dispute Management Strategy
  • Broad Based Trade and Investment Agreement (India-EU FTA Talks)
  • Nachiket Mor Committee
  • P J  Nayak Committee
  • Vijay Kelkar Committee on PPP Reforms
  • Parthasarathi Shome Committee on GAAR
  • Urjit Patel Committee Report on Monetary Policy
  • Mahapatra Committee (NBFC Loan Restructuring)          
  • Usha Thorat Committee (2012)
  • Bibek Debroy Committee (Railways)
  • N K Singh Panel Report on FRBM Act
  • Shanta Kumar Committee
  • Watal Committee on Digital Payments
  • HR Khan Committee on Foreign Portfolio Investment
  • Strategic Partnership Policy to Boost Defence Manufacturing: Dhirendra Singh Committee

Sectors Of Indian Economy (Mains)


  • Major crops cropping patterns in various parts of the country
  • Different types of irrigation and irrigation systems storage
  • Transport and marketing of agricultural produce and issues and related constraints
  • e-technology in the aid of farmers
  • Issues related to direct and indirect farm subsidies and minimum support prices
  • Public Distribution System – objectives, functioning, limitations, revamping; issues of buffer stocks and food security
  • Technology missions
  • Economics of animal-rearing
  • Food processing and related industries in India- scope and significance, location, upstream and downstream requirements, supply chain management.
  • Land reforms in India.
  • Effects of liberalization on the economy
  • Changes in industrial policy and their effects on industrial growth. Other economic development in field of Manufacturing and service sector


  • Land resource
  • Land-use pattern and Land capability classification
  • Causes and Impact of Land Degradation
  • Sustainable Land Management
  • Steps taken by GOI


  • Objectives of Land Reforms in India
  • Progress of Land Reforms in India
  • NITI Aayog Report on Land Leasing


  • Features of Agricultural Finance
  • Criteria for Agricultural Credit
  • Need for Agricultural Finance
  • Sources of Agricultural Finance
  • Problems of Agricultural Finance
  • Measures taken to improve credit flow to agriculture
  • Co-operative Credit Societies in India


  • Multi Agency Approach
  • Commercial Bank
  • Lead Bank Scheme
  • Regional Rural Banks
  • National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
  • Reserve Bank of India
  • Kisan Credit Card Scheme
  • Bank Linkage Programme
  • Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF)
  • Government Policy For Agricultural Credit
  • Farmers Service Societies (FSS)


  • Issues Related to Crop Insurance
  • Pradhan MantriFasalBimaYojana
  • Comparison with Earlier Crop Insurance Schemes


  • Process of Agricultural Marketing in India
  • Structure of Agricultural Marketing in India
  • Importance of Proper Agriculture Marketing
  • Government Measures to Improve Agricultural Marketing in India
  • Analysis of APMC Act


  • Objectives of subsidies
  • Transfer of resources from gainers from economic policies to losers from economic policies
  • Farm Subsidies
  • Fertiliser subsidies
  • Subsidy on power
  • Subsidy on irrigation
  • Rationale of Minimum Support Price
  • Impact of MSP on inflation
  • Public Distribution System: Objectives, functioning, limitations,, revamping, evolution from universal PDS to targeted PDS, Targeted PDS, a critical analysis of cost and benefit of PDS           
  • Buffer Stock policy and government’s intervention in food market to keep prices under reasonable limits to help consumers                                        
  • Food Security bill, questions of resource mobilization for the FSB, criticism of the FSB             
  • Important questions on the future of subsidies


  • Green Revolution
  • White Revolution – Operation Flood
  • Yellow Revolution
  • Blue Revolution
  • Golden Fibre Revolution: Jute


  • Processed Foods Scenario with respect to Specific Sectors
  • Infrastructure Development in Food Processing Sector
  • Issues in Food Processing Sector
  • FDI Policy in Food Processing
  • Notable Trends in the Indian Food Processing Sector
  • Strategies Adopted in Budget
  • New foreign and domestic investment
  • Sector-specific government policies


  • Mahalanobis strategy and India’s industrial policy-Discussing Industrial policy resolution
    1948 and 1956 critically
  • New Economic Policy and Industrial policy under the policy of liberalization, privatization and globalization
  • Phases of Industrial development since independence


  • Roles of private sector and public sector, Investment in the industrial sector, employment, productivity, profit etc.
  • Strategies for disinvestment and privatization
  • Role of Small, Medium and Micro enterprises, Government Policy, main problems, effects of globalization
  • New Manufacturing Policy
  • Industrial disbursal and Industrial corridors
  • SEZs- Main issues like land use, relocation of same industries that exist, exports earnings vs loss of tax income
  • Industrial sickness, institutional mechanism to support the sick industries, exit policy issues
  • Main constraints in the industrial development of India
  • Effects of globalization on industries, Sub-prime crisis and sovereign debt crisis on Industry in India
  • Industrial Finance in India: Role of development banking, commercial banking, venture capital, angel capital in industrialization and promotion of entrepreneurship
  • Make in India achievements

Policy & Reforms In Indian Economy (Mains)


  • Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, growth, development and unemployment
  • Mobilization of resources
  • Government Budgeting.
  • Investment models.
  • Financial and Money Market
  • Inflation
  • Direct and Indirect taxes
  • Inclusive growth & issues arising from it.


  • Role and objectives of Indian Planning
  • Planning Experience at the Centre and State level.
  • Regulatory Role of the State
  • Development Strategy in India’s Five Year Plan
  • Mahalanobis’ Four-Sector Growth Model and Employment Generation
  • Tackling the Problems of Poverty and Unemployment
  • Vital Role of the Public Sector
  • Analysis of India’s Economic Performance in Development Planning
  • Trends in Saving and Capital Formation since Independence
  • Role of NITI Aayog in Cooperative federalism


  • Types of Resources: Physical and Financial
  • Need for Resource Mobilization- Police State and Democratic Welfare State policies
  • Sources of Resource Mobilization: Public Sector and Private Sector
  • Taxation and Mobilization of Resources for Economic Growth
  • Direct Taxes and Mobilisation of Resources
  • Agricultural Taxation & Resource Mobilisation
  • Role of Indirect Taxes in Resource Mobilisation
  • Mobilization of financial resources through Government Revenues
  • Role of Public Debt in resource mobilization and effects: Market borrowing, loans, grants, etc.
  • Role of Fiscal and Monetary policies in resource mobilization
  • Role of Foreign investment in resource mobilization:Desirability and Consequences
  • Multi-lateral agencies and resource mobilization
  • Challenges to Resource Mobilization


  • Meaning and concept of Inclusion
  • India’s experience of Inclusion
  • Why India’s growth is not inclusive?: Rural economy based growth, Need of Sustainable agriculture, food security and resilience for growth
  • What are the solutions?
  • Inclusion process through Social sector flagship schemes and Ground realities
  • Public distribution schemes: Can it be the way to inclusive growth
  • Financial inclusion as an instrument of inclusive growth
  • Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation as a strategy for inclusive growth
  • Social sector development as an instrument for inclusive growth
  • Public private partnership for inclusive growth
  • Industrial Integration for inclusive growth
  • Sectoral and regional diversification as a tool for inclusive growth


  • Budget terminology
  • Types of budget
  • Features of Outcome budgeting , Gender Budgeting
  • Benefits of budgeting
  • Flaws in budgeting process
  • Merger of Railway and General Budget
  • Budget analysis


  • Measures of Investment
  • Factors affecting investment
  • Classification of Investments : FDI
  • Angel Investors and Start-ups
  • Investment Models
  • Role of State
  • PPP (Public-Private Partnership)
  • Savings and Investment Trends


  • Fiscal Concept and Fiscal Policy in India
  • Government Revenues & Spending Trends
  • Impact of deficits on economic growth
  • Twin Balance Sheet syndrome
  • Types of Deficit


  • Objectives and Principles of Taxation
  • Taxation for Mobilization of Resources
  • Taxation System in India
  • Tax Reforms
  • GST and its impact on different sectors
  • Subsidies and its Impact


  • Instruments of Monetary Policy
  • Monetary policy in Pre-Reform Era (1948 – 1991)
  • Monetary Policy in Post-Reform Era (Since – 1991)
  • Urjit Patel Committee Report               
  • Monetary Policy Committee and Inflation Targeting


  • Money Market and Capital Market in India
  • Regulatory Framework in Indian Capital Market
  • Primary Market Reforms in India
  • Secondary Market Reforms in India
  • Current and capital account convertiblity
  • Risks of financial system              


  • Indian Banking System
  • Terminologies/Concepts Related to Banking in India
  • Nationalization of Banks in India
  • Functions of Commercial Banks
  • Challenges Faced by Commercial Banks in India
  • Banking Reforms in India
  • New Bank License Criteria
  • Small Finance Banks and Payment Banks Criteria
  • Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC)
  • Financial Inclusion
  • Issue of NPAs
  • Bills related to Banking


  • Trends in International Trade
  • Foreign Trade Policy
  • Balance of Payments and Foreign Capital
  • Impact of Globalization on Indian Economy
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • World Trade Organisation (WTO)
  • World Bank Group AIIB and NDB

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International Relations UPSC Syllabus



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::International Relations::

International Relations (Mains)


  • India and its neighborhood- relations.
  • Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests
  • Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests,
  • Indian diaspora
  • Important International institutions, agencies and fora, their structure, mandate


  • Evolution and Challenges
    • Evolution of India’s foreign policy (Including NAM, Look East and Gujral Doctrine)
    • Determinants and challenges of India’s Foreign Policy
  • Recent Policies
    • Neighborhood first policy
    • Act east policy
    • Link west policy
    • Indian ocean outreach
    • Soft Power and Hard Power diplomacy
    • Defence and Nuclear Diplomacy
    • Space diplomacy
    • Para diplomacy-A New Way for Indian  Foreign Policy?
    • Middle Power Coalition
    • Significance of PMO in foreign policy making
    • India’s Strategic Connect with the World
    • Rise of Realpolitik in India’s Foreign Policy in recent times
    • Indian Diaspora


  • India-China
    • Border dispute
    • China’s string of pearls
    • China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Prospects and Pitfalls
      • Maritime Silk Road” linking the Indian and Pacific Oceans
      • Why India is alarmed regarding BRI?
    • India’s trade deficit with China
    • China’s Malacca Dilemma
    • 2+1 Dialogue mechanism proposed by China
    • A rising China: Challenges the US primacy in Asia and role of India
    • Chinese project of diverting Tibetan waters
    • South China Sea: objection of China to   India’s presence
    • China denies CPEC backing as ‘debt trap’ for Pakistan (Debt trap diplomacy of China)
    • The Unintended Consequences of India’s Policy on Citizenship for Tibetan Refugees
    • Indias Concern in Joining RCEP    
    • China’s Economic Slowdown
  • India-Pakistan
  • Indo-Pak Relations : Border Dispute and J&K issue
    • Terrorism emanating from Pakistan
    • Indus waters policy shift
    • Dispute over Gilgit-Baltistan
    • CPEC in PoK
    • Nuclear India-Pak-US
    • Indian stance regarding Baluchistan
  • India Bhutan
    • Bhutan’s significance for Indian Foreign policy
    • India-Bhutan Friendship Treaty
    • Objection of Bhutan to India’s Motor vehicle agreement
    • Bhutan’s rejection of China’s BRI
  • India-Nepal
    • Indo-Nepal Relations : Fluctuating ties
    • Nepal’s tilt towards China
    • Nepal-China Transit Agreement: An Evaluation
    • India’s concern about Nepal’s new Constitution
    • The Issue of Water and Hydropower Cooperation
    • Nepal Bharat Maitri Project
  • India-Myanmar
    • Democracy in Myanmar
    • Scope for cooperation between N-E India & Myanmar
    • Rohingya issue
    • Buddhist Chauvinism
    • Major Projects: Kaladan multi-modal corridor, India-Myanmar- Thailand trilateral highway
  • India-Bangladesh
    • Indo-Bangladesh Relations
    • Water Dispute Teesta water issue & Ganga river dispute
    • Bangladesh demand to stop the construction of the Tipaimukh Hydro- Electric Power Project on the Barak River
    • Differences in approach of India and China towards Bangladesh
    • Illegal Immigration
    • Understanding Bangladesh’s Unexpected Development Success
  • India-Afghanistan
    • Instability in Afghanistan and role of India
    • India’s cooperation in Afghanistan               
    • Moscow Format
  • India-Maldives
    • Geostrategic Importance of Maldives
    • Recent developments in Maldives exemplifying recalibration of ties
    • FTA Between China and Maldives – Warning For India
  • India-Srilanka
    • Sino-Sri Lanka Relationship
    • Fishermen issue
    • Issues on 13th amendment (Tamil & Minority Rights)
    • Human Right violations & OHCHR Resolution on Sri Lanka
  • Indian Ocean Region
    • Indian Ocean region and world affairs
    • India is a “Net Security Provider” of the Indian Ocean
    • Increasing Chinese influence in the Indian Ocean
    • 20 years of formation of IORA
    • Piracy in the Indian Ocean
    • Seychelles’ parliament refusal to ratify an Indian naval base plan on the Assumption Island         
    • Importance of Seychelles to India
  • Indo-Pacific
    • Concept of Indo-Pacific from perspectives different countries
    • East Asia Summit acts as a bridge for Indo-Pacific region
    • India-Pacific Regional Dialogue
    • SAARC: Challenges and Prospects
    • Intra-low regional trade
    • BIMSTEC as an alternative to SAARC
    • Nepal withdrew from first ever BIMSTEC’s military drill in India.
    • Progress of BBIN project
  • Global Issues
    • Disarmament
    • Climate Change
    • Terrorism
    • Global Governance
    • Indian Diaspora


  • India-Indonesia
    • Indonesia’s vision as a “Global Maritime Axis.” and it’s significance for India
  • India-Singapore
    • India-Singapore Bilateral Agreement for naval cooperation
  • Thailand
    • Indo-Thai relations: Challenges & opportunities
  • India-Vietnam
    • India -Vietnam’s strategic cooperation
  • India-ASEAN
    • Importance of ASEAN in establishing peace and stability in region
    • ASEAN-India Relations: Prospects and Challenges in Economic Partnership
    • India’s cooperation with the ASEAN has been less than China and Japan


  • Connect Central Asia Policy
    • Importance of central Asia
    • Golden Crescent
    • Connectivity Projects (INSTC, Ashgabat Agreement, TAPI Pipeline)
  • India Mongolia
    • India-Mongolia Bilateral Cooperation
    • Mongolia launched construction of first strategically oil refinery,  constructed by India


  • Importance of West Asia for India
  • Change in West Asian strategic thinking
  • China’s engagement in West Asia and challenges to India
  • Reasons behind India’s active strategic engagements with West Asian countries  without participating in West Asian turmoil
  • Shia-Sunni wedge in West Asian countries
  • Importance of Saudi Arabia, Challenges  in India-Saudi Arabia Relations
  • Plight on Indian migrant workers.
  • Relations between India and United Arab Emirates
  • Middle East to India Deep water Pipeline (MEIDP)
  • India-Iran
    • Consolidating India-Iran Cooperation
    • Connectivity- Importance of Chabahar port
    • Iran nuclear deal: Iran Sanctions & India’s Options
  • India Israel:
    • From ‘in the closet’ into a fast-developing open relationship
    • strategic significance of the Indo-Israeli relationship
    • De-hyphenation of Israel and Palestine


  • India-Africa
    • India-Africa Trade relations: Prospects
    • Contribution of Indian Diaspora in various fields in Africa.
    • African co-operation in ensuring security and peace in Indian Ocean region
    • India’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Africa’s hydrocarbon sector.
    • Strategic Partnership between India and South Africa
  • India-Europe
    • The first India-Nordic Summit
    • What is GDPR? its implication for India
    • influx of refugees into Europe
    • irritants between India-EU (FTA)
    • A new European Union strategy for India
    • Ukrainian Crisis’ has lead to resurgence of cold war
    • Brief on India-UK relations
    • Brief on India-France relations
  • India and USA
    • Brief of India-US relations
    • Mutually supportive Defence cooperation relationship
    • logjams in implementation of civil nuclear cooperation agreement between India and the USA
    • Bilateral Social Security Agreements
    • The rise of protectionist regime in USA and the challenges for the Indian
    • Importance of New Security strategy (NSS) of USA for India
    • Recent US extraterritorial Sanctions and their potential impacts on India
    • Potential impact of US sanctions towards Russia, Iran and North Korea using CAATSA on US-India relation,
    • USA pulls out of INF treaty-Its implication for India
    • Pivot to the East policy of the USA
    • The Arithmetic of India-U.S. Relations and the Russian Factor
    • The First India-US 2+2 Dialogue: An Assessment
    • Challenges in Implementing JCPOA after the US Withdrawal
    • LEMA-Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement
    • Visa, Free Trade and WTO
  • India-Canada
    • Uranium Deal
  • India-Russia
    • India’s increasing defence deal with USA, Israel
    • Russian arms deal with Pakistan
    • Stagnation between India-Russia Relations
    • Russian proposal of ‘Eurasian Economic Union
  • India-Japan
    • Japan’s funding of major projects in India
    • Nuclear Pact
    • Japan’s Pacifism
    • 13th annual India – Japan summit
  • India-Australia
    • Australia’s “An India Economic Strategy to 2035”, a vision document
    • Nuclear cooperation between India- Australia


  • United Nation and UNSC
    • UNSC Reforms : Importance and Challenges
    • Advantages of setting up the New Development Bank
    • Prospects and Challenges of BRICS
  • Commonwealth
    • Shared history of Commonwealth
    • Relevance in current time and Areas of Cooperation
  • Shanghai Cooperation Organization
    • Benefits and challenges of India’s entry in SCO
  • IMF – The International Monetary Fund:
    • issues concerning the reforms in Bretton Wood twins and needs structural reforms to reflect post globalization  realities of the world
  • NATO – The North Atlantic Treaty Organization:
    • Relevance of NATO in post USSR era
  • TPP – The Trans-Pacific Partnership:
    • Will RCEP prove to be a competitor of TPP in the Asia-Pacific region
  • WTO – The World Trade Organization:
    • Doha round and Singapore Agenda: Challenges in implementation         
    • USA-India dispute
    • Need to revamp WTO
  • Arctic Council:
    • Arctic is attracting global interest
  • IAEA
    • India’s nuclear facilities under IAEA safeguards
  • UK Referendum – Brexit
    • Consequences of Brexit for United Kingdom and European Union,
    • Effect of Brexit on China and India
  • Refugee problem:
    • Does the world need a new UN convention on refugees
    • United Nations member states (except the U.S. and Hungary) agreed on a Global Compact for Migration to better manage international migration
  • Terrorism:
    • Reasons of rise of far right wing politics in many developed and developing countries
    • The Comprehensive Convention on  International Terrorism (CCIT)
    • UNSC’s 1267 Al Qaeda Sanctions
      Committee on Jaish-e-Mohammad Chief Masood Azhar        
    • Security Council Resolution 2322 to   enhance the efficacy of international  legal and judicial systems
    • Lone-wolf attacks.
  • Yemen Crisis-
    • Yemen Crisis: Reasons and impacts
  • South China Sea
    • Contention over South China Sea and South China Sea Ruling
    • Senkaku and Diaoyu conflict between China and Japan
    • Role of India in the wake of increasing South China Sea dispute
  • Other
    • World coming towards a new multi-polar order with USA as a waning superpower and China-Russia axis as an emerging challenger
    • India and the International Solar Alliance
    • Venezuela-Columbia Border Issue
    • AIIB & The Changing World Order
    • Multilateral export control regimes : Significance and challenges of India’s Entry
    • US-Venezuela Stand-off : Impact on Global Oil Prices
    • Renaissance and Reticence in India’s            North-South Connectivity Platform
    • Strategic Petroleum Reserves: Stocking  Oil for Rainy Days
    • QUAD: Strategic and economic benefits
    • India has been accorded associate member status by IEA,: Its importance for India
    • Why RIC is as important to India as JAI and BRICS?
    • Rising Protectionism and Currency Wars
  • Indian Diaspora
    • Role played by Indian Diaspora
    • Issue of safety of Indians abroad
    • Schemes for Welfare of Overseas Indian
    • Indian Diaspora in Gulf
  • Nitaqat law and Present Status

Contemporary Issues: International Relations (Mains)


  • Foreign Policy of India
  • Virtue of Soft Power
  • Middle Power Coalition
  • Terrorism
  • Appendix: Global Terrorism Index 2017
  • Diplomacy of Buddhism
  • Indian Navy at the Front Seat of Indian Foreign Policy 
  • Indian Diaspora
  • Indian Diaspora in Gulf


  • India’s Neighbourhood Policy
  • China
  • South China Sea ruling
  • Water Diplomacy through Dams
  • Chumbhi Valley and Doklam Plateau
  • Why China is Winning over India’s Neighbors?  
  • India, China ink first-ever Internal Security Cooperation Agreement
  • Nepal
  • Rebooting India Nepal Ties
  • Nepal Withdrew From First Ever BIMSTEC’s military drill in India
  • Pakistan
  • Shift Indus Waters Treaty Policy
  • Afghanistan
  • Heart of Asia Conference
  • Sri Lanka
  • Bangladesh
  • Myanmar
  • Maldives
  • FTA between China and Maldives – Warning for India
  • Bhutan


  • Act East Policy
  • Australia
  • Indonesia
  • Singapore
  • South Korea
  • Thailand
  • Vietnam
  • Philippines
  • Iran
  • Saudi Arabia
  • U AE
  • Slowdown in West Asia
  • Return of Retrenched Workers
  • Race for Resources in Central Asia
  • Kazakshtan
  • Mongolia
  • Island Nations
  • Africa
  • Nigeria


  • USA
  • A new European Union strategy for India
  • Germany
  • Japan
  • Appendix: Asia-Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC)
  • France
  • Russia
  • Decline in Indo-Russia Relations
  • Why RIC is as important to India as JAI and BRICS?                
  • UK
  • Brazil
  • Israel
  • India’s De-hyphenated Policy


  • IMF
  • World Bank
  • WTO
  • G-20
  • Indian Ocean region and world affairs
  • Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
  • Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)
  • Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership and India
  • Multilateral Negotiations for a Nuclear Weapons Ban 
  • Wassenaar Arrangement and India
  • India Admitted to Australia Group
  • IAEA
  • Nuclear Security Summit
  • Non-Alignment Movement (NAM)
  • UNSC Reform


  • International Terrorism
  • Migration Crisis in Europe
  • Rising Protectionism and Currency Wars
  • Greek Debt Crisis
  • Iran Nuclear Deal
  • US Sanctions on Iran
  • Global Initiative Launched to Fight Fake News
  • What does US Recognition of Jerusalem Means?
  • YEMEN WAR and Implications
  • Why Saudi Arabia is Moving Towards Reforms?
  • Rohingya Repatriation Deal Signed

Insight IAS [Textbook] Prelims 2022 Test 04 With Solution PDF


Insight IAS [Textbook] Prelims 2022 Test 04 With Solution PDF


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Indian Society GS-Micro-Topics



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::Indian Society::

Indian Society( Mains )


  • Salient features of Indian Society
  • Diversity of India
  • Effects of globalization on Indian society
  • National Integration, communalism, regionalism & secularism
  • Role of women and women’s organization
  • Social empowerment, poverty and developmental issues
  • Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States and the performance of these schemes; mechanisms, laws, institutions and Bodies constituted for the protection and betterment of these vulnerable section
  • Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources
  • Issues relating to poverty and hunger
  • Inclusive growth and issues arising from it.



  • Concepts of Unity and Diversity
  • Forms of Diversity in India
  • Reasons for so much Diversity
  • Bonds of Unity In India
  • Geo-political Unity
  • The Institution of Pilgrimage
  • Tradition of Accommodation
  • Tradition of Interdependence
  • Role of Sensitive Leaders
  • Constitutional Safeguards – Role of Constitution Framers


  • Diversity of Constituents
  • Regionalism and Cultural Identities
  • Casteism
  • Linguism
  • Communalism
  • Social Inequalities
  • Regional Disparities
  • Ethno-Nationality and Ethnic Conflicts
  • Tribal Identity
  • Basic Sociological Concepts
  • The Family and Kinship
  • Concept of Patriarchy In India


  • Secularism And Secularization
  • Western and Indian Concept
  • Process of Secularization
  • Secularism and Forced Conversion in India


  • Regionalism
  • Regionalism in India
  • Types of Regionalism
  • Effects of Regionalism
  • Regionalism: Demand for Smaller States
  • Strategies to tackle Regionalism
  • Sons of Soil Concept
  • Communilism Concept, Orgin, Impact
  • Fundamentalism-religious, Cultural
  • Communal Violence


  • Constitutional Provisions Relevant to Social Justice & Empowerment of Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribes
  • Status of Minorities In India


  • Population of the Scheduled Castes
  • Types of Disabilities of the SCs
  • From Untouchables to the Dalits: The Process of Identity Formation
  • Combating Mechanism against Caste Atrocities and Violence
  • The State Efforts for Dalit Emancipation
  • Identify Political Implications on Dalits


  • Chronic Indebtedness
  • Forest Related Problems
  • Destruction of the Forest Environment and the Tribal People
  • Development and Displacement
  • Analysis of Forest Rights Act


  • 19th Century Women Movements – Under Social Reform Movements
  • Women’s Issues During Gandhian Era
  • Issues in Post Independence Era
  • Violence Against Women
  • Developmental Movement
  • Uniform Civil Code
  • Feminism and Post Feminism


  • Concept of Casteism in India
  • Caste and Politics
  • The Reservation Policy Debate
  • Social Justice and Social Development


  • Concept
  • Social Security System in India
  • Organized Sector and Social Security
  • Unorganised Sector and Social Security
  • Centrally Funded Social Assistance Programmes
  • Public Initiatives
  • Review of the implementation of Social Security Laws in the Country
  • Suggestions for Improving the Social Security Matrix
  • Social security code for all


  • Dimensions of Poverty
  • Linkage between Poverty and Development
  • Recommendations of Rangarajan Committee Report
  • Poverty Alleviation Strategy Since Independence
  • Programmes for Poverty Alleviation
  • Concept of Inequality


  • Meaning of Globalization
  • Reasons for Globalization
  • Dimensions/Impact
  • Political
  • Cultural and Social
  • Economic
  • Anti-Globalization Movement
  • New Localism
  • NPM (New public management) 


  • Urbanization
  • Trend and pattern of Urbanization
  • Issues Related to Urbanization in India
  • Status of Service Delivery and Governance
  • Urban Development Projects
  • Critical Analysis of Smart City Mission
  • SDG’s and urbanization


  • Highlights of 2011 Census
  • Analysis of Sex Ratio Data
  • Impact of Skewed Ratio
  • Laws related to Prevent Female Infanticide
  • Recent initiatives
  • Trend and Current Scenario of Literacy in India
  • Literacy Challenges in India as Whole
  • Efforts to Improve the Literacy in Country
  • Child Health Indicators and Maternal Health             
  • Initiatives taken by the Government
  • Why the Health schemes fail to bring change?
  • Family Planning and Population Policy of India
  • Analysis on Status of Old Age Population: Issues & Policy Initiative
  • Socio-Economic Caste Census 2011
  • NRC


  • Secularism, Regionalism & Communalism
    • Secularism and Anti Conversion    
    • Regionalism: Demand for Smaller States     
    • Socio-Economic Caste Census, 2011            
    • Gender Discrimination in the Corporate Sector


  • Gender Discrimination in Corporate Sector
  • Female Genital Mutilation
  • Bill on Banning Triple Talaq
  • Issues of women entry to place of worship
  • Adultery No Longer a Crime : SC
  • Unwanted Girls in India
  • Altruistic Surrogacy in India
  • Women in Panchayats
  • Women Participation in Economy
  • # Me Too Movement
  • Draft National Policy for Women, 2016
  • Laws Related to Stalking in India
  • Debate on the Issue of Marital Rape
  • India’s Maternity Laws need Serious Tweaking         
  • Women in Judiciary Matters
  • SC’s Judgment on Dowry
  • Gender Budgeting: Critical Analysis


  • Issues Faced by Children in War Zone
  • High Dropout Rate of Girls in India
  • Child Trafficking
  • Safety of Children in Schools
  • Issue of Malnutrition in India
  • Amendments Proposed in Child Labour Act
  • Plight of Street Children
  • Juvenile Justice System
  • Child Marriages in India
  • Death for child Rape
  • Draft National Child Protection Policy
  • National Action Plan for Children, 2016


  • India’s Family Planning Programme: Critical Analysis
  • Demography and Policy Planning
  • India’s Ageing Report
  • Legalising Same Sex Marriage
  • Domestic Workers: Issues and Laws
  • Development Leading to Displacement
  • Moral Policing
  • Euthanasia and Living Will
  • Inadequacies in existing Human Trafficking laws in India
  • Transgender Bill passed in Lok Sabha with Amendments
  • Mental Health Care Bill
  • Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act
  • Manual Scavenging
  • Mob lynching and Rule of Law
  • Issue Related to Under trials
  • Income Inequality in India
  • Indigenous People in India : An Analysis
  • Debate Over Death Penalty
  • Global Slavery Index Report
  • Right to Privacy Judgement
  • SC Verdict on SC/ST Atrocities Bill
  • Social Stigma Attached with HIV


  • Status Health sector
  • Status of Education sector
  • Allied Health Care Professions Bill, 2018
  • Ahead on Malaria: On reduction in cases in India
  • India and Neglected Disease Treatment
  • TB Status in India and Bedaquiline Patent Challenge
  • Status of E-Pharmacies in India
  • Changes Proposed in No Detention Policy
  • National Policy on Education
  • Capacity Building for Primary Health Care
  • NITI Aayog on Privatisation of Urban Health Care
  • National Health Policy, 2017
  • Regulating Private Healthcare
  • India’s Nutrition Challenge
  • Food Fortification
  • Sanitation and Nutrition Linkage
  • Ayushman Bharat


  • Is social media polarizing society?
  • Online political adverstising and challenge for democracy and society
  • Draft Social Security Code
  • Uniform Civil Code
  • Critical Analysis of Stand Up India Scheme
  • SC Suggests for Prison Reforms
  • Statue of Unity

Rau’s IAS Prelims 2022 Test 08 With Solution PDF


Rau’s IAS Prelims 2022 Test 08 With Solution PDF

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Rau’s IAS Prelims 2022 Themetic Test 05 With Solution PDF


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GS SCORE Prelims 2022 CSAT Test 05 With Solution PDF


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Vision IAS PT 365 Environment Prelims 2022 in Hindi PDF


Vision IAS PT 365 Environment Prelims 2022 in Hindi PDF

PT 365 documents comprehensively cover the important current affairs of last 1 year (365days) in a consolidated manner to aid Prelims preparation.
In our endeavour to further enhance the document in the interest of the aspirants, following additions
have been incorporated:
1. Different colours have been used in the document for easy classification and recollection of a variety of information.
2. QR based Smart quiz has been added to test the aspirant’s learnings and understanding.
3. Infographics have been added to ease understanding,provide for smoother learning experience and ensure enhanced retention of the content.

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GS SCORE Prelims 2022 CSAT Test 04 With Solution PDF


GS SCORE Prelims 2022 CSAT Test 04 With Solution PDF

Now you have made up your mind to become IAS officer and looking for the books and study materials to achieve your goal. Well, you are on the right page. Now We are Sharing With You GS SCORE Prelims 2022 Test 04 With Solution PDF.

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If you are new to UPSC field, We recommend you to know about UPSC Prelims and UPSC Mains and UPSC Optionals  and Test Series [Prelims/Mains] and also Magazine for better Understanding. All our Advertisements are Decent ads [we don’t compromise in the Quality] and if anyone have any problem with website or advertisements please contact me [email protected] does not own this book, neither created nor scanned. we just providing the links already available on Internet. if any way it violates the law or has any issues then kindly contact us. Thank you.

Rau’s IAS Prelims 2022 Themetic Test 04 With Solution PDF


Rau’s IAS Prelims 2022 Themetic Test 04 With Solution PDF

Now you have made up your mind to become IAS officer and looking for the books and study materials to achieve your goal. Well, you are on the right page. Now We are Sharing With You Rau’s IAS Prelims 2022 Test 04 With Solution PDF.

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All PDF which are provided here are for Education purposes only. Please utilize them for building your knowledge and don’t make them Commercial. We request you to respect our Hard Work. We are Providing Everything Free Here. Will Not Charge Any Cost For Any Service Here.

If you are new to UPSC field, We recommend you to know about UPSC Prelims and UPSC Mains and UPSC Optionals  and Test Series [Prelims/Mains] and also Magazine for better Understanding. All our Advertisements are Decent ads [we don’t compromise in the Quality] and if anyone have any problem with website or advertisements please contact me [email protected] does not own this book, neither created nor scanned. we just providing the links already available on Internet. if any way it violates the law or has any issues then kindly contact us. Thank you.

GS SCORE Prelims 2022 Test 10 With Solution PDF


GS SCORE Prelims 2022 Test 10 With Solution PDF

Now you have made up your mind to become IAS officer and looking for the books and study materials to achieve your goal. Well, you are on the right page. Now We are Sharing With You GS SCORE Prelims 2022 Test 10 With Solution PDF.

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All PDF which are provided here are for Education purposes only. Please utilize them for building your knowledge and don’t make them Commercial. We request you to respect our Hard Work. We are Providing Everything Free Here. Will Not Charge Any Cost For Any Service Here.

If you are new to UPSC field, We recommend you to know about UPSC Prelims and UPSC Mains and UPSC Optionals  and Test Series [Prelims/Mains] and also Magazine for better Understanding. All our Advertisements are Decent ads [we don’t compromise in the Quality] and if anyone have any problem with website or advertisements please contact me [email protected] does not own this book, neither created nor scanned. we just providing the links already available on Internet. if any way it violates the law or has any issues then kindly contact us. Thank you.

Rau’s IAS Prelims 2022 Themetic Test 03 With Solution PDF


Rau’s IAS Prelims 2022 Themetic Test 03 With Solution PDF

Now you have made up your mind to become IAS officer and looking for the books and study materials to achieve your goal. Well, you are on the right page. Now We are Sharing With You Rau’s IAS Prelims 2022 Test 03 With Solution PDF.

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? Current Affairs 360° in just 2 minutes (Revise the Complete Notes).

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All PDF which are provided here are for Education purposes only. Please utilize them for building your knowledge and don’t make them Commercial. We request you to respect our Hard Work. We are Providing Everything Free Here. Will Not Charge Any Cost For Any Service Here.

If you are new to UPSC field, We recommend you to know about UPSC Prelims and UPSC Mains and UPSC Optionals  and Test Series [Prelims/Mains] and also Magazine for better Understanding. All our Advertisements are Decent ads [we don’t compromise in the Quality] and if anyone have any problem with website or advertisements please contact me [email protected] does not own this book, neither created nor scanned. we just providing the links already available on Internet. if any way it violates the law or has any issues then kindly contact us. Thank you.

Rau’s IAS Prelims Compass Environment and Biodiversity 2022 PDF


Rau’s IAS Prelims Compass Environment and Biodiversity 2022 PDF

Now you have made up your mind to become IAS officer and looking for the books and study materials to achieve your goal. Well, you are on the right page. Now We are Sharing With You Rau’s IAS Prelims Compass Environment and Biodiversity 2022 PDF

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? Current Affairs 360° in just 2 minutes (Revise the Complete Notes).

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If you don’t have access to  UPSC Prelims material  and UPSC Mains material and UPSC Optionals material  and Test Series [Prelims/Mains] and also Magazine you can also follow their website and be updated.

All PDF which are provided here are for Education purposes only. Please utilize them for building your knowledge and don’t make them Commercial. We request you to respect our Hard Work. We are Providing Everything Free Here. Will Not Charge Any Cost For Any Service Here.

If you are new to UPSC field, We recommend you to know about UPSC Prelims and UPSC Mains and UPSC Optionals  and Test Series [Prelims/Mains] and also Magazine for better Understanding. All our Advertisements are Decent ads [we don’t compromise in the Quality] and if anyone have any problem with website or advertisements please contact me [email protected] does not own this book, neither created nor scanned. we just providing the links already available on Internet. if any way it violates the law or has any issues then kindly contact us. Thank you.