Wednesday, September 4, 2024

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #63 : TCA Anant Board, Economics Optional,


Date of Interview: 12th April, Afternoon ( Last one – of whole lot of 23)
Board: TCA Anant
Optional: Economics
Background: NIT Jamshedpur (EEE)
Employee: worked in Business Consulting firm (17 months)
Hobbies: Watching Mahabharat, Listening to old songs

Experience in interview – Overall good, questions mostly on my DAF (hobbies mostly) and Economics

Utility of mocks – It depends on person to person, I enjoyed taking mocks and took 6. It boosted confidence overall.


  1. What did your firm do?
  2. What was your job profile and work ? and few counter questions for more clarity
  3. Favorite singer from old songs?
  4. Do you think in today’s songs, music dominates?
  5. Which Mahabharata do you like to watch ? – I said BR’s Chopra and then counter question why?

Member 1 (most smiling person evert met )

  1. Have you heard about Kundan Lal Saigal ?
  2. In old movies, actor used to sing a lot with big piano. Why is this missing now ?
  3. Comparative analysis on Cricket and movies ?
  4. From Electrical and Electronics to Economics is a bold choice, why did you make it ?
  5. Pandemic hit us hard , what do you think we could have done better ? – i pointed Migrant suffering and how ONOR could have been upscaled quickly
  6. But that is marginal change ? – I pointed how our barbell strategy helped economy to achieve pre pandemic level quickly, so overall steps were taken by govt were good enough.

Member 2

  1. Broad learnings from Mahabharata ?
  2. Some factual ques -as which international author has written on Mahabharata ? – replied negatively
  3. How does RBI target inflation ?
  4. Problem of excess liquidity ?
  5. How RBI sucks excess liquidity ?
  6. Does RBI manage currency also ?
  7. Give me one component for boosting Indian economy ? – I said Consumption

Member 3

  1. Pension is gone now, why do you want to join govt services ?
  2. Asked me about NPS (New Pension Scheme) and OPS in a very fudgy articulation, to which chairperson intervened and clearly articulated . – Honestly, the only question on which I had little knowledge, and thus couldn’t satisfy the person.

Member 4

  1. What happened earlier – Ramayana or Mahabharata ? and she tried to confuse me deliberately however I repeated the response
  2. Timeline of rise of Buddhism and Jainism ?
  3. Which common family connects Islam and Christianity ?
  4. What was Bhakti movement ? and asked me to elaborate on it
  5. What is the difference between Public and Merit goods ?
  6. Should we give Electricity free in Chattisgarh or New Delhi ? – I said, user fee should be levied and pointed out the issue of high tariff differential between consumers and industries
  7. She countered by asking why do we give it free in New Delhi ? – I said that we target vulnerable sections and the free limit is upto 200 units only and hardly any welloff family can sustain within it
  8. She came with a last blow – Electricity is in which list ? – I wasn’t totally sure and didn’t want to guess .

Interview gets over

So questions on DAF (Hobbies) and Economics

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #65 : TCA Anant Board, Geography Optional, Sports Hobby


Date of Interview: 12th April, Forenoon Session
Board: TCA Anant
Optional: Geography
Background: NIT Warangal, ECE
Employee: Ex Software, Currently in SEBI
Hobbies: Playing and Watching Cricket

Your experience in interview- it was very cordial, mostly analytical based questions were asked.


Read my DAF briefly and asked me to remove the mask.

  1. Tell me what u do at SEBI
  2. What are the tools or process you use in enforcement
  3. What kind of violations sebi will normally penalise
  4. Difference between diagorcement order and penalty
  5. Famous insider case in USA? Tell the person’s name
  6. Will the act of Rajaratnam amount to insider
  7. Who will be consider as insider

 Member 1

  1. Paytm share price fell from 2000 to 500,Why it fell in short span of time and What SEBI should have done in this?
  2. Should SEBI has a say/role in valuation of a company.
  3. Electronics communication technology in geographical advancement
  4. Tell me three important technologies on which mobile was deleveloped
  5. What is cell in cellular technology

 Member 2

  1. You could have become stock broker and earn lot of money, why you want to come to civil services
  2. Relevance of bureaucrats in the light of article of Duvvuri Subbarao about IAS.
  3. What is your opinion on that article
  4. What would have been India future if IAS, so called steel frame was not there since independence
  5. Why technology still not able to solve various problems.
  6. What should be done to increase morality in civil servants so that corruption will be curbed
  7. Which company in Andhra dumped investors shares?
  8. Stock market going up? Where as economy is not moving up, what do think, that is hampering the growth.

 Member 3

  1. Why you want to be IAS? Is it so that you can become chairman of SEBI
  2. SEBI is giving more salary than civils, are you comfortable with that.
  3. in the light of technology isn’t India moving towards Unitary system from Federal democracy.
  4. What is the relevance of having offices(SEBI/ RBI/ federal govts) in various locations when all the services will be provided through internet or use of technology.

Member 4

  1. Isn’t it the regular intervention by sebi in the market hampering the growth of corporates
  2. As your subject is geography, what is chicken neck and significance of it to india.

Then chairman said your interview is over.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #79 : TCA Anant Board, Anthropology Optional, Singing, Sports Hobbies


Date of Interview: 6 Apr, 9AM session
Board: TCA Anant
Optional: Anthropology
Background: HBTU, Kanpur (Edible Oil Technology)
Employee: (if any)- 1 year edible oil industry, data analytics freelance
Hobbies: singing, watching football and tennis, meditation

  • Entry: Cordial exchange of greetings, told to remove shield and mask
    Given wheel wali chair so it was not a good start as the chair moved as I was sitting

Chairman: Reading my DAF, no introduction asked

  1. What exactly was your engineering branch?
  2. What does an edible oil engineer do?
  3. Which oil is a good oil?
  4. what are types of refining?
  5. Is kacchi ghani a physically refined oil or just marketing?
  6. What is famous about Varanasi (hometown)? Name some of them.
  7. Is Olive oil the best edible oil?

Member 1: Mam was extremely cordial and always maintained eye -contact

  1. Has Varanasi finally arrived in terms of development?
  2. Completely motorizing the streets of varanasi, is it a good idea?
  3. what are two pressing issues in Varanasi?
  4. What is a GI tag?
  5. Are patents and GI tag the same
  6. what is a patent?
  7. Name any other GI tag product from varanasi?
  8. Is it given only for processed goods or agri products also included?
  9. GI tags from UP? Is Bhadohi Carpet given GI tag?
  10. Name some agri related GI tags from outside UP? (kadaknath chicken was my answer)

Member 2

  1. you bave been good at studies, so why edible oil in engineering?
  2. You have worked in nellore, name one port in the city
  3. Why do we eat palm oil a lot?
  4. why coconut oil n kerala and mustard oil in north?
  5. Is migration good? : I used a harsh word double edged sword in place of pros and cons ( Gave the push -pull factors )
  6. Will you as migrant in Kerala cadre be called an asset?
  7. which oils should we eat ( repetition, here I feel they were curious and interview went little bit about their interests and not mine)

Member 3: Reading my expressions all through the interview

  1. spoke so slowly : What are the reasons of smog in Delhi?
  2. how to fight stubble burning?
  3. Use of fly ash? Who is the biggest buyer of fly ash?
  4. what are its uses? Why not used in road making extensively?
  5. How is mustard oil refined
  6. Why chemical refining is avoided in this process?

Member 4: Maam was again cordial, added a Ji to my name..

  1. Who are the vulnerable sections in society
  2. what is government doing for disabled section
  3. What is govt. Doing for ST women?
  4. how an we improve our governance system?
  5. Can we have better women- centric policies
  6. have you learnt music professionally?
  7. My honest answer: It was optional subject along with Drawing. As soon as I got the opportunity out of drawing, I took it but eventually performed in school and college
  8. who is your fav singer and why?

Chairman: your interview is over. You may get up.

  1. It was not on my strengths of opinion based questions but my weakness on graduation questions.
  2. My English was very normal and I was feeling thirsty in the interview room due to that shield and mask thing.
  3. Utility of mocks (if any)- Had given 1 mock…not much as they were focussed on CA but it was not asked in my interview
  4. Now only result will tell as they make everyone comfortable in the interview room
  5. This was my experience in my 1st interview  in 3 attempts

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #90 : TCA Anant Board, Gujarat Home State, Gujarati Literature Optional,


Date of Interview: 18/04/2022
TCA Anant Sir
Optional: Gujarati Literature
Home State: Gujarat
Attempt: 6th attempt, 1st interview
Background: RBI and Police

Chairman: you can remove your mask and face shield and keep it on table. Read my DAF loud.

  1. Tell me in brief about what you did after Graduation.
  2. Tell us about your work profile at RBI
  3. Your role in working with demonetised currency
  4. You are in Police service for past four years. Tell us about what you did for the last four years
  5. How was your experience in implementing Lockdown
  6. What would you do now if you have to deal with migrant crises again

Member 1

  1. Who issues the currency notes and why?
  2. What can we do in terms of monetary policy to deal with current inflation
  3. Which force guards the border in Gujarat
  4. Which other forces are responsible for boarder guarding
  5. Do you think we should have one common boarder guarding force?
  6. How does recent developments in Pakistan affect India

Member 2

  1. Why is China doing well in terms of economic growth
  2. Who contributed to economic growth in China
  3. Do you think China achieved growth on its own or other countries helped China for the same?
  4. Do you think world is too dependent on China?

Member 3

  1. What do you think about new education policy?
  2. Did you select your graduation field by choice or you got it by the merit
  3. Do you think students should be given a chance to change graduation subject
  4. Why there are no Indian institute in Top 100 World institute ranking?
  5. Give us one suggestion to improve the quality of education in engineering institute

Member 4

  1. What can we do to fulfill the needs of energy in rural india
  2. What do you think about digitalization and digital currency
  3. What would you like to do on a daily basis for yourself

Chairman: smiled and said your interview is now over

Experience: cordial board. gave ample amount of time to frame my answers. No cross questions. Nothing from hobbies

All the best to everyone.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #91 : TCA Anant Board, Geography Optional, Tamilnadu Home State,


Date of Interview: 18.04.22
Board: TCA Anant
Optional: Geography
Home State: Tamilnadu
Background: Computer science and engineering


  1. Enquired about my college. Asked questions on my hobby (calligraphy). How I started and what tools I m using. Interested in enquiring about various scripts and which I like .
  2. Reason for choosing geography as a optional

Member 1

  1. Digital economy advantages and disadvantages
  2. Follow up on digital economy effects on IT industry
  3. Work from culture pros and cons
  4. Dhoklam significance – geographic, Economic,strategic
  5. Sir creek – significance economic geography why india pak is disputing for a piece of land

Member 2

  1. Srilankan crisis – reasons
  2. What lessons India can learn from the crisis
  3. Food inflation in Srilanka

Member 3

  1. Reasons for gender imbalance in engineering
  2. Impacts of this gender imbalance and followup
  3. Reasons for tamilnadu opposing the central exams like neet and cuet
  4. Solutions you suggest to make them adopt this model

Member 4 

  1. Tamilnadu and Kerala comparisons geographical angle –  why they differ in economy ,polity, employment
  2. Why borders are more sacrosanct even today
  3. One aspect you want in your organisation
  4. Cordial board overall. Mostly daf based (graduation and optional )

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #99 : TCA Anant Board, Public Administration Optional, Smartphones, Journaling, Badminton Hobbies


Date of Interview: 12th April, 2022 Afternoon Session
Board: TCA Anant Sir
Optional: Public Administration
Hobbies: Learning about Smartphones, Journaling, Badminton
Background: Civil Engineering

Experience – Board was Cordial, Lively and Members seem genuinely interested.
No Face Shield. Entered the Cabin.

Chairman – Greeted, Asked to Sit. Asked to remove the Mask to get comfortable.
Started Reading the DAF, Hometown, Graduation, College etc,

  1. Asked about What is “Learning About Smartphones”?
  2. We all use smartphones, What is that you do differently?
  3. Analyze the Current Smartphone Market in India?
  4. Suggest me a Phone.
  5. If Not Apple, What Options do we have?
  6. If Not Samsung, What else?
  7. For Google Phones, There was some issue with a recent model, can you Highlight that?
  8. Should I still buy the older model of Google Or Import New?
  9. What is the review of Chinese Companies like Oneplus, Xiomi?

Member 1

  1. You seem Technologist, What are the uses of Smartphones In Administration?
  2. What do you mean by Journalling?
  3. So, Tell me about two entries?
  4. What differences have you documented between your Hometown and Delhi?
  5. You have prepared after your graduation, Have you taken Coaching for this exam?
  6. Whenever Results are declared, there are full page ads by these coachings, and it seems like Every topper has gone to every coaching. How can that be possible?
  7. Do you Play Badminton?
  8. What do you think of Lakshya Sen?

Member 2 

  1. You are a Civil Engineer, How will you use knowledge of Civil Engineering in Administration?
  2. Two Quotes – “Be the Change you want to see” and “One should Cope with his circumstances”, How would you interpret it? Choose one if you have to.
  3. [Long Sentence about how India is diverse and Complex] What are issues Public Administration faces, and how will you solve it?

Member 3

  1. What is the difference between Administration and Management?
  2. Are these two different?
  3. Private companies complain about their Management, How are there issues different from Public Administration? [To and Fro on this]
  4. Recently, New technology of Bridge construction – Prefab Bridges are being used, What are the issues with it?

Member 4 

  1. What are the differences between iOS and Android?
  2. Can an iPhone be hacked?
  3. What are the day-to-day things which smartphones have changed in our lives? [To and Fro on this]
  4. If we are becoming so dependent on Smartphones, what are the issues concerning it?

Chairman Concluded with “Thank you, Your Interview is over”

Utility of Mocks – Most of the Qns were from different Mocks. Mannerisms and Non Verbal Communication was better due to Mocks.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #114 : TCA Anant Board, law Optional, running, Hindi poetry writing Hobbies


Date of Interview: 20/4/22
Board: TCA Anant Sir
Optional: law
Work experience: with an MP for a year
Hobbies: running, Hindi poetry writing, light music, mooting


  1. Had experience of working with Parliament, asked about my experience
  2. My learnings from above
  3. Asked if private member bills can be named after people just as in US
  4. Utility of the above move

Member 1

  1. Let’s talk about interface of law and technology, elaborated a bit of this and then asked about what would be issues in automated vehicles vis a vis law.
  2. Stated some private member bill from the US and asked if I knew about it.
  3. Asked about NEP.
  4. NEP in higher education
  5. Why legal education not in NEP

Member 2

  1. AI and legal issues in it in future.
  2. What are issues in AI and judiciary (didn’t let me answer it by referring to previous question)
  3. Define what is a war criminal and if Mr. Putin would qualify as a war criminal.
  4. What are important things for writing a poem. (Writing Hindi poetry as my hobby)
  5. Again asked on legal education and how NEP would help it.
  6. Asked about legal issues in RERA, 2017

Member 3

  1. Asked about running (my hobby)
  2. How I would define running, how much did I run and how often did I run
  3. Is CBI’s functioning affecting federal structure – cross questions on its functioning.
  4. Tell me chronology of events in Pakistan.
  5. Do you think we can Pakistan is a robust democracy especially after its Supreme Court’s judgment.

Member 4

  1. Asked about formation of CBI
  2. Asked on Sharda Act
  3. What are aggravated offences
  4. Status of herbal medicines in India, it’s global share and prospects
  5. China’s share in herbal medicine.

Overall – bit of randomness in questions, but fine discussion. Most members were cordial.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #116 : TCA Anant Board, Andhra Pradesh Home State, Geography Optional, Cricket, Cooking, Badminton Hobbies


Date of Interview: 18 April; Forenoon session
Board: TCA Anant Sir
Background: B Tech- Mechanical
Optional: Geography
Home State: Andhra Pradesh
Hobbies: Cricket, Cooking, Badminton

My Experience – Board was Cordial, Lively and Members seem genuinely interested. No follow up questions were asked. Gave ample amount of time on questions to think and respond. Much of the questions we’re linked with Geography.

No Face Shield. Entered the Cabin.


Greeted, Asked to Sit. Asked to remove the Mask to get comfortable. I politely told them, I am suffering from cold and sore throat.

Started reading the DAF out- Hometown, Graduation, College, Hobbies etc,

  1. You have done Mechanical engineering for three years, so why did you prefer Civil services instead of Engineering Services.
  2. Some counter questions
  3. Follow up- There are many Engineering service jobs which give ample amount of self satisfaction same as civil services. Can you explain with detail?
  4. What made you select Cooking as a hobby?

Member 1

  1. What is the Southern most point of India?
  2. What is the significance of Andaman and Nicobar Islands?
  3. Tell me what is the present status of India’s presence and footprint in Indian Ocean Region
  4. Comparative analysis of India and Chinese footprint in the Indian Ocean Region.
  5. What are the reasons for high presence of China in the region?

Member 2

  1. With How many countries does India share its border with?
  2. Follow up- Which country shares the longest border with India?
  3. Many months back, US warship entered into India’s maritime zone in Lakshadweep. Can you tell me what is the issue?
  4. What laws govern maritime zones internationally?
  5. On how many types of maritime zones the UNCLOS divides?
  6. Difference between Territorial waters and the EEZ?

Member 3

  1. On one hand India has large demographic dividend and huge unemployment problems. On the other, India is pushing for Automation, Industry 4.0 etc, which reduces the role of manual labour. What is your opinion on this?
  2. What steps did government take for Skill development?
  3. So, Skill development of the masses is the way forward(for the First question)?
  4. In UK, Prime Minister was criticised and penalised for the Party gate scandal. Why cannot this happen in India? Difference between India and UK police in handling this kind of situations?
  5. Are Police in India incapable or the system is suffering with Systematic lapses?

Member 4

  1. As you’re from Mechanical background I will ask you about Gun Barrel Technology? Why is India suffering with this technology? Are we lacking sufficient Mechanical/Functional technology or Metallurgical Technology?(Told- Im not aware of this sir; Sir felt betrayed after this, as i was listening enthusiastically for his long question)
  2. India is well placed Geopolitical/Physical setting wise. Tell me some Strengths and Vulnerabilities of this unique physical setting?
  3. Every country- India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan are culturally, historically almost same. Then why cricket is well developed in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and not in Nepal and Bhutan?
  4. You cook- So you might as well cook Tea. How many types of tea are there? Which is the best one? Which one will you make for us or recommend us?- I told Sir, I don’t drink Tea and never made it. Everyone laughed out loud. Chairman interrupted- He is from South India, why would he drink tea, when they have coffee cultivations all around his neighbourhood?

Chairman- Thank You, Your interview is over. You may leave now.

Utility of mocks- They helped me in developing some confidence and also helped in getting prepared for the D-day. Mock after mock I have seen there is a change in how I answer the questions. I would say please don’t get carried away even if they award you high or low in the mocks. Varied opinions and suggestions will be given, select ones in which you really feel there is a need for improvement. Go with your gut feeling!!

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #119 : TCA Anant Board, Tamilnadu Home State, Sociology Optional


Date of Interview: 20.04.2022
Board: TCA Anant sir
Background: Mechanical
Optional: Sociology
Home State: Tamilnadu
Hobbies: Watching science fiction and history movies, Blade runner
Sports: Boxing ( No single question asked from here)

Board was very cordial and they allowed enough time to think. 90 percent of questions DAF based.

Mock utility- Helped in practising the etiquettes inside the room and some questions asked in mock were also asked here. But vibe is completely different here.


  1. Read my name out loud.
  2. After completing graduation what were you doing?
  3. Mechanical background why socio
  4. What you learn about society from sociology(From my answer)
  5. What is patriarchy (From my answer)
  6. Have you seen it in real life?
  7. What about matriarchal society of Kerala? are they not true matriarchal??

Member 1

  1. Industrual Revolution 4.0
  2. Gender and industrial revolution
  3. Why less women in mech and wayzs gender inclusion can change mechanical engineering??
  4. 5g is there any Ill effects?
  5. How do you convince people in setting up of 5g infra?
  6. What are soonicorns
  7. Why less number of unicorns in agriculture?

Member 2

  1. Have seen any movie about origin of universe?
  2. Negatives of culture – especially in srilankan civil war
  3. how agriculture significant for establishment of ancient civilizations?
  4. is ramu setu real??

Member 3

  1. Why socio if you like historical movies?
  2. dept trap of China
  3. what is BOP what is balance of trade
  4. reasons for srilanka crisis
  5. Role of tourism in it
  6. Srilanka’s refugee in India-What will you do as an administrator?
  7. Caste- Changed or continuing??
  8. Why were your percentage continuously decreasing from 10th?

Member 4

  1. Reason for rural distress
  2. Any other reasons?
  3. Suicide in tamilnadu
  4. As an Administrator how do you solve the problem
  5. 1 or 2 questions  might have missed. All the best everyone.

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #121 : TCA Anant Board, Management Optional,


Date of Interview: Forenoon 19/04/2022
TCA Anant
Optional: Management
Background: MNNIT, IIMA
Work experience: Microsoft


  1. Tell me about your role at Microsoft.
  2. What are the different types of cloud and what are the cloud offerings?
  3. Why is government pushing for keeping India’s data within the boundaries?
  4. If you were responsible what framework/model would you use – public hosted cloud or private players like Amazon, Microsoft, etc?
  5. Why do we need international Data Centres at all? Why can’t we have it all in India?

Member 1

  1. What do you know about PVTGs in Andaman and Nicobar islands?
  2. Any government policy for them?
  3. What do you recommend – should we bring Tribals into mainstream India or keep it separate?
  4. How can you protect their culture and traditions?

Member 2

  1. Name some PVTGs from mainland of India.
  2. You come from a Private school, what’s your opinion on the kind of fees they charge?
  3. RTE’s Mandate on reservation for economically disadvantaged in private school.
  4. What’s the classes this provision is applicable?

Member 3

  1. Your optional is Management and you’re working in the Private sector. Can you compare the working conditions at Public and Private institutions?
  2. If you’re a DM what changes/learnings will you apply from Private sector to Public sector?
  3. What is your opinion on regulation of Crypto currency?
  4. What would you recommend to the government?
  5. Land, Labour and Law were the drivers in industry. Now there is Data as well. Can you tell me the importance of Data in Governance?

Member 4: (Director of IIT Delhi)

  1. Why is it that Private institutions are not doing well in India? What’s lacking and what needs to be done?
  2. a. Apart from crypto currency where can we use blockchain?
  3. b. How can we use it in healthcare?
  4. b. What are the properties/characteristic of blockchain?

Member 5

  1. Due to Russia Ukraine war, there was large scale disruption of communication. Do you know any jugaad that Ukrainians did to maintain communication channels?
  2. Why is there such high attrition in Private sector?
  3. If you were posted in Rural India and you had to implement some schemes that requires specialised talent, say an engineer, or an MBA like yourself. How would you attract such talent?
  4. There are multiple schemes from government – DBT, E-Gov initiatives, rural development, employment opportunities, etc. However they are all online. People at lower strata of society are confused. If you were an administrator, what would you do to help people. Which model would you recommend for the same?
  5. What are the qualities of a good public speaker                                                                                                                                                                                        

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #122 : TCA Anant Board, anthropology Optional


Date of Interview: 19/4/22
Board: TCA Anant
Optional: anthropology
Background: Ek IIT hai


  1. Indian stereotypes at US comedy shows
  2. Some more questions on it.

Member 1

  1. Radicalisation of Tribals in Central India and followup on this
  2. Govt initiatives on tribals
  3. Forest issues of tribals

Member 2

  1. Shanghai Port shutout and impact on global crude prices
  2. Ganga Pollution
  3. What is problem and what more to be done
  4. Left Wing Movement and it’s implications
  5. Coal mining and tribal impacts

Member 3

  1. Don’t remember much of his questions
  2. What can India learn from Sri Lanka
  3. Automation vs job creation

Member 4

  1. Deep theory of physics ( had no clue)
  2. How to make a college into IIT
  3. Some question on LEO satellites and impact on astronomy( took 30-50 seconds but couldn’t answer it)
  4. City sustainability of Varanasi
  5. What more can be done to enhance Varanasi.

Your experience in interview-

Cordial board. I was the last candidate, they seemed exhausted. I tried to give wholesome answers in the question. 25-30 mins interview.

They seemed to be genuinely interested in what you are saying. Try to keep them engaged throughout.

Utility of mocks (if any)- gave 8 mocks. 5 without any preparation ( just went on with suit boot and blabbed)

Later 3 were proper mocks- online though.

Ravindran sir- is the most accurate guy in this coaching industry regarding interview. Gave one on One there- he told me to not change my personality any bit.

Khan Sir one on One- again very important for confidence and feel good purpose.

Some good mocks

KSG( did some intentional mistakes to get the feel)

Vajirao( good)

( one of the best- they told me to smile. No matter what happens)

( eye opener for me. They told me to be more humble and less flamboyant)- really helpful mock.

Last but not the least-

One on one with Kaptaan Bhaiya is helpful ( 2-3 days before actual interview). I would recommend everyone to just have a casual chat with him.

Baaki mocks ko dil pe mat lena. Practice ke liye dedo. Ki manners aa jaayein. Isse zyada koi utility nahi hai

Anant sir DAF ke bahar nahi jaate and he is very disinterested person.

Vo sawal bhi nahi puchte zyada.

Members hi puchte hain.

Also speak your heart out as to what you feel rather than having a cooked up answer for everything.

If you try to give up mains type answer, you may end up in negative end.

Keep calm and try to read 2-3 newspapers on the day of interview. Real interview is quite different. It’s more of a dialogue and conversation

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #126 : TCA Anant Board, Maharashtra Home State, Playing cricket, watching football


Date of Interview: 22nd April
Board: TCA Anant
Background: Chartered Accountant
Home State: Maharashtra
Hobby: Playing cricket and watching football

Chairman: asked me to remove mask and be comfortable

  1. Your hobby is watching football? Do you play football? Why not?
  2. You play cricket? Batsman or bowler? Which position you bat? Spinner or pacer?
  3. Why cricket is more commercialised than football?
  4. Even before IPL cricket was more commercialised? Reasons?

Member 1

  1. War on terrorism?
  2. Uyighur muslims? China’s policy? Why?
  3. Heard of Xinjiang? What imp. does Xingiang hold to China?
  4. Sri lankan protest…Political crisis because of economic crisis or economic crisis bcoz of political crisis?
  5. Why Sri Lanka has presidential system as compared to Indias parliamentary system?
  6. Whther India can adopt Presidential system?
  7. Maldives ‘India Out’ campaign? Why? Current govt’s policy towards India?
  8. China out policy in which country?

Member 2

  1. Since you are from commerce background? Why IPS over IRS?
  2. Accountancy bill? Your opinion?
  3. Money laundering? Stages? Process? What is India doing to counter it?
  4. FATF? How effective? Which countries in Black list and grey list?
  5. INTERPOL? counter agency in India?

Member 3

  1. Monologue on GST….issues in GST? What is rate rationalisation? Why not done yet?
  2. Monologue on Automobile sector? Reason behind India’s success?
  3. Semiconductor industry….what learnings from automobile sector can we implement in semiconductor industry to make it successful? Raw material used in semiconductor? Material used in conductor chip?

Member 4

  1. Monologue on big4 accounting firms and how they follow different accounting standards globally but not in India….what are deficiencies in Indian accounting regulations?
  2. Again long monologue on globalisation and now countries moving towards protectionism? Your opinion?
  3. Monologue on young generation moving towards consumerism, credit cards, computers etc….what do you think?
  4. Where does your heart lie….global or made in India?
  5. Drone Rules 2021…Don’t you think we are restricting the development of drones industry by putting certain regulations on them? Your opinion?
  6. Dollarisation of currencies? Issues?


Thank you. Your interview is over!!

2-3 questions not able to recall

Overall good experience…cordial board…few counter questions….members were nodding and encouraging throughout…Chairman not much expressive.

Source: Forum IAS

Priyamvada Mhaddalkar [Rank – 13, 2021] TOPPERS NOTES PDF


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[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #127 : TCA Anant Board, Economics Optional,


Board: TCA Anant
Optional: Economics
Background: IRTS, IPS, B.TECh IT, Mumbai


  1. Asked to remove mask and be comfortable.
  2. Where you are posted now?
  3. How many months you have done training?
  4. Do assessment of IRMS
  5. There are multiple institute of Railways what to do with multiple training institute of Railways?
  6. How should be training of IRMS?

Member 1

  1. Are you comfortable talking about China?
  2. What is happening in xinjiang province?
  3. Why China is doing so?
  4. Asked some theory from IR I said I don’t know.
  5. If I say corruption is good for the economy what you will say?
  6. How?
  7. Have you heard Jugad? What is your opinion?
  8. Why India is lagging in innovation?

Member 2

  1. What is happening between Pakistan and Taliban ?
  2. Is there any other reason? Because of which group it is happening?
  3. What is difference between TTP and Taliban?
  4. Deflation is not good for economy why? (My optional is economics)
  5. And Why small inflation is good?
  6. What should be ideal level of inflation?
  7. What is twin deficit?
  8. What are the reasons in Sri Lanka?
  9. How much is trade and fiscal deficit in Sri Lanka?

Member 3

  1. What is your opinion on Indian Railways Privatisation?
  2. Why complete privatisation is not good?
  3. Why Britain model failed?
  4. What about US model of Railway privatisation?
  5. People are dropping from college and Starting startups. Is this culture good?
  6. Why to idealize Bill Gates and Mark ?
  7. What is India’s ranking in innovation?
  8. Have you heard of credit back scheme of NEP ?

Member 4

  1. You were in IRTS now IPS, both are man management services. Now railways have centralized services in IRMS, which model is better centralization of or decentralization?
  2. Give examples.
  3. While corporatisation of Indian Railways ,what should be retained from British Indian railways?
  4. Bombay is competing with other cities for economic growth, how knowledge economy can be used for the further economic growth of Bombay?
  5. Why we change name of cities? (Mumbai became Bombay) what is purpose behind it?
  6. What is difference between innovative and invention?


Thank you
Board was quite cordial.
: I have faced same panel in 2019. Last time sir didn’t interact much, this time he interacted for first 5 minutes.
Utility of Mock
This is my third interview and no coaching can match UPSC.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #132 : TCA Anant Board, Sociology Optional, Pencil Sketching, Speed Cubing Hobbies


Date of Interview: 22/04/2022
Board: TCA Anant
Bsckground: Electronics and Communication Engineering
Optional: Sociology
Hobbies: Pencil Sketching, Speed Cubing, Strategy Games
Work experience: Software Developer in TCS for 2 years
Currently undergoing training for IRS(IT)

The officials asked me not to wear the shield as I have specs. Chairman told me that I can remove my mask if I’m not comfort and I removed it. That was relieving for me.


  1. He read quickly about my graduation, TCS work experience and current posting in  IRS(IT) and then asked when my training started, which year exam I cleared etc.
  2. What is your opinion on Faceless Assessment (in Income Tax)? And, do you think that Artificial Intelligence can completely replace the human element invloved in the basic level of Income Tax?

Member 1

  1. What is Global Village?
  2. To what extent the world is connected now according to you?
  3. How connected is it in economic terms?
  4. What changes will be brought into the world and how we interact by the concepts like Metaverse?
  5. What are the diverse applications technologies like Artificial, Virtual Reality can have?

Member 2

  1. Explain the difference between Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion? (Picked from the ealier answer to question related to Income Tax)
  2. How serious is Income Tax Department regarding the issue of Money Laundering ?
  3. Can you explain the steps involved in Money Laundering?

Member 3

  1. So, you’ve worked in IT sector. How is India faring in IT sector now? (I gave an answer which indicated that India is doing fairly good)
  2. What is the current trade/export of india in IT (in monetary terms)?
  3. Which are the other sectors in which India is doing as good as IT?
  4. What about Biotechnology sector? There has been talks that India is doing fairly good is in this (I said it’s not very advanced but now a lot of progress happening, BIRAC, DST etc.)
  5. Then why is India called the ‘Pharmacy of the World’?
  6. Which other sectors have potential to progress in India? (I said sunrise sectors like Technical Textiles etc)
  7. But already many countries like Bangladesh etc are overtaking in India in textile sector. So what advantage India has refarding to Technical Textiles?
  8. What are Technical Textiles /Define? Applications etc
  9. Why isn’t Jute now being used for such applications ?
  10. There are many disruptions happening in the current world in technologies, for eg wearables like Apple watches etc. Does governments have any role to play with respect to such disruptions?

Member 4

  1. Explain to me in non-technical terms without any use of jargons, what is Cloud Services (he continued like, “I’m very bad with technology and all so explain without any technical terms)
  2. You’ve worked in TCS which is a company performing well with respect to welfare of the employees and society in general. Still, why many people are leaving the company? Why there is high level of attrition in TCS, Infosys etc.
  3. What do you have to say about the “Decentralized Financing” that has been picking up lately? (I talked a lot about Micro Financial institutions, how it is needed for rural financing blah blah blah and after listening curiously to all of this, he said he meant about decentralization of financing with Blockchain Technology. )
  4. Ok, coming to our Indian History, In ancient India, there is period known as the “Golden age” which was the Age of Mauryas. What uniqueness did that period have to be called so?

Chairman: Your Interview is over, You can go. (Usually Anant sir doesn’t ask or say anything at the end)

Have tried to recollect everything, but may have missed some questions.

Started with my current posting in Income Tax. Many questions came from my work experience in TCS/IT Sector. Felt like many questions were related to Technology (AI, Metaverse, Virtual Reality etc). No other questions came from DAF or any specific current affairs (from what I understand atleast)

None of the members were wearing masks (unlike the last time I attended Interview in which I got the same Board) They were generally cordial.

All the best everyone. Perform well.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #136 : TCA Anant Board, Public Administration Optional, Table Tennis, Quora, Data Analysis Hobbies


Date of Interview: 22nd April Afternoon
Board: TCA Anant Sir
Optional: Public Administration
Background: IITR
Profession: (if any)- Treebo, Cars24 – Business Strategy
Hobbies: Table Tennis, Quora, Data Analysis

Utility of mocks (if any)- Helpful like in drafting answers, improving body language and gaining confidence but questions asked were different.

Chairperson: Asked to remove mask and shield.

  1. Questions regarding my integrated course, benefits and further followup from my answers.
  2. Why students from IIT pursue everything else than engineering.
  3. Are students in 12th mature enough to choose carrier or they be allowed to choose stream later.
  4. Benefits of electives in college course

Sir, Speaks a bit slow – would advice to hear more carefully.

Member 1

  1. Srilankan Crisis – my views
  2. Culture of freebies – Srilankan and Indian
  3. Should expenditure on education and health also called freebies
  4. What is rent seeking (Political – Business)

Very tough to be convinced.

Member 2

  1. How Cars24 improve customer experience
  2. Is scrapping policy correct – Welfaristic and Economic angle
  3. Changes, I would like to make in scrapping policy

Followup on above questions

Member 3

  1. Should one do MBA
  2. Steve Jobs, APJ Kalam,.. didn’t do MBA – still excellent managers – Should we scrap MBA to save time and money.
  3. Difference between Engineers and Managers

Some more questions, I don’t remember

Member 4

  1. Questions regarding demographic dividend – India and Bihar
  2. Why Bihar backward in improving Demographic Dividend.
  3. MGNREGA – Issues in Bihar
  4. UBI – Should we bring – Followup questions

Chairperson: You can go now, your interview is over.

Overall, Very cordial board, listened with patience and were supportive. Felt more like conversation than Questions and Answer session.

Good luck to all of you – 🙂

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #137 : TCA Anant Sir


Date of Interview: 20/02/2022
Board: TCA Anant Sir
Background: IIT Madras and Chemical engg


  1. Complemented for maintaining CGPA even after joining Engineering
  2. Difference between Chemical engg at IIT Madras and Chemical engg at IIT Bombay
  3. What is your favorite area in chem engg
  4. What is fractional distillation
  5. Which crude is important to India among WTI, Brent Crude
  6. How can you relate Chemical engineering to environment

Member 1

  1. Reasons for Dropout rate increasing from IITs
  2. Reasons for suicides at IITs
  3. Suggestions to reduce dropout rate and suicides at IITs
  4. Why cannot IITs drop relative grading
  5. Why private educational institutions are not as successful as IITs

Member 2

  1. Difference between atmosphere on Earth, Venus, Mars
  2. What is Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion
  3. Which reaction releases more energy
  4. Reasons for Rural to Urban migration
  5. What can be done to stop migration
  6. Do you believe in God
  7. Why do people believe in God and follow up questions

Member 3

  1. Meaning of your name
  2. Do you think AP bifurcation helped Telangana
  3. How is Telangana’s economy at present
  4. Which sectors have shown higher rate of improvement
  5. Which sectors still need some improvement
  6. In what way the Bifurcation helped Telangana
  7. What is PwBD 2016 Act
  8. Are there any disadvantages of it

Member 4

  1. What is QUAD and related questions
  2. What is AUKUS and related questions
  3. Difference between them
  4. What does this tell about the US
  5. How should India view AUKUS formation
  6. What should be India’s strategy in this regard


Thank you. Your interview is done

Overall the board made me feel comfortable with them. It was more of a conversation. Mocks were helpful to an extent by exposing different dimensions of questions. Expect some bouncers before facing the board which will help in tackling a new dimension well

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #138 : TCA Anant Board, Kerala Home State, Malayalam Literature Optional


Date of Interview: 22/04/2022
Board: TCA Anant
Optional: Malayalam Literature.
Home State: Kerala
Background: Dual Degree Physics and MSc Astronomy
Work exp: teaching

Chairman: if you want you can remove both mask and shield. (i obliged)

  1. Looked through my DAF, commented on interesting aspects of it
  2. Asked about whether I went to Canada for PhD or MSc?
  3. Tell me about your university in Canada.
  4. Was your degree a stand alone Astronomy course ?
  5. What were you doing after 2018?

Member 1 (it was very difficult to understand her as her sound was feeble)

  1. What is your understanding of reasons for poverty in india. (Had to ask her 2 times aanu couldn’t register “poverty” from her feeble voice )
  2. How is health and education affect poverty
  3. Role of out of the pocket spending on increasing poverty.
  4. Question on child wasting stunting etc and how it can be resolved.

Member 2

  1. Difference between astronomy and astrology. Is there any scientific basis for astrology?
  2. You were in Canada. What can indian education systems learn from your university in Canada. ?
  3. What are the contributions of Indians in Canada.
  4. Is there a regional variation among indian diaspora there.

Member 3

  1. You said indian education is not good (i hadn’t said that ). Why is that ?( I said I didn’t mean that. I just compared research output at masters level. And I apologised if I made any different impression  )
  2. When he started to confront me Chair intervened and asked not to pursue it
  3. What are the parameters of QS ranking system
  4. How can we make Mid day meal scheme better ?
  5. Do you know about Japanese mid day meal system (he also explained it). Asked how it will have an impact on kids

Member 4

  1. General comments on quantum mechanics and special relativity. Asked what is quantum mechanics and it’s application in daily life.
  2. How is space commercialisation impact astronomical observation
  3. What can we do about it.
  4. How can you make Malayalam universal language.
  5. In a large picture what do you see in 30 years about apllication ot science and technology in health sector.
  6. Back to chair.
  7. Thank you. Your interview is over.
  8. I thanked them and came out.

Generally, I felt clumsy. I was trying to be very pleasant throughout. Even though I did answer almost all questions the confrontation with M3 made me uneasy.  So didn’t felt that great after interview.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #145 : TCA Anant Board, commerce and accountancy Optional


Date of Interview: 22 april afternoon 3rd to go
Background: CA
Optional: commerce and accountancy
Hobby: Badminton


  1. What were u doing after finishing CA
  2. Not practising?
  3. You mentioned badminton as your hobby. Anything else apart from it ??
  4. Interested in reading ??
  5. What is your judgement on srilankan crisis.
  6. How much income tax contribute in srilankan revenue?

Member 1

  1. Have u visited Sawanriya ji ?
  2. How far from your village ??
  3. Who manages the affairs of the temple ?
  4. Any social activities performed by the temple ?
  5. Is it the responsibility of temple to do any such activities?
  6. Any scheduled area in your district?
  7. Reservations in such TSP area ?? ( didnt know the answer)

Member 2

  1. Taking cue from my answer from temple questions one quote on river’s fear. Asked to explain it. ( probably could not satisfy him)
  2. What is your service preference ?
  3. Why not IRS before IAS?
  4. Follow up question on this.
  5. What is balance of trade and balance of payment ?
  6. Its impact on economy ?

Member 3

  1. Are you on social media ?
  2. What is difference among facebook insta twitter linkedin ?
  3. Social media bad because of excessive use or good for governance?
  4. Ranking of India in start-ups ?
  5. Why India does not have many startups in deep technology?
  6. What is deep tech? (Couldn’t answer)
  7. What are the technologies you know about ?
  8. What can be done to facilitate startups in deep technology?

Member 4

  1. What is invisible costing ?
  2. ( he himself gave the example of costing of drugs and asked to explain it ? )
  3. What are the challenges to the profession of CA due to coming of tech based services ?
  4. ( don’t remember other questions from him ?

Chairmen sir said your interview is over. You may go now ?

Overall duration 25 to 30 minutes.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #147 : TCA Anant Board, Rajasthan Home State, Gardening, Badminton, YouTube Hobbies


Date of Interview: 26/04/22 Morning Session
Board: TCA Anant Sir
Background: ECE
Home State: Rajasthan
Hobbies: Gardening, Badminton, Current Nomics YouTube channel
Profession: Teaching


  1. What was ur role as a teacher in Unacademy n Chanakya IAS Academy
  2. What u did in Covid Task Force
  3. How Current Nomics youtube channel works: software etc
  4. How u access students connected through YouTube

Member 1 

  1. Famous personality from tonk Rajasthan who died recently
  2. Connection of tonk from Mahabharata era
  3. Difference in Global, multinational, international
  4. About UN Peacekeeping n if any role in Ukraine crisis
  5. What is OPEC
  6. UNO vs WHO significance

Member 2 

  1. Shortcomings of Ka band in communication
  2. About Quantum technology how it works
  3. About Syria crisis some recent issues
  4. Role of houthi rebels in Yemen n issues related to Saudi Arabia

Member 3 

  1. How to authenticate YouTube channel which spread misinformation
  2. Fundamental duties should be enforceable or not
  3. Patriotism should be enforced legally or not
  4. Domestic violence cases increasing or decreasing in India
  5. How black money comes into system ( stages)

Member 4 

  1. What is systematic fertilizers
  2. Random question on famous mathematician book
  3. Question on reverse engineering
  4. Do we use reverse engineering in Aircraft making
  5. What is g in 5g how g name given
  6. 6g roll out in world
  7. China’s development in 5g

Chairman:  Ur interview is over


Missing some questions

Source: Forum IAS