Wednesday, September 4, 2024

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #230 : M Sathiyavathy Board, Geography Optional, Uttarakhand Home State


Date of Interview: 10th May
Board: M Sathiyavathy
Hobby: standup
Optional: Geography
Home state: Uttarakhand


  1. Standup comedian recently arrested
  2. Why arrested
  3. Is Indian society becoming intolerant in recent times
  4. Twitter- how will govt. Control absolute free speech
  5. Social media regulations

Member 1

  1. Allahabad, importance ( clg from ALD)
  2. Prominemt organization in Allahabad
  3. Atma nirbhar bharat – why?

Member 2

  1. Indian space missile program
  2. Ballistic vs cruise missile ( could not remember)
  3. Use of satellite in national security

Member 3

  1. Again discussion on atmanirbhar bharat
  2. How to become
  3. Why manufacturing not developed in india
  4. Global supply chain disruption and imp of atma nirbhar bharat

Member 4

  1. Why issue of capital shifting in uttarakhand
  2. Why recent env movements in uttarakhand have not been that prominent compared to chipko etc
  3. Developmental deficit in uttarakhand , hill vs plains

Overall it was good experience
Mocks can be helpful if DAf based
Mask was up all the time
Thanks to the kaptaan community 🙂

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #12 : TCA Anant Board, Delhi Home State,


Date of Interview: 6th April, Forenoon,
TCA Anant
Home State: Delhi


  1. can remove mask and face shield if you want and feel comfortable
  2. All the questions related to my college
  3. Who established, when established, what makes it one of the top colleges

Member 1

  1. suppose a person from tamil nadu comes to your place of residence. Which all places would you take him?
  2. there is system of VIP entry in temples. your views on that.
  3. People having black money donating it in temples. Should the temples accept it or not?
  4. What are the instruments required for doing hand embroidery (hobby)?

Member 2

  1. Do you like walking alone or in a group (hobby)?
  2. What is the longest distance you have walked at a stretch?
  3. Why are you leaving maths and coming to civil services(background+optional)?
  4. You could serve the nation by being a scientist too
  5. What are your service preference?
  6. What do see is there for your growth in IFS?
  7. The world order post second world war and where does India stand. What all we have achieved and what are the area to be worked upon?
  8. How will you promote relations between countries?
  9. Difference between and what do you understand by tangible and intangible cultural heritage?

Member 3

  1. AI and Deep learning
  2. Cloud processing
  3. Data centres in India and their significance
  4. Issue of standardisation in India
  5. You have lived all your life in Delhi. How would you manage if posted in say far north or southern India?
  6. You have sudoku as a hobby so tell us why Wordle is becoming so popular?
  7. How should we use simplicity in day to day administration?

Member 4

  1. Have you ever done some sort of public service by volunteering or interning?
  2. Why are slums in Delhi?
  3. Issues with slums?
  4. How would you deal with problems of slum localities if made incharge of that?
  5. Benefits of Delhi metro and its significance for Delhi.

The questions mostly revolved around my DAF. No current affairs questions. Only M3 asked questions related to emerging technologies which he said are related to maths since maths form all the basis of computing.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #15 : TCA Anant Board, Uttar Pradesh Home State


Date of Interview: 7 April forenoon.
Board: TCA Anant
Background: B.Tech Mechanical, IIT Roorkee
Home State: Uttar Pradesh
Employee: currently working as district social welfare officer (development) in a district of UP


  1. remove shield and mask if you wish to, I declined as I did not wish to reveal facial expressions while answering.
  2. Tell something about your current job
  3. what have you learnt till now
  4. tell the schemes that you are implementing which are performing best and worst reasons for above

Member 1

  1. problems you are facing in job
  2. how would you improve beneficiary identification (follow up from previous reply)

Member 2

  1. Tell us about Formula 1 (hobby)
  2. qualities of drivers
  3. how would it help in administration

Member 3

  1. What is your view on All India Judicial Service
  2. why it has not materialised yet
  3. Tell your service preference – told first three
  4. Tell more – told next five
  5. Why IRS (IT) above IRS (C&IT)
  6. Any latest developments in income tax ? – told about faceless assessment
  7. How faceless assessment happens ?
  8. counter on above
  9. you have good academic credentials, why civil service

Member 4

  1. (started speaking in Hindi since official language of UP is Hindi) – you have to invite all gram pradhans in ur district for a meeting. Tell me exactly what will you write – Told him 2-3 sentences in hindi language that I would write.
  2. what places would you take me to in your district
  3. counter on above
  4. new technologies with respect to vehicles in India (from hobby and education background)
  5. what about tesla ? (Later he told he is asking about driverless cars)
  6. Is your post insignificant ? (I told chairman earlier that my current post was lying vacant since many years)

Chairman – thank you. You can go now.

Remarks : DAF based. Some random questions in between by M3.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #20 : TCA Anant Board, Delhi Home State, Economics, Painting, Reading Hobbies


Date of Interview: 7 April
Board: TCA Anant sir
Background: BA(H) Economics.
Home State: Delhi
Hobbies: Painting Madhubani, miniatures; reading historical fiction and non fiction


  1. first I must congratulate you. You’re the youngest candidate we have met, first attempt you’ve managed
  2. Why no post grad?
  3. So you have written you paint madhubani? You make them yourself? Tell us about madhubani and what is special about it?
  4. You like reading historical fiction. Tell us one book you’ve read recently and name author.

Member 1

  1. so you’ve lived in south delhi and have had your schooling here. Have you noticed any slums? What are the problems of slums?
  2. As an administrator how would you fix these?
  3. What about waste management? What is to be done?
  4. Tell us what has impressed you the most about Swatch Bharat Abhiyan?

Member 2

  1. so you’ve done economics. Can you tell me whether we should stop urbanization?
  2. What is percentage of urbanization?
  3. Do you know any govt schemes, like PURA? tell us about it.
  4. What about Smart City programme?
  5. What are the number of smart cities selected in the programme?
  6. What about the public sector? Tell us about its history in post independent India.
  7. Is disinvestment good? Govt is very passionately pursuing the policy, what is your opinion?

Member 3

  1. I won’t ask you any economics. I am interested in your hobbies. Textile history – how did you develop this interest and how do you read about it?
  2. Explain indian textile history, for how long has India been involved in the textile industry?
  3. Tell me about any of your favorite textile/ embroidery.
  4. Do you think textile sector is still very important to India? How?
  5. What are the sector’s problems that you may want to work on as an administrator?
  6. What about art history? Who’s your favourite painter?

Member 4

  1. what is the difference between kanjeevaram and banarasi?
  2. Is some level of NPA in the economy tolerable? I.e should we tolerate some NPAs?
  3. Farm laws withdrawn – do you think it was right to introduce?
  4. Constitutionally, according to the 7th schedule?

Chairman: your interview is over. You may go

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #22 : TCA Anant Board, Delhi Home State, PSIR Optional,


Date of Interview: 6th April, afternoon
Board: TCA Anant
Background: Civil engineering
Optional: PSIR
Home State: Delhi
Hobbies: Reflective writing, Guru dutt movies


  1. Why you decided to join civil services?
  2. Why not engg services? Or have you given engg services also?
  3. Why specific guru dutt?
  4. If you have to recommend me one  Guru dutt movie, what would that be? Other movies?

Member 1

  1. What comes to your mind when you hear civil engg?
  2. Why people have negative perception of PWD?
  3. You are police officer, What will you do if a group of students block road?
  4. What other steps will you take if you know that they have done criminal offence?
  5. As a engg, how will you tackle corruption in govt dept?
  6. What steps govt has taken to tackle private builder in regions of Noida and ncr?

Member 2

  1. What is the meaning of your name?
  2. Which is more important, economic power or military power.
  3. Why North Korea is not powerful despite huge military power?
  4. What are the three areas you want to work on?
  5. Why women empowerment was still not achieved?
  6. What will you do if an influential person harasses women in a locality?
  7. What can be done at level of family (by govt) to achieve women empowerment given family is a personal sphere? What interventions can be made to ensure women equality in level of family.

Member 3

  1. How can we build disaster resilient structure?
  2. New technology in Civil Engineering construction methods?
  3. On what technology Pmay houses build?
  4. What steps government has taken to make sewage treatment plant in cities?

Member 4

  1. You talked about rural development  tell me What are panchayati raj?
  2. what steps govt has taken to empower panchayats in India?
  3. Your take on merging of municipalities in delhi?
  4. What administrative ineffiencies were there?
  5. Is it right to have only one municipality for whole of delhi?

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #26 : TCA Anant Board, PSIR Optional


Date of Interview: 8 April
Board: TCA Anant Sir
Optional: PSIR

Chairperson:  (Read some parts from DAF)

  1. Tell us about your hobby
  2. What is blockchain?
  3. Explain to me as a layman
  4. What are it’s applications?

Member 1

  1. Tell us about your project
  2. Why don’t we see disabled people in mainstream?
  3. Do you know what are green buildings?

(Counter questions)

Member 2

  1. What are your service preferences?
  2. Why civil services from Btech?
  3. How will you use technology in administration?
  4. Mgnrega Scheme

(Counter question)

  1. How to promote startups
  2. DU FYUP program

Member 3

  1. Why PSIR?
  2. Role of social media?
  3. How to make it safer?
  4. Use of technology in diplomacy?

Member 4

  1. What will be the effect of UP elections on Presidential elections?
  2. What are the other constitutional implications

(Counter questions)

  1. Reasons for new Parliament?


  1. How are members of Rajya Sabha elected?
  2. How many seats does UP has in Rajya Sabha

Thank you

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #27 : TCA Anant Board, Delhi Home State, Economics Optional


Date of Interview: 7th April, Afternoon session
Board: TCA Anant
Home State: Delhi
Optional: Economics
Hobbies: Watching Bollywood movies, practicing yoga


  1. Why 2nd Masters?
  2. Describe Srilanka crisis and lessons from it for India.

Member 1

  1. Describe areas where work is needed for ensuring child rights.
  2. Also what can be done to ensure their good health.
  3. How to tackle child labour when families forced to push their children into it due to poverty?
  4. Do you know an Indian who has done considerable work for children?
  5. Do you know about Mid Day meal? What are its objectives?

Member 2

  1. What needs to be done for construction workers?
  2. What can be done in the current situation in many states where construction workers’ cess remains underutilized?
  3. What can be done by the states?
  4. You talked about performance appraisal.
  5. Told about an article in newspaper about forceful retirement of senior bureaucrats to ensure new talent gets opportunities? Is that viable? Views on it?

Member 3

  1. Which genre of movies do you watch?
  2. Should there be censorship for movies, OTT alike? Who has primary responsibility to regulate content for children, parents or state? Should there be self regulation or enforcement?
  3. Tell me your service preferences.
  4. Difference between hard and soft power.
  5. Why India was called country of snake charmers?
  6. What did India do to strengthen its soft power?

Member 4

  1. Asked names of difficult asanas that i can do.
  2. How many poses in Suryanamaskar?
  3. What is Hatha yoga?
  4. Told about a video of a boy practicing for army selection. Asked, is it good? Will it inspire people?
  5. Do you know anything on army recruitment recently?
  6. What is FCRA? Recent news on it related to NGOs ( I had mentioned about NGOs in an earlier answer).
  7. Told about a recent CBI report saying about corruption among bureaucrats. Why do you want to join service then?

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #32 : TCA Anant Board, PSIR Optional, Bihar Home State, Blogging, sports Hobbies


Date of Interview: 8th April
Board: TCA Anant
Optional: PSIR
Home State: Bihar
Background: Mechanical Engineering from VIT Vellore
Hobbies: Blogging, Watching football

This was my 2nd Interview and also, the 2nd with COVID protocols in place.
I entered the room and greeted all. Chairman asked me to sit and started reading out loud my DAF.


C: You worked as programmer analyst. Briefly tell me about your job.
A: Explained

C: Why did you leave your job?
A: Explained

C: So, you like blogging. What do you blog about?
Me: My emotions, educational write-ups and about football.

C: What was your last blog?
Me: Wrote about the impact of Russia-Ukraine conflict on the future of English Premier League.

(At this point, he seemed interested to know more)

C: Explain what you wrote.
Me: Explained the links of oligarchs like Roman Abrahamovic with Putin administration and future of Chelsea football club.

Member 1

M1 delivers a long monologue about the dichotomy between environment conservation and economic growth and asks my opnion.
Me: Agreed with him. Told about the need to reform GDP accounting and also, how we have framework of EIA to take care of this dichotomy.

M1: What is NGT?
Me: Explained

M1: India is doing so much for environment conservation. What are our targets?
Me: Explained using Panchamrit.

M1: So, government is doing a lot. What do you do for environment conservation?
Me: Mentioned the use of grey water in garden, public transport.

Member 2

M2 delivers a long monologue on how we have so many legislations for women yet the ground realities are different. Linked it with Bihar. Now, asks my opinion on corrective measures.
Me: (Not verbatim just main points)Need social reforms. Legislations work in top bottom approach. Mentioned 37% women in Bihar justify beating up by husband as correct. Could recall this figure from NFHS-5

M2: What else?
Me: Education –> rational outlook

M2: We already have so many schools and enrolment. Do you really think it’s a valid measure?
Me: Explained the disconnect between current measures focusing on enrollment rates (literacy) vs education

M2: What else?
Me: Talked about duplicity of institutions leading to confusion, constabulary force lacking soft skills so women fear to file cases- give them training etc.

M2: Difference between FR and DPSP
Me: Explained

Member 3

M3: You are from small town in Bihar and went to Vellore for studies. How did you travel- train or flight?
Me: Train

M3: Mention the states that came your way in the journey
Me: Mentioned

M3: Why migration is happening? Why Bihar is still backward?
Me: explained

M3: Monologue on how food is different in North and South India. Asked if food is integrating factor?
Me: Explained + mentioned Chicken Chintamani which is still my favourite. Connects me with the culture.

M3: You worked in Kolkata and love football.  Give one distinguishing aspect of football culture there.
Me: Mentioned East Bengal and Mohun Bagan rivalry. Also, my experience from a local match I had watched.

M3: About PSIR. Describe the world order after Post world War 2.
Me: Explained

M3: What about world institutions? What is their status?
Me: Talked about UNSC reforms, WTO status etc.

M3: Should we reform them or leave them as they are?
Me: Explained the need for multilateralism

Member 4

Probably the toughest part of my interview

Pointed out my answer to M1 on how I use greywater and mentions how my college was also using in-situ treatment plant to do the same.

I agreed.

He seemed to know my college really well.

Then, talked about how an underpass was constructed to connect two parts of my college that led to disruption in the movement of railways.

M4: Do you think if it wasn’t your college and some small college, permission would have been given for such project?

Me: explained how cost benefit analysis must be done for any project and benefits must outweigh the cost + other considerations like environment, feasibility of construction etc.

He didn’t seem convinced. Moved on to next.

M4: Asked some difficult theory of Pareto?
Me: I had no clue. I passed.

M4: CBI vs NIA?
Me: Gave answer but he didn’t seem convinced.

M4: Can CBI investigate cases in states?
Me: Explained using General consent

More follow up on same issue with respect to West Bengal.

M4: CBI’s procedural details on how the treatment of cognizable offence is different from other types
Me: I said I don’t know.

M4: Why should I read your blog? Why do you put up your personal emotions for public?
Me: explained.

M4: From your favourite area. What’s scissor kick?
Me: Explained.

He then passed on to chairman. Chairman said your interview is over.

Experience: Felt like a purposeful conversation unlike mocks. Take mocks with a pinch of salt and do what you think is correct 🙂

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #34 : TCA Anant Board, Agriculture Optional, guitar Hobby


Date of interview: 11.04.2022, forenoon
Board: TCA Anant
Optional: Agriculture
Background:  IIT Delhi
Hobbies: space documentaries, guitar


  1. Why did you leave your job
  2. Civil services except IAS are mostly limited to their domains so how will you find diversity there
  3. What got you interested in space documentaries.
  4. Where can I watch space documentary
  5. What documentary would you recommend for me to watch

Member 1

  1. You have done production and industrial engineering.. so why are industries in India backward, why are we losing out to China and what can we do about it
  2. How to reach India’s goal of carbon neutrality
  3. What will you do for it.
  4. Can Hydrogen be a substitute of coal
  5. Green hydrogen
  6. Blue hydrogen
  7. Grey Hydrogen

Member 2

  1. Impact of Russia Ukraine on global energy transition.
  2. Can India be the global superpower
  3. You won dance competition.. what type of dance.
  4. You also play guitar..what type of guitar..what do you play
  5. What is more important- ‘India for world’ or ‘India for india’

Member 3

  1. You told about theory of relativity.Explain in layman term.
  2. Why does earth revolve around the sun as per general relativity.
  3. What will happen if your daughter leaves earth in a space ship and comes back after a few years.
  4. What areas do you want to work on.
  5. What will do in agriculture
  6. Usa is giving huge subsidies.. how can India compete.
  7. IIT.. people go abroad. Get into bureaucracy. How Will India get engineers.

Member 4

  1. Do you think India needs more iit
  2. What is special about iit
  3. Difference between iit and other colleges
  4. Difference between btech and be
  5. Difference between engineering, technology and science.
  6. Won’t new iit dilute the image of old iit.

Chairman: your interview is over.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #38 : TCA Anant Board, Reading books, listening to Carnatic music Hobbies


Date of Interview: April 11 Afternoon
Board: TCA Anant
Background: B.Tech Geoinformatics
Hobbies: Reading books, listening to Carnatic music


  1. What is Geoinformatics? What areas of specialisation?
  2. What have you been doing since graduation?
  3. What kind of books do you read?
  4. Tell me about your last book and follow up questions on that.

Member 1

  1. Can the problems of India-China border be solved by cartography? (Mentioned that cartography was one of the subjects in graduation)
  2. What books of fiction have you read?
  3. Any biography that has particularly influenced you?
  4. Do you think we value house wife’s contribution? (Follow up from the previous question)
  5. If you are in govt, what would you do to change the perception towards house wife?
  6. How do you see your learning curve from the entry through mid-career to the higher level in civil services?

Member 2

  1. If both parents are working, what happens to children’s upbringing?
  2. What do you think about having a system where mothers can take their children to workplace?
  3. Today is safe motherhood day. Are you aware of it?
  4. What do you know about safe motherhood?

Member 3

  1. He was very happy when I told member 1 that I liked Harry Potter. He shared his insight about JK Rowling 😀
  2. What Indian authors have you read?
  3. Don’t you think Indian English literature needs to get world recognition for its style?
  4. Why do you like Carnatic music? Do you play any instrument?
  5. What do you think of Obamas in the American trajectories? Did they come at an inflection point? (Follow up on my mention of Becoming by Michelle Obama)
  6. What do you think about Trump in one line?
  7. Do you think Trump’s election is a consequence of Obama’s time?
  8. Have you considered joining private sector?
  9. Why didn’t you consider NGOs? (Follow up on my answer)

Member 4

  1. What is the problem with our bureaucracy?
  2. Why don’t policies work?
  3. Do you think we need reforms in bureaucracy?

Chairman: Thank you. Your interview is over.

The board was extremely cordial. It was a purposeful conversation in every sense of it. Overall it was a very pleasant and enriching experience.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #44 : TCA Anant Board, Telangana Home State, comedy, Debates, Yoga, Hobbies


Date of Interview: 12th April Forenoon session
Board: TCA Anant
Home State: Telangana
Background: honours
Hobbies: watching stand up comedy, Debates, Yoga, Self Interospection


  1. You are from Telangana.
  2. Impact of bifurcation on both states.
  3. Do u support the stand of making smaller states?
  4. Other than administrative factors which have to be kept in mind while bifurcation.
  5. Do u participate in Debates(hobby)
  6. What is self Interospection. (hobby)

Member 1

  1. How can we ensure growth of all regions in a state( in addition to bifurcation question)
  2. America vs India.(Division of states based on geographical factors vs USA division of states)
  3. Which model do you think is better?

Member 2

  1. Lot of cultural identities in states..ex-Arunachal Pradesh tribes… How can we tackle this.
  2. Self interospection in Accounting.
  3. Women are bad in finances..Your take on it?

Member 3

  1. How can we make India a five trillion economy?
  2. Can we be completely self reliant without being dependent on other countries?
  3. Difference between male and female minister (specially female finance minister).

Member 4

  1. How does government tackle inflation?
  2. How does Rbi tackle inflation?
  3. Why does inflation take place?
  4. Can inflation and growth go hand in hand?

Thank you.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #46 : TCA Anant Board, Delhi Home State, Mathematics Optional, cricket and travelling Hobbies


Date of Interview: 8th april
Board: TCA Anant
Optional: Mathematics
Home State: Delhi
Background: it previously data analyst currently mea aso
Hobbies: cricket and travelling


  1. why u chose maths as optional
  2. why many students dont take it as optional
  3. ur job as aso in mea
  4. many questions on my current project

Member 1

  1. issue of congestion and slum development in delhi
  2. schemes related to above issue
  3. rank – honesty, integrity and work orientation
  4. reason for 3.

Member 2

  1. how will u choose ur subordinate if u have 2 options (follow up of 3 and 4 of m1)
  2. reason for choosing above
  3. why travelling
  4. where travelled last time
  5. formulate plan for uttarakhand if made tourism minister

Member 3

  1. farms bills. what why
  2. do we need them. my views
  3. constitutional aspect of farm bills
  4. privatization good or bad. my views
  5. what are strategic sectors

Member 4

  1. is tourism policy failure
  2. is ipl subjugating other sports
  3. is ipl not producing fast bowlers


  1. why haldighati called haldighati
  2. its historical significance
  3. why war fought here
  4. its economic significance

erisms and inculcating proper articulation.

Source: Forum IAS

Atulesh Jha [Rank – 131, 2021] TOPPERS NOTES PDF


Atulesh Jha [Rank – 131, 2021] TOPPERS NOTES PDF

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[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #50 : TCA Anant Board


Date of Interview: 5th April 2022
Board: TCA Anant

  • A little detail of the day….I reached UPSC bhawan before the reporting time, obviously because “bilkul RICKS nahi lene ka re baba.”
  • It was a hot day and I was sweating a lot,so i decided to sit in the car for almost an hour and half so that the suit will not be ruined before the interview.
  • Entry at 1 pm,then all electronic gadgets were submitted and we headed towards the waiting hall where my documents were verified..
  • Around an hour later after small formalities and paperwork,a list was circulated to our coordinator and we got to know it was TCA ANANT Sir’s board.
  • Fast forward 4 hours…around 5.40pm,I was the last candidate in the waiting hall and then I was called by the peon to get ready for the interview…
  • I rushed to the washroom to get my clothes in a proper manner,washed the face, set the hair..
  • I was then asked to wear the gloves,mask and face shield that was provided earlier…
  • After around 10 minutes of waiting, I was called in.
  • I entered the room,there were 2lady members and 3 gents, I greeted the lady members first,then the chairman and then others.. they asked me to sit .
  • Even though I had practiced unbuttoning my coat a lots of times,but I fumbled in the hall, due to the rubber gloves on,the chairman sir sensed this anxiety and asked me to relax and not to Panic.
  • Sir asked me if I had any symptoms of COVID and after I said no,then he said I can remove the mask if I wanted.

Now the interview began


1. So, your name is —, right.?
Me – explained the reason for my name being spelled with a B, instead of a V.

2. so, you have worked at my wish marketplace pvt Ltd for sometime,why did you leave?
Me — answered (due to lack of time to focus on studies).

3. You have mentioned in your daf that you play Kabaddi,so tell me what are reasons for sports in general not being very popular in India, except cricket,and how can this problem be overcome.?
Me — answered (lack of funding and promotional aspects etc,better opportunity at school, infrastructure creation etc)

4. You have a very interesting hobby of Culinary tourism, what exactly is it?

5. How did you get interested in this hobby, which places have you been and what culinary skills have you witnessed…
Me — answered both the questions decently and honestly, without any exaggeration.

Member 1

1.Mr. …., what’s your service preference?

2. Suppose you are heading the east Europe division at MEA,, what would be your response in handling the present Ukraine crisis..what would be your order of priority?
Answered what I had prepared (evacuation,then energy security,then humanitarian assistance etc)

3 . Good,,now tell us whether in the present geopolitical scenario, India should focus on it’s neighborhood,or should aim beyond.?
Me – Should focus beyond,as neighborhood is too small of an arena for rising aspirations of growing India.

4 . What are the challenges to India from its neighbouring countries?
Mentioned Chinese policy, Pakistani instability, srilankan crisis,rise of Bangladesh etc.

5 . How is Bangladesh’s rise a challenge to India?
It’s more of a guiding light rather than a challenge.

6 . What’s your view on Afghanistan situation and impact on India?
Answered -central asian policy and chabahar project etc.

7 . What’s your opinion on trade deals.. should India focus on bilateral agreements or go for multilateral agreements?
Answered— should be on case to case basis, depending on nature of trade and whether trade surplus or deficient.

Member 2

1. In one of earlier questions, you answered that you have tried cuisine from Uttarakhand,tell me something about it..
I could only answer about one peculiar dosh of bhang ki chutney, could not remember anything else at the moment (could have added a couple of more)

2 . Anything else,apart from that?
I can’t remember anything else from Uttarakhand sir.

3 . Do you eat non veg also,and have you tried the non veg cuisine of Delhi?
Yes sir.

4 . Which kebabs are your favourite?
Shammi kabas sir

5 . Since you have a Hobby of following culinary tourism,then tell me about the origin of Galouti kabab?
I nailed the answer (thank you culinary programs on TV for that)

6 . Good, now you are eligible to write culinary tourism as your hobby..
Thankyou sir.

Member 3

1.Have you spent your life in a rural setup or have you only lived in cities?

2 . What is your opinion on civil society and NGOs?
Answered as it was already prepared during mains preparation (also mentioned about FCRA Amendment,members seemed pretty impressed).

3 . Should they be regulated or left alone?
A well balanced answer (light but tight regulation).

4 . Where did you work on that NGO..?
I had worked with adore India NGO,so told about it

5 . What should be the model of regulation?
Mains type decent answer.

6 . What was the kudankulam protest?
Answered about the foreign funding angle in the protests.

Member 4

Sorry I don’t the exact questions asked by member 5,but all I know is that I didn’t fumble in answering any questions, I kept a gentle smile and waited for every question to be finished completely before answering them…


Thank you Mr .., your interview is over..

So, overall verdict— a better than expected and pleasant experience, EXTREMELY cordial board…hoping to get good marks…

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #53 : TCA Anant Board, Gujarat Home State, Gujarati literature Optional, Volleyball Hobby


Date of Interview: 12/04/22 Afternoon session
Board: TCA Anant sir
Optional: Gujarati literature
Home State: Gujarat
Background: B. Tech in mechanical from svnit
Work ex: Energy analyst (Trading in oil)
Hobby: Volleyball


  1. Chairman was very cordial asked me to remove mask
  2. Started reading my daf and asked me about my job
  3. What impacts oil prices
  4. Asked about Brent oil and why it was benchmark
  5. Asked about different oil like wti
  6. About my role as welfare secretary in college (mentioned in daf)

Member 1

  1. ( He was a lot intrested in trading)
  2. Lot of questions on trading
  3. Impact of Ukraine war on oil prices
  4. You like Playing TT( hobby)and volleyball ( mentioned in team sports) how they are different

Member 2

  1.  What is flexi fuel vehicle
  2.  Impact of ethanol blending on performance of engine
  3. Why JNV were created (schooling in jnv)
  4. How they are different from kV
  5. How will new education policy benefit jnv
  6. Few questions on coding ( mentioned in previous answer)
  7. How jnv is different from state board school
  8. Why Gujarati literature as optional

Member 3

  1. Long story about Gujarat
  2. Why there are few civil servants from Gujarat
  3. Name few prominent civil servants from Gujarat
  4. Role of hasmukh  adhia
  5. Again long story on diffrence between Gujarat and Nagaland
  6. How will you improve administration in Nagaland
  7. Issue about insurgency
  8. How much investment has vibrant Gujarat brought
  9. Which area is backward in Gujarat why so how can you improve
  10. Why tribal areas are backward

Member 4

  1. Relation between crude oil price and product price and few counter questions
  2. Long story on oil prices
  3. But why consumption is not declining
  4. Why vehicle registration is increasing                                                                                                                                                                                     

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #54 : TCA Anant Board, Kerala Home State


Date of Interview: 11/04/2022
Board:  TCA Anant
Home State: Kerala


  1. Your service preferences…3-4..
  2. Why you want civil service…?
  3. Why IPS is an all india service…?
  4. Why only 3 all india services…?
  5. What are the primary responsibilities of the police?
  6. Why they need arms…?

Member 1

  1. Water metro kerala
  2. How kerala got good social indicators
  3. How Romans managed number system without zero…?

Member 2

  1. Srilanka problems..
  2. Srilanka tourism sector
  3. Kerala tourism
  4. Srilanka kerala comparison
  5. Agriculture issues in india…? Should agriculture be taxed in India…?

Member 3

  1. Maternal mortality rate, infant mortality rate
  2. What is Block chain technology..? Tell me about its applications….?
  3. How you will use technology for improving government services
  4. As an administrator how will u solve drop out of girls from schools..?

Member 4

  1. Problems of industries in kerala
  2. Remittance
  3. Covid impact on economy
  4. Gdp to tax ratio
  5. Problems in tax collection
  6. What will u do to increase tax collection in the country…?
  7. What are the new initiatives of the income tax department..?

Chairman: anything you want to discuss…?

Interview is over…

Source: Forum IAS

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[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #55 : TCA Anant Board, Uttar Pradesh Home State, History Optional, Meditation, Sports Hobby


Date of Interview: 12th April, afternoon
Board: TCA Anant
Optional: History
Background: Ece engineer, IIIT Allahabad
Home State: Uttar Pradesh
Hobbies: Cricket, football, meditation


  1. No intro directly read my bio and asked -Why left the job?
  2. What exactly my job entailed?
  3. Football and cricket – had similar trajectories but why cricket is now more famous?
  4. My positions in cricket and football team?
  5. Most important position according to me on football team?

Member 2

  1. How are number impacting sports – role of data science?
  2. Is data science relevant in governance in country like india?
  3. You practically worked ‘ in ‘ US for 2.5 was this virtual expereince for you?
  4. Difference in work cultures that you feel?
  5. Why is allahabad relevant in terms of civil services?

Member 3

  1. Long monologue reagrding machines..overall is automation good?
  2. Another long monologue..leading to factual questions..
  3. Was burma ever part of india? When seperated?
  4. How it was incorporated – timeline?
  5. Why is gwalior important? What is it currently famous for other than scindhias?

Member 4

  1. Do the terminologies of modern medieval and ancient vary with country or are they universally applicant?
  2. 3 historical events as breakthrough events in indian history?
  3. Why 1857 famous apart from revolt aspects?

Member 5

  1. A megapark or facilty coming up in gwalior regarding you know?
  2. Why need of rights of person with disblities act when article 14,15 already there?
  3. How on average disbled educational outcomes greater than able bodied students?
  4. Why paralympics medal greater than olympics?
  5. Name a paralampian administrator.
  6. Why mainpuri famous?
  7. Lack of experimental learning in schools..your views.
  8. Are we doing something in this regard?
  9. Is credit based exit entry system good?
  10. Why interaction of different streams in education?
  11. Is it practically  possible for a person to be a musician and a mathematician at the same time?

Overall a very very cordial board. My suggestion would be to have a little relaxed mindset so as to let yourself think freely.

Due to paucity of time had given only 1 mock and hence cannot accurately comment on the effectiveness.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #56 : TCA Anant Board, Jharkhand Home State, PSIR Optional


Date of Interview: 12/04/2022 Afternoon
Board: TCA Anant sir
Optional: PSIR
Home State: Jharkhand
Background: B.E. Mechanical, BIT Mesra
Hobby: Football,
Work Exp: 32 months at Maruti Suzuki


  1. Can take off the mask and the shield
  2. Why you left Maruti Suzuki
  3. Difference between petrol engine and diesel engine
  4. Why Maruti discontinued diesel engines

Member 1

  1. Why want to join civil service after 3 years corporate experience
  2. Difference in work profile in public and private sector
  3. Why jharkhand is less developed
  4. Scope of sustainable mining
  5. Ways to reduce naxalism
  6. Switch to renewal energy and its impact on naxal financing (reducing coal reduces rent seeking by naxals)
  7. Why we want to phase down coal and not phase out (from my previous answer)

Member 2

  1. Impact of ethanol blending in petrol engine
  2. Issues with 30percent ethanol blending
  3. How Brazil is operating 100percent ethanol fuel
  4. How ethanol will affect food security
  5. Question on achievement award for engine durability (from daf)

Member 3

  1. Why psir
  2. Impact of Russia Ukraine on India
  3. How will world powers realignment take place (answered both in short term and long term)
  4. Will a russia china India axis develop against west
  5. Why India is a member of SCO, BRICS
  6. Why USA actions in the past have not been scrutinised in the same way as Russia

Member 4

  1. Why usa is worried of Russia, if it is a declining power
  2. How to reconcile Quad and SCO membership for India (from my previous answer)
  3. What can the solution of ending Russia ukraine war
  4. Unique features of Japanese work culture (from daf)

                                                                                                                                                                                                Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #62 : TCA Anant Board, Rajasthan Home State, PSIR Optional, Sports Hobby


Date of Interview: 13.04.2022(Forenoon)
Board: TCA Anant
Optional: PSIR
Background: MNIT Jaipur
Home State: Rajasthan
Employee: Software Engineer,
Work exp: Teaching social science, EPFO since 2017
Hobbies: Playing Badminton

Utility of Mocks- My interview was completely based on DAF, no outside question and this mocks were quite helpful, although questions asked were not same.

Chairman– Asked ro remove face mask, shield and read my DAF out loud .

  1. What changes have you observed after joining EPFO
  2. Gow would you ensure that establishments are complying as per the act

And some discussion around this.

Member 1

  1. WTO- Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode 3 and Mode 4
  2. History of NATO and how it is responsible for current situation.
  3. Why did you taught Social Science after Software job
  4. How did make it interesting for students

Member 2

  1. You organised Ozone day in college, why it is celebrated.
  2. What is Ozone gas
  3. What are isotopes
  4. What is Deuterium and its chemical formula
  5. Difference between Drones and Robots

Member 3

  1. You are from Rajasthan, what are socio-economic indicators in which Rajasthan is behind
  2. Why Kerala is doing good
  3. What measure you would take.

And some more discussion around it

Member 4

  1. You have done so many things, but none of them are related to Electronics (Even your Optional), how would you justify this.
  2. One the major social evil of Rajasthan
  3. What is government doing to restrict child marriages
  4. What steps would you take

  5. Source: Telegram