Tuesday, September 3, 2024

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #175 : Sujata Mehta Board, Andhra Pradesh Home State, Anthropology Optional, Travelling, Badminton Hobbies


Board: Sujata Mehta Ma’am
Background: BTech (ECE) -Nit Warangal
Working in Micron
Optional: Anthropology
Home State: Andhra Pradesh
Hobbies: Travelling, Badminton


  1. What can India do in short term(next 3 years) to become manufacturing hub in semi-conductors
  2. What was your best travelling experience. (Told about a trek)
  3. What is your least enjoyed traveling experience ( told visiting temples)
  4. Do you think trekking and other activities are confines to only rich, while piligrimage is a mass based tourism?

Member 1

  1. Tell me about different existing inter state border disputes . What can he done about it.
  2. Tell me about reason why inter state water disputes are persisting.
  3. Tell about recent Karnataka – TamilNadu water dispute.
  4. Tell me about Andhra Telangana water disputes.

Member 2

  1. Why did you take anthropology?
  2. How anthropology can be used in administration.
  3. What is your take on Socio economic caste census ( chairman asked member to skip this question very firmly and go for next question )
  4. What is sanskritisation.

Member 3

  1. What is the role of USA in current Afghanistan crisis.
  2. Do you think education system has failed as suicides are increasing in higher education institutions
  3. What is smart city mission.
  4. What are works taken up in Hyderabad under smart city mission.
  5. Tell me about aspects of recent IPCC report related to India in 5-6 points.

Member 4

  1. you know national health mission (and he explained that center shares money to states to improve health system)
  2. Why people blame center for covid when health is clearly state subject.
  3. Do you think center should interfere in state subject like health
  4. If center manages covid by itself, why some states performed well and some couldn’t do well.


  1. Do you want us to ask from anything, it’s okay even if you say no (I said badminton or Andhra Pradesh)
  2. Do you think bifurcation was necessary or beneficial?
  3. That demand existed from 30 years back. The Center could have let the demand continue as it is. Why did it yield now?
  • Thank you, you may leave now
  • Board is very cordial.
  • They let me express my views and didn’t interrupt unnecessarily.
  • All the best to all.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #183 : Sujata Mehta Ma’am Board, Sociology Optional


Date of Interview: 14 September
Board: Sujata Mehta Ma’am
Background: Defence kid, NIT Warangal,
Work Ex: 6 months,
Optional: Sociology


  1. Introduce yourself with your education & your job experience
  2. Do you think technology leads to job losses? What should be done.

Member 1

  1. If you have to make a case for a matriarchal society, give some points in support of it. Do we have such a system existing anywhere in India.
  2. You have an interesting hobby. Tell me something about it.
  3. Role of social media in the times of pandemic.

Member 2

  1. Your opinion on women in army * probably the highlight of my interview, she spent well about 10 minutes talking about various aspects*

Member 3

  1. How has National Health Mission brought about a difference in other health aspects?

Member 4

  1. Tour opinion on India being a welfare State.
  2. You did Btech, then took up a humanities subject as an optional. Why are humanities important.
  3. So much stress on students these days, specially from good colleges like yours. Why is that & suggest some remedies.


Would you like us to ask something else? I said no. Greeted her & left the room

  1. Please stick to the question. My introduction went for a six because she asked me about my education & i started with the well rehersed introduction, she interrupted me twice, but I justified it saying that I’ve had multiple schools due to the nature of my father’s profession (army)
  2. Chairwoman asked me to adjust the mask. I was blinded & fogged by the end of it. So please don’t let that discomfort show on your face.
  3. Nothing factual was asked. All opinion based. The interview barely lasted for 20 minutes.
  4. Last but not the least, it’ll be unexpected. And that’s the beauty of it! Just enjoy the process & yes, women candidates,  please get your own gloves if you don’t want to ruin your saree with the white powder from the gloves they provide. Keep yourself hydrated.
  5. I benefitted from the transcripts immensely.  Doing my bit. All the best.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #185 : Sujata Mehta Madam Board, Maharashtra Home State, PSIR Optional


Date of Interview: 14 Sept 2021
Board: Sujata Mehta Madam
Optional: PSIR
Background: Civil Engg
Home State: Maharashtra


  1. Introduce urself with education and work-ex
  2. Did ur college give u placement
  3. Did u complete any internship in college (I said yes )
  4. Tell about the internship firm
  5. Elaborate on what you did in internship
  6. Floods in mh , what measures are required
  7. Do you think retrofitting of structures is cost-effective?
  8. Tell about defense establishments in Pune
  9. Why were they located?in Pune
  10. Extreme weather events — floods in Kolhapur. Civil Engg measures that can be taken

Member 1

  1. Why psir as ur optional
  2. We have engg , who do jugaad and chuna lagaana . What’s your take on these things
  3. What is your perception of jugaad? Is it good or bad
  4. Whatis difference in innovation and jugaad

Member 2

  1. Urban planning .. long question …. Are our cities dying because of only few urban centres in all states
  2. What are the measures that can be taken?
  3. What are the issues that indicate cities are under stress
  4. What are your views on e-commerce? Are they benefitting or causing loss to the retailers
  5. Can we cover all the retailers
  6. Repeated q4 again, can we connect the retail grocery shops

Member 3

  1. What is diff in nation and state
  2. What is quad
  3. 3.give arguments in favour of introduction of presidential system in india
  4. Politicisation of governors. What measures can be taken
  5. What was Tashkent agreement

Member 4

  1. Do you know about whole to part and part to whole
  2. SL food emergency
  3. Do u know about issues due to organic farming that led to food crisis in SL
  4. Green buildings are not beneficial due to increased use of glass, etc what are your views
  5. If u are given choice for physical infrastructure and social infra , what will u choose
  6. Ease of living index and its parameters
  7. Pune rank in ease of living index
  8. Is slum rehab an indicator in ease of living ?
  9. completely ignored hobbies and activities page
  10. I might have forgotten few que

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #192 : Sujata Mehta Ma’am Board, Haryana Home State, Football & Reading History Hobbies


Date of Interview: 14/09/2021
Board: Sujata Mehta Ma’am
Home State: Haryana
Background: BITS Pilani Goa Campus – Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Hobby: Playing Football and Reading History and other Non – Fiction Books.


  1. Introduce yourself with reference to your education and work experience.
  2. What is the status of IRMS?
  3. What do you think about IRMS?
  4. Privatisation has been followed in other countries’ railways systems with mixed results. Should India go for it?
  5. What would be thhe benefits for consumers?
  6. Is cost the sole concern of railway passengers or does quality of services matter? What approach should IR take?

Member 1

  1. Why are the farmers protesting in Haryana? (No follow up)
  2. What do you think about recent events in Afghanistan? (very broad question)
  3. (a few more questions which i can’t remember)

Member 2

  1. Should India go for bullet train?
  2. Why are we redeveloping railway stations to attract more traffic when traffic is already an issue?
  3. at this point the chairperson chided me for not knowing how to wear mask properly DESPITE being an ENGINEER!?!?!?!?!? This was the third time she had asked me to put on my mask properly which was sliding down my nose again and again
  4. I didnt lose my composure. Remained confident enough and apologised.
  5. As an Electrical engineer, tell me if we should go for complete solarisation in electricity generation when we know that solar is cheaper than hydro.
  6. Why does railway not follow commercial accounting?
  7. Tell me about FIFA world cup 2018. (again a very broad question)
  8. Tell me if you have ever attended the chaupal proceedings in Haryana.
  9. What did you learn from chaupals?

Member 3

  1. Private operators would take only the plum routes in railways. what is in it for railways to privatise?
  2. (I said that we will get revenue sharing and haulage charges)
  3. But you can get 100% revenue if you run. your own trains. why are you sharing?
  4. Do you think that the private Operators will carry the social sector obligations which you mentioned earlier?
  5. What did the railways do during COVID?
  6. Anything related to farmers?

Member 4

  1. Started with a long monologue on “Presumptive loss” and asked me if CAG should be going in this direction? //I said i had heard of the term but wasn’t aware of the specifics.//
  2. Asked me the same question again, and i said i didnt know.
  3. Do you read newspaper?
  4. So recently a judge from Allahabad HC said that cow is the only animal which both inhales and exhales Oxygen. Do you subscribe to this view?
  5. But it is a judgement by the HC judge. How can we reject it? //I said we can file an appeal with the SC in case it is a judgement.//
  6. So you feel that theres no option against the judiciary when they do wrong? Do you feel that there are different sets of rules for the executive and the judiciary?
  7. How is Afghanistan’s situation similar to that of Myanmar?
  8. But everyone is talking only about Afghanistan and not Myanmar. Why is that the case?


  1. Would you like to be asked any questions from any other area?
  2. I said she could ask me about my hometown
  3. What is your hometown?
  4. Rohtak
  5. Does it fall in the Aravalli belt?
  6. Ok then tell me something about Rohtak?
  7. Why is there good infra in Rohtak?


Overall a great experience. Over half of the questions were from Railways.

Didnt know how to respond to one question. Some questions were impossibly broad to answer, one was somewhat unreasonable. Got chided by the chairperson who is very strict about masks. Felt lucky she didnt throw me out of the room, and went on to have a good interview in my estimation

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #194 : Sujata Mehta Board, Rajasthan Home State, Agriculture Optional, Traveling, teaching Hobby


Date of Interview: 15th September
Board: Sujata Mehta
Optional: Agriculture
Home State: Rajasthan
Hobby: Traveling, teaching.


  1. Briefly tell me about your education and work experience?
  2. Why did you leave the job?
  3. Are you a big gambler?
  4. Have you experienced corruption in your interaction with govt departments?
  5. How to reduce corruption in the system?
  6. What good practices you can bring from your corporate job to govt job?

Member 1

  1. Why did you choose agriculture optional being a electrical engineer?
  2. What are major crops grown in the Rajasthan?
  3. What problem farmers are facing in rajasthan?
  4. How Indira Gandhi canal has impacted agriculture in Rajasthan?
  5. Why people bring soil from hanumangarh region to rest of Rajasthan?

Member 2

  1. Tell me about UNCBD?
  2. What are the issues in Insolvency and Bankruptcy code?
  3. How High oil prices affect consumers?

Member 3

  1. Should India allow its bases to be used by USA to do air strike on Afganistan?
  2. Why commenwealth of nations is there? What is its importance?

Member 4

  1. How effective has been India strategy to counter terrorism?
  2. If India allow USA to use its bases for strike on Afganistan, will not taliban create problems in Afganistan?


  1. What are ethical issues with AI?
  2. How to resolve them?
  3. Best place you have visited? What were the facilities there?

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #204 : Sujata Mehta Board, Kerala Home State, PSIR Optional, Productivity Hobby


Date of interview: 17 September 2021
Board:  Sujata Mehta
Background: KL/PY, Physics/
Optional: PSIR
Home State: Kerala
Hobby: Productivity


  1. Introduce yourself with education + work if any
  2. Some DAF related Q
  3. What is good governance?
  4. What is citizen centric governance?
  5. What is the interrelationship between them?
  6. What is e governance?
  7. Is COWIN e governance? Is applying for UPSC via Internet e governance?
  8. Digitisation of land records means digitising decades old surveys. Is it e governance?
  9. Some companies using cowin to see their employees are vaccinated. Is there a breach of privacy?

Member 1

  1. What is a global policeman? Global bully? How do you differentiate?
  2. Should India adopt cryptocurrency as legal tender?
  3. Should I as a senior citizen invest in bitcoin? What would you recommend?

Member 2

  1. What are the impacts of climate change in Puducherry?
  2. Can Kerala’s model of people participating in governance be replicated elsewhere?
  3. What is the issue in Sri Lanka?

Member 3

  1. What is the strategic significance of Maldives for India?
  2. Repo Rate? Bank Rate?
  3. Why is it said that you shouldn’t sleep under trees at night?

Member 4

  1. With the digital divide, how can we bring about digital literacy? Any specific programmes? In Kerala?
  2. Gulf returnees – Any social tensions? What is the government doing?
  3. Chair: Any topic you want us to ask about?
  4. I said productivity


  1. With automation, will productivity increase? With Additive Manufacturing? Shared working spaces?

Thank you

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #210 : Sujata Mehta Board, Geology Optional


Date of interview: 16 September 2021
Board: Sujata Mehta
Background: Automation Engineering
Optional: Geology


  1. Introduce yourself
  2. You are from very prestigious institution, can you tell about its history?
  3. Do you know about automation? Tell me what automation could do to engineering, economy and society?
  4. What kind of jobs that automation will create? Will it be labour intensive?
  5. Less manual labour would Mean less labour intensive and hence lesser employment. So do you want to change your opinion that automation will create more employment in long run?
  6. Don’t a civil servant think ahead like 30 years or so?
  7. Do you know that looking after old age people is taken over by automation. What is your opinion on that?
  8. So human touch is needed?

Member 1

  1. Have you visited any mining towns?
  2. Can you compare any of these towns with towns in Tamil Nadu?
  3. Why chennai floods occur?

Member 2

  1. What is smart fencing?
  2. What is rat hole mining?
  3. Despite the ban why is it still operating? What should be done to stop it?

Unable to recall other questions

Member  3

  1. Where are India’s strategic petroleum reserves
  2. Are they underground or above ground?
  3. How are they built?
  4. Won’t such construction affect Geological stability?
  5. Has India’s foreign policy failed?
  6. What is the problem between India and Nepal

Member  4.

  1. What are the pitfalls of generic medicines?
  2. (Long question) China doesn’t allow dissent inside its country. What is your opinion?
  3. Have you heard of the bok argumentative Indian
  4. Is committed bureaucracy needed?
  5. Shouldn’t the bureaucrat be impartial? Won’t committed bureaucracy create partiality among bureaucracy?

Unable to recall other questions

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #212 : Sujata Mehta Ma’am Board, Medical Science Optional, weight training, meditation, sprinting Hobbies


Date of interview: 17 September 2021
Board: Sujata mehta mam
Optional: medical science
Hobbies: weight training, meditation, sprinting


  1. Tell us something about your academic and work experience?
  2. Do you think lack of security is the most important factor of increasing violence against doctors?
  3. how will you promote communication skills in medical curriculum?
  4. Do you think emotional component comes in between while treatment?
  5. How do you see NMC?
  6. why need of experts from other fields in NMC while we have bodies like bar council that is run only by lawyers?
  7. Do you think we need experts from other field for civil service boards too?

Member 1

  1. what you mean by medical ethics? Do they hold significance for you?
  2. what knowledge you have acquired from the medical field that will help in civil services?
  3. challenges of holding a post of mess secretary? (daf based)
  4. what is liquidity? How will you increase liquidity in system?

Member 2

  1. should parameters for human rights change for democratic, communist, and Islamic countries?
  2. WHO had failed as a body? What you feel?
  3. International Bodies like who, Imf are gravitated more towards western nations? Do you also feel the same?

Member 3

  1. we have obesity in urban areas and on other hand we have infamous tag of largest population facing hunger? Explain.
  2. Smiled and said – I hope you have prepared for this answer. Why civil services after such a prestigious job?
  3. why not NGOs or Post like CMS .They are also good way of delivering ?
  4. China is agressive at borders with india and even interferes in domestic issues . Why India is silent.Should india use tibet ,uighurs issue against china?

Member 4

  1. do you agree redistribution work done by Robinhood army can’t be sustained too long?
  2. challenges of IBC?
  3. We want to develop ports but instead of that, we are spending huge sums of money in facilitating Olympic medal winners? How do you see it?
  4. Should government servants who won Olympic medals also be given same rewards?


Do you want board members to discuss something?

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #220 : Sujata Mehta Board, Uttar Pradesh Home State, Geography Optional, Travelling, Reading Hobbies


Date of Interview: 17th sept
Board: Sujata Mehta ma’am
Optional: Geography
Background: Civil Engg
HomeState: Uttar Pradesh
Hobbies: Travelling, reading novels, watching movies and web series


  1. Amethi is prominent constituency, what do u thing are extra challenges one has to face while posted in amethi?
  2. suppose u are posted in amethi, tell me the specific challenges and what steps will you take?
  3. what eill you do to spread awareness?
  4. what mediums will you use for spreading awareness?
  5. can election commission help in this situation (situation of businessman political nexus)?

Member 1

  1. your hobby is travelling, tell me how travelling enhance your personality other than increasing your knowledge? Then follow ups
  2. your optional is geography, tell me 2 economic development steps which you will take to develop a region, and don’t tell all that bookish things, tell me two ground level steps.

Member 2

  1. I can see your hobby is watching movies and also reading novels.. so tell me there is one famous author in india whose many novels have been transformed into movies.. can you recall his name?
  2. ok now tell me his novels which has been converted into movies.
  3. you belong to musafirkhana ( a place in amethi district) , can you recall a song contain the word musafir?
  4. ok, recite the song.
  5. you are from gautam buddha tech. University, dont worry i’ll not ask anything from gautam buddha, just tell me , govt had introduced ₹50 note a while ago, what monument has been inscribed on that note and ia it related to buddha? How?
  6. (He smiled and said ok thank you)

Member 3

  1. You were assosiated with an NGO. What is the name?
  2. ok, what was the NGO doing?
  3. what was your role in the NGO?
  4. do you think NGO are working good in india?
  5. then, have you heard that govt. is banning the license of several NGOs, why govt is doing so? Should govt regulate the licensing for NGOs?
  6. 3 follow ups
  7. what ground steps you will take to better the landfill sites.
  8. Tell me two steps that you will take.
  9. (I said waste segregation at source and waste to energy plant)
  10. how will you spread awareness for waste segregation? And isn’t there already a law for waste segregation?
  11. Ok, thank you.

Member 4

  1. you did civil engg?
  2. there is a lot of flood in UP, do you have any blueprint on how to deal with recurrent floods in UP?
  3. floods due to shifting of river, how will you deal with that?
  4. I told 2 points, then he said- thats all?? I said yes sir that is waht I’m able to recall currently.
  5. He said- Thank you.


  1. Ok, your interview is over, you can go now.
  2. Overall good experience, interview was 30 mins.
  3. One member was looking like he wants to stress me, both ma’am were very cordial.

Source: Forum IAS

[U[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #221 : Sujata Mehta Borad, PSIR Optional, Mountaineering Hobby


Date of Interview: 21 Sept, forenoon
Sujata Mehta ma’am
Background: economics, psychology, Eng literature,
Optional: PSIR
Hobby: Mountaineering


  1. Tell about your education and work exp if any?
  2. How college life was different in Chandigarh as compared to New Delhi?
  3. How did u find Cowin portal? Did u face any difficulty?
  4. What better model could we adopt?
  5. Asha workers worried about their privacy due to constant tracking? What is the way forward?
  6. Who do you think does more work, an Asha or a secy?

Member 1

  1. What are the security threats to India?
  2. What is India doing to counter China?
  3. What about cyber security?
  4. What is cert in?
  5. What about Naxalism?

Member 2

  1. Tell me any famous English authors?
  2. What did Robert frost do?
  3. How is gst doing?

Member 3

  1. What is the issue with adhar?
  2. Privacy breach?
  3. Loss of data, should govt apologize to people?
  4. What is GeM portal?
  5. Is it a good model?
  6. Can people from lower sphere be equally represented?

Member 4

  1. What places have u visited in Ladakh?
  2. What is the highest road in Ladakh?
  3. What is Gestalt Psychology?
  4. What is parapsychology?


  1. What subject would u like us to ask questions from?
  2. How can we deal with Taliban?
  3. Your interview is over. Best wishes.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #236 : Sujata Mehta Board, Sociology Optional, Bihar Home State


Date of Interview:16 -09-2021
Board:  Sujata Mehta
Optional:  sociology
Background: Btech in ECE
Home State: Bihar


  1. Introduce yourself with emphasis on education and work experience.
  2. Did you sit for Campus placement?
  3. Have you done internship?
  4. Didn’t you want to use your internship knowledge rather than going for upsc?
  5. Mental health volunteer – asked details about what I do, where I do, how I do, what type of cases come, etc?
  6. Is mental health an issue in India as well?
  7. India is a family oriented society so do we seek comfort in family or outside? Why outside?
  8.  One two more questions and then passed on to member 1 who was also a lady member.

Member 1

  1. Spoke for 1-2 mins which summarised to tell me the issues and steps taken wrt cyber security and women security.
  2. Interrupted after I spoke about cyber security and started asking follow ups – State sponsored cyber security attacks.. What should India do about it?
  3. Should we be offensive also or just defensive?
  4. Challenges wrt women security?
  5. Are the steps taken by companies for dealing with sexual harassment sufficient?

Member 2

  1. Are men also vulnerable to sexual harassment?
  2. What should we do about it?
  3. Asked a very long question about low rates of first trimester checkup and it’s probable linkage with sex determination test, developed countries fix the checkup responsibility on care giver. Should India also make a similar law? What else should we do?

Member 3 

  1. Brexit – is UK regretting the move now?
  2. IBC – it’s positives and negatives.
  3. 3 decades of National Mental health programme – what’s it’s status?

Member 4

(a little comforting person)

  1. Is an individual shaped by the society?
  2. Why was there a semiconductor shortage in the automobile industry in recent times?
  3. Why is India not manufacturing it’s own chips?
  4. What is digital India and share some steps taken by the govt for the same?


  1. Do you want us to ask you anything else?
  2. I  asked that if they have time, may I share one poem?
  3. She denied
  4. I said thank you. There is nothing else I want to be asked.. She said okay then, thank you.  And I left.
  5. I feel I messed up at the end a little bit. But other than that, it was nice. It was formal but members gave ample time to speak and express yourself. I also said I don’t know much about a few questions like Brexit, mental health programme.. But they said tell us what you know and I even asked to repeat one question and asked for clarification in one question. They humbly assisted me at all places.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #240 : Sujata Mehta Board, History Optional, Cricket Hobby


Date of Interview: 14 -09-2021
Board: Sujata Mehta
Optional:  History
Background: Graduation (polymer engineering)
Hobby: Cricket


  1. Asked about my opinion on whether Olympics should have been held during such pandemic or not. Recently after the games, Japan had seen lot of covid cases and also there was some opposition to games internally in japan
  2. Whether big events like olympic or IPL are more about money, brands and sports remain secondary to such event ?
  3. Gave a prologue about 2010 CWG games (the scam, bad press we got internationally)So, should we now bid for the Olympics or not?

Member 1

  1. Asked  benefits of merger of banks
  2. Concept of bank rate
  3. Current situation about inflation and reasons
  4. What is one event from Indian freedom struggle I would like to delete
  5. What are the alternatives to single use plastic

Member 2

  1. Asked about issues in PPP model
  2. Question about municipal bonds
  3. Positive steps in New Education Policy about Higher education

Member 3

  1. I didn’t get his question first time. Asked him to repeat. Question about whether doctors, medical practitioners be more careful while prescribing generic drugs
  2. I said yes because there might be issues with respect to Quality Control of these drugs when compared to branded drugs. But then he said that all these companies are licensed then what’s the issue? I said that there have been news reports highlighting issues about generic drugs. I couldn’t read his exact expression after this ( I don’t know whether I answered it correctly or not . )
  3. Asked about how to promote diversity in government services?
  4. How is diversity ensured at your bank/branch? I said that my manager is a lady and she is doing an excellent job. Then he said that how it shows diversity?  I said that my branch has total 3 staff and out of that 1 is lady. He said Ok, Ok.

Member 1

  1. She said that lets talk something from your graduation (graduated from a chemical engineering institute) . Asked about my understanding of the concept of energy security.
  2. How are we securing our energy sources from any vulnerabilities of war etc (referring to a a point in my previous answer)
  3. She initially asked about whether I know about case of Texas where there was blackout like situation since renewable couldn’t supply energy. I said No.
  4. How are we reducing the irregularity of supply in renewable energy sources when it comes to India?


  1. So, whether there is any area from which you want us to ask questions? I said that maybe my home state of Maharashtra. She asked about whether there should be separate state of Vidarbha.
  2. Overall the interview was cordial. The only issue was the mask.It was going down whenever I was speaking.  Sujata Madam is I think very particular about it. Even the door of interview room is open to keep ventilation. The lady member even asked me that whether I was wearing different mask while coming from home then who asked you to change that. I said security people at entrance. She then said that we need to take up the matter with authorities. So, I think this mask issue has happened with many candidates. I am hoping that they don’t give me negative marks for this mask thing because the mask was just not staying in its place.
  3. But all in all good experience.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #249 : Sujata Mehta Board, Rajasthan Home State, Geography Optional, Cricket, Bollywood movies Hobbies


Board: Sujata Mehta
Optional: Geography
Hobbies: Cricket, Bollywood movies,
Home State: Rajasthan
Indian Defence Estates Service


  1. Introduce about study and job experience in breif.
  2. defence Land: long conservation, questions, counter questions like land monetization, defence infra, Optimum utilisation etc.
  3. Cantonment road closures issue ma’am said about recent incident of minor girl rape case in delhi cantonment (old nagla village)- should they have right to protect in cantonment?
  4. What’s your views as cantonment authorities are not allowing.
  5. How do you see this CDS move, relevance?
  6. CDS and department of military affairs (DMA) are there than what is the need of IDES?
  7. NOW how defence land will be managed after this DMA?

Member 1 

  1. what is retrospective tax ?
  2. Recent case status ?
  3. TRP ?
  4. relations between fake news and TRP ?
  5. what to do with private land in cantonment ? ( B3 land )
  6. merger of civil area in nearby municipality and discussion on this like what if municipalities don’t agree to do ? Way out
  7. chairperson ma’am took a point from my reply and asked specifically about enclaves of civil area between military area case .
  8. which finance commission it was ?
  9. specific recommendations for defence by this finance commission ? ( I remembered 2 recommendations )

Member 2

  1. 16 )about one recommendation of non lapsable fund for defence – benifit from it  ?, if we don’t have this what will be issues ? , Should we go for fund like this in these situations of financial crisis?
  2. 17) unable to remember clearly but they talked about Jems col. Tod ( related to rajasthan)
  3. 18) you have geography optional tell me about latitude, longitude, magnitude?
  4. 19) how times are different for countries, how it decided?
  5. 20) you said like we can go for monetization of defence land to some extent , don’t you have a perspective plan fo defence land for long term ?
  6. What point you have in your plan ?
  7. 21) curefw under which law of section

Member 3 

  1. suppose you as DM of a district , there are riots in two groups ? Now you have to take decision for section 144, curfew, shoot?
  2. How you will assess that what course of action should be taken?
  3. in this he asked what you will do to report of SP of that district ?
  4. what are the similarities and differences between CEO of municipalities and CEO of cantonment ? And further questions
  5. are you doing digitization in your cantonment ?( Explained e-chhawani)

Member 4

  1.  is there anything that we should ask?
  2. ( I said about cricket and Hindi movies )
  3. Ma’am looked at all members to ask and finally, she herself asked what kind of movies do you watch?
  4. padmawat movie issue?


  1. was that agitation and incidents regarding this movie were appropriate?
  2. filmmakers should have liberty to make films with some changes in real stories?
  3.  Your interview is over.
  4. I may not be able to recall some questions, questions are not in sequence.

Overall:  cordial board, helpful people, most of the Questions related to job, ma’am was specifically want to know only opinion, nothing factual.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #207 : Manoj Soni Board, Sociology Optional,


Date of Interview: 5/5/2022 Afternoon session (Last to go)
Board: Manoj Soni Sir
Optional: Sociology
Background: Mechanical engineering (No Single Question)
Hobbies: Working on local environmental and social issues, Shayari writing (Lot of questions on hobbies)

Your experience in interview- Board asked sometimes counter question (however Soni Sir observes very closely) Overall good experience

Utility of mocks (if any)- Next IAS and Chanakya Mandal acted good for me

(Not allowed to remove mask and hand gloves. He says shield is optional as per your convenience )


  1. Greeted me and asked u waiting for long so what you were doing
  2. Mentioned another Mechanical Engineering is there but didn’t asked single question
  3. Long monologue about crisis provide new opportunity and asked how world and India got new opportunity by covid 19 crisis
  4. 5 trillion economy – Asked me write on paper with big letters and show everyone (then asked number of zero – Sambit Patra Style)
  5. Whether india can achieve 5 trillion?
  6. Current status?
  7. Then steps taken?
  8. Your favourite shayar?

Member 1 

  1. What works you have done on local environmental and social issues?
  2. Modus operandi of work?
  3. Asked what I did in covid crisis at my village?
  4. Role of grampanchayat in that ?
  5. Devdasi system we discussed
  6. Then asked to recite my Shayari.. (Everyone were happy after listening)
  7. Where do I stay (Mostly in my village)

Member 2

  1. Again asked about environmental issues on which I work
  2. Asked about net forest?
  3. Carbon neutrality by 2070?what it mean?
  4. Steps taken by India in this regard?
  5. India’s steps as vaccine Maitri bad or good?
  6. How’s india’s relation with Sri Lanka?
  7. How world responses to Pokharan II Test?
  8. Sanctions on India for this?
  9. PM during this period?

Member 3

  1. Asked hindi shayar who was English department head?
  2. Black vs green water
  3. Difference between community and society?
  4. Durkheim theory regarding it?
  5. Then about suicide theory and it’s relation to above mentioned theory?
  6. Five Social evils u wanted to remove from society?
  7. (he added corruption to my list)

Member 4

  1. Started with vaccine Maitri asked vasudhaiva kutumbakam and from where we have taken this
  2. Asked full quotation (few other lines are there)
  3. Whether India followed it with the china?
  4. 2)Monologue on Ahimsa parmo dharma
  5. Then asked whether we are following it or not?
  6. Then asked somebody with knife attacking? Will you still follow?
  7. 4)Asked about  there should be presidential democracy in India? My opinion?
  8. 5)What is Vishwakarma? It’s Pouranic relation?
  9. (Few questions asked by every panel member lost at its place, so can’t memorise)

Chairman Greeted for better future and healthy life. Your interview is over.

(Interview last around 28- 30 minutes.)

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #219 : Manoj Soni Board, Mathematics Optional


Date of Interview: 5th may, forenoon session
Board: Manoj Soni
Background: IIT Delhi (Textile Technology), 2019
Optional: Mathematics
Hobbies: Music(singing, playing guitar,harmonica), Vipassana meditation, Street play(POR: director of institute street play team), NSS volunteering

Experience in interview: board was cordial

mask was compulsory while face shield was optional


  1. What do you know about…?(expecting the spiritual point of view), follow up questions on philosophy of buddhism.
  2. Didn’t you go for the college placements?
  3. You are graduated from IIT Delhi. How and when did you decide choosing civil services?
  4. did you get training for singing? do you sing bollywood songs?
  5. Mention any government policy after independence which you think was not good for India.(my answer: national population policy with coercive measures including forced sterilisation)
  6. Give 5 solutions in brief to control population.
  7. Do you think India is a patriarchal society?

Member 1

  1. some questions on women empowerment, women education(in context of population control), women as decision makers
  2. why is that the female contraceptives are more prevalent in india than the contraceptives for males?
  3. questions on patriarchy, how financial independence alone is not enough for changing patriarchal mindset.
  4. mention some places where you had performed street play, asked about the themes of all those street plays.
  5. problems of orphans in india?(one of the themes of the street plays I had performed)
  6. asked about rendezvous (annual fest of IIT delhi)

Member 2

  1. How would you teach me vipassana meditation if I am a beginner? Tell me about the procedure
  2. Where did you attend the 10 days vipassana retreat?
  3. asked about the WHO claiming more deaths in India than the official figures, how far do you think is this true? WHO’s figures are how many times the India’s official figures on death?
  4. The figures were intentionally shown wrong by the state government or is there any discrepancy in the data collection and identifying the cause of deaths. what do you think?
  5. asked about the national association of blind where I had worked, what were the activities in which I had participated?
  6. asked the name of the student for whom i had written the exam as a scribe.

Member 3

  1. some technical questions on textile technology ( screen printing, dispatch printing, etc)
  2. You said you got interest in humanities subjects during college days, why did you choose mathematics as an optional then?
  3. you play harmonica too. what is that slide button on the side of the harmonica? How does it work?
  4. when did street plays get prominence in India?
  5. Name the most famous personality of street plays in India?
  6. Tell me something about tripura?

Member 4

  1. Who was the leader of the East Pakistan liberation war 1971, what were the causes?
  2. asked about Indus water treaty.
  3. what is the capital of manipur?
  4. what is Imphal’s significance in the freedom movement? (battle of imphal)
  5. Did INA win or lose against British Indian army?, what were the causes that it couldn’t proceed further?

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #221 : Manoj soni Board, Jharkhand Home State, Geography Optional


Date of Interview: 6 May afternoon
Board: Manoj soni
Home state:  Jharkhand
Optional: Geography
Background: Chemical engineering
Hobby: Reading Books


  1. Hydrogen fuel status
  2. Manufacturing method of hydrogen fuel
  3. Place u want to visit in the world and how will u spend 24 hrs. If u r given ample power by the almighty god.

Member 1

  1. New education policy
  2. Jharkhand potential and challenges
  3. Witch hunting related questions(2-3)

Member 2

  1. What r u doing after passing out from college?
  2. GHGs
  3. Rank of india in ghg emission
  4. India’s initiatives to tackle climate change

Member 3

  1. School related question
  2. Sri lanka crisis
  3. Preamble amendability
  4. Basic structure of constitution
  5. Diary writing and threat to privacy

Member 4

  1. Why the region is known as chhota nagpur
  2. Area of chhota nagpur
  3. Soft power of india
  4. Things from jharkhand u want to promote at global level.
  5. Recently studied book (hobby)

and its theme.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #227 : Manoj Soni Board, Sociology Optional, Playing Cricket, Singing, Reading Hobbies


Board: Manoj Soni 
Optional: Sociology
Hobbies: Playing Cricket, Singing, Reading


  1. Its interesting that a student of Physics also likes to sing.Are you an amateur singer or trained in hindustani classical?
  2. Since you like to sing and read,are you aware of Romanticism(i said i am vaguely aware to which he said that means we should not discuss it further and i said yes)
  3. Who won Nobel prize in Physics this year?
  4. Nobel recepients from India( i started taking names without putting any honorary prefixes)
  5. chair-you are a young citizen of this country don’t you think you should call Rabindranath Tagore as Gurudev.( I apologized immediately and he said no problem)
  6. You are a DM and a person from your district gets nobel prize for peace. What would you do?
  7. a bit of cross questioning here

Member 1

  1. you read history till 10th? what lessons can we draw from history( this member seemed friendly but later found out he was also the one who was trying to trick me)
  2. President is the head of the executive or government?
  3. Who wrote Indian constitution?
  4. How many members were there in Drafting committee
  5. Two other names from Drafting committee

Member 2

  1. Startup policy of government and what whould you do to promote startups?
  2. Varnashrama Dharma( here i wasn’t sure .member 1 laid a trap by leading me in the direction of varnas and i said varnas are four and ashrams are four and named them)
  3. What are purusharthas?
  4. Write your name in Hindi
  5. Rishabh Dev was associated with  which religion?
  6. Who won nobel prize in mathematics? is there even nobel prize for mathematics?

Member 3

  1. Tell me what is the issue with Lithium batteries
  2. What are smart cities?
  3. What has been the progress and have you been to any smart city?
  4. what is the issue with NGOs regulation?
  5. How would you defend government’s position on the same?

Member 4

  1. You are a DM of a district with carpet industry contributing close to 25 % of the local economy but it also employs child labour what would you do?
  2. Your opinion on sedition law
  3. definition of sedition
  4. contribution of MN srinivas?
  5. What is sanskritization?

Very pleasant experience,seemed like a purposeful conversation,no grilling.

Utility of mocks- very helpful in confidence building and in my case questions were repeated as well.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #228 : Manoj Soni Board, History Optional, Rajasthan Home State,


Date of Interview: 6th May, forenoon, first to go.
Board: Manoj Soni
Optional: History
Home State: Rajasthan
Profession: (if any) – Lok Sabha
Hobbies: Cooking, Watching Movies

Your experience in interview- Very cordial board. (more than 35 mins)

Utility of mocks (if any)-  6 Mocks. Getting acquainted with the environment and also some questions were repeated.


  1. Based in Delhi or Jaipur?
  2. Present Work?
  3. Most significant work or assignment you have done?
  4. What difficulties faced by differently abled people in the society?
  5. What govt have done for them? Are we treating them in good way? What have you done for their welfare in your life?
  6. Are you a leader, manager or administrator?

Member 2 

  1. You like cooking? Have you seen Sharma ji ki Namkeen?
  2. How did you develop interest in cooking?
  3. Is cooking a hobby for you or a compulsion?
  4. How cooking can be used in administration?
  5. Have you heard about Piplantri village in Rajasthan? What special?
  6. If made SDM in Rajasthan what would be your focus of work?

Member 3

  1. Russia-Ukriane conflict, Impact on world?
  2. Lemon prices are increasing? Why? Does heat play a role in this?
  3. Govt mechanism to tackle price volatility in vegetables?
  4. How to supply when production is low in country?
  5. Oil prices increasing, impact on economy?
  6. Act governing Police in India? Why such a law was needed then?
  7. Is police administration good in our country? What reforms needed?

Member 4

  1. History should be rewritten? Your views?
  2. What is your view about the history that we study? Is it good? Do we need to revise it?
  3. Five insurgent groups in Northeast India?
  4. What is soft state?

Member 5

  1. Difference between administrator, manager and leader?
  2. Difference between leader and administrator?
  3. Who is more useful – leader or manager?
  4. How to develop the western part of Rajasthan?
  5. Renewable energy potential in Rajasthan?
  6. Power crisis – what govt has done to tackle it?
  7. He kept insisting on one particular step, which I could not answer, so I replied that this is what I am recalling right now.
  8. Republic vs Populist Govt? difference.
  9. Is Taliban a Republic?


  1. You selected in CAPF? Why did you not join?
  2. Interview over. You can go.
  3. (Not remembering some questions)
  4. All the best to candidates.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #232 : Manoj Soni Board, Mathematics Optional, Chess, Teaching & Mentoring Hobbies


Date of Interview: 10 may, 7th to go
Board: Manoj Soni
Background: Chemical engg, IIT Delhi
Optional: Mathematics
Hobbies: Chess, Teaching & Mentoring, NSS

Mock utility : etiquettes, courage to face big pipal, diverse questions from DAF. 2 question repeated here.

Soni sir looks very carefully, but not with compassion rather than feeling of contempt and shock.

Methodology of writing : Question asked (my answers to them)


  1. Remove your face shield, and mask. Showed me my photo, I want to confirm your identity.
  2. Why no spectacles in photo?
  3. What are 3 lists in the constitution. (Done, but forgot to mention sch 7th & 246 names🥲)
  4. Name some entries. (Done, but only 1 for concurrent)
  5. You did not mention, agriculture? (I said its in state list)
  6. Tell me how centre passed farm laws, if agri is state subject? (I said entry in concurrent list like inter trade, not recalling exact entry sorry sir)
  7. Ok, then how other 2 laws then? (Contract farming, same as above)
  8. What if tussle between state and centre on concurrent? (Said article 254)
  9. How did to make transition from chemical engg to maths, is it because of deep interest developed during college? (Told not college but class 10, and helped me in JEE also, wanted to say more but he diverted)

Member 1

  1. What is your view on B.tech in regional languages? ( agreed and justified)
  2. No, I am asking for Btech? (Agreed)
  3. How could feel if you were to study chemical in Hindi? (I said I was more comfortable in English, would have faced difficulty)
  4. How can local languages help?
  5. Isn’t it difficult to develop infra wrt this? (Yes, but will increase inclusivity, and language is just a medium, final end is knowledge)
  6. Can South Indian languages be clubbed in one group? (No)
  7. Do you know, Bodo language in listed in schedule (agreed)
  8. How will be your approach to develop Computer science course in Bodo language? (Told)
  9. Do you know what is Elo rating? (Explained, what & how)
  10. It means that higher rated player will also beat lower rated player, right? (Countered by Ramesh babu pragnanda)

Member 2

  1. Compare west and India in health facilities and response to covid? (Casualties and budget)
  2. No I am not talking about budget? Tell some other things. ( I tried)
  3. How did India respond, elaborate? (Both positive and negatives given)
  4. Why there is resistance to new medicines? (Testing procedure & safety)
  5. What is vaccine diplomacy? (Layman explanation, but was expecting technical words)
  6. Don’t you think exporting vaccine at the time, when Indians were suffering is bad? (Said balancing the act)
  7. Some questions & answer I don’t remember, because I got distracted in between by Soni sir’s look
  8. I under pressure, because I knew i am not doing good and marks would have been decided by now

Member 3

  1. What is mathematical model? (Explained with examples : weather forecast, taxation, covid)
  2. If you made DM, how will you use it to solve social problems? (Son meta preference, stubble burning, water table — tried to take them to my home state, but they are smart)
  3. You just said, karnal is rice bowl of India? But I know Chattisgarh is. (Tried to explain why)
  4. If you are DM, how will you resolve tussle between state and centre on concurrent item? (Constitutional and legal guidance)
  5. You will not consider local leaders? (I said will persuade in accordance with above)

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #234 : Manoj Soni Board, Mathematics Optional, Uttar Pradesh Home State


Date of Interview: 10/05/2022
Manoj Soni
Optional: Mathematics
Background: Electrical engineering
Home State: Uttar Pradesh


  1. Tell any 3 countries where you would like to stay
  2. What is special about India? (Based on the above answer)
  3. Tell about the geography of India, UP, north to south, east to west.
  4. Why climate change? Why not weather change?

Member 1

  1. What you would have done in case you were the chief secy of a state and CM is calling you to another meeting while PM is coming? (WB case)
  2. What to do if solar power increases in the grid? How to balance it?
  3. F1
  4. What is the probability of WW3 in the present Ukraine crisis?
  5. What is chicken neck India? Importance?
  6. What to do to increase connectivity between India and the northeast region?
  7. If an unfavorable party comes to Bangladesh, what to do?

Member 2

  1. How to apply maths in administration?
  2. Tell any Sanskrit shloka? Where it is written?
  3. Difference between statistics and mathematics?
  4. Is the constitution book useful since had 100+ faults that had to be corrected?
  5. Was constituent assembly representative enough?
  6. What is deficit financing?

Member 3

  1. So you mentioned Scandinavian in one question, do you know about Vikings?
  2. Relation between liberty, equality, fraternity? Can democracy survive without these 3?
  3. What is an economic review before the budget?

Some questions cant remember..

Overall, cordial board, all the best comrades..!!

Source: Forum IAS