• PK Joshi Board
  • 30 minutes

Here is the Transcript:


Why IFS?

– Why such cadre pref?
– Why did you leave such good paying job?
– ITC… hmm.. do you smoke?
– What steps you suggest to control air pollution?
– Hyperloop?
– Govt. spent so much on iitians and here they are.. shortage of engineers ? (!!!! , engg. ki shortage vermin declare kar do :mrgreen: )
– Which nonfiction have you read , Tell me the authors?
– Why arrow in news ?

Other members
– Ecotone, edge effect, NPs in Raj, Chambal Ravines, Trappist-1?
– Kota students suicides, coral reefs, Mangroves species, GSLV vs PSLV, CRISPAR CAS 9
-Indo-Myanmar relations, H1B visa, refrigeration, layering, Red tide misnomer?

Thank God no CGPA!

Source: Forum IAS