Monday, July 22, 2024

UPSC Interview Transcript: B S Bassi Board, Programmer


Interview Board: B S Bassi
Date: 29th March (Geo optional)
Background: B.Tech in CS
Employment: Software Engineer (3 years)


Is this your photo?
What was your work profile? Programming etc.
What is the most interesting work you did in your job? Told some technical projects
What is deep web? Dark web? Explained
For what purpose is it used? Criminal activity, trafficking, smuggling etc.
Should government also use dark web? Yes, Can help in solving various cyber crimes, told some examples
How do you know? Sir, from TV shows of US etc.
you saw it in TV? Which show? Ohh so You know it due to TV only?

Member 1

You have lived in ***,lko,noida,patiala etc.? :O
So what difference did you find b/w hometown and Patiala? And? And b/w people interaction? Couldn’t answer too properly, as never thought on this line EVER!
What will you choose between ‘money without fame’ and ‘fame without money’? Latter, gave those cliche reasoning
Who inspired you most and why? Amartya Sen
His contribution, why did he get noble? Welfare Approach
His 3 most important ideas which you like? GrowthvsDevelopment, Idea of Justice concept (niti vs Nyaya), Democracy in not the end but means to achieve laudable goals.

Member 2

What is volcano ? Where is it formed? Typical std answers
What’s its use? Its harm? Helped in evolution of life (CO2 etc came out at start and life started due to that, helps in resources agricultural deccan trap [forgot to tell that all metallic mineral resources are somehow product of volcanic activity]] Harm : poisonous gases, 1991 pinatubo erruption etc.
Any volcano in India? Barren Island
Was it in news? Recently erupted
What is dormant and active volcano? told
Name one volcano in Japan? Luckily answered! Mount Fuji
Why cyber crime is so hard to catch? Anonymity, no physical presence, easy to fake
Any solutions to make solve this? Normal answer, better training, technology

Member 3

Why do you want to join civil services? High Job diversity, multi-disciplinary role, gave example that to solve drinking water problem one needs to apply concepts of sociology( caste barrier) psychology( attitude problem ) geography ( hydrological cycle, recharge ) etc etc.. Hadn’t prepared in advance.
Why it is called “SERVANT”? As in civil servant ? they are responsible to for implementing govt. Schemes and policy and responsible to political executive who in turn are responsible to public and work as their servant so indirectly everyone working for govt is public servant.
What is government? First I wrongly told about governance ( resource distribution in best way possible)
No no, what is government? Told, political executive, Council of ministers at both level etc
And what else?? Now, I knew, he wanted to hear 3 organs of governent so told about judiciary, legislature and executive
If you become a secretary of Education deptt. What would be your focus area? Teacher absenteeism, focus on outcome and not expenditure/input, better community oversight (power to local govt/PRI over teacher performance etc.)
Why not much recruitment in Cyber Security? Told less salary as compared to private hacker etc so not very lucrative, and govt is normally reluctant about Lateral Entry though these job demands specialist persons.

Member 4

What is anti dumping? Told the standard definition
What is dumping? And why is it bad? Harm to domestic industry; He also asked about CHina’s steel dumping.. Some conversation happened. He wanted to know how dumping is done by china. Other than normal price manipulation, I also said devaluation also plays a role
How would you solve Kashmir civilian disruption? Trust Deficit problem, so people don’t trust governemnt agencies; some conversation happened,.. He asked whther we should continue use of force or not? I said we should definitely protect innocent civilians by using security forces but it won’t provide long-term solution, and that requires comprehensive dialogue and development to win their trust
Talk to separatist leader? Yes, all party meeting was good initiative!
No, they(separatist leaders) are secessionist! Any other way?
What innovative steps would you take to solve this problem? Told some impromptu thought answer;Told to have a comprehensive meeting with local level leaders, PRI leaders etc and then make a list of issues (developmental, security etc.) and then focus on meeting these framework agenda.

Chairman said, thank you. No one last question
Interview was SHORT! (21-22 mins)
Members were cordial and showed positive expression. 

Source: Telegram

UPSC Interview Transcript: PK Joshi Board, Chemistry Optional


PK Joshi Board
Morning session
Hobbies– Teaching and travelling
Domicile– Rajasthan
Chemical Engineer, NIT Jalandhar


What is the meaning of ur name?
Why students are afraid of maths. How will u encourage them to study maths? How will u develop smart villages? Wht is usage of trigonometry in daily life?

Member 1

what is the meaning of women empowerment to u? Are u empowered? Whose contribution is in it? Where hav u travelled? Why do u like it? Wht else u do in free time?

Member 2

so many crimes against women wht is reason behind dowry? Female infanticide why? How will u curb that as dm?

Member 3

Chinese president said that we need a governance system where no one wants to b corrupt, no one can b corrupt, no one dares to b corrupt how do u elaborate this? What is the reason behind corruption? Do we need moral education in country? How we will manage this?

Member 4

Investment in infra is low in india, govt needs money wht are the options? Wht regarding borrowing? Which Act has these mentioned? Target for this year? How will gst be helpful for govt nd citizen? Wht is input credit? I will give you arithematic prob u hav one min to solve it. A complex figure was given and straight lines were to b counted.

Thank u and all the best they said ? 

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript: PK Joshi Board, Chemistry Optional


PK Joshi Board
Morning session
Hobbies– Teaching and travelling
Domicile– Rajasthan
Chemical Engineer, NIT Jalandhar


What is the meaning of ur name?
Why students are afraid of maths. How will u encourage them to study maths? How will u develop smart villages? Wht is usage of trigonometry in daily life?

Member 1

what is the meaning of women empowerment to u? Are u empowered? Whose contribution is in it? Where hav u travelled? Why do u like it? Wht else u do in free time?

Member 2

so many crimes against women wht is reason behind dowry? Female infanticide why? How will u curb that as dm?

Member 3

Chinese president said that we need a governance system where no one wants to b corrupt, no one can b corrupt, no one dares to b corrupt how do u elaborate this? What is the reason behind corruption? Do we need moral education in country? How we will manage this?

Member 4

Investment in infra is low in india, govt needs money wht are the options? Wht regarding borrowing? Which Act has these mentioned? Target for this year? How will gst be helpful for govt nd citizen? Wht is input credit? I will give you arithematic prob u hav one min to solve it. A complex figure was given and straight lines were to b counted.

Thank u and all the best they said ? 

Source: Telegram

UPSC Interview Transcript: Chhatar Singh Board, Software Developer, March 30


ChairmanMr. Chhatar Singh

  • March 30, 2017, Forenoon session, 3rd to go
  • Optional: Anthropology,
  • Background: Computer Engineering, working for around 4 years as software developer.
  • Interests: Swimming, Table Tennis, Computer gaming.
  • Home Town: Mathura, Uttar Pradesh.


  1.  Do you wear specs (in my photo)? Where are they?
    1. answered :satisfied
  2.  Why should we visit Mathura?
  3. What are the things you would like to change in Mathura?
    1. I said Mass copying, water logging, roads,  misguiding by Tourist guides.
    2. He wanted to hear something else.  he talked about Begging on streets?
  4. What about beggars on the streets ? from here discussion went to Widows of Vrindavan.
    1. answered :satisfied
  5. Who are these widows and why are they living in Vrindavan.
    1. answered :satisfied
  6. Why begging is not present in Kerala, Haryana, and Punjab.
    1. I said prosperity and education. In case of Punjab Sikhism= Not very satisfied
  7. Looking at my job profile, asked me why do I want to join a service where my salary will be half of previous job.
    1. Many cross questions
    2. I said, apart from salary, There are many perks available, so salary is not that low
    3. A lot of cross questioning on perks. He was saying no housing  available in cities like Delhi

Member 1

(soft spoken lady member):
What are the services provided by Post offices?
why are post offices still existing?

Have you ever visited the post office in your village and anywhere else? what did you notice?

  1. What did you notice in the post office you visited in Old Rajinder Nagar?
  2. what is the significance of post office when so many private courier agencies are functioning?
  3. After post office discussion moved on to Delhi
  4. What is special about Delhi?
    1. I said its Heritage city? she asked what else comes to mind (don’t remember exactly)
    2. I talked about infrastructure development
  5. which monuments you have visited in Delhi
    1. India gate, Humayun’s tomb …and got stuck after that, couldn’t recall Qutub Minar, Red fort at that time
  6. She asked about history of Delhi
    1. I started from Indraprastha..but fumbled a little. couldn’t tell in proper order and forgot some names to

Member 2

What is the condition of women in tribal society.?

    1. I tried to give balance answer, and concluded with equal status of women in all the society. Nagas= patriarchal; Garo, Khasi, Jaintia=Matriarchal. Others are generally egalitarian society where women are given equal status.
    2. also said Buddha’s Dhamma was inspired by Tribal egalitarian principles. (cross-questioned on this by M4 later)
  1. So in tribals, women have equal status while in our Modern societies Women doesn’t have equal status. so can we say our civilization is regressive compared to tribals?
    1. Told him Civilisation is in terms of Artefacts and Technological development, so we can’t say our civilization is regressive
  2. But can we say our culture is less progressive compared to tribals?
  3. What is the condition of tribal integration in India? What is government doing ?(some sort of assimilation and integration issue)
  4. What should we do to improve condition of tribals.(can’t remember exactly)
  5. Moved on to Barsana(a town in Mathura), Have you ever visited Barasana
  6. What is it famous about?
    1. I said Birthplace of Radha JI
  7. Who is Radha?
    1. I said Better half of Lord Krishan( inappropriate use of words)
    2. Chairman interrupted: she wasn’t better half of Krishan, she was married to someone else…and everyone laughing at me ?
  8. for what else is Barasana Famous for?
    1. talked about Temple on Aravali ridge
  9. He wanted to hear Latthmar Holi?
  10. He asked what is Latthamar Holi
    1. Fumbled a bit, wasn’t very clear in explanation. Chairman interrupted and changed the topic.
  11. Have you heard about integrated cold chain project?
    1. Sorry, Sir, I am not fully aware..wanted to avoid talking on periphery
  12. Chairman interrupts, haven’t you heard about Cold Storages..explained a little?
  13. Member again asks me what will be the advantage of cold storages
    1. Answered on generic line – perishable goods self-life will be increased, farmers income will increase.
  14. Are you aware How much percentage of perishable goods are wasted in India?
    1. said, not exactly aware about all the vegetables. As much I am aware 1/3rd of Tomatoes perish during transit.
    2. Baton moves to next member
  15. Is India a power deficit country?
  16. Initially told we are not. Wasn’t very sure. Said power consumption has reduced(but actually wanted to say rate of increase in power consumption has reduced): wasn’t a satisfactory answer

Member 3

( sleeping Male, who was looking down)

  1. What is commonwealth ( I was volunteer at CWG games)
  2. Why did we join Commonwealth of nations after Independence?
  3. How is the status of Cyber Security in India
  4. DO we need to improve upon it?
  5. You optional is Anthropology, tell me who was Margret meed?
  6. What was her contribution?

Member 4

(cheerful Lady who seems to be the historian):

  1. She asked me to explain what was I talking about Buddha’s Dhamma code in relation to trials.?
    1. I said, it is said that Buddha got inspiration from the Tribal way of life where egalitarian principles prevail.
  2. Where Have I read this?
    1. In Anthropology: contribution of tribals to Indian society. (she wasn’t aware of this)
  3. Coming back to Mathura. There is a heritage site near Mathura, do you know about it?
    1. I said KanKali Tila. ( it’s actually an archaeological site where Buddhist remains have been found in Mathura )
  4. No, not talking about Kankali Tila but TajMahal, which is very near to Mathura
  5. Why is it world famous?
  6. Why is it among 7 wonders of the world.
  7. What does it signify? most of the architecture marvels were during Shahjahan, what do differ from it?
  8. You mentioned one monument which you have visited in Delhi, from which Design of TajMahal is inspired. can you name it?
    1. Humayun’s Tomb: satisfied
  9. My last question, tell me the three strokes in swimming (swimming my hobby)
    1. Told her 4 strokes: satisfied
  10. Why is freestyle called premier style?

Source: Telegram

UPSC Interview Transcript: 6th April, Chattar Singh Board


Date– 6th April
Board– Chattar Singh
Background – Mech Engg
State– Maharashtra
Optional – History (Rare and Endangered species ? )


Is this your photo?
-Since your hobby is music, what is the difference between harmonium and piano sound?
-(Shows a metal object) how to manufacture this in different ways? Told 3 methods
-Which method will you use if you want to produce millions of such pieces?
-Any latest methods of manufacturing? Told about laser cutting, water jet cutting but CP was not satisfied.
-Most liked part of mechanical engineering? Thermodynamics
– what all do you learn in Thermodynamics?
– Asked a question on central air conditioning system in upsc building

Member 1

-What is Hooke’s Law? What is proportional limit? What is the constant called? (Young’s modulus of elasticity)
– Which foreign dignitary will visit India in next few days? Sheikh hastina
– Which important issue between India and Bangladesh is pending? Teesta dispute
– What is Teesta river disputes for? Exact percentage of sharing water? Where does Teesta originate?

Member 2

– Long question on demographic dividend. Will we be able to utilise it?
– As an administrator, how would you increase employment?
– Can farmer income be doubled by 2022?
– is loan waivers good for economy?
– (sitar listening as hobby) What are different types of Sitar
– which type of music you like in sitar?
– (Rabindra Sangeet as hobby) which languages did tagore write in ?

Member 3

– Types of machines to move air other than fans? Blowers, compressors, etc
– Asked about gear design and involute
– Which heat transfer takes place without medium? Radiation
– Law governing radiation?
– (learnt German) specialties of German over English language? He got happy when I told articles like a, an, the in German are based on gender
– Why do you like Rabindra Sangeet?
– Any other music famous for its deep meaning lyrics
– Importance of ASEAN and India’s progress in Act East policy
– Importance of South China Sea? Why India is concerned ?

Member 4

– Topic of speech in a competition.?
– So name any 2 leaders in world that satisfy your demands from politicians you mentioned
– 2 electoral reforms you would implement ? Banning convicted criminals and RTI for parties. Lot of cross questioning
– Heard of OBOR? What is it? Why is India concerned ? Should India join it?

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript: 6th April, AJIT BHOSLE Board





1)You should do physical exercise.. I also had same physique before joining force…
2)So you do sudarshan kriya…what are its benefits for you…Can you tell me the biological process involved in it…
3)You have good academic record.. Is it due to hard work or brain power…
4)You worked for crowd management… Can you tell me some steps that can be taken to improve it…(DAF)

Member 1

1)You don’t have gender bias,right?
2)Then ask 1 standard puzzle(father and son met with an accident…father dies…son gets injured…surgeon at hospital says that the patient can’t be operated …as he is my son…how is it possible)…
3) other puzzle…(mother and daughter travelling…lady surgeon says she is her mother…how it is possible)
4)You talked about equal brain powers…but biologists have proven that women brain weighs less…so still you think women and men have equal brain capacity
5)Male nursing…how you see it…will U join it…
6)Do U know Gandhiji view on pàrtition
7)What you would have done if U were in mount battens place(don’t remember exact wording)

Member 2

1)Smart cities(definition)(DAF)
2)components of it…asked one by one…smart economy?smart environment?
3)air pollution and steps needed in smart cities…other questions followed(not remembering it)…electric vehicles is it not costly?
4)religion in politics(positives and negatives) and pollution(Ganesh FESTIVAL management in my daf)…
5)what steps will U take to stop people in j&k to stop religious practices causing pollution…

Member 3

1)reasons for foreign invasions in India
2)Swarnamudra were used by invaders t to take backdoor entry…..what is this attitude
3)you like watching tamasha T20…are U not interested in serious form of cricket(watching T20 :interest)
4) you support the players not obeying the coaching manuals?

Member 4

2) changing trend in world against wto based free trade etc
3)3 qualities needed in professional
4)Tell me one incidence in ur life about integrity
5) any state in India whose CULTURE you would like to see etc….
6)any nation in world(don’t tell me politically correct answer…Tell me what you feel)

What will U do today?
Thank you ? Your interview is over!
Don’t know the exact time…may be about 30 minutes.

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript: Vinay Mittal Board, 27th March


Vinay Mittal Board
DOI: 27th March 2017
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Graduation: IT, Ghaziabad
Optional: Pub. Adm.
Hobbies: Movies, Sudoku


Why ghaziabad was in news recently
Ch:Question related to Agricultural problem of up, reasons why still lagging,its fluctuation has national consequences why so ?Population of total
Ch: you said irrigation as the problem ,but it has fertile land, then irrigation shouldn’t be a problem ?
Ch:Explain South China Sea international importance, why everyone is indulging in it even USA ,then India’s stake in it
Ch:Why India is joining or inclined towards regional groups, name a few?

Member 1

Diff b/w Administration and Management?
M1: what are UAV,drones, how they work , its uses in India, especially in Naxals area
M1: River Gomti is drying up?What step gov’t has taken to restore its water flow?
M1: Then question regarding Ganga pollution and steps taken to control it.
M1: do you hear radios?No sir..then explain diff between AM FM(radio related)
M1: Heard about climate change ?Your opinion
M1: Pareis climate deal..then renewable and non renewable energy
M1: their contribution in power generation like wing solar hydro thermal etc
M1: GPS, NAVIC their working , technical details
M1: heard about desert? where is it in India and its name and area…why is it famous and what you can do to generate employment opportunities there ?

Member 2

M2:Juvenile related ..opinion on reducing their age from 18 to 16 ?
M2: What’s their crime rate ? whether their crime is increasing or reducing ?
M2: Whether they should be put with other adult trials or kept in different facility
M2: how www(world wide web) originated and how it got here in INDIA…chalo who was the father of www..itna to bata do..
M2: why we aren’t able to win Oscars ?
M2: Role of women in bollywood cinemas

Member 3

You are DM of Azamgarh district ..steps to control communal tension…
M3: use your IT knowledge to control it especially with ISIS in the picture
M3: Contract farming ?(done biggest blunder.. explained model farming)
M3: Why India wan’t to counter China..Diff between their economic model and ours ..why we are copying their model
M3; USA’s GDP to world or its proportion …arre itna to batao..

Member 4

Population of Orphan children are increasing in UP and in India, why no one adopting them,even foreign nationals are not adopting them, why so?Their no’s and % population in UP
M4: Give Critical review on PRI’s.. are they successful or failed in total?

Source: Forum IAS

Finally Recommended – UPSC Indian Forest Service 2016 Interview Transcript: P. K. Joshi Board, 16/03/2017


Date: 16/03/2017
Forenoon session
Board: P. K. Joshi Sir
Background: Studied in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya till 10th. Joined Science College Patna
for intermediate. B.Tech in Mining Engineering from ISM Dhanbad
Experience: Working at Coal India Limited (CIL)
Home state: Bihar
Others: Robotics was mentioned in DAF. No question from optional subject Chemistry
and Hobby


 Tell me the contribution of Navodaya Vidyalaya in our school education system
 Why you left Navodaya Vidyalaya and joined Science College Patna?
 What was the annual fee charged while you was in Navodaya Vidyalaya?
 What schemes are run by government specially for primary and secondary
 Do you know there is one specific scheme of government related to girls education
 What is the full form of NCERT?
 You work in coal India limited, what is your job profile?
 Which state of India has wide environmental resources?
 Tell me the flora and Fauna of Sundarban and compare it with those of Madhya
 How mining impacts environment?

Member 1

 What about the natural resources of Andaman and Nicobar?
 What do you know about WPA?
 What percentage of our area of is protected under WPA?
 Do you think EIA is properly implemented in our country?
 What are the classification of Indian forest? Who was Champion?
 What do you know about CAMPA?
 Do you think compensatory afforestation is the solution to the damage caused to the
environment due to deforestation?
 Do you know about any national park in Bihar?
 How is Terai Arc Landscape different from Western Ghat?
 Is there any convention regarding trading of wildlife species?
 Is CITES a convention or NGO?
 What are the reasons of Leopards entering human habitations?

Member 2

 You are in technical job and we need technocrats so why do you want to join IFS?
 As a developing country we require more specialists than generalists like IAS or IFS.
Do you agree?
 Are you aware of the SC verdict regarding the Bauxite ore deposit?
 Do you think we should give priority to the rights of tribals at the cost of
 Is there any legislation regarding the rights of tribals?
 Is it fair that we pursue the environmental protection at the cost of development
where on one hand you see that developed countries have exploited the nature for
their own sake?
 In the west we see that there are people who have written lot about flora and fauna
but in India foresters have contributed less in this regard. Why is this so?
 Are you still interested in Robotics?
 What are the new technologies being implemented in Coal India Limited?
 Why Bihar is not developing at a faster pace. What are the problems?

Member 3

 How do you manage the environmental damages caused due to mining?
 Is there any problem related to tribals rights at the place where you are working?
 How do you manage conflicts arising out of mining activities with local population?
 As a forester how can you contribute to mining with regard to environmental
 What is one proudest moment in your life?

Board was very cordial. No question was asked related to current affairs. Most of the
questions originated from my previous answer. Interview continued for around 30 minutes.

Marks awarded: 189
I am Finally Recommended for IFS-2016

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript: Saxena Sir Board, Dual degree from IITs


Board: Saxena Sir
Last candidate, forenoon, lasted over 35 mins
Hobbies: South indian architecture, cricket, cyber game
Grad: chemical + hydrocarbon
Home: Udaipur, Rajasthan


You passed out in 2014 what have you been doing till now?
Me: Sir, I have been preparing for civil services

CP: I see you have a very good profile. Dual degree from IITs , NTSE scholar, good GATE rank then how you developed interest in civil services?
Me: Sir, I was part of administration in my college during 2nd year as class representative and saw some reforms coming out due to continuous effort that generated an interest. However, the real trigger was when in 5th year IIT Roorkee hosted some civil servants and their experiences of working at grass root levels motivated me enough to take it.

CP: I see you have not opted IFS, for what reasons?
Me: Sir, I am only son of my parents so not possible to stay outside country for long.

CP: But you can face similar problems regarding your parents in India if posted in Kerala
Me: Sir, if I am posted outside I will be more worried about them and this will decrease my efficiency. In country i suppose it is more manageable.

CP: OK, so you have personal issues and we respect it, so lets begin with interview

CP: what is present solar status of India and Rajasthan?
Me: Sir, India has 11 GW installed and Rajasthan has 1.2 GW installed. Several solar parks like in phalodi in Jodhpur and Pokhran in Jaisalmer

CP: Tell me what problems solar sector face?
Me: sir, firstly lot of land needed. Secondly, we are not exactly aware of problems it may cause later like how to dispose of solid waste etc.

CP: don’t it face issue of clouds and nights when sunlight not there?
Me: yes sir, this too is a problem

CP: OK tell me, can we have solar power when sunlight not there?
Me: (complete bluff didn’t knew exact solution so wanted to show i knew phenomena).. sir, it works on photoelectic effect if we can make electrons cross threshold from outside sources it is feasible but would it be energy efficient remains the Q.

CP: Tell me what steps we have taken for land issue related to Solar?
Me: sir, roof top solar, net metering and canal top solar.. tried explaining net metering he said i know

CP: What do you understand by surgical strikes?
Me: sir, these are pre-emptive strikes across LOC for sovereignty and security of country

CP: do you think surgical strikes was right move?
Me: yes sir, it is right in national interest and to boost morale of forces and secure sovereignty and territorial integrityand create deterrence

Chairman was in grilling mood. but i felt it was reverse psychology to make me change my stand, so i got firm but soft.

CP: but we have seen even more attacks, what deterrence it created then?
Me: sir, we could have seen more attacks if not for surgical strikes. and this could be also due to fact that Mr.Raheel Shariff was retiring.. (he repeated raheeel shariff.. but he was pressing me hard to take anti strike stand.. and i didn’t wanted to yield)

CP: Do you think ADHAR is good. Does it not creates security issues?
Me: Sir, some encryption issues are there but it has save Rs 50,000 cr in through DBT etc whihc can be used elsewhere like in capital formation in agriculutre

Again grilling.. Wanted to change my stand.

CP: but what about security , can we really do sth about it. Why adopt a system like social card which USA and Europe countries are leaving. Are we not going into pit?
Me: Sir, India has huge talented pool in software we lead in IT and so it can be dealt with.

Member 1

If I switch off my cell and put it on table, can someone still hack it and record this session
Me: (wanted to create impresion that i am honest and this was my opportunity).. sorry sir, i have limited understanding of communications.

M1: Ok tell me, which was last match you saw.
Me: sir pune test match.. (funniest moment of interview.. he made such a face.. and said.. areey yaar woh toh 2 din m khatam ho gya tha.. khair chhodo)

M1: So, tell me what do you like in South Indian Architecture .. my forte so explained nicely.. chola, pallava and hoysala..

M1: ok what do you like in Brihadeshwara temple apart from the granite thing you already told?
Highly convinced… he could not stop his convinced expression after listening the words “raft foundation and interlocking pattern and hollow corbelling”

Member 2

M2: So, can you compare Udaipur temple architecture with south Indian architecture?
Me: Mam, padma bhushan Prof. Madhusudan Dhaky calls udaipur architecture as maru-gurjara. explained some features.. like anekandika shikhara, no jagati, dwarf ghotika pillars and highly carved as if deriving from hoysala architecture.. etc. highly convinced..

M2: and have you heard about Great china wall. tell me its speciality .. (i knew what would be her next Q. so was happy)
Me: Mam it is longest walll in world.

M2: Can you tell me which is 2nd longest wall?
Me: Mam, its of Kumbhalgarh fort near udaipur it was built by Maharana Kumbha

She was impressed by now.

M2: Tell me some water problems of Rajasthan be specific to regions.
Me: Mam in Nagaur region we have fluoride problem , in ganganagar etc arsenic problem (was not sure about arsenic.. but still said) and in general water scarcity everywhere.

Member 3

I can see you studied in Bhupal Nobles school. So tell me what is Bhupal and nobles in this?
Me: Sir, Bhupal was last king of Udaipur who signed accesion treaty with India in 1949

M3: For what disciplines nobel prize awarded
Me: (failed to recall exact) said Sir, it is given for 5 or 6 categories.. told physics, chemistry , peace.. (got blank)

M3: Is it awarded for medicine and economics
Me: yes sir.. awarded to Prof. hargobind khurana and Prof Amartya sen

M3: Tell me some peace prize from India
Me: sir Mother teresa.. and mr. Kailash Satyarthi who works for protection of child

M3: Do you know about environment acts of India.
Me; sir only envt or wildlife as well.

M3: Ok tell me both wildlife and environment acts
Me: sir , wildlife protection act, EPA, 1986.. he interupts

M3: Have you heard of water act
me: yes sir, explained 2 provision

M3: what problems the lake of Udaipur face?
me: encroachment, illega sand mining, no sewage systems.. and 1 more.. cant recall now

M3: what steps you will take to solve it
Me: sir will check encroachments by hotels, check sand mafia and see that layout for swage system as taken under AMRUT project for udaipur goes well

M3: But if you remove hotels it will hurt economy?
Me: Sir, Rajasthan lake protection authority has asked for setting up ‘no construction zones’ as DM my task is to implement rules strictly so will see that no one encroaches it.

Member 4

I was not able to understand his long first Question on something linking solar to heat etc.. and didn’t knew what he was trying to ask. So, blabbered something.. i was tired by now in 30 min.. already 1:20 PM..

M4: 2-3 more Qs I don’t remember
M4: why desertification increasing in Rajasthan? said cropping pattern etc issues

M4: tell me difference between lakes and wetlands
Me: said lakes are kind of wetlands..

M4: tell me what is wetland.. standard definition told.. transitiional zones..
M4: you have heard of Ramsar, is India signatory to it.. yes sir 28 sites etc.
M4: tell me where is Ramsar located?… sir , Iran.. he was happy didn’t expected it seems.

Chairman: Your interview is over.

I said thank you to all specially lady member besides me, somehow i found she, M1 and M3 were impressed. M4 was my worst moment. i was damn tired could not sleep in night by 4 o clock.

Chairman i seem was testing my nerves, and i believe i did it well, though not sure.

Hoping for 165+ ?

Source: Telegram

UPSC Interview Transcript : ‘Mango_dolly’, Arvind Saxena, Public Administration, 14 yrs Work Experience


Interview Date: (12:01pm thru 12:35pm) on 8-May-2017
Board: Arvind Saxena 
Background: Currently in Indian Revenue Service (through CSM 2015 exam)
Before that, total 14 yrs = ~12 yrs in private sector – IT Consultant + 2 yrs in Indian Trade Service(thru CSM 2013) 4th Attempt;
Optional: Public Administration
Edu. Qual: Btech (Computer Sc) + MBA (Marketing + IT)
Hobbies: Quizzing
Home State: Jharkhand


You have worked in one of the big firms abroad and then ITS and then IRS, what exactly you want to achieve in your life? Will you stop at IAS?
CM – Why so late?
CM – You took so much pay cut? How are you surviving? *laugh*
CM – Will you be satisfied with any cadre in IAS?
CM – So how do you relate protectionism and Make in India?
CM – Why is GoI getting involved in H1B issue?
CM – Why is Make for India better and sustainable than Make in India?
CM – Why should India follow China and not chart out its own growth story?
CM – How are we protecting our agri sector?
CM – How does foreign competition help us?

Member 1

M1 – Ok What differences do you make out in the way RK Mission school teaching methodologies and that of other schools? *I’m NOT related to RK Mission in any way*
I said I dont know.
M1 – When did Kargil war take place? Why did it take place? How is the war then different from now? As a administrator how will you douse the issue now?
*didnt look satisfied*
M1 – Suppose you visit a village and the people there offer you rice/dal/subji but you are full and instead you ask for tea + 2 biscuits. They are unable to offer you that. Why?
I said,” I dont know sir”. To which He replied I will tell you and then said “thats because they do not have money to buy biscuits.”
M1 – So what will you do to give them money
M1 – Why farmers dont get enough income?
M1 – How will you reduce the nexus of intermediaries?

Member 2

M2 – So how will you apply your IT knowledge in GSTN?
M2 – What is vendor management?
M2 – How will your IT knowledge help you in negotiating with external vendors?
M2 – MSP with whom? I said Infosys
M2 – Will you be happy joining HQ/Staff function rather than field?
M2 – Why is your CBEC staff unhappy? Has govt done something?
M2 – Will you be happy joining anywhere in India as an IAS?
M2 – Why should we select you?

Member 3

M3 – Name few copper mines in Jharkhand?
M3 – What is the economy of a copper mine?
M3 – Why prices increasing?
M3 – What is the economy of iron ore mine? *dunno what he was upto*
M3 – Comment on resource curse of Jharkhand
M3 – Do you support so many IITs setup by GoI?
M3 – Are you aware about the controversy regarding some mine in Jadugoda? How much of it is media propaganda?
M3 – What steps should radioactive mines take?
M3 – Do you support ISM being converted into an IIT? *I am NOT from ISM Dhanbad*

Member 4

M4 – How will you solve Naxal Problem?
M4 – Why outside people influencing and leading Naxal groups?
M4 – Why so many names – UK, Britain, England etc ? *stayed and worked for 10 yrs in London*
M4 – What is King’s Cross station in London famous for?
M4 – How will you grow India’s exports?

Chairman – Ok thanks your interview is over now.

P.S: Few questions of M2 and M4 I am unable to remember.

This was my LAST attempt and I went inside the Dholpur House for one final time on 8-May .. felt nostalgic!

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript : 08/05/17, Bhonsale Sir Board, IIT Kanpur


Interview Date:– 08/05/17
Board:– Bhonsale Sir
Background: B.Tech IIT Kanpur (And Job at two Different places)
First to be Interviewed

Chairman Ring the Bell.
Peon opened the Door

I Entered -> Wished chairman after requesting to enter Than lady member and other Members together. they All smiled and Requested me to sit Down (I smiled)

Bhonsle Sir Was very Pleasant, to begin with


You are Academically Good and Also creative You won this this Awards..So what do you think when one says that “Great Innovation are Simple”
Ans -> Sir Any Innovation which caters to the Demand of the people at the Grassroot levels are Great innovation and along with this it is also important to ensure that they are simple enough for the Understanding of the people.If the Innovations are Complex and people are not able to understand it than i think sir the utility of the same is not good enough

Chairman Replied -> VERY GOOD (With Smile) ..Ohk you have read todays Newspaper? Any Important news
Ans -> Yes Sir.Mr Emmanuel Macron has won the Election so the Wave of Protectionism and Anti globalisation, which could be seen from the Brexit and Us presidential elections ,could be seem platued
Sir along with these BCCI has said that India will participate in the ICC Champions trophy along with these sir there is also news w.r.t Corruption in AAP ,wherein charges of Corruption has been laid upon Honorable chief Minister of Delhi.These are, I think, three Important news of today.

Chairman -> Ohk what do you think is this wave of anti- Protectionism? Will Angela Merkel win in GERMANY?
Ans -> I think Sir the Wave of Anti-protectionism and Anti-globalisation has platued .people was Anti-regime due to Unemployment and Terrorist attacks so this wave may now fall and also the Semi-Final is won but The Final is still left in Germany .I think that Angela Merkel will probably win Sir

Member 1

M1 (A lady) -> Seems Pleasing -> You Have done NCC in college .Recently there was news that Girls doing NCC will directly join Army ?What are your views on that?
Ans -> Mam I think it is a Good Step to ensure the Equity in Forces as there has been a long standing demand for the same.Also Mam I think Along with it Proper Training should be provided to them

M1 -> So you are Happy with this move
Ans -> Yes mam I am Happy (Smiling again)

M1 -> You are From xyz what are some tourists places there If you Can suggest me few
Ans -> Listed out 1,2,3,4,-> And said Mam its a good tourist Place to visit (Mam also smiling with me)

M1 -> Ok Do you Follow Electoral news .(I said yes) you have Voter ID Card -(No Mam) -> Mam saying to Chairman -See People from Good Academic Background not Voting -> I Gave Biggest Smile and said -> Mam the First think after leaving from here would be to apply for a Voter ID Card (She smiled)
M1 -> Ok tell me some electoral Process
Ans-> Mam in the recent past there has been lots of hues and cries over the issue of EVM so govt has recently Sanctioned 16.2 lakh rs for bringing in VVPAT -Voter verifiable Paper audit trail-So EVM and VVPAT will be both used together .also when elections are done there are huge movements of Personnel and forces from one place to other ,so I think that could be done in smoother manner (Didn’t wanted to go into other issues as process was asked) >
M1 -> Mam with a different Face -w.r.t Political parties?
Ans -> Yes mam they should also be brought under RTI by amending Section 8 of RPA along with severe punishment for politicians with criminal record (should have spoken about R.K Nagar issue and EC ‘s Demands -but missed)
M1-> What are your views over Nuclear Energy
Ans -> Mam it has Deterrence value
M1 -> No No ..Ohk sry the Use of Nuclear energy for Civil Nuclear Energy – you must be knowing that in France and Germany they are moving away from it
Ans -> yes Mam it is good to have Nuclear energy but there are also harmful effects of it for e.g Chernobyl and Japan case .we have tremendous potential in Renewable energy of Solar and Wind recently the tariffs of these sources has went as low as 3.15 rs .So we should move both together Recently Kundankulam Plant in South India with the help of Russia has been commissioned So yes mam in the Long term our benefits lies in larger focus on solar and wind

M1 -> ohk your Hobbies is watching movies .Don;t you think movies in 1950’s and 1960’s where catering to the social evils in the society but now you see no such movies could be seen
Ans-> Mam I beg your pardon .I agree with you to some extent .Yes in 1950’s and 1960’s there were movies like Mother India and other with themes of social evils. and but know also we could see movies like Kaabil,Dangal ,though I agree the rate is lowered,but Mam i can see the wave of issue based movies Comming back and am Hopeful it will continue in the future also (With large smile -Mam also shaking head and Passed the Baton to other member)

Member 2

M2 -> Lets talk about Sports you have played many sports –> I said Sure Sir !
M2 -> What do you see condition of India in Sports -not able to win Medals at International Stages .what are your views on it
Ans -> I completely agree with you sir .If we keep cricket aside ,in which we are doing exceptionally well-the other sports are not -we should focus on sports like Archery ,Boxing,wrestling which is our strength.And sir Govt has set up recently 9 member under Chairmanship of Sport secretary to form a National Sports code .wherein focus is laid upon the administration part and less influence of politicians in sports bodies so i am hope..(Interrupted)

M2 -> but You see many committees are made in the past also but no changes
Ans -> Sir but in the Recent TOPS scheme (Target Olympic Podium scheme) they are trying to tap the local talent and groom them so there are changes this time sir (He was expecting something different -may be societal attitude towards sports)

M2 -> You have done Mechanical Engineering tell me few Materials which could be used in Aircrafts ?
Ans -> sir graphene could be used as it is light weight and sir we could also use Additive Manufacturing – 3D Printing (should have told Ceramics) –
M2 ->He told 2D or 3D
Ans -> Sir 3D -> as layer by layer is formed .
M2-> Ok ok

M2 -> This modi school from where you did 12 th class -> Is this Narendra Modi – we all had a big Laugh – I said no sir ..That why this name –> I said sry sir I don’t know (School hi kitne baar gaye the Kota mai jo pata ho ) he said you must have connections with your old schools..
M2 -> Ohk tell me about your 2 Jobs –>
Ans -> I explained First Job -sir Worked in power sector for 6 months in xyz (pqrs state)
M2 -> What was the rating of power plant
Ans -> sir 500MW ..( Than continued ) than said In my second job i worked in an E-commerce firm based in Gurgoan catering to the demands of Suadi arabia and sir Back end office is in Gurgaaon
M2 -> You Were Assistant Manager -So what kind of Manager you were ? what are the qualities for a Manger
Ans -> Sir I coo-rdinated , cooperated ,and collaborated with other depts. to make sure work is one in smooth manner.Ans Sir leadership Quality is the Imp. quality required .Other than that sir Qualities like Compassion,equity,sympathy are few more
M2 -> So you were a leader who led from the front or stayed Behind ?
Ans -> Sir I led from the front (With a Big Smile)
Batton passed to M3

Member 3

M3 -> Ohk you talked about Power plant don’t you think thermal energy will get impacted by too much Focus on Renewable energy
Ans -> I completely Agree with you sir The Plant load Factor of thermal Power plants are decreasing sir ,from 60.And also sir the Bubble could be seen forming in the renewable sector .i think sir we should move in a phased manner by making use of the new technology comming in our way for e,g Recently the new graphene capacitor has been developed which are 30 % more efficient ,sry. 30 times more efficient …so along with renewable we should focus on thermal as well and move in a phased manner sir.

M3 -> Ohk you talked about E-commerce sector what do you think we should restrict the Outside companies like Amazon and behavi like swadeshi first or let the Market forces run it course
Ans -> Sir I think In the Long term there could be seen consolidation in the sector as seen in the telecom sector ,sir recently Flipkart acquired snapdeal so sir finally 3-4 companies will survive so than we should let allowe govt. forces to run

M3 -> But what our desi companies would do than?
Ans -> Sir flip-kart is doing excellent they have recently sign deal of $1.4 bn with softbank and acquired e-bay
M3 -> yes ..But what about retail store ( I was like –> Accha yeh bolo na)
Ans -> sir we have allowed 100% FDI only in Marketplace model and not in retail sector.and sir retail stores could also use digital technology to provide door-step services.
M3 .- Ohk so you are saying this na that Retail Market should also improve their Infrastructure
Ans -> Yes Sir.

M3 You worked in Steel plant .
Ans -> No sir Powe plant
M3 .Ohk than leave,But you can tell me the issues in Steel sector
Ans .Yes sir .(He shaked his head so I went ahead) Sir NPA worth of Rs 3 lakh crore is in steel sector. for that steps has been taken recently.ans sir govt. has recently initiated National steel policy (M3 happy and shaking his head ) wherein the govt ,has proposed to increase the production to 300MT and Investment of rs 10 lakh crore .along with sir the other issue was chinese dumping of steel at throwaway prices which led to decline in steel prices.and govt has taken steps to check it. But sir this year the conditions had improved we have exported more that 110 Mt of steels.And i am hopeful the sector will perform well in the future also
M3 .What should govt . do to check these Chinese dumping
Ans -Sir Countervailing Duties could be imposed.

Member 4

Baton passed to M4 (He was smiling like anything and than mee too ? ) than i realised I have seen him in Some discussion on RSTV on Foreign relations (Wanted to ask him for autograph)
M4 – Have you heard about OBOR – I shaked Head -he went ahead -One BELT ONE ROAD-what is it all about
Ans – Sir It has two parts SERB and MSR -than explained -regional development ,growth will pass through Eurasia ,china,africa etc etc..
M4 should India Join it
Ans -> Sir in Long term yes in short term no.(he shook his head and was watching keenly so I went ahead ) Sir our national sovereignty is in qn so in short term no . but in long term we can join it because roads and ports are national asset can be used if we talk bilaterally with other countries.sir also the Long term goal is nit clear of OBOR .recently US commander of Pacific fleet also said that the purpose of OBOR is not sir still there is no clarity in global order about it .China is having a meet on BRIF on May 14-15 -Thing would me more clear than sir
M4- What is sovereign issue that u said why India Opposing (I smiling – arey CPEC bolna bhool gaya –)
Ans -Sir beacause CPEC which is part of this project is passing thru Gilgit-Baltistan region which is the Integral part of India .So this is against our territorial integrity

M4 -> Ohk what is the issue of South China Sea last year there was issue with Arbitral court on UNCLOS- (I sad yes sir with Philippines)–> What is india stand on it why south china imp for india.
Ans -> Sir South china is imp for India since it is energy rich region.India has got oil rigs from Vietnam .Large amount of our trade passed through this region.And sir also the Laws of Navigation and air-flight should be followed by all -we are also having Malabar exercise with USA and Japan for the same purpose and Australia has shown interest in it.So sir we should push for this global order to be maintained
M4 -> what should be India’s Policy towards china?
Ans -> Sir right now we are following two pronged policy Both soft-power and Hard power( He smiling and shaking his head ) .Sir Hardpwoer id Imp. because we can that china is encerciling us Djiboauti in Africa,Hambantota in Sri-lanka ,2 submarines given to Bangladesh ,and Kyaukpyu port in Myanmar( he said submarines -what impact due to it-> sir chinese submarines docking there could map the sea -ocean floor -which will not be good for us in future )- I continued —-And also sir in the Boundary agreements due to the LAC issue we can see that they always want to maintain status -quo -as they can use their growing economic power to Bairgain hard in future for South Tibet .In soft power sir We need to make our neighbors understand the Hambantota port case.and push hard for our stakes in the Indian ocean region.

Baton Passed to Chairman Again

Chairman -> What are your Views on SC case on National Anthem case.?
Ans :- Sir I think It is Judicial Over-reach (Aur Interview ki hawa palti-Bhonsel sir ne jaise yeh Sun -liya ho Pakistan Jindabad) becuase each person has its own way to express nationalism -and sir this case the SC said that when National Anthem is played before movies start than all should start and during the movie if theres National Anthem than people should not stand so therre are …(Interrupted)

Chairman:– What do you mean by Judicial Overreach? (He looked a bit upset)
Ans -> State has three part -judiciary ,executive ,legislature – so sir when Judiciary …(Interrupted)

Chairman -> What do you mean by Judicial overreach – PIL was lodged supreme court found some issues in the act and they changed it — (M2 shaking his head with Chairman like I have done a crime )
Ans -> Sir Judicial overreach means if Judiciary moves into the vacuum created by political executives to fill that gap.
Chairman -> How Judicial overreach in this case …He said ohk you tell me You are sitting in a movie theater nad 4 goons are not standing when national Anthem is being played what will you do
Ans -> Sir I will go a request them to stand
Chairman -> no they don;t stand than
Ans -> sir I will go a lodge an FIR as you said sir that SC court verdict
Chairman -> (Smiling Again –> I was feeling I said Hindustan Jindabaad ) -ohk you will go after the movie or during the movie
Ans- > Sir Definitely during the movie
Chairman -> Smiled again

Ohk Mr XYZ your Interview is over.I said Thanks you sir

Chairman -> What will you do today
Ans -> sir my parents are here so will spend some quality time with them
Chairman -> Smiled Said Good..Thank You
I replied Thank you sir ,thank you Mam ,thank you sirs (by seeing towards all remaining ones) i SAW all replying in chorus Thank You and all were smiling.

So wanted to justify my Stand on Judicial over-reach by saying –> suppose an disable person is sitting or suppose some foreigners are sitting -> how and why should they stand- and if the same decisions would have come from Political executive I would have been happy sir.But haven’t got the Opportunity to say so..

Whole Interview Board were Cordial until That SC decision ON national Anthem..It was an excellent experience -hope the transcript will help few friends here.

Source: Telegram

UPSC Interview Transcript : Sujata Mam Board, Railway Background


Board: Sujata Mam
Railway Background

Questions Asked:

1.Do we need High speed railways
2Why Railways so highly subsidised?Is it possible to do away with it?
3.Why Ease of doing business inspite of poverty
4.Problems of Jharkhand? ur Top 3 priority if u become DM of any tribal populated district with Minerals ?Prioritise them
5.2 important achievement of Isro in recent days,why important?
6.Why specialists are interested in these service,who Any1 can do?
Dont Remember Much Now,It was I who spoke most of the time,All question were leading to Social Vs Capital/Commercialisation debate from all 5 members Very CORDIAL Board.
Just Chill the Moment you know its Sujata mam’s Board..
And after Each Member had asked including chairman for 30 minutes,Sujata Mam again took reins in her hand for 15-20 Minutes,Taking the duartion of interview for 40-45 Minutes.Does it happened with all???Mam Dint kept poker face,when she was satisfied it showed.


The interview was just like conversation, I cant remember the specific questions directed.
No factual question,No data,No schemes asked..All I had mentioned in support of my arguments they never asked me anything specific.No Question From Mechanical(Graduation subject) No question from Pub Ad(optional),No question from Hobby.I had mentioned 4 things in each column In prizes,sports,Leadership position and hobbies and Interest.It seems that page got detached.

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript : Sujatha Mehta Board, 03/05/17, Dentist :-)


Board: Sujatha Mehta mam
Date: 03/05/17
Time: 35 mins
Background: Bachelor of Dental surgery
Work exp: Didn’t practice dentistry.
Domicile: Telangana
Hobbies: Cricket,volleyball and weight training.
Optional: Anthropology


Ch: So is this you? Showing my photo.
Me: Yes mam.
Ch: So you are a dentist.
Me: Yes mam.
Ch: Tell me is it morally correct on the part of celebrities to endorse fairness creams?
Me: Mam I think endorsing fairness creams on the false promise of improving one’s skin complexion and assuring them success if they have a fairer skin is morally not correct.
Ch:  So tell me what should be done?
Me: Mam celebrities should first have some basic knowledge of the product they are endorsing and endorse it only if it is good for the people.
Ch: Ok, there are some celebrities who are endorsing RO water purification filters; do you think they have the knowledge regarding reverse osmosis process?
Me: Mam I believe they don’t since they endorse for money.
Ch: So how will you regulate them?

Me: Mam if a celebrity endorses a misleading ad regarding a product he should be made liable for that, since being a celebrity he is considered a role model by public and they are often misleaded blindly. And there should be also some strict regulations and penalties.
Ch: So there is a drought like situation in your state, so how will you manage the agriculture? (In news)
Me: Mam I will go for dry land cropping and try to prevent rampant exploitation of underground water.
Ch: So how will you prevent exploitation of groundwater?
Me: Mam I will commodify water and price it, since as per the present laws a person can exploit as much water from his field as wants.
Ch: Ok, but if you commodify water and sell it, the rich has nothing to loose since they can buy as much they want but only the poor and marginal will suffer.
Me: Yes mam with a smile.

Member 1

So you are from Hyderabad, do you know about nizams?(with a very pleasant smile)( from my place)
Me: Yes mam.
M1: Do you know there is a controversy going on about the jewellery of nizams?
Me: No mam.
M1: Actually it is about its inheritance.
Me: Sorry mam I don’t know. (With a smile)
M1: So you are a doctor, then why civil services?
Me: Mam being a dentist my area of operation is limited only to health dimension (I gave an example here) Mam for example a patient comes to me with an oral cancer, I would be only able to treat his symptoms but not the socio economic problems like poverty, tobacco and alcohol which have lead to this condition at the fast place, being an civil servant I believe I will have more reach to try to deal with ground issues.
M1: With a smile, but there are many doctors who have become good administrators, inspite of that when we look at the health indicators there is no much improvement.
Me: I was bowled here; I kept quite with a smile.
M1:  Tell me about your places local problems.
Me: Mam there is a problem of rampant crowding, mushrooming of slums, flooding of roads during rains, and severe shortage of underground water problem.
M1: Tell me how will you try to improve the condition of underground water problem?
Me: I said about the same generic things here like strict regulations, water harvesting, behavioral change.
M1: Do you know about water recycling concept?
Me: Yes mam.
M1: what is it?
Me: Mam it is like utilizing the kitchen waste water, water used for vehicle washing for gardening purpose.
M1:  There was a mass movement in 1985 in united Andhra Pradesh, which had a tremendous impact on other states and also it spilled to other states. Do you know about it?
Me:  Sorry mam I don’t know about it.
M1: It is very famous (with a smile)
M1: Sorry mam, I don’t know.
M1: Oh, it’s not an issue.
M2: I have seen your sports record, they are commendable (with a smile), you played cricket, volleyball, and you were best sportsman for the year 2014, good very good.
Me: Thank you sir (with a smile)
M2:  At which level did you played cricket and volleyball?
Me: sir I played cricket at inter-college level and volleyball I played inter university level.
M1:  But looking at your height, you don’t look like one (my height is 5’8)
Me:  with a smile, sir my jump for the net is good.
M1:  So what position do you play?
Me: Sir, I spike.
M1: Are you a batsman or a bowler?
Me: sir I bowl.
M1: Fast or what, like spin?
Me: sir I am a medium fast bowler.
M1: So can you swing a ball?
Me: Sir I can’t say that, since I used to play on a mat, sir on mat generally every ball glides and swings.  All of them laughed.
M1: Tell me about the criteria of ease of doing business?
Me: sir World Bank has given 10 criteria and I started but could tell only 4, then he helped me but I was able to tell only 3 more. Then I went blank for 5 seconds and I said sorry sir, I am unable to recall.
Now directly M4 picked up (I think he is the oldest of all with low voice and was smiling all the time)

Member 4

So do you read books? (Out of Daf)
Me: yes sir.
M4:  Tell me which books did you read?
Me: sir I have read only the alchemist by Paulo Coelho (read some others too but didn’t tell fearing more questions, never expected this question, since it was not from my Daf)

M4: So tell me about the theme.
Me:  Sir it talks about optimism. The boys go for a treasure search and at the end he finds nothing.  I was clueless here, I completely deviated from the main theme and fumbled a lot since I was not ready for this and read it many years ago) ( the actual theme: “When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream.”)

I was little nervous since M4 asked me only 2 questions hardly.
M3:  Do you know about contract labor, right?
Me: Yes sir.
M3: can it be hailed as positive move for industry?
Me:  I didn’t pick up the question here properly and started saying about the negative aspects of contract labor, then stopped me and said that your saying only the negative aspects , but there are many positives too with a serious face.
M4: I was unable to answer here properly and said sorry sir.
M4: Tell me how will you attract FDI?
Me:  Again the same generic stuff like, Ease of doing business, reducing red tapism, easy entry and exit etc. ( he was not satisfied )
M4:  Tell me about blood diamonds?( since I didn’t answer about the name of the famous diamond nizmas had)
Me: Sir it is mining of diamonds using forced labor. Then unnecessarily I said that there is a movie by that name.
M4: No that is not needed (chills passed through my spine).  Do you know in which part of the world?
Me: I said sir I don’t know exactly but you allow me I will try to answer.

M4: He said no problem try.

Me: I said Africa (he nodded)

Now again chairman took over.

Ch: Do you know why Hyderabad is called the Pearl City in spite of no rivers and seas around?

Me: I said sorry mam I don’t know.

Ch: she said there are many lakes in Hyderabad right?

Me: I said yes mam. (Here I didn’t elaborate on lakes further, then after a pause she went for other question)

Ch:  So do you watch movies? (Not from daf, but maybe she picked it when I was answering M4)

Me: I said yes mam, I do watch a lot of movies.

Ch: Which movies did you watch in the last 6 months?

Me: After a pause I said, mam I didn’t watch movies in the past 6 months, since I was preparing for this exam. (All laughed, I didn’t know why)

Ch: She said preparation is only a part of one’s life and one should parallely pursue interests and hobbies.

Me: I said, yes mam with a smile.

Ch: When did you pick up playing sports, after graduation or from childhood?

Me: I said, Mam since class 6. She said ok.

Ch:  So how can we improve poor sports performance in India?

Me: Mam we should sponsor talent from the young age itself, we should have health clubs in every block and districts, improve sporting culture in schools, frequent matches with high ranking foreign teams.

Ch: Do you think today’s schools have playgrounds?

Me: I said no mam, many schools these days are setup in apartments like buildings with no grounds.

Ch: Do you think school grounds are important?

Me: I said yes with a smile.

Ch: (this was the last question, and I didn’t understood it properly)

So what do you do in your free time? (I thought she is asking me what I was about to do after the interview)

Me: I asked her again saying what I thought.

Ch: with a reluctant smile she said, ok tell me what you’re doing this evening?

Me: I said mam I will watch a movie, she said which one I said Baahubali, All laughed!

Ch: ok thank you, your interview is over.

Me: wished all with a smiling face and left. (While stepping back, my leg touched the chair and a made a loud screeching sound)

NOTE:  At many places I stumbled and couldn’t answer some 7 to 8 questions)

Board was extremely cordial and more than what I expected.

No factual questions, questions from IR and my optional at all.
They passed hints whenever I fumbled.

M3 was not satisfied greatly by my answers.

Except M3 all were smiling throughout the interview.

M4: asked me only 2 questions.

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript : Arvind Saxena Board, IIT, IIM, 10+ yrs in consulting, analytics


Board: Arvind Saxena
Duration: 40 mins
Date: 20th Apr
Profile: IIT, IIM, 10+ yrs in consulting, analytics


1. IIT and then IIM and now IAS. Why
– Answered. Focus more reverse of brain-draina and giving back to society
2. 30k in first job, 1.5L second job due to MBA. How MBA helps in getting higher CTC. Compare course ( + MBA – 5 yrs) with MBA (2 yrs)
– Focused on multi-dimensions issues of a problem, alumni networking, brand name etc.
3. Is Universe finite or infinite
– Answered
4. How would you explain difference between Algebra and Calculus to a layman
– Answered
4. Indo – Nepal Relations
– Answered
5. Which newspaper do you read
– Answered
6. Name few authors of Op-ed in ToI
– Could answer only 2

Member 1

1. As a consultant, how Govt client different from private sector ones. Challenges and Solutions
– Answered
2. How below average work impact consulting agencies and how to cope it
– Answered
3. How GST will ensure compliance
– Answered. Value addition, input credit etc. at each stage
4. India trade policy
– Answered. Target of $900M, MEIS, SEIS, Credits, Merchant profile etc.
5. Quizing on Indirect taxation system in India: How VAT differnt from GST, DDB, EPCG, Dumping etc.
– Answered
6. What is SEZ. Examples of SEZ. How to re-invigorate SEZ, why no SEZ in ghaziabad, faridabad etc. Why MAT,
– Answered

Member 2

1. Foreign policies of India
– Answered. NAM, Panchsheel, Gujral doctrine, now focus more on economic and technical colloboration
2. Lifi, IoT
– Answered
3. How Mathematics relevant in Administration
– Answered. Example of Maths papers in Canadian civil services
4. Usage of analytics in Administration
– Answered. Law & Order, Healthcare, Education, Radicalization etc.
5. Name 5 Ramsar sites
– Answered
6. Tell me the details of Govt advertisement on Gurgaon
– Sorry, did not see any such ad today in newspaper

Member 3

1. Problems India facing and its solution
– Answered
2. Why youths committing suicides and solutions
– Answered. Peer/ Parent pressure, self-praising (social media) etc.
3. Your SWOT
– Answered
4. What additional changes will you suggest in Lokayukta bill
– Answered
5. What is problem Kashmir facing now and solution
– – Answered Partially, focused on unemployement, wrong guidance by separatists etc.
6. Solution for India – Pak and Indo-China issues
– Answered. First dialoure, offensive defensive doctrine.

Member 4

1. Communications medium of Police
– Answered. 100, PCR, Himmary App
2. Why Delhi Govt wants Delhi police & solution
– Answered
3. Why Delhi Govt want full statehood & Solution
– Answered
4. Police Reform, Election Reform, Political Reforms (recent changes)
– Answered
5. Was BRT a failure ? What could have been done to make it successful
– Answered. Weak institutional infra, lack of coordination between DITS and police
6. What is unauthorized colonies. How many (Number). What is the solution to such colonies
– Answered

Board was indifferent except lady members ( I tried to impressed them with my cooking hobby though). Fumbled a bit in foreign policy question rest of time, a smooth conversation.

Source: Telegram

UPSC Interview Transcript: B.S.Bassi Board, April 5th


Interview date: 05.04.2017 (Afternoon Session)
Interview duration:
around 30 minutes
Interview board:
Shri B.S.Bassi
B.Tech.(Mechanical Engg.)
Employment and work-ex (if applicable):
Oil & Gas Sector
Litt of Hindi Language
Reading Non-fiction, Interacting with people, Listening to Kishore Kumar

I entered into the interview room at 05.30 pm.


1. Why do you want to join services?
2. Don’t you think IDAS job doesn’t have any social impact? (I had told them that Social Impact of my Job in civil services would be significant.)
Some cross questions on this.
3. What do you do in your current job in ****?
Some cross questions on this.
4. Don’t you any decision making profile right now in present designation? (I had told them that a career in civil services provides early decision making powers.)
Some cross questions on this.

Member 1

1. What is new Hydrocarbon exploration policy and How it’s different from the earlier one?
2. What is Strategic Petroleum Reserve?
3. What are we doing to reduce our dependency on Crude and Gas imports?
4. Why waxy crudes needed to be heated during transportation?

Member 2

1. What US has done to reduce its Oil Import?
2. What are the technologies used in extraction of Shale gas?
3. What is the current cost to produce Crude from different technologies?
4. Is there any law in India defines cyber attack and distinguishes the seriousness of different cyber attacks?

Member 3

1. Why did you first worked with ****, then left that and joined ****?
2. Why crude oil price had fallen from once $100/bbl?
3. What is China doing to mitigate its Malacca dilemma?
4. What are they doing in Central Asia and Southeast Asia to mitigate their Malacca Dilemma?
5. Do you think that China would have a cheaper transportation cost of crude oil through CPEC than through Malacca straits?

Member 4

1. What is current controversy between Odisha Government and Paradip Refinery?
2. What is DIPAM?
3. Why Govt is disinvesting PSUs?
4. What do you do by Interacting with people? (One of my hobbies is Interacting with People)

1. What do you gain from Interacting with people?
2. Do you think that US might decrease Oil prices further to expel Russia from Oil Business?

That’s it ?

Source: Telegram

UPSC Interview Transcript: Arvind Saxena Board, April 5th, Quora User


Board : Arvind Saxena (5th April FN)
Profile: Jharkhand state, IIT, graduate in Computer science
Software job 1.5 yrs
Geography optional, 2nd attempt


1. What is Quora? (My hobby)
2. Why did you leave your job?
2. Why seats​ in airplane are not inclined at the time of take off ? Why windows are open at take off ?
3. What is Free basics? Why govt denied? Don’t you think poors wd benefit from this? What message govt sending to private sector? Your opinion?
4. Big flag hoisted at Attari border? Is that good step? What will we get from that? BSF vs pak Army bagha border

Member 1

1. What is Biosphere reserves and importance? How they are different from National parks? Number of Biosphere? UN and India designated?
2. Have you heard about CRZ(Coastal regulation zone), importance?
3. Difference bw terrorism vs eco terrorism,
4. 3 major env problem, at national and international level,
5. climate change. Impact on Indiaa?
6. what is Jharkhand famous for?
Major minerals.

Member 2

1. Netarhat, famous IAS alumni? ( My school).
2. What is Brexit, impact on India? Good or bad? Indias investment in UK? Few factual like why David cameron resigned, when is the exit date? How exit ll start? Article 50
3. Shashi tharoor demanding reparation and apology from Britain? Why people not supporting him? Your stand?
4. Few countries apologised to India for their past deeds, name them? Canada apologised for what? Kmoagata maru, what and why happened? What was legal issue involved​?

Member 3

1. State facing Malnutrition problem, why happening and how will you solve? How to implement policies in better way?
2. As a DM of your district facing naxal problem . How to tackle?,What will be your core strategy ?
3. Human trafficking esp Girls in State , why happening , measures?
4. fav author? Alchemist, Message learnt?
5. Gaya tourism..famous places?

Member 4

1. Credit rating agencies problems? Private companies vs sovereign country What to do? South africa given junk status, India worried
2. FTA effect on India? Shd we conclude more FTAs? Problems?
Liberalisation in service?
3. Singapore h1b visa issue? What to do?
4. Mica districts in Jharkhand?
5. music lovers in your state (random question)
6. Nigeria student attacks, are we racist? What to do?

Chairman  Thank you, the interview is over.

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript: Arvind Saxena Board, Working in PSU


21st March, 2017
Last to go
Arvind Saxena Board
Mech engineer, Mech optional, Working in PSU


(looked at DAF, you have done this this etc etc )

What is your area of working, manufacturing , it , or clerical type ????

— sir , i am in material management , procurement .

Is it a challenging job ??

—-yes sir , it is a challenging job .

You work in …… , recent days we have heard of poor situation of bhel , what is situation ????

— yes sir , presently we are facing challenges and for next 3-4 years or even upto 10 years we may be having some challenges , but we are working on our weaknesses like:-

  1. Expanding the business , presently having 70% business from thermal sector , so management planning to bring it down to 50% and expand in areas like railway , solar and.. these areas sir .
  2. On management side , we have brought biometrics in organisation .
  3. On technology side , we are working on AUSC technology with collaboration of NTPC and IGCAR .

In railways is it making loco ??

—– yes  sir , our ……….. plant is making loco .

Do you export loco ??

—— pardon sir , but i am not sure about it

What do you like to read in newspapers ????

—–(thinking ) sir everything that is relevant for our country .

We have seen 2nd generation which had expansion of steam engines etc , third generation which had presence of IT , and now 4th generation which is having ( here i failed to remain silent and my lips whispered iot) internet of things . Should india go for it or remain at second generation??

—–gave a pause – sir , i think both are required , fourth is required to make our country forward in technology , but 2nd also required so because we are having a large population and that will remain unemployed . So by using 2nd generation we are required to generate employment . So both are required .

Tell me your views over Israel palestine issue???

——- sir , presently the solution for the issue is considered to be two state solution which is accepted by global community i.e one israel and one palestine, but this is not having progress . Israel is continuously making settlements in palestine especially west bank and this is making the solution infeasible as after having these settlements solution will be infeasible . ( then i thought i blamed only israel ) , but sir on other hand palestine is also equally responsible .

How ? When israel is making settlements ???

—— sir , because palestine is failing to show unity , not stopping terror attacks from gaza strip . Rather than calling palestine people a reson , i will call that palestine leaders are responsible .

Recently Mr. Erdogan from turkey called merkel to be fascist , why ???

—— sir i am having vague idea about the issue , may i?( chairman asked to continue ) , sir mr. Erdogan is trying to have constitutional amendment and change the structure from parliamentary system to presidential system and for this he wants support from people who are living in european countries . So he wanted to have entry….

  1. Erdogan or any other ?????

—– Pardon sir , i can not recall exact .

Member 1

Make in india in defence what is performance of it ????

——– sir , i think it is too early to judge its performance

(With strange expression  ) too early ???????

——– yes sir , it has only two years that it has launched and we have allowed fdi 100% recently . As defence is a long term investment whether it is mnc or domestic , it will take time to judge the situation of country . But i feel that in long run this will succeed though presently we didn’t got any significant thing .

Ok, what should we make in india in defense  ???

—– sir , presently we are having good technology for missiles , we can think of fighter planes .

Should we make the fighters only for our IAF or export also ???

——– sir , both . We have to do both . We have to satisfy requiremebts of our iaf and also export so that we can gain good relations with other countries .

Where should we export???

—– sir north amrica is having tech.  Europe ia having , we can look for africa and latin america .

Are qe having any specific project ( do not rem qs exact)

—— sir , our HAL has developed Tejas which is fourth generation , and we are also working with russia on Fifth generation fighter aircraft.

Recently bangladesh has gained some technology in defence what is it ?

—— pardon sir , i can not recall

It has been given recently and obviously from china , what is it ????

—- pardon sir , can not recall .

What is status over  south china sea ??

—– sir south china sea dispute is between china and other countries around south china sea and PCA has given judgement against china .

What is china doing there , what exactly it is having there ???

— sir it is having construction in paracel , spartly islands and developed naval docking facility and ( thinking ) air strip .

(Smiling )Are you sure of air strip or guessing ???

—– pardon sir , but i am not sure about air strip .

Member 2

what is wild weasel ?? You have written you are two times runner up ???

——madam , it is a event organised by DTU and in this we are required to develop a robocar with electronic control and using that we are expected to clear a track which is full of gravels , mud , slope etc .

where have u trekked ???

—– madam , till now i have trekked triund , nag tibba , tungnath chandrashila , nilkanth and some minor treks .

Is it also having mountaineering ???

—– madam , as in these treks we have a summit to be done , they had mountaineering

Why do people climb mountains ????

—– madam , different people do it for different reasons. I do this because i like to enjoy beuty of nature and also i set a target to be achieved and i try to do that in minimum possible time .

Will you climb everest ???

—— madam i am aspirung to do that , but presently not having time .

After coming of Mr. Trump and there has been concerns for indian diaspora why???

—– madam after coming of trump there has been concerns regarfing H1B visas like , reducing the no. And incresing the fees . So this holds impact for our people and IT industry.

We see that our brain is going there , don’t you think we should reverse it ??

— yes madam , in recent periods we saw brain drain and it should be reversed . Our govt is trying to do that using make in india , skill india , digital india which will reuire more IT professionals . But we can not completely stop it because of globalisation .

You talked of globalisation but in recent time there is concerns against globalisation ??

)——- Yes madam , in recent time mr. Trump has said america for americans, pulled out of TPP  and we saw brexit . So these things show against globalisation .

Why trump pulled out of TPP ????

—— madam because mr. Trump thinks thag TPP is going to benefit other member countries more and jobs will be not created in US .

What is impact of US pulling out of TPP ?

—– madam positive as TPP would have caused trade diversion , increased standards of labour laws and IPR laws .

A long statement but i found crux that why not to have strict labour laws

—– madam , we have to balance two things , on one side we have to ensure tgat labour laws are not so strict that it turns away companies from country on other hand we have to ensure labour is not harassed and ecploited . Presently i do not think that we can have strict labour laws .

Member 3

You work in PSU, There is  ,maharatna ,  navratna etc hiw they are classified ???

—— sir , they are classified based on certain criteria , such as annual turnover , net worth , profit after tax ,global presence etc.

Yours is what ?

—– sir it is a maharatna organisation

You talked of AUSC , in which area is this ???

—– sir in thermal power

But you see that whatever we do we do jot achieve 100% eff ???

—– sir , because the ideal cycle carnot itself depends on high temp and low temp. Heat added at high temp and released at low ,. So there is a limit for that.

What is Ausc tech and why are we getting the improvement in efficiency

—- sir we will be working at very high temp and pr and the mean temp of heat addition will be increased . Presently having 39% eff and later on we will be having efficiency of 45%

what is other way to improve efficiency of cycle

——- sir , by using regeneration

What is exact change ??

– sir mean temp of heat addition .

Then he was trying to ask something diff , but i was not getting and ge said ok leave it .

Member 4

here I was most confused as qs were asked in a mixed sense but remained calm )

what is smart city definition

—— Sir,  whatever the document i have read (interrupted )

Which document

—– (confused ) and simply said that sir newspapers and pib .


—- sir smart city is a concept where we will be having basic facilities on one side and smart solutions in addition to them .combinedly these will provide smart city

What is progress in faridabad ?????

—- i kept thinking but was not able to think

can hisar be developed as a smart city

——- yes. Sir , it can be developed but presently we are working on 100 cities .

What are initiatives of govt for urban development ?

—– i named smart city and amrut ( but not sure ) so said sir abke to recall only smart city.

Who is responsible for urban development ??state or local govr ??

— sir both

How state???

—- sir state highways and giving grants to local bodies etc .

What is this counter magnet area .

— told

What are specific project for development in gour city –

—- pardon sir , i can not recall any specific project .

What type of local government are you having ???

—-Sir munivipal corporation

What do you expect from it to do for city???

—— sir in the direction of congestion of city , illegal encroachments , water on outslirts of city …

Who is having power regarding water ???

I was thinking

He smiled and said , actually i do not know who is there as different cities have different systems =.

—- i also smiled , and said pardon sir i am not sure .

whom should be more devolution of powers ? Local government or state ?

—–Sir , local governments ad they are more close to people and can have better supervision , better formulation of policied for people .

Why states not giving power when constitution says so ???

—- yes sir , it says so and also list is given regarding powers of local bodies , but it is not mandatory and depends on discretion of state legislature . So they are not giving powers to local bodies .

((( i am not able to recall what exactly happened during M4 , but sometimes i went blank , and where he asked specifically , i replied in calm and composed manner ))))


Your interview is over 

All the best.

Source: Telegram

UPSC Interview Transcript: Chattar Singh Board, First attempt, History Optional


Time– 25 to 30 minutes.
Chattar Singh panel.
Qualification– Mechanical Engineering 2015 pass out
First attemptHistory Optional

Chairperson was grim faced while others were cordial and smiling.


CP-Is this your photo?

Me- Yes sir.
CP- Father’s name seems incomplete

Me- tried to explain but he cut me short.

He looked at DAF and said your DAF gives a feel that you play or sing music. But I said I only listen.

CP-Since your hobby is music, what is the difference between harmonium and piano sound?

Me- Sir I have learnt harmonium till 4th standard. Sound is produced by strings placed behind keys. But I don’t know exact difference

CP- Oh. I thought since your hobby is music, you might know.

CP-(Shows a metal object) As you are a mech engg, how to manufacture this in different ways?

Me- Told 3 methods of casting, machining, die-punching

CP-Which method will you use if you want to produce millions of such pieces?

Me- Sir I would prefer die-punching

CP-Any latest methods of manufacturing? Told about laser cutting, water jet cutting but CP was not satisfied. He probably wanted 3D printing.

CP-Most liked part of mechanical engineering? I said Thermodynamics

CP- what all do you learn in Thermodynamics?

Me- Sir we learn basic theory, laws of thermodynamics, heat transfer, refrigeration and air conditioning and boilers.

CP- Asked a question on central air conditioning system in upsc building. He asked how would I ensure all rooms are cooled equally? I said using pump to blow cold air in duct of farthest room. Cross questioning but I stuck to my stand of using pumps.

CP- Have you visited a central AC plant?

Me- Sir during college.

CP smiled for the first time and passed over to other members.

Member 1

M1-What is Hooke’s Law? What is proportional limit? I answered it.

M1- What is the elastic constant called?

Me- I said Young’s constant to which he corrected as Young’s modulus of elasticity. I said Thank You sir.

M1- Which foreign dignitary will visit India in next few days?

Me- Sorry sir I can’t recall

M1- Bangladesh?

Me- Thank you sir. It is Sheikh Hasina who is visiting.

M1- Which important issue between India and Bangladesh is pending?

Me- Sir,Teesta water dispute

M1- What is Teesta river disputes for?

Me- I answered about concerns of north Bengal and Rangpur rice bowl of Bangladesh and that’s why both are demanding more water.

M1- Exact percentage of sharing water?

Me- Sir, I don’t know exactly but it’s around 33%.

M1- No. Its 36 and 38%.

Me- Thank you sir

M1- Where does Teesta originate?

Me- Sir, in Sikkim. It then flows through Bengal and meets Ganga in Bangladesh.

Member 2

M2- Long question on demographic dividend. Will we be able to utilise it?

Me- Yes madam. If we are able to generate employment and skill development in next 10 years, we can surely utilise it.

M2- As an administrator, how would you increase employment?

Me- Madam I would focus on rural area since most youth are concentrated there. I would develop agro processing industry and also focus on skill development so that they can be absorbed in urban areas

M2- Can farmer income be doubled by 2022?

Me- Given the precarious condition in last 2 years, it seems difficult. But govt steps will surely increase it to some extent.

M2- But are govt steps like loan waivers enough?

Me- Madam, loan waivers are only one thing. Govt is focusing on irrigation, insurance…..she interrupted

M2- but are loan waivers good for economy?

Me- Madam from an economic angle, it’s bad since banks are facing NPA and it is ultimately the public exchequer who will pay. But madam loan waivers have a human angle too. Since farmers are our food producers and are committing suicide, it’s our duty to help them.

M2- (sitar listening as hobby) What are different types of Sitar

Me- Madam number of strings vary from 17-21 in various Sitars. The resonance drum may be of gourd, pumpkin, etc. All these vary the sound of notes of Sitar.

M2- Since you know so much, you must have held it in your hand.

Me- No madam. I don’t play it. But I have seen it. She smiled.

M2- which type of music you like in sitar?

Me- I like both classical and fusion music, especially fusion of Anoushka Shankar, daughter of Pandit Ravi Shankar.

M2- (Rabindra Sangeet as hobby) which languages did tagore write in?

Me- I know only of Bengali and English poems of Gitanjali for which he won Nobel.

M2- He also wrote in Braj, Maithili….

Me- Thank you madam.

Member 3

M3- Types of machines to move air ?

Me- Sir i can recall only fan used in mechanical systems.

M3- Blowers, compressors, etc

Me- Thank you sir.

M3- Asked about my favorite subject in mech engg. I said Design. He asked in a gear design, why its in involute shape. Ok, do you know what is an involute?

Me- Sorry sir I can’t recall.

M3- Which heat transfer takes place without medium?

Me- Sir it is Radiation

M3- Law governing radiation?

Me- Sir, I can’t remember the law. But it has a Stephen  boltzmann constant and uses equations of temperature raised to 4th power.

M3- (learnt German) specialties of German over English language? He got happy when I told articles like a, an, the in German are based on gender

M3- Why do you like Rabindra Sangeet?

Me- Sir, for quest of lyrics. My generation listens to Bollywood songs which focus on music than lyrics. Some have very bad level lyrics. So I was in search of songs which had deep meaning. Rabindra Sangeet satisfied that demand. Secondly sir. I was introduced to it due to a serial on EPIC channel called Stories by Rabindranath Tagore directed by Anurag Basu. One of Rabindra Sangeet was sung by Arijit Singh that attracted me to Rabindra Sangeet.

M3- Any other music famous for its deep meaning lyrics

Me- Sir I can think of Baul music of Bengal, Abhangas and Kirtanas of various Bhakti saints in Maharashtra

M3- – Importance of ASEAN and India’s progress in Act East policy

Me- answered it from strategic, trade and China perspective. But it’s a fact that India has developed cold feet in dealing with ASEAN in spite of Look East policy becoming an Act East policy. The RCEP is still not signed. Somerset we need to do more

M3- You mentioned South China Sea. Importance of South China Sea? Why India is con cerned ?

Me- answered well from various angles.

Member 4

M4- Topic of speech at MIT Chhatra Sansad ?

Me- Sir it was Political Leadership- What young India wants. It focused on trust deficit, being visionary and decisive.

M4- So name any 2 leaders in world that satisfy your demands from politicians you mentioned. And let them be recent ones

Me- Sir, Barack Obama.

M4- That obvious. Tell me second one.

Me- Sir, Theresa May.

M4- Is she visionary?

Me- Sir, from their perspective, she is visionary since she is leading Britain out of EU to have a bright future.

M4- 2 electoral reforms you would implement ?

Me- Completely banning convicted criminals and RTI for parties.

M4- Since you are public speaker, you focused on completely. But what about minor criminals?

Me- Sir, I stand corrected. Banning people who are convicted of heinous crimes.

M4- Meaning those who got punishment of 3 years?

Me- Sir, 7 years.

M4- Ok. Tell me the current system.

Me- Sir, currently sitting members have to resign if prosecuted and they are banned only for 6 years.

M4- Ok. Tell me about electoral bonds. Will they ensure good funding?

Me- Sir, they will ensure there is trail of money paid. It will conceal only the name.

M4- Again. You focused on only. Is name not important?

Me- sir. Name is important as it defines personality. But in case of political funding, people want to conceal their names.

M4- Some that means electoral bonds will not ensure transparency that you are talking about. So how are they good?

Me- Sir, they are a step in right direction as in for now. Better ways of funding like full digital funding can be employed in future.

M4- Ok. Heard of OBOR? What is the full form? Why is India concerned ? Answered well

M4- Should India join it? As it is, China is going to build it irrespective of India’s reservations. So why not join it and make use of its infra?

Me- Sir as in for now, India is adopting a wait and watch policy. Given the precarious condition of Chinese economy it is yet not sure how much China will invest in OBOR. So India is adopting  a wait and watch policy. Member seemed satisfied.


You talked of loan waivers having a human angle. There are so many dependent on agriculture who are under debt. Then should govt help them?

(I couldn’t understand compete question. But I did not ask him to repeat.)

CP- Some what are govt schemes for such people? ( I didn’t know which people he was talking of)

Me- Sir, interest subvention scheme.

CP- for whom?

Me- I am sorry sir that is for the farmers. I can’t recall of any other scheme.

CP-  Ok, Thank you. You may leave.

Source: Telegram

UPSC Interview Transcript: Arvind Saxena Board, Anthropology Optional, Vipassana


Board : Arvind Saxena
Interview lasted for 20-25 minutes
Hobby: numismatics , vipassana
Graduation :
Optional : Anthropology


So Mr. X you have done in 2012. What are doing since then?

  1. Tell me issues associated with start up these days?
  2. But IT people now a days starting cab and food type startup only. How they are contributing towards economy?
  3. India is facing jobless growth? Do you agree .
  4. What are the reasons of jobless growth?
  5. There is one more question in between in which i said sorry sir i have no idea about this- not able to recall it exactly .

Member 1

  1. There is theory criticising invasion of Aryan in news recently? Then he explain whole theory and asked me – are you aware of this ?
  2. What are your topmost priority among service?
  3. What if u have been allocated IPS, IFS or any other service?

Not able to recall his questions but i did answer all his questions except one.

Member 2

lady member: very cheerful person and must be psychologist as she started writing something on her pad as i entered in the room.

  1. What is Anthropology?
  2. Why you choose anthropology as optional?
  3. So Mr. X u started vipassana at such a young age. What forces you to start this?
  4. So now u are practising it regularly ?
  5. So Mr. X you are from gurgaon ? What is your opinion regarding change of name from gurgaon to gurugram?
  6. Is there any historical significance about the name gurugram?
  7. Then why it is not known as eklavya gram?

Member 3

  1. Tell me something about maritime security ?
  2. What are issues faced by India?
  3. What are the issues associated with energy security in India?
  4. What are renewable energy sources and their targets?
  5. Technological Issues assocoated with solar power and wind power ?
  6. What is landlocked countries ?
  7. Any example in neighbourhood of India?
  8. How india is helping it’s neighbourhood through her ports and sea trade?

Member 4

  1. What is numismatics?
  2. So u collect only Indian coins or other countries coins also? And what is your source of collection?
  3. Number of coins you possess?

4.. So can you trace the history of numismatics in India? And many cross question on it – like who introduced silver coins first?

  1. During indus valley civilisation what is significance of seals? ( Major blunder here – as in hurry i told them that they had trade relations with Russia instead of mesopotamia)

So very next question they asked me-

  1. What is Russian civilisation and how it was related to IVC?

As i came to know that there is no Russian civilisation at time of IVC, so i said sorry sir there is no relation.

C: Asked M4. You want to ask more questions. He said i am done and chairman sir said your  interview is over Mr X. . All the best

This much i am able to recall right now.

We will post UPSC Interview Transcripts regularly under the Interview Preparation Initiative.

Why Interview Transcripts?

  • These transcripts are just a collection of UPSC Interview experiences from different candidates.
  • The purpose of these transcripts is to provide individual experience and how they faced the board.
  • In a way, it affects the way candidates are understood, the information they share, and the conclusions drawn.
  • You’ll be able to identify the constraints and opportunities before you when facing the interview board.
  • Though providing transcripts, which is a behind a scene task, the aim is to provide a valuable input that you are looking for that you are hesitant to ask someone.
  • It might help to re-evaluate your approach , and take a look at what really needs to be done.

Source: Forum IAS

UPSC Interview Transcript: PK Joshi Board, Maths Optional


PK Joshi Board
Maths optional; morning slot

I entered the room; the CM was smiling. I wished all of them and was asked to take my seat.


1. You have an excellent academic record, why don’t you for research?
A: Thank you sir but I always wanted to join CS.
2. In a school in a village children of 9th and 10th are afraid of maths, you are asked to give a speech to encourage them as a DM. What will be that speech?
A. Explained about how I will start with Ramanujan’s story, how maths is imp I life and even in other subjects that students may like, various sites that teach about applications of maths; opportunities in maths etc.
3. How will you explain them how geometric and harmonic mean are better than arithmetic mean through applications?
A. I told him that I am not completely sure about applications of these. Then he gave me a question and actually explained the applications. I understood ?

Member 1

1. I am happy to see you are from Delhi University. I am also from DU. Tell me are you helpful?
A. I answered that I have a soft spoken attitude and like helping people. For example whenever my domestic help needs any kind of help I try to solve it asap.
2. Most embarrassing moment in life?
A. I freezed on stage during head girl election speech in 10th standard. All started laughing.
3. Major accomplishment in life
A. I said that I was able to study in good insitutions (DU, IIT-Bombay) and then I started thinking of some other but she told…ok academic accomplishments are fine.
4. 1st issue you will tackle in your city as a DM?
A. Drinking water
5. How will you ensure wellbeing of minorities?
A. Explained; no counter ques

Member 2

1. What is the nuclear policy of India?
a. Explained both from nuclear energy and nuclear weapon perspective. I said minimum credible deterrence then he said we also have no 1st use and I said yes sir.. then he asked what is MCD; I explained and he nodded.
2. One situation question
A. Answered; no counter ques.
3. You write articles; what is the latest article you wrote?
A. About Fear of failure; I said sir I realised that no matter how high we reach as an individual in our lives this fear will never leave us. Thus we should work so hard that we able to reduce this fear inside us if not remove it. Then he completed my sentence and I said yes sir.
4. Where and when do you write them?
A. Sir, whenever I feel like writing something I write it. I usually write them on my laptop only.

Member 3

1. One maths question
a. Was not able to give exact explanation and answer that he was expecting. He explained it to me and I said sorry sir I was not able to tell with a smile. He was smiling.
2. Is the universe finite or infinite as a mathematician?
A. Didn’t know exactly but said confidently that it is infinite. No counter ques.. (but I am worried now)
3. What are gravitational waves?
A. Explained
4. Are black holes finite?
A. Don’t know sir

Member 5

1. What are you doing since 2014?
A. Preparing for CS
2. Do you believe in censorship?
A. To a certain extent yes sir
3. Is media regulated?
A. Sir, Print media is a bit regulated but electronic media is not.
4. Media censorship; should it come from govt or media?
A. From the media itself
5. What about judicial control through NJAC? Do we need such measures?
A. Sir I think we need transparency in the way judges are appointed. If we are able to get it it will be good for all.
Interview over.

Source: Forum IAS