Monday, July 29, 2024

[UPSC Interview Transcript #138]: Manoj Soni Board, Bihar Home State, Volleyball Hobby


Date of Interview: -25/02/2020
Afternoon session, 4th to go, 3:57
Board: Manoj Soni
Employee: IBM
Home State: Bihar
Hobby: volleyball


I: May I come in Sir
CH: Yes come in (with a smile)
I: Good Afternoon sir, Good afternoon Mam,Good afternoon sir
CH: Please sit down
I: Thank you sir
CH: you worked with IBM for less than 2 years.
I: Yes Sir
CH: Currently you are living in Delhi?
I- Yes Sir
CH: Where?
I: Sir in west Patel Nagar, New delhi.
CH: Is cross border terrorism a threat to India?
I: Yes sir its a threat to our country as it is leading to loss of lives of our soldiers and civilians.
CH: I am asking is it a threat or not?
I: Yes sir its a threat
CH: Israel is also facing similar kind of problem, how they are managing?
I: Sir they are using thermal sensors, fencing,underground walls for better border managememt.
CH (Interrupted in between):But they are also doing some operations in neighbouring territory, do you think India need to learn from Israel and do the same.
I: Yes sir , we can do the same if there is an imminent threat to our soldiers life and innocent civilians and it is in our national interest as we did in Balakot.But there is a need to balance it with human rights.
CH: Human rights?
I: yes sir
CH:Do you think it is possible to seggregate terrorists from civilain population.People like Hafeez saeed are living in isolated places?
I: Sir it is difficult but we can try to pinpoint because in case of Israel there are high civilian casualties.
CH: Okaya lets consider a scenario , there is threat to India from terrrorists like Masood Azhar and you have three options on the table
Operation like US navy seal did in the case of Osama bin Laden.
Cyber Attack
Diplomatic pressure
You have to choose one option what will you choose as you are the deciding authority
I: Sir it depends on the type of threat and time we have.
CH: Its a very serious threat and going to occur by today’s evening itself.
I: Sir i will go for operation in neighbouring territory to neutralize that threat.
CH: As US navy seal did.
I: Yes sir, because Diplomatic channels will take some time and cyber attack may mot he very effective as they can have other plans .
CH: What will be the repercussions?
I: Sir people like Hafeez Saeed have huge popularity base in their country and any action against them will put huge pressure on pakistani govt. Aand thus Pakistan will raise this issue at international level and can also take action against India as they did post balakot.
CH: Do you not think its an act of aggression?
I: Yes sir its an act of aggression (with 1 sec pause) for Pakistan and other countries. But for me as an Indian citizen it is important to save the lives of our soldiers and innocent civilians.
CH: You are giving me a balanced answer. Will not it lead to a war?
I: Sir it may lead to war but there can be intervention by major powers and international institutions like UN to diffuse the tensions or a localized war.
CH: Do we have any international treaty against such act of aggression.
I: Sorry sir I dont know.
CH: Do you not think your decision will lead to war
I: Sir it may lead to war but if it is in national interest and necessary to save the lives of our people then we need to take such decisions.

Member 1

you worked with IBM.
I: Yes mam
M1: What is CSR?
I: Answered
M1: Why corporates are doing this?
I: Answered
M1: What corporates are getting? Followed by two more questions till i said that it will lead to a skilled workforce in future for corporates.Then she noded yes skill development of people.
M1: you have played volleyball?
I: Yes mam
M1: What you have learnt?
I: Mam i have learnt various things

  1. Team work as it requires performance by each team member to win a game.
  2. Learning from others and taking decisions on the court.
  3. To accept a defeat and to come back in the next game.

M1: means to accept weakness and to work on that.
I: Yes mam
M1: As a DM how will you make use of IT for better govermance of a small city.
I: Mam IT can play an important role in governance

  1. For making services accessible to the public
  2. Small cities are facing with issues like congestion, infrastructural issues here we can make use of IT
  3. To address issues like water pollution, energy efficieny we can make use of Intrrnet of things, Artificial intelligence.
  4. M2. suppose you are posted as a police officer in an area, where 5 youth has commited a brutal rape and murder of a girl.You have arrested all the accused but your senior is putting pressure on you to encounter all of them . What will you do I (After 3-4sec): Sir i will follow the rule of law and i will not do the encounter as it is aginst the rule of law. And i will try to convence my senior about the gravity of the situation

Member 2

But your senior is putting preasure on you.
I: Sir i owe to the constitution of my country and it is my duty to uphold its values and follow the due process of law .I will not follow the orders blindly i will try to convence him and if needed i will refer the matter to his senior.
M2: But their is hierarchy in bureaucracy and by informing your senior’s senior you are violating this hierarchy.
I: Sir first i will try to convence him if he still pressurize me then only i will refer it to his senior.

M2: You are saying you will not do the encounter but when encounters happen people showers flower on the police as happened in Telangana.
I: Sir it shows that people lacks faith in CJS and thats why they celebrated such action. But such actions are not the solution we need to improve the overall CJS.
M2: Every day we read about risingcrimes against women like murder, rape, molestation then what is the solution. I: Sir there are two aspects w.r.t rising for such incidents
1.Reporting of such crimes has been increased and more people are registering their complaints.
2.There are issues with respect to law and order specially crimes against women and for that we need to improve the work culture of the CJS in order to restore the faith of the people in the state(M2 corrected me in the system) , in the system , so that people have trust and sense of security while criminals have deterrence. M2: Do you think anything has been improved in last 70 years.
I (with a smile):Yes sir
M2: you write diaries. How often you write.
I: Sir i used to write on daily basis.
M2: Is not its a boring task to writr daily.As after spending whole day you have to write it. I (with a smile): Sir initially when i started writing it was difficult to write on daily basis. But later it has helped me in improving my personality and in setting day to day targets and their follow up.Now i used to write on daily basis and after i do meditation for 15-20 minutes.

M2: Any famous dairy enteries?
I: Sir at international level we have diary of Anne Frank,Samule Peppy’s. And at national levwl diary of Mahatma Gandhi which he wrote after independence amd diary of Dr. A.P.J abdul kalam.
M2: But Dr kalam used to wrote memoirs.
I: Sir i have read his book wings of fire in which he mentioned that after day to day activities he used to write diary about his experience,learning etc.

Member 3

you are from Muzaffarpur which is famous for bad reasons.
I: Sir its muzaffarnagar
M3: Yes yes its Muzaffarnagar.
I: Sir bad reason w.r.t to law and order
M3: Yes wrt law and order
I: yes sir their are issues wrt law and order in Muzaffarnagar and other parts of western UP
M3: how will you measure governance of an area.What are the indicators?
I: Sir it can be measured through

  1. Efficiency of public services.
  2. Transparency and accountability wrt to delivery of services.
    M3: You are telling me simple things, tell me something else.
    I: Sir it can also be measured by the satisfaction level of beneficiaries of different schemes.
    M3: By conducting survey.
    I: Yes Sir (In mind report of various NPO’s and international institutions, not able to recollect indicators of various reports by NITI aayog)
    M3: Tell me some indicators for measuring governance.
    I: Sir we can measure it with HDI index as it has bearing on public services and also with the help of Number of complaints registered and actions taken on them.
  3. M3: Does small states have advantage with respect to governance.
    I: Yes sir they have.But size is not the only criteria as we have states like TN having good governance.
    M3: Tell me about small states what advantage they have.
    I: Sir in a small state it is easy for senior officials to fix accountability of official at local level.
    M3 (added in my answer): and also for political leaders
    I: Yes sir
    M3: Any other
    I: Sir advantage w.r.t allocarion of funds.-Followed by two more questions in one of them i tried to explain by giving example of Sonabhadra i.e even after having 7 major industries and 3 power plants it is still one of the most backward region and 40% populatiom belonging to SC and ST have poor social indicators. But
  4. M3 was not satisfied and said that you are telling me unnecessay thing.It was followed by next question.
    M3: Tell me what will be done to improve the governance and better development of state like UP in points1 2 3.

I: Sir first is policy formulation for balanced regional development.
Second transparency and accountability in public services. Thirdly apart from top down measures we need to empower people to improve governance.
M3: You are an IT guy tell em something w.r.t technology.Is it can be use.
I (With a smile):Yes sir it can be used and we are already using it ex-Common servuce centres for making services accessible to people .( give my village ex) Secondly for making efficient use of resources and fixing accountabilty.ex-2 years back there was death of more than 50 children in Gorakhpur due to unavailibity of oxygen cylinders. To prevent such incidentsWe can make use of AI for maintaing an online inventory of resources for fixing accountability.

Then he seems satisfied and pass to

Member 4

M4 (lady member)- you have served as deputy hrad boy and you were also the part of security management team in your college. Recently there was an incident of molestation in Gargi college in Delhi.Are you aware about that.
I: Yes mam
M4: According to you what were the loopholes in security arrangement.
I: Mam there were many loopholes
First was issue wrt assessment about no. Of people attending cultural event.
M4: means more people attended.
I: Mam issue wrt to number as well as security staff for their handling. As in case of Gargi college large no. Of people entered the campus after overpowering the security staff.
M4: But if they have entered then how it is possible to monitor huge crowd in cultural events.
I: Mam we also faced with same issues during college fest and for that we 20 members (security management team) provided point of contact to the students.
M4: Like control room. I: Mam control room was thrre having participation from security guards and college administration. But we acted as point of contact at ground level.
M4: You were 20 how had you managed.
I: Mam we had members at fixed positions as well as in mobility to monitor activities and to convey the same to control room.
M4: But in such event it is difficult to monitor activities?
I : Mam for that we were briefed about some sensitive areas like Performance area,rehearsal area, events like DJ night and parking
M4- Like dark spots
I: Yes mam as such areas have sense of anonymity.
M4: But if crowd is doing misconduct with a girl then what to do?
I- Mam for that we were instructed overpower the person at the spot.
M4 (interrupted)-means overpower physically
I- yes mam and to inform the security staff and in case of serious issue inform the college administration to handle the situation amd if needed call the police.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview Transcript #14]: BS Bassi sir, Delhi Home State, Sociology Optional, Cricket & Foodball hobbies


Board: BS Bassi sir
Background: civil engineering
Optional: sociology
Home State: Delhi
Hobbies: Cricket and football


  1. Is it your photo,- cant see clearly said yes, but it wasn’t me, again showed me, I said no sir. He smiled and talked in Hindi
  2. Why you want to become Ias. Sir joked in between gundagardi to nhi Karni.. everyone laughed

Member 2

  1. 27 October 1947 what happened?
  2. Tell me something about the 1947-48 war.
  3.  when un convention was signed

Member 3

  1. Contributions of mn Srinivas
  2. Delhi is called rape capital, what we need to do.
  3. Interstate migration is an issue.
  4. Question on mgnrega

Member  4

  1. How to do rainwater harvesting in the village. Follow-up question on this.
  2.  Indian economy and issues with it.
  3. Some civil engineering marvel that inspired you.

Member 5

  1. Prefabricated structure Benefits
  2. Any specific example. Chairman again Tell some other building. I mentioned Qutub Minar etc. How arches are bind answered.
  3. Wanted some specific name. Replied – I would definitely read this sir. thanks, sir.
  4. Showed me the photo again and smiled. Bassi sir was repeatedly sleeping and not maintaining eye contact. Overall a good experience.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview Transcript #22] :Bassi sir Board, Maharashtra Home State, Political Science Optional, Film, TV series & Teaching hobbies


Interview Date: 17/02/2020, Forenoon, First to go
Duration: approx 30 min
Board: Bassi sir
Background: Graduation in Political Science
Optional: Political Science
Employee: EPFO
Home State: Maharashtra
Hobbies: Film, TV series, and Teaching

After entering the chamber wished the CP and lady members and then the other 3 members. CP asked to seat.


  1. (Called me by my father’s name. Politely told my correct name.)
  2. You like to watch TV series. Any specific genre or everything? (Told everything)
  3. Still, you will have some favorites, right? Tell me your favorite TV series? (Game of Thrones)
  4. Give me an introduction to Game of Thrones. What is it about? (Gave brief introduction)
  5. I want you to speak for 2 minutes on Game of Thrones.
  6. Why those kingdoms are fighting among themselves?
  7. What msg we get from this line of thought of fighting among ourselves. (Told United we stand and divided we fall)

Member 1

  1. So, You’re working in EPFO. Tell me how you decide the interest rates.
  2. You have studied in Pune. Do you know about NDA?
  3. What is the role of NDA in our nation-building?
  4. What do you think is the advantage of training cadres of all three forces together?
  5. You have studied IR. Tell me what is our relationship with Afghanistan?
  6. How it is different from other countries? (Told we are more focused on the development of Afghanistan while others are more interested in their strategic interest. Bassi sir smiled)
  7. Do we have our troops in Afghanistan? Should we send our troops there?
  8. What is our official policy about sending troops to Afghanistan?

Member 2

  1. Have you heard about the merging of banks? Which are the banks been merged? What is your view about this bank merging? Is it good or bad?
  2. Have you heard about Bank Nationalisation?
  3. When did it happen? What exactly was done in nationalization?

Member 3

  1. You have done a certificate course in women and development. Tell me about the course, its duration, syllabus, and what you learned?
  2. Tell from independence till now how do you see the development of women in the country in various fields like social, economic and political, etc.
  3. So you have studied PSIR. Tell me about UNSC.
  4. There are some countries that are demanding changes in UNSC. Can you name them? Why they are demanding the changes?
  5. Okay, tell me why India is demanding a seat in UNSC and whether India deserves it? I want your view on this, not a yes or no answer.

Member 4

  1. So you like teaching. What is the age group of children you teach?
  2. You have studied Marathi in your school. Suppose u have to teach Marathi to non- Marathi how will you teach them? What methods you will adopt?
  3. You watch TV series also. Tell me about OTT platforms.
  4. Tell me the advantages and disadvantages of platforms like Netflix?
  5. How should we regulate them? ( I told about censorship)
  6. So, how censorship can be imposed? How the producers of films and tv series earn money by releasing their content on Netflix.
  7. Suppose you are traveling in a car with your family. your passing by a small village where people are Protesting for some demands. you come across them, they are angry. How will you handle the situation? What will you tell them?


  1. Have you heard about BRI?
  2. Tell me about it. (Fumbled here. So I asked for some time and started again.)
  3. We were hearing about it a lot last year now we are not hearing about it much. What were the reasons then and what are the reasons now?
  4. Is china back rolling the initiative? Thank you. your interview is over

(Overall very cordial interview. Had a good feeling at the end. Hoping for the best now)
Thank you Mahesh Bhagwat sir and all the seniors and friends for helping with the preparation.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview Transcript #43] :Bhim Sen Bassi Board, Telangana Home State, Mechanical engineering


Contributed by ForumIAS community member
Duration: 25 mins
Board: Bhim Sen Bassi
Background: Mechanical engineering
Home State: Telangana


  1. Very welcoming and greeted in Telugu ‘’Mr. Reddy Kurchondi”
  2. Came directly to point-Why do you want to join cs
  3. Being a mechanical engineer tata Ashok Leyland pays you a lot of money why not that?
  4. are you coming for that power dadagiri and all?
  5. Chalo if I don’t give you a car, half of your salary will you still serve?

Member 1

  1. What are we referring to when we say war targets and what do our forces target?
  2. tell me about UAV and manned vehicle difference
  3. what are the strategies adopted by army at border
  4. what are other applications of UAV
  5. tell me about Narayana junior clg and type of teaching there
  6. did it help in your mechanical engg

Member 2

She was facing the chairman and looking behind to ask qstns

  1. tell me about ne insugency
  2.  forest rights act
  3.  no of tribals in Telangana
  4. what is vipassana(daf)

Member 3

cordial of everyone

  1.  what is trickle-down economics
  2.  what is an alternative theory
  3.  what is welfare economics
  4.  what must state adopt
  5.  what is karting
  6. what exactly did you do
  7.  do you drive in a race

Member 4

his voice was very low could not even listen qstn

  1.  not able to listen said sorry sir I cant hear- he skipped the question
  2.  what is the thermocouple
  3.  New development has come in painting tell me


Final authenticity check

  1. 1 what did you do as a traffic commando
  2. 2 tell me date time and year He said Thank you- I was still in mood of the interview did not leave-he told to leave politely?
  3. Stopped me again, showed my photo, and asked if it is me #bassithings
  4. Overall board was cordial.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview Transcript #46] :Bassi Sir Board, Chemical Engineering Background


Duration: 25 mins, Forenoon Session
Board: Bassi Sir
Background: B Tech, IIT D, Chemical Engineering

Member 1

  1. Is this your photo?
  2. why no mustache now?
  3. tell me about this CAA, why people are protesting?
  4. how will you handle protesters who are blocking a connecting road?

Member 2

  1. What chemical is used for cloud seeding?
  2. What is the problem of locust, which pesticide we use
  3. what is the problem i=of killing locust with pesticide
  4. which states are affected
  5. what is the long term solution (was not prepared on this topics, things didn’t go well)

Member 3

  1. what are the challenges between India US relations ( i said sir 4 points – better military co-operation, IP laws of India, VISA rules for Indians, opening up farm sector of India, etc )
  2. which President according to you has been best for India ( i was going to say Obama, but read somewhere that it was Bush, Civil Nuclear Cooperation, and all that, he seemed satisfied
  3. can you tell which all presidents have visited India, I said Nixon, Kennedy, Clinton, bush, Obama, and now Donald Trump, not sure if I missed someone )
  4. what is the main dilemma before the USA in promoting India in indo-pacific

Member 4

  1. what chemical is used as nerve gas, phosgene, etc
  2. convention on the use of chemical warfare is India signatory to it
  3. what will be the impact of coronavirus in trade and overall impact on Indian economy ( i said sir mobile, ac, medicines, will become expensive ), he said what we can do, I said sir make in India
  4. what is the challenge before the steel industry from China, the USA
  5. solar issue wrt USA and china ( mainly trade questions, I answered some, some I said I don’t know ) – are subsidies good or bad


  1. you read books, which book you have read last
  2. tell me what you liked about the book
  3. last question, why you want to join IAS

(was not convinced at all )

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview Transcript #55] BS Bassi Board, Public Administration Optional, Cricket Hobby


Interview Date: 19th Feb, 9 am, 1 st person to go in
Duration: 35 mins
Board: BS Bassi
Background: Electronics and Communication Engineering
Optional: Public Administration
Hobby: Cricket


  1. Why do you want to join civil services?
  2. So, you read on Quora?
  3. What was the last answer you read?
  4. What is your assessment of same answer?
  5. Tell me about day and night test match?
  6. Why pink ball is used?
  7. What are the security issues in day and night test matches?
  8. Why should the government provide security? Is that because might is right?
  9. what measures will you take if you were city commissioner?
  10. What about people who work at night? How will they get entertainment?

Member 1

  1. So, you’re an electronics engineer? Tell me about AWACS?
  2. Tell me how does a radar function?
  3. Do you remember the formula of it?
  4. Ok, I will switch the topic, tell me how can we solve India-Pakistan problem?
  5. What is the FATF grey list?
  6. Tell me what happens if a country is put in the FATF grey list?

Member 2

  1. What are the technological advances in banking sector?
  2. Do you think there will be job losses because of it?
  3. Should banks shut down its branches then?
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of social media?
  5. Don’t you think fake news is a problem?
  6. How can we solve the problem of fake news?
  7. What government is doing in curbing fake news?

Member 3

  1. Tell me about the West Asian crisis.
  2. What are the internal problems and external problems?
  3. Why everyone wants to meddle in West Asia? Why there are so many players?
  4. Can you tell me what are the political changes that Europe is facing?
  5. How to deal with refugees?

Member 4

  1. So, you follow cricket, tell me what are the technologies used in cricket?
  2. How does bails flash? What is the technology used in it? How is it connected?
  3. Tell me about various kinds of bulbs? Which one is most efficient?
  4. What kind of bulbs does government distribute? What is the name of the scheme?
  5. Tell me about the latest microcontrollers in the market?
  6. Which one did you learn in your college?


Have you heard about the master-led designer bulb?

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview Transcript #58] : BS Bassi Board, Maharashtra Home State, Geography Optional, Rapping, Basketball Hobbies


Interview Date: 21/02/2020
Board: BS Bassi
Background:  Mechanical Engineering
Current Employee: IRAS (Indian Railway Accounts Service)
Previous Employee: Mechanical maintenance engineer in Steel Authority of India limited; enforcement officer in EPFO.
Home State: Maharashtra
Hobbies: Rapping, Basketball
Optional:  Geography


  1. So you have left EPFO to be an IRAS. You were in my board last year. Right? (He recognized me).
  2. Basics of Accounting in layman terms.
  3. Compare mechanical engineering profile with IRAS.
  4. If you are happy in IRAS, why are you here?

Member 1

(For some reason he only and only asked defence related questions.)

  1. What is NSG? What is its function?
  2. Imagine that you are commander of a navy ship. You have to detect your enemies in aerial, surface, and sub-surface arena. What equipments will you use?
  1. After you have detected your enemy, what weapons will you use?
  2. Principle of a jet engine.
  3. What happened in the Indo-Sino war 1962.
  4. What was the outcome of the war?
  5. What happened to the occupation of land by China in North East?

Member 2

  1. Tell me about the Salient features of forest rights act.
  2. Tell me some more features.
  3. What are EIA and SIA?
  4. What is DBT? Tell me a few schemes which use this.
  5. Tell me about land pooling.

Member 3

  1. Tell me the origination of problems in Middle East. (talked about the three basic problems -Kurd’s prob, Shia vs Sunni, Muslims vs Jews)
  2. Don’t tell me about generic problems of middle east. Tell me about the specific countries and their individual problems.
  3. What is happening in Syria?
  4. What is your assessment of Arab spring?
  5. What about Tunisia and Egypt?

Member 4

  1. Define the working of a lift.
  2. Tell me about the Salient features of the lifts act that Maharashtra has recently passed.
  3. Difference between narrow, standard, and meter gauge?
  4. Do different metros in a country have different width of gauge?
  5. Can we export our locos to USA?
  6. Tell me about the voltage of overhead lighting of stations.
  7. Name the locos that you are exporting to neighbouring countries.
  8. What kind of engine does petrol and diesel engine have?
  9. What kind of engine do E-vehicles have?


  1. Have you tried playing basketball for Indian railways basketball team?
  2. What teams have you played for?
  3. Recently, a mishappening struck the basketball community. What was the tragedy?*over *
    Overall impression – Hardly anything from DAF. No opinion based questions. No current affair asked. No optional. Stress interview. More stressed than last year. There were barely any Questions where conversational approach could have been taken.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview Transcript #72]: BS Bassi Board, Maharashtra Home State, History Optional


Interview Date: 30 to 35 minutes
Board: BS Bassi
Background: Mechanical  Engineer
Optional: History
Extra currier: NSS
Home State: Maharashtra
Board was cordial


  1. What is the process cost?
  2. How many cars in the world
  3. No electrical vehicles say there is growth of 30% annual and electric vehicles are 25 million.

Member 1

  1. So long then how will we convert normal cars fleet to electric fleet?
  2. What is the difference between a normal car and an electric car?
  3. How to reduce pollution?

Member 2

  1. What is NSS? Is it popular? What you gained? How to make it more popular?
  2. British came as traders but became rulers how?

Member 3

  1. On what principle does AC work?
  2. what is the principle of cooling?
  3. Why has real estate sector down from last 7-8 yrs

Member 4

  1. Why so many states have lost in Afghanistan.
  2. Was the American attack on Iraq good? Opinion
  3. (Pressed to give opinion)

Member 5

  1. What is special in Maharashtra today( it was shiv Jayanti).
  2. Tell me two points about Nasik
  3. Name all 12 jyotirlingas


  1. Tell me the importance of western ghats to India.
  2. How are biodiversity hotspots selected?
  3. Who were the first invaders to India?
    Thank you.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview Transcript #94]: BS. Bassi Board, Political Science Optional,


Date of Interview: 21/02
Board: Bassi Sir
Optional: PSIR
IFS (2nd preference, hence the questions)
Background: Grad in Journalism, Masters in Pol.Science, Diplomacy &


1. After Graduation you thought Journalism is not important and UPSC wasn’t your central concern.
2. What is the state of polarity/balance of power in the world now ?
3. Which socio-pol arrangement would you prefer at world level.
4. Socio-pol arrangement at state level. ( I said democracy, equality and justice)
5. Follow up: then what about countries who have dictatorship.
6. Do you think borders of nations should be redrawn (I said it is up-to the states, how they manage it)
7. Catalonia issue (400 years old history) I didn’t know, told what I knew.

Member 1

1. What is perception management?
2. Positives and negatives of Perception management at the time of Balakot strike
3. Role of Air Force and the nature of Balakot strike (for latter I said, Pre-emptive)
4. Gallantry Awards
5. Use of Diplomacy at the time of war and peace

Member 2

1. (Pol. Science) Social Contract theory and who gave it?
2. Alwar Tourism Potential (Rajasthan Home State)
3. What is Responsible Journalism
4. POCSO act
5. Role of NC of Child Rights

Member 3

1. Talk two minutes about Indian Foreign Trade (Fumbled of course)
2. Import basket, export basket
3. India’s foreign reserves
4. Difference in monetary and fiscal policy.
5. Instruments of monetary policy and their rate ( I told repo rate)

Member 4

1. What is Disaster Management ( was member of ECO club), types of disaster
2. Utilization of exit poll agencies in the social development.
3. Instruments of social media and which platform is used for mass communication the most.
4. For what Magsaysay award is given.
5. How electronic media is regulated?

1. Is paid news regulated?
2. Should it be regulated?
3. Meaning of your name?
Interview over.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview Transcript #98]: BS. Bassi Board, Karnataka Home State, Political Science Optional, Reading & box fit Hobbies


Contributed by ForumIAS community member
Board: BS. Bassi
Optional: Political Science
Home State: Karnataka
Hobbies: reading and box fit
Background: Political Science Hons and conflict transformation and peacebuilding


  1. Good afternoon Shreya- we are having our tea and you are also welcome to have pakora with us[1]said no sir thankyou
  2. So you’ve done political science from Kamala Nehru- tell me about Kamala Nehru-
  3. Oh beta you’ve prepared this hahahahaha (I nodded and replies yes sir- he laughed)
  4. Who’s this gentleman on the picture- pres kovind: gave some general idea
  5. You don’t know much more?
  6. Okay, what is boxfit? (Hobby) You fit in a box hahaha- I gave the general idea- bassi sir did some back and forth about ability to beat people up

Member 2

  1. what is this conflict transformation course? What did you learn?
  2. How can you transform a conflict
  3. What do you know about sedition
  4. How should the state navigate cases of sedition
  5. Tell me about the Karnataka case SC judgments
  6. What do you know about the Indian navy? (Fumbled Here on)
  7. Tell me about different kinds of ships of the navy and their differences
  8. Some more questions I can’t remember

Member 3

  1. You’ve done political science, tell me about Plato
  2. Tell me about the republic
  3. What is the idea behind philosopher king
  4. Is India a patriarchal country?
  5. No no, don’t tell me in general- tell me about your experience
  6. India’s ranknon GII
  7. What books have you read recently
  8. Medical termination of pregnancy bill?
  9. What do you understand by Human rights

Member 4

  1. Reason for conflict in the Middle East
  2. Problems between Iran, Saudi and turkey
  3. Problems that Europe faces as a continent
  4. Some more IR related questions I can’t remember

Member 5

  1. You had engineering drawing in 12th, tell me about a few objects that are similar from all sides or something around that- couldn’t answer well: said I don’t know
  2. State that has been bifurcated into two recently?
  3. What are its capitals?
  4. Tell me what you know about shillings (this caught me off guard) couldn’t place properly so said I don’t know
  5. Okay, beta your interview is done. Is this your photo?: replied yes sir
  6. You didn’t have your pakora? Have it later.
  7. The board was cordial and nice. The lady member looked happy except my answer on Human rights was a little twisted to which she nodded in a disagreeing way.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview Transcript #101]: BS Bassi Board, Karnataka Home State, Writing, Non fiction book Hobbies


Date of  Interview: 2 March, 20
Board: BS Bassi
Background: Mechanical Engineer
Employee:  ITC Ltd(tobacco)
Home State: Karnataka
Hobbies: Writing, Non fiction book


  1. (showing photo)Is it you?
  2. Which book have you read recently?(Hobby)
  3. Breif history of time , tell me about it?(linked to book)
  4. Okay, forget the universe, Tell me the history of india?
  5. Not the political , the continent history ?
  6. How will the Indian continent end ?

Member 1

  1. So you are a writer? Which language you write?(hobby)
  2. recite the one you have recently written?
  3. What was your role at ITC (work)
  4. What’s your opinion on Tobacco(work)
  5. What’s the global and National trend in Tobacco(work)

Member 2

  1. What is recent Defence and aerospace development around you?(Banglore)
  2. What is the future of entrepreneurship in these sectors?
  3. What are the Challenges to MSME

Member 3

  1. What is Oil diplomacy? How has it changed the world?
  2. You spoke about Energy security of india? Tell me about it?
  3. What are disruptive change in energy in last five years
  4. How shale is extracted? Mechanism
  5. Tell me about Regebrativ breaking?(mechanical engineering)
  6. Tell me about Gandhian economics(Book I read)
  7. Have you read small is beautiful?
  8. Should we make the economy small or big?

Member 4

  1. You heard of its about need and not greed?
  2. How is it related to SDG? Tell me?
  3. Recently niti has released a National SDG report elaborate, please?
  4. What is Bhadravti famous for? (Karnataka)
  5. Why was steel factory established?
  6. Tell me about Raisina dialogue


  1. Help me with current Syrian condition in two minutes(last six month)
    Okay your interviw is over. Thank you.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview Transcript #105]: BS Bassi sir Board, Rajasthan Home State, Civil Engineer, IRS IT


Date of Interview: 2nd March, Afternoon 5th to go
Board: BS Bassi sir
Background: Civil Engineer
Employee: IRS IT
Home State: Chittorgarh, Rajasthan


  1. Readout my service in Ropar(civil) and then IRS (DAF)
  2. Why do you want to be an IAS from IRS…are you not happy with IRS
  3. Is career imp to you or social service
  4. If u have to choose one
  5. You will have 34 yrs of service in IRS and 33 yrs in IAS.. you can reach at apex in this service why change?
  6. Suppose you are made SDM of an district (not trainee) what would be the first three things you would do in the office?

Member 1

  1. Why civil service after civil engineering?
  2. Why civil engineering in the first place?
  3. You have graduated from Nirma University…tell us some background about it
  4. Do u think a smartphone is doing more distraction than its use?
  5. What about youth? Do u think they are getting distracted by social media and all other such things?

Member 2

  1. Extending the last question what are the security implications of social media
  2. What is data localization
  3. His third question was something I could not listen properly and said sorry sir… It was related to data localization
  4. What were the socioeconomic changes that you observed during your stay in Punjab?

Member 3

  1. Is drinking water availability is still an issue in Rajasthan
  2. When in Punjab did you visited Bhakra Nangal Dam
  3. What is its capacity and why it’s famous
  4. Which is the largest Dam in the World…do you know its power generation capacity
  5. Can India have such a type of Dam, what are the challenges?

Member 4

  1. Green Revolution is both pain and gain. Explain it?
  2. What is the evergreen Revolution?
  3. What are the problems in bordering districts of Rajasthan due to Indira Gandhi Canal?


  1. Have u heard about Catalonia? Do you know any recent happenings in that issue?
  2. Recent situation in Syria? Who is actually controlling Syria?

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview Transcript #107]: BS. Bassi Board, Odisha Home State, Mathematics Optional, Vedic maths, AI, Vipassana Hobbies


Date of Interview: 3rd March AN. first to go.
Board: BS. Bassi Sir
Background: IIT Guwahati EEE
Optional: Mathematics
Home State: Odisha
Hobbies: Vedic maths, AI, Vipassana
Intern in Canada, work ex at HP, IRAS


1. Are you in icas service?
2. Have you Joined IRAS?
3. Experience at vadodara?
4. Hard experiences vs soft experiences
5. What you felt in your mind?

Member 1

1. Railway giving eol just after joining?
2. Experience of Canada
3. Your observation based on your experience?
4. Why didn’t you continue research in Canada?

Member 2

1. Assam. Benefits and challenges of Brahmaputra
2. Have you visited and seen the challenges of flooding in lower Brahmaputra area?
3. We are letting waters flow, but when China is building dams we are protesting. Explain thevdichotomy.
4. How to use AI in transportation and security?

Member 3

1. How AI helps in intelligent traffic management?
2. Vipassana meditation. What have you learned? Why at such young age? Would you consider yourself as a spiritual person?
3. How many times you went to Vipassana and where?
4. Views on the merger of railway budget with the general budget
5. What was your research paper about?

Member 4

1. Kalahandi district in Odisha. Challenges and solutions?
2. How resources of Kalahandi could be used?
3. Tribal issue and tribals protesting against the industry in those areas? Solutions?
4. Importance of Vedic mathematics? How it’s helpful?

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview Transcript #109]: BS Bassi Board, Karnataka Home State, Political Science Optional


Date of Interview: 05/03/2020
Board: BS Bassi
Optional: Political Science
Home State: Karnataka


  1. What is this bike riding for a cause…?
  2. What causes you have promoted…?
  3. Which bike do you own… What is the capacity(cc) of the bike…?
  4. What is your rider’s group name…?
  5. Where do you assemble in the city…? Doesn’t it create traffic problm for others…
  6. At what speed do you ride…?
  7. 40-50Kms in a 373cc bike…?
  8. Oh ok, when you are alone you ride 80-100kms…? What is the speed limit on highways…? Is that a highway or Expressway in Bangalore…? are there no highway patrol controlling speed there…?
  9. What are the equipments used for riding…?
  10. Why don’t you wear a rider jacket…?

Member 1

  1. You said women empowerment ( bike riding cause) what did you do…?
  2. Don’t you think that men should be made more aware than telling women what are the remedies…?
  3. You told you went to Chikmagalur… Tel me about Chikmagalur…
  4. Where does the coffee in chikmagalur came from…?

Member 2

  1. International affairs related…
  2. What are the concers that are faced in Indian ocean by Sri Lanka, and Maldives because of India…?
  3. What challenges does India face from Maldives and Sri Lanka…?
  4. What about the Afghan issue… Do you think we must sell weapons to Afghanistan at present that India would become more close to Afghanistan as Russia became close to India by selling weapons…?

Member 3

  1. What do you think about US presidential elections… Whether Republicans or Democrats who will be more favourable to India…?
  2. Which one do you like bike riding or promoting social cause…?
  3. If you are told to promote Social cause by participating in Marathon can you do it… Ans: No
  4. How do you think you can create social awareness by riding bike… Does it have any impact how…?

Member 4

  1. Why there is so much traffic in Bangalore…?
  2. What are the remedies available…?
  3. Why north Karnataka has short rainfall…?
  4. What are the latest technologies available in civil engineering so that we can build houses within a short period of time…?
  5. Is that available in India if so why not employed in India…

Is this your photo… Thank you…

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview Transcript #110]: BS Bassi Board, Maharashtra Home State, Civil Engineering Optional


Board: Bassi sir
Background: Civil Engg
Optional: Civil Engineering
Home State: Maharashtra


  1. How can you bring change as civil engg
  2. How can you bring changes as IES in cpwd

Member 1

  1. What is bridge it event (daf)
  2. You got into many PSU..Did you join any service ? (Daf)
  3. Tell me abt armori (DAF)

Member 2

  1. Highway or maritime development?
  2. Why increasing connectivity in With ASEAN

Member 3

  1. How will you ensure labour gets proper wages
  2. Can dbt an option
  3. How will I ensure in cpwd
  4. How can I contribute as civil in villages (again)

Member 4

  1. Tell me difference and 2 examples of – Strait; Esthemus (i dont know even the spelling and pronunciation) and Peninsula
  2. Tell me difference between water conservation and water-saving


  1. Tell me about sudan.
  2. Tell me about President of India.
  3. Is it your photo. Thank you.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview Transcript #135]: BS Bassi Borad, Rajasthan Home State, Sociology Optional


Date of Interview: 05/03/20, Forenoon (4th to go)
Board: BS Bassi
Home State: Rajasthan
Optional: Sociology
Background: BE in Electronics and communication engineering
Sports: Basketball (Nationals)
Volunteer in CRY- Child Rights organization
Hobbies: Calisthenics exercise, Listening Ghoomar songs


  1. Do you sing?
  2. Ok sing a song for us
  3. So much scope in ECE then why civil services? now counter questions below
  4. How would you use ECE in civil services?
  5. It looks like you have prepared your answers, did you expect this question?
  6. What have you prepared and what are you expecting from the board?
  7. Give me your opinion on transgender, not any court judgment.
    Thank you

Member 1

  1. Rural people neither know about digital technology nor know how to use it. Your view?
  2. You belong to Bharatpur? Or any village ?
  3. Are farmers in your village using digital technology?
  4. How can you ensure as an administrator that they use it and get benefits?
    Thank you

Member 2

  1. How to use Artificial Intelligence in civil services?
  2. Let me take you to China, tell me where china is using AI?
  3. Speak for 3 minutes on telecom sector, challenges and solutions from your side.
  4. Make me aware about what’s going on in Afghanistan(3 minutes)
  5. Is end of civil war in Syria near?
    Thank you

Member 3

(psychologist approach) and longest time taker.

  1. As you said soil testing and marketing, tell me how ICT can be used in soil testing?
  2. Benefits of soil testing? As you said …….I said sorry sir I talked about soil monitoring ( here chairman nodded and smiled)
  3. How soil marketing can help farmers?(then he explained)
  4. Have you even been to KSCF office in jaipur? (There is no such office in jaipur..but it’s in delhi , he was testing my honesty)
  5. Do you think Kailash Satyarthi has done something good? Or is it just a hype?
  6. Has government failed in protecting chil rights such that NGOs have to come forward?
  7. Don’t you think Kailash Satyarthi and others are becoming road blocker for the government in implementing their laws and themselves interfering? Chairman
  8. Why government, NGO and others need to come forward for protecting child rights?
    Thank you
  9. Your view on Satyarthi’s work.
  10. Tell us where and how you worked for underprivileged children.
    Thank you very much.

Member 4

(Sociological approach)

  1. Difference between culture and civilization
  2. What is inclusive culture?
  3. What is “sanskar”? It’s English term.
  4. 3 things world can learn from india can lead to peace, stability and development. Thank you
  1. Showing me photo, Is this you?
  2. Thank you
  3. I said thank you sir But I didn’t stand up
  4. Before you go, tell me meaning of your name.
    Thank you
  5. Lady member wished me all the best
  6. Interview time 30-35 minutes
  7. Very Cordial board.
  8. Wish you all the best.

Source: Telegram

Sumit Kumar Rai Public Administration Notes UPSC CSE 2018 AIR 54 Download


Sumit Kumar Rai Public Administration Notes UPSC CSE 2018 AIR 54 Download

Now you have made up your mind to become IAS officer and looking for the books and study materials to achieve your goal. Well, you are on the right page. Now We are Sharing With You Sumit Kumar Rai Public Administration Notes UPSC CSE 2018 AIR 54 Download.

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Sumit Kumar Rai Public Administration Notes

“Digitized Pub Ad” series: 10 in number- Here my idea was to create one note having 100 points and this way total 10 notes got created. These helped me in revision and recollection of various things I read from various sources. Some of the areas might be useful to you.

Notes on PRAGATI, Governor & Police reforms:

Link Fest: Here focus is on linkages of concepts from paper 1 with examples from paper 2


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GS SCORE History Optional 2019 Test 2 PDF


GS SCORE History Optional 2019 Test 2 PDF

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GS SCORE Mains 2019 Essay Test 2 PDF Download

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GS SCORE Mains 2019 Essay Test 1 PDF Download


GS SCORE Mains 2019 Essay Test 1 PDF Download

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