Saturday, September 14, 2024

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #123 : TCA Anant Board, Uttarakhand Home State, Traveling, Cooking Hobbies


Date of Interview: 3 September
Board: TCA Anant sir
Graduation: Bachelor in Physiotherapy
Home State: Uttarakhand
Hobbies: Traveling, Cooking North Indian food


  1. Why Civil services( generalist ) after BPT( specialist)?
  2. How will you use this subject in administration?
  3. Why only North Indian cooking?

Member 1

  1. Where do you travel? What steps should be taken to boost tourism in your state?
  2. An example where a citizen does not recognize the rights of other citizen?
  3. Follow up qs: About Swachh Bharat Mission, it’s relevance, shortcomings and corrective measures.

Member 2

  1. Online Yoga classes: Pros and cons.
  2. Technological advancements in Physiotherapy.

Member 3

  1. Me too movement: Why? How it affected women at large? Shortcomings?
  2. Follow-up qs on gender sensitization.
  3. HC( Uttarakhand) granting legal entity status to Ganga. Why? It’s implications.

Member 4

  1. Bionic arm
  2. Biopharma mission
  3. Rishikesh ( My hometown): Changes in past few years, what steps are being taken to correct these adverse changes?


Your interview is over. Thank you.
Lasted around 20-25mins

(The board was cordial and responsive:)

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #129 : TCA Anant Sir Board, Electrical Engineering Optional


Date of Interview: 17th August
Board: TCA Anant Sir
Background: B.Tech. Electrical Engineering IITR
Optional: Electrical Engineering


  1. (starts reading about my graduation and college)
  2. What is this Viterbi India Program and what was your project there?
  3. Why candidates like you are not going into research? (Told many in my branch did go)
  4. Seems like good students at IIT are either going to USA or coming into CS and not contributing into research within India, What is the reason? (Little Discussion on this)

Member 1

  1. What will you do if there is change in frequency of grid?
  2. Problems of integrating renewable energy into the grid?
  3. Asked about a certain solar plant?- said I don’t know about this
  4. How to manage fluctuations in renewable power?
  5. Which is the best method to store renewable power?
  6. During National campaign to switch off electricity, how grid stability was maintained?

Member 2

  1. What is AI? What are the privacy issues with AI?
  2. Indian society is closely knitted, do we even value privacy, do we need it?
  3. Status of Electricity supply in UP?
  4. Online education- effect of electricity and Internet penetration on learning outcomes?

Member 3

  1. Who is a mentor? What was your role?- tried to grill here a bit wrt my research focused resume during grad
  2. What is moral policing? Difference between mentoring and moral policing? – Little discussion here
  3. Service preference? Why IFS low at 5th?
  4. ISRO failure, No indigenous weapons- have we failed? Why are we not able to manufacture products a large scale? Reasons and solutions?

Member 4

  1. How AI is going to change the nature of jobs?
  2. How will you use Electrical Engineering in administration?
  3. What is IITR motorsports, your role there?
  4. Constraints with electric vehicles?
  5. How will you develop charging infrastructure?Chairman- Your interview is over!

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #138 : TCA Anant Board, Andhra Pradesh Home State, Sociology Optional


Board: TCA Anant
Background: Civil engineering
Optional: Sociology
Home State: Andhra Pradesh


  1. Asked about a hobby, which car would you suggest for city usage and why?
  2. Tell me about the technical features of the car that you’ve suggested
  3. Then about another hobby, which kind of and which language movies do u watch?
  4. Tell me about the scene that moved u in 3 idiots movie.
  5. After I gave my answer, M4 added to it and everybody laughed
  6. Having known the Afghanistan history and present issues, analyse the present issues sociologically?

Member 1

  1. Asked about bullet trains
  2. which cities it is going to connect
  3. the total cost is it worth the money being put in given the traffic between the cities is not huge? (Replied the symbolic value is much higher than the economic value)
  4. How should we finance the project, collect charges later or use taxes collected? (Replied given the capital intensive nature and also to make it attractive for consumers to choose it over airways, a balance of both is necessary)

Member 2

  1. Given you are a civil engineer, other than normal infrastructure projects which sector do u consider important, by the time I replied he mentioned that he wants to know about housing
  2. About housing for all
  3. Criteria for beneficiaries selection
  4. Asked to mention a few other flagship schemes of the government
  5. Finally, why do u want to become a civil servant?
  6. Smiled after answering and asked the next member to take over

Member 3

  1. About a program(DAF) I was part of and my role in it?
  2. Given the present circumstances, what are the two major issues that you think are very important for entire world to fight together? ( Replied Climate change and then peace in
  3. Afghanistan added reasons for the latter like terrorism and the large scale opium production)
  4. Do you have any knowledge about accounting? (Replied No straight away)
  5. Asked something about accounts (Replied, I don’t know)
  6. Asked about CAG and the role of office of CAG
  7. Who maintains the expenditures and revenues of the government?
  8. Finally, You may get into accounting service also, don’t worry I’m sure you’ll learn about it if you get into it.

Member 4

  1. Reasons behind the aridity of native district?
  2. Asked a few questions on civil engineering – Principle of surveying and principle of finite element and etc
  3. Asked about Kirchhoff’s law
  4. Asked about my hobby

Chairman: Good, your interview is over.
Around 25-30 mins, Very pleasant experience and it was a cordial panel.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #139 : TCA Anant Sir Board, Karnataka Home State, Sociology Optional, IPS


Date of Interview: 02nd September 2021 Afternoon
Board: TCA Anant Sir
Qualification: BE ( ECE )
Optional: Sociology
Home State: Karnataka


  1. Are you in IPS training now? Which cadre are you allotted?
  2. You’ve already got home cadre IPS, still, why do you want to be an IAS, the only service option you have filled?
  3. How do your Electronics and Communication Engineering knowledge help in the field of policing?

Member 1

  1. You mentioned proactive policing. What does it actually mean?
  2. Can you give some instance where police forces failed to make use of it?
  3. Are you aware of newly released Drone Rules? Mention some provisions of it.
  4. How can drones be used in policing?
    What are the concerns associated with drone usage by police?
  5. So you’re an engineering graduate. What project did you do in your final year? Explain
  6. What is Agriculture 4.0?

Member 2

  1. So you’re from Chikkamagalur in Karnataka. Tell some interesting things about your district.
  2. Who was Baba Budan? What is his major contribution?
  3. What’s your opinion on video recording the judicial proceedings and live telecasting them?
  4. What demerits do you see?
  5. What do you think about the written advocacy? You feel it is advantageous?

Member 3

  1. So your optional is Sociology. Who is your favourite Indian sociologist?
  2. What concepts given by him appeal to you the most? Their relevance?
  3. You must have heard about Mrs. Roopa Moudgil , an IPS officer from your state. What report did she give few years back which brought her to limelight?
  4. Do you think it’s right on the part of public servants to glorify oneself infront of media for their official work?
  5. Bangalore traffic congestion is among the city’s major problem. What has been done to address this? What more can be done?

Member 4

  1. Spoke of farming techniques like organic , vertical farming etc.,
  2. How we can ensure better market linkage of farm produce around the city with the markets in the city?
  3. Karnataka is a forerunner in the IT sector on the country. Are you aware of the IT sector contribution to Karnataka’s GSDP?
  4. Also, in GST implementation and collection Karnataka is among the top states. You having worked in State Commercial Tax Department, from your experience, tell some initiatives and methods employed by the State?

Chairman: Thank you

Source: Telegram


[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #145 : TCA Anant Board, Andhra Pradesh Home State, Sociology Optional


Background: Civil engineering
Board: TCA Anant
Home State: Andhra Pradesh
Optional: Sociology

Asked about the region of Amaravati and Vijayawada and what is the situation now(3 capitals issue)

Member 1

  1. Asked on hobby, which car would you suggest for city usage and why?
  2. Tell me about the technical features of the car that you’ve suggested
  3. Then about another hobby, which kind of and which language movies do u watch?
  4. Tell me about the scene that moved u in 3 idiots movie
  5. After I gave my answer, M4 added to it and everybody laughed Having known the Afghanistan history and present issues, analyse the present issues sociologically?

Member 2

  1. Asked about bullet trains
  2. which cities it is going to connect
  3. the total cost
  4. is it worth the money being put in given the traffic between the cities is not huge? (Replied the symbolic value is much higher than the economic value)
  5. How should we finance the project, collect charges later or use taxes collected? (Replied given the capital intensive nature and also to make it attractive for consumers to choose it over airways, a balance of both is necessary)
  6. Given you are a civil engineer, other than normal infrastructure projects which sector do u consider important, by the time I replied he mentioned that he wants to know about housing
  7. About housing for all
  8. Criteria for beneficiaries selection
  9. Asked to mention a few other flagship schemes of the government
  10. Finally, why do u want to become a civil servant?
  11. Smiled after answering and asked the next member to take over

Member 3

  1. About a program(DAF) I was part of and my role in it?
  2. Given the present circumstances, what are the two major issues that you think are very important for entire world to fight together? ( Replied Climate change and then peace in
  3. Afghanistan added reasons for the latter like terrorism and the large scale opium production)
  4. Do you have any knowledge about accounting? (Replied No straight away)
  5. Asked something about accounts (Replied, I don’t know)
  6. Asked about CAG and the role of office of CAG
  7. Who maintains the expenditures and revenues of the government?
  8. Finally, You may get into accounting service also, don’t worry I’m sure you’ll learn about it if you get into it.

Member 4

  1. Reasons behind the aridity of native district?
  2. Asked a few questions on civil engineering – Principle of surveying and principle of finite element and etc
  3. Asked about kirchoff’s law
  4. Asked about my hobby

Chairman: Good, your interview is over.
Around 25-30 mins, Very pleasant experience and it was a cordial panel.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #147 : TCA Anant sir Board, Karnataka Home State, PSIR Optional, Watching wildlife docus & reading Gandhi Hobbies


Date of Interview: 08/09/21 – Afternoon
Board: TCA Anant sir
Background: Mechanical Engg
Optional: PSIR
Home State: Karnataka
Hobbies: Watching wildlife docus and reading Gandhi


  1. Asked me to remove face shield.
  2. What you’ve been doing since grad?
  3. Which books on Gandhi have you read?
  4. What ideas of Gandhi relevant today?
  5. Some are irrelevant also right?

Member 1

  1. What type of documentaries you watch?
  2. What is tropic cascade?
  3. Recited in sanskrit, Satyam bruyat, Priyam bruyat
  4. (I completed the next line 🙂 – Na bruyat satyamapriyam)
  5. You read Gandhi, so would you always abide by truth?
  6. Then you’ll lie to boss also?
  7. Whatever boss says you’ll agree to do?

Member 2

  1. What is Bharatmala? What are targets?
  2. Ok, what is Sagarmala?
  3. This port led industrialization, don’t you think it’s useless because coal imports are banned and shifting them near ports from hinterlands to ports would be counterproductive?
  4. 2 stroke and 4 stroke, which is more efficient?
  5. In percentage terms?
  6. What are qualities of a leader?

Member 3

  1. Why PSIR after Mech Engg?
  2. Security implications of Taliban in Afg?
  3. Taliban formed Govt. What is your assessment?
  4. You mean to say Good Taliban underlined and Bad at helm?
  5. Tell abt transition from NAM to QUAD
  6. So you approve of QUAD?
  7. What are TDI and CRDI? Why important?
  8. Difference between them?

Member 4

  1. Apart from what you’ve mentioned, what are you passionate about?
  2. How is malnutrition measured?

Thank you interview is over.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #148 : TCA Anant Sir Board, Telangana Home State, Sociology Optional, Playing Cricket Hobby


Date of Interview: 8th September 2021
Board: TCA Anant Sir
Home State: Telangana
Optional: Sociology
Hobbies/Interests: Playing Cricket, Ethical Hacking


  1. What is Ethical Hacking?
  2. Did you have any exposure to Ethical Hacking
  3. at NPA?
  4. in College?
  5. How does knowledge of Ethical Hacking help you in Policing?

Member 1

  1. What are the Tax disputes in news?
    (Cairns and Telecom AGR issue)
  2. What are the initiatives taken by the Central Government to handle Migration issue during Covid?
  3. What is One Nation, One Ration Card initiative?
  4. How Data Analytics is being used in Policing?
  5. What is Stubble burning? How can it be handled?
  6. As an IAS what would be your developmental priorities in the district you are posted in?

Member 2

  1. What was India’s response to coup in Myanmar?
  2. What is the AGR issue in Telecom sector?
  3. How has the perception been in recent times about crime in Mumbai?
  4. Major crimes in Maharashtra?

Member 3

  1. What is Reverse swing?
  2. What was the conversation about reverse swing between Jasprit Bumrah and Virat Kohli in the recent test that India won?
  3. What is CCTNS? Ground-level challenges? How can it be improved?
  4. If you were the Home Minister, what reforms would you bring in Policing?
  5. Naxalism – causes for its rise? How can it be handled?

Member 4

  1. What is Hashing?
  2. What is a Distributed ledger?
  3. What is the European Data Protection Law called?
  4. Why India doesn’t have a Data Protection Law?
  5. Difference between CPI and WPI?
  6. Number of Aspirational Districts and the metrics used to measure their performance?
  7. Why IAS after getting into IPS?


  1. 1. How can Corruption in Policing be handled with the use of Technology?
  2. Thank you, Your interview is over.
  3. The board was very welcoming and cordial!

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #159 : TCA Anant Board, Maharashtra Home State, Sociology Optional


Board: TCA Anant
Graduation: NIT Nagpur
Optional: Sociology
Home State: Maharashtra
Work ex: Currently working in JPMorgan chase


  1. You are from Akola
  2. Tell me something about buldhana ?
  3. Strengths and weakness of buldhana?
  4. You are doing good in life . Here your salary will be less than half and then why you want to join?
  5. What you do in JPMorgan ?
  6. What kind of flows are in it ?
  7. From where are you based out of ?
  8. So you are working from home ?

Member 1

  1. Do you write algortihm?
  2. So while working you stole some time from job is this so and prepared for civils?
  3. You have been topper all through why didn’t you think of doing mba?
  4. What is the measure for you by that ou will say you brought change in lives of people?
  5. How did you study for this interview? What was your approach?
  6. What drives Ashish? Is it money power fame ?

Member 2

  1. Which newspaper you read ?
  2. tell me 3 news ?
  3. Did you read Indian express or economic times ? As 2 of 3 were financial news 🙂
    misc: Did you read about Gautam Budh Nagar news? (This hint was not given: Some district name where mahapanchayat happened ) Not able to recall.
  4. You are to be advising PMO on Afghanistan what will you say ?
  5. what is blockchain?
  6. Few uses of blockchain?
  7. What will be you reaction if tomorrow govt accepts bitcoin as legal tender?
  8. What is the current price of 1 bitcoin ?

Member 3

  1. What type of work you do under CSR ?
  2. How govt ensures 2 companies doesn’t work for same ngo ? (Not aware)
  3. Are you aware about national audit framework something (Indas)? (Vague idea but not sure )This was asked to everybody irrespective of their background?
  4. Is climate change the truth ?
  5. There have been similar changes in the past ?
  6. Two govt initiatives which you think are steps in the right direction?

Member 4

  1. Continuing on climate change more carbon more plants will consume why the hoax?
  2. Are we only serious about it ? USA doesn’t seems to bother? (Some discussion and counter questions)
  3. About csr activities should be centralised or local responsibility should be maintained?

Chairman : thank you much . your Interview is over.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #160 : TCA Anant sir Board, Tamil Nadu Home State, Geography Optional, Badminton Hobby


Date of Interview: 8th September 2021
Board: TCA Anant sir
Background: Automobile engineering,
Optional: Geography
Home State: Tamil Nadu
Hobby: Badminton
Work experience: 2 years in the automotive sector


  1. What was your role in the company? What type of testing
  2. Why did u left the job and came for the preparation?
  3. Follow up; How did u serve when u get other service (other than IAS) which will be monotonous in nature?

Member 1

  1. What is happening in Automobile sector?
  2. Issue with biofuels
  3. What is GDP and Current GDP
  4. What is the issue with current GDP growth and the state of economy
  5. What is GDI
  6. Two successful PAN india schemes successful in your state
  7. Problems in adopting Electric vehicles
  8. One nation one ration card – Why it is introduced

Member 2

  1. Asked about Velankanni (DAF: Locality)
  2. Recent movie about a Badminton player ( Hobby: Badminton)
  3. Problem with biofuel while used in flexible engine
  4. Why government did not go for direct Electric vehicle transformation, instead why it opts for an alternate fuel in the meantime
  5. What are waterfalls? How it is formed?
  6. What is fold? Formation process ; In which rocks folding occurs
  7. What is the divergence between Bien administration and Trump administration

Member 3

  1. What is this BS4 and BS6; Difference between them and explain it to me in layman terms
    Follow up; Discussion on who bears more cost on this BS4 to BS6 transition
  2. Suggest me a suitable City utility vehicle; A very light discussion on that and follow ups
  3. What is the market share of Daimler? ( Work experience) Discussion on this
  4. What is unique about Daimler other than Tata and Ashok leyland

Member 4

  1. What is Cadastral survey (never heard of it)
  2. How will you use Geography to change the lives of common people
  3. How will you solve ambiguities in land ownership ; follow up questions
  4. What is inflation and current inflation
  5. Monetary policy committee and it’s role in inflation targeting
  6. High inflation is good for growth, do you agree
  7. Interest rate and growth linkage
  8. Parameters affecting inflation ; Reason for the current inflation

The board was cordial, they let me remove my face shield but interview went ahead with mask.
All the best everyone!!!

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #162 : TCA Anant sir Board, Karnataka Home State, PSIR Optional, Sports Hobby


Board: TCA Anant sir
Background: Civil Engg
Optional: PSIR
Home State: Karnataka
Hobby: Reflective writing, cricket, Table tennis,


  1. What have you been doing since your graduation?
  2. Not yet all working ??
  3. Why civil services even though civil engg is a good field?
  4. Tell any instance where you served society recently and what exactly what was your role
  5. What is this Reflective writing?
  6. Recent writing, summary of it, and what have I learned from it.

Member 1

  1. What is Marketing?
  2. Name any 2 Indian tt players – Olympics and paralympics included
  3. Afghanistan issue and Indian role ..follow up question on that
  4. Present status of doklam standoff
  5. 4 Civil Engg questions – all I don’t know

Member 2

  1. Diff between fiscal deficit and revenue deficit
  2. Primary deficit meaning ( I asked if I could take a guess as I wasn’t sure about the answer and mam obliged)
  3. What do you mean by Economic reforms and tell any recent economic reforms
  4. About reflective writing – who inspired you, how does it help you, do you write it for self or others, do you follow anyone’s writing, when did you start writing
  5. Banglore metro issues – when I said some issues, mam asked for one specific issue and I told I don’t know

Member 3

  1. What Is the fiscal deficit allowed in India? ( picked from 2nd member )
  2. Have we crossed it? And what is the present deficit?
  3. About frbm act and how fiscal deficit should be reduced
  4. My role as a cricketer and what is chinaman bowler?
  5. Neighborhood issues – how to solve it
  6. What is Stagflation and Present inflation it good for economy?

Member 4

  1. IR – mechanisms through which infra projects carried out in the neighborhood? ( picked from 3rd member )
  2. Bimstec and its current status ( picked from 3rd member )
  3. Scheme under aatmanirbhar Bharat for manufacturing?
  4. About pli scheme and asked to mention any one specific component ( picked from previous question )
  5. Why Women labour force participation rate less in india
  6. How to generate jobs – agri or services should be preferred?? When I told we need to go for manufacturing, asked me to specify certain areas.. when i told about engineering goods,


  1. intervened and asked me if it was labour intensive..i replied its not but it can create forward and backward linkages and this could create employemnet
  2. Views on caste census
  3. Scheme for Muslims to avail educational loan in India

P.s: asked to remove face shield, m1 and m4 were sitting very close to me, asked Me to also pull my chair towards the table, asked me to correct my mask as it was coming down while answering, overall very cordial board, no grilling at all, 25 – 30 minutes.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #169 : TCA Anant Board, Bihar Home State, Anthropology Optional, Table Tennis Hobby

Date of Interview: 09/09/2021, forenoon
Board: TCA Anant
Background: B.Tech (Civil), IIT Bombay
Hobby: Table Tennis
Optional: Anthropology
Home State: Katihar (Bihar)

  1. Tell me about Katihar
  2. As DM of Katihar, tell me what you will do for next 2 years
Member 1
  1. Tell me height of TT net
  2. Difficulty in construction activity in black soil
  3. Why black soil swells? Is it due to any compound/chemical?
  4. Asked me about some principle related to CE (haven’t heard of)
Member 2 
  1. From where govt collects revenue- tell me the percentage wise bifurcation
  2. Counter questions
Member 3
  1. Tell me some govt schemes being implemented in your village and their success, failures
  2. Purdue Univ vs IIT Bombay (Daf)
  3. Do you play sports? TT- name some players and olympians.
  4. In recent para Olympics, a civil servant participated. Tell me the sport and name
  5. OFB corporatisation
  6. Afghan issue- what is happening there and India’s interest
Member 4
  1. DAP2020 vs DPP 2016 (daf)
  2. earlier offset clause in defence procurement was an issue for MSME. Tell me the reasons
  3. Why separate accounts department for defence?
  4. Why Civil services after IIT

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #170 : TCA Anant Board, Karnataka Home State, Anthropology Optional, Vipassana, Poetry Writing, Calligraphy Hobbies


Date of Interview: 09.09.2021
Board: TCA Anant
Optional: Anthropology
Background: Computer Science Engineer.
Job Experience: 1 Year at TESCO
Home State: Karnataka
Hobbies: Vipassana, Poetry Writing, Calligraphy


  1. What was your role at TESCO?
  2. Why did you leave your Job?
  3. You worked with NGO, what Projects? ( I mentioned Bank account for women from Slum area)
  4. Follow up Question: What is you assessment of Jan Dhan Yojana?
  5. Have you helped anyone in creating account in Jan Dhan Yojana?
  6. You are also pursuing Masters in anthropology ? When did you start? when will it finish?

Member 1

  1. Asked 3 Questions.. Which I was not aware of. I said I don’t know.
  2. You do vipassana? Where did you attend?
  3. What do you do in Vipassana?Explain.
  4. Why is there tussle between Executive and Juduciary.
  5. What is your take on Recently formed Taliban Government?
  6. You are Computer Science Engineer,Tell me what is AI and ML.
  7. Tell me one Good thing and One bad thing about AI.
  8. How far do you Agree with this statement -“Corona will make us zombies and AI will take over humans”.

Member 2

  1. You missed on main point regarding tussle between judiciary and Executive ( I did not know what she was referring to I said, I ll read about it, Mam)
  2. Tell me What is Greenfield and Brownfield Project.
  3. Disadvantages of Brownfield Project.
  4. From where are you Pursuing Masters?
  5. Looks like you are pursuing masters in Anthropology as that will help you in Civil Services.
  6. Which other University Offers Masters in Anthropology?
  7. You are Anthropology Student, Have you read Sapiens?
  8. Tell me few Important Points from the Book.
  9. Do you really agree with author’s views.
  10. Don’t you think Sapiens will kill all the other animals like they killed other
  11. Homo. ( I was saying, we are evolving as humans, We are signing Convention)
    If you are saying so, Then why are many animals under threat and are endangered.
  12. Tell me names of few endangered species.

Member 3

  1. So you had mentioned financial Inclusion in your answer, Explain this quote to me -“India will realise its Full potential only when we achieve Inclusive development”
  2. What is Govt’s Slogan Regarding this
  3. What is Calligraphy?
  4. What do People really achieve by beautifying the Letters?
  5. Tell me Important Qualities of Leadres?
  6. Are the Qualities of Civil Servant the Same or they are Different?

Member 4

  1. So you write Poetry, Can you please recite one for us. ( I started reciting and after few lines , Lady member Started Clapping)
  2. Was your Poem Viral?
  3. Do you think Social Media has bridged gap between Govt and people?
  4. What is your view on Civil servants being nameless and facecess or they
  5. should be viral? What did Sardar Patel say about Civil servants?
  6. Tell me only one reason that drives you so much to this Service( I said sense of satisfaction)
  7. What is the difference between Sense of Satisfaction and Power?
  8. Largely Questions were from DAF.
    Questions were built upon what I had mentioned in my answers.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #191 :TCA Anant Board, Andaman and Nicobar Home State, PSIR Optional, Reading books, Travelling Hobbies


Date of Interview: 07 Sep 2021
Board: TCA Anant
Optional: PSIR
Background: B.Tech in Petroleum Engineering, 2018 – IIT ISM Dhanbad
Working in Schlumberger (oil and gas firm)
Hobbies: Reading books and Travelling
Home State: Andaman and Nicobar/ UT
Preference: Indian Foreign Services


  1. No introduction, no time to calm down or get acquainted
  2. Basic questions on what I am doing, what is my role in the company, what does it do, all this in a casual manner while flipping through DAF
  3. Where all I have actually lived? – no follow up
  4. From DAF – About an international organisation I worked with in university that facilitates student exchange – what did I learn from foreigner interns who visited India?

Member 1

  1. What is Quad? Who are the members? Is it beneficial for India?
  2. Did India do the right thing by aligning with the unipolar world leader (I respectfully argued that world is not unipolar and then defended the stance)
  3. With crude oil running out in next 40 years (I respectfully argued that not in 40 years) – he gave space for me to counter mid question by asking whether I agree or not (in both unipolar world questions and crude oil question)
  4. Assume oil ending in 100 years – paint a picture of that world without oil, how will it be?

Member 3

  1. Making handsome money – Why Civil services?
  2. Which book you read – it was an IR book so directed to another question on Indo Pacific and what it means, why important

Member 4

  1. Asked about have you worked in any NGO in Mumbai? – said no, she didn’t follow up
  2. Name any three Heath sector schemes – I named any random three, no followup
  3. How to handle COVID (took a moment for fake thinking – she further expanded the question in that time to clarify that I can also say what is being done)
  4. How to handle COVID in congested spaces – I explained Dharavi Model
  5. Out of the blue – what is Account? (I have zero background in the subject) – I looked surprised, she explained she just wanted to know my understanding of what accounting is – explained that simply, no follow up

Member 5

  1. Name the Submarine that was grounded in an accident in Visakhapatnam (I can’t recall Sir)
  2. Which tribe is going extinct in Port Blair (my birth place, also asked how did I end up being born there )
  3. Important monument in Port Blair
  4. Marine life of Andaman – I can’t recall Sir
  5. According to us, your firm, Schlumberger is not doing well, what is your opinion (perhaps a loyalty test: I defended my firm)
  6. Questions of Petroleum engineering – what is the use of Bentonite clay? What are it’s alternatives? What is 80/20 in bitumen? – didn’t know that last two so said I can’t recall sir, he said okay and pointed to Chairman sir to carry forward

Chairman sir – pointed for me to leave, you can go now, done.


  1. By design or inadvertently – the board didn’t ask follow-up questions for any question at all. There was zero grillings on any stance.
  2. I tend to move my hands a lot while speaking, one board member was continuously watching that.
  3. M5 ended eye contact the moment I started answering anything confidently
  4. No in-depth questions on IR, nothing out of DAF, it did feel like the last interview of the day for them.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #225 : TCA Anant Board, Mathematics Optional,


Date of Interview: 20/9/2021
Board: TCA Anant
Optional: Maths
Background: Technology


  1. What you have been doing since last 2 yrs
  2. Why join civil services?
  3. What did you do in Unnat bharat abhiyan? (Related to my answer)

Member 1

Grilling mode, soft speaker

  1. What is personal, professional integrity??
  2. What is difference between successful and worthy person?
  3. What is AUKUS?(current based)
  4. Why Grouund water table going down in UP?
  5. What tech can be used to reduce and monitor it?
  6. How can farmers be shifted away from water guzzling crops?

Member 2

He spoke a lot

  1. How maths manifest in universe?
  2. Maths and music relation?
  3. What can be solution for preventing neglect of talent in students?
  4. What is NEP doing in that regard?
  5. Contribution of ramanujan ?

Member 3

Grilling mode on

  1. What are solutions developed by UBA?
  2. Why regional solutions not replicated through out country?
  3. What can be done to make it happen?

Chairman: You may leave now, it lasted 25-30 mins

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #226 : TCA Anant Board, Madhya Pradesh Home State,


Date of Interview: September 20th, 2021
Board: TCA Anant sir
Background: mechanical engineering
Home state: Madhya Pradesh
Job: in honda cars India Ltd, Jhabua, and Alirajpur.
IRPS probationer


  1. What are you doing currently?
  2. Why your service is not mentioned in DAF?
  3. Pls rationalize this choice of taking anthro as a subject despite mechanical background?

Member 1

  1. AI is a futuristic technology. Are we as a country ready to brace it? Pls tell me pros and cons of this tech? Why are there apprehensions?
  2. How can you apply it to your tribal hinterland?

Member 2

  1. Tell me one scheme that brought great change to jhabua?
  2. Are there any PVTGs in jhabua?
  3. What tribes reside there?
  4. What is the difference between TED and TED talks

Member 3

  1. Women in armed forces? Is it a good decision? What’s your take?
  2. Electric vehicles and govt policy. Where do we stand now?
  3. One more question that I can’t recall

Member 4

  1. Why is manufacturing sector not able to take off?
  2. What can we do?
  3. What are the challenges in India due to which Electric vehicles are still not popular?
  4. EV technology is unaffordable right now? Should we bring it for rich only and not for the poor?
  5. What alternatives do you suggest?
    Thank you.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #230 : TCA Anant Board, Jharkhand Home State, PSIR Optional, yoga Hobby


Date of Interview: 7th September
Board: TCA Anant sir
Background: History graduation
Optional: political science
Home State: Jharkhand
Hobby: yoga


  1. Why do you want to go for civil services?
  2. From your daf it seems that you cleared your graduation in 4 years, why did you take long?
  3. What were you doing as a part of community involvement since you’re from open University?
  4. You mentioned migrant workers issue, what was done and what would you have done differently?

Member 1

  1. Why open University?
  2. What will you do if you don’t clear civil services?
  3. We’ve moved from NAM to QUAD, similarly and difference then and now
  4. What is happening in Afghanistan? What should be India’s response?
  5. Taliban has not invited india to swearing in? Do you think we should still engage with them?
  6. Your first preference in service is?
  7. What did you do as a head girl?

Member 2

  1. Jharkhand is rich in coal , but we are moving from coal to renewable. Will that not impact Jharkhand’s economy
  2. What is GDP
  3. What is Production linked incentive scheme. Some sectors?
  4. Which are the sectors in electronics?
  5. What is the GSDP of Jharkhand?

Member 3

  1. I think intolerance is increasing, what do you think?
  2. Domestic violence is a big issue, more so in rural areas , your take
  3. (Suppose) You and your husband both will have jobs, but your husband doesn’t help in household chores, what is the solution for this?
  4. Some writers removed from English BA syllabus in DU. Are you aware? Which writers? Why? What is the issue behind the controversy?
  5. What is the latest news on Chandrayan 2?

Member 4

  1. What is the one mistake that we made in ancient and medieval India that we can learn from?
  2. In which year was Jharkhand created? Do you favour small states or large states?
  3. Do you think our policy on South China sea is good?
  4. So the limit of Territorial sea is ?

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #245 : TCA Anant Board, Bihar Home State, Running, Hindi Movies, Developmental Stories Hobbies


Date of Interview: 21/9/2021
Board: TCA Anant
Background: GGPS Bokaro | Chemical Engg. Plastics and Polymer | BIT Mesra Jharkhand
Home State: Bihar
Hobbies: Running | Hindi Movies with a message| Developmental Stories


  1. SWOT Analysis of your district (Madhubani).
  2. Ways to tackle Weaknesses?
  3. Why Madhubani to Bokaro for intermediate(11th and 12th)?

Member 1

  1. Is defense infrastructure boosting, need of the hour, or waste of resources?
  2. Cybersecurity-related threats and possible ways forward?

Member 2

  1. Should plastics be banned altogether?
  2. Possibility of single-use plastic use in circular economy (e.g. road building material)
  3. Every movie has a message, what is special about Hindi movies with a message?
  4. How do you decide that a movie has a message without watching it?
  5. What do you mean by developmental story?

Member 3

  1. Attracting investment in your district? Basis (Situation based, addressing investor’s forum with your state CM)
  2. Promotion of local products (Makhana)?
  3. Steps to be taken to promote economic growth in your district (in 2 years)?
  4. On college placement?

Member 4

  1. About Vidyapati, a famous Maithili poet?
  2. Another famous personality of this region (Mandan Mishra)?

Chairperson: Thank You, Your interview is over. (around 30 min)

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #246 : TCA Anant Board, Chhattisgarh Home State, commerce & accountancy Optional, Sports, Meditation Hobby


Interview date: 7th September
Board: TCA Anant sir
Optional: commerce and accountancy
Background: Bcom, Chartered Accountant
Home State: Chhattisgarh
Hobby: cricket, meditation, and biographical movies


  1. Read out my academic qualification and work experience.
  2. Why did you leave job?
  3. Why you want to join civil services?
  4. How will CA help in civil services?

Member 1

  1. What is zero based budgeting?
  2. Its advantages and disadvantages?
  3. Why does India not adopt zero based budgeting?
  4. Which type of Biographical movies do you watch?
  5. Which is latest movie you have watched?
  6. What is the importance of India’s win at the oval ?
  7. What is a chinaman? Why is it called so?
  8. What is management accounting?
  9. Do you think it is useful in govt decision making?
  10. What did you not like in your previous organisations?
  11. Dont you think govt organisation and such private organisations are very different?

Member 2

  1. Tell me about the global presence of ICAI ( CA institute) ?
  2. How will you use the global network of ICAI in administration?
  3. Do you support National Monestisation pipeline?
  4. Don’t you think private organisations will charge high prices to people?
  5. What is India’s debt to GDP?
  6. Tell me about the composition of this debt in India?
  7. India wanted to raise fund through sovereign bonds, why didnt we go ahead with that Idea?
  8. Do you think India should devalue or control the exchange rate for the purpose of improving our exports?
  9. What is the driving force or passion in your life?
  10. When was the recent time you helped someone? ( i had mentioned helping in previous answer)
  11. One best practice that you would want to contribute to govt accounting system since you have this as your background?

Member 3

  1. When was ICAI founded?
  2. Why has the act not amended till date? Do you think it should be amended?
  3. Don’t you think ICAI and NFRA have similar and overlapping roles? ( i had mentioned NFRA in my previous answer)
  4. Who maintans and audits accounts of both central and state govt?
  5. What is the change you would want to bring in the govt accounting?
  6. What is the difference between audits of govt companies and private companies?
  7. What is the ideal debt equity ratio for an Infrastructure company?

Member 4

  1. When was Chhattisgarh formed?
  2. Currently how many districts in Chhattisgarh? (may be because recently 4 new were created)
  3. How has Chhattisgarh progressed after separation from MP?
  4. You say it has progressed, then why do you still have naxalism?
  5. Do you think tribals get caught between Naxals and govt?
  6. What do you mean by canons of financial propriety?
  7. What is marketing?

Chairman: Thank you. Your interview is over.

Overall – very cordial board.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2020] – Transcript #258 : TCA Anant Board, Odisha Home State, Geography Optional


Date of Interview: 21-09-2021
Board: TCA  Anant
Optional: Geography
Home State: Odisha


  1. Tell your journey from Infosys to Institution where u work now
  2. Role in Infosys
  3. Swot analysis of your district (ganjam)
  4. 4.Told about threat from adjoining naxal districts and my district is crime capital of odisha.
  5. 5.How to resolve the weaknesses
  6. Reason – why it is crime capital.

Member 1

  1. As u told abt naxal districts what steps taken by odisha govt to tackle naxal district
  2. Long discussion on leaders of naxal and issues related to naxals in odisha
  3. Why educated persons like sabyasachi panda becoming naxal leaders.
  4. Which scheme is best to tackle naxals – state one or central govt one
  5. Effectiveness of direct benefit transfer
  6. Tell me something unique about baleshwar – chandipur beach and reason behind the geographical phenomena

Member 2

  1. Long discussion on surrender and rehabilitation policy of Odisha
  2. He Told me youths are joining naxal cadres to gain monetarily from surrender and rehabilitation policy. What’s your take on that and how to tackle it
  3. Quantum computing. Explain the principle of superimposition and entanglement

Member 3

  1. Long lecture on climate Change and conferences associated with it. Then asked why low developed countries and Developing countries not adopting to renewable energy technologies swiftly.
  2. 2.Asked me questions on nuclear energy. Why not give full scale preference to nuclear energy and then discussion regarding it
  3. Question on AUKUS
  4. Difference between conventional submarine and nuclear power submarine.
  5. Further discussions on nuclear powewred submarine

Member 4 ( madam)

  1. Long discussion on mentoring and content development- what you do there, what is the socio-educational background of those student, what challenges do they face, any success stories from your Institute
  2. What success means to you
  3. How you are going to tackle crimes in your district and boost tourism potential.

Chairman – Thank you, your interview is over

Source: Forum IAS

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