Tuesday, September 3, 2024

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #128 : M Sathiyavathy Board, Uttar Pradesh Home State, PSIR Optional, Jogging Hobby


Date of Interview: 22 April
M Sathiyavathy
Optional: PSIR
Hobbies: Spending time with family, friends, Jogging
Home State: Uttar Pradesh
Background: BA in psir, MA psir


  1. What is reviewing recreational pursuit
  2. Is spending time with family and friends hobby
  3. What is hobby
  4. (Seems disatified)
  5. India pak chances of dailogue
  6. Imapact of srilanka crisis

Member 1

  1. What is middle east
  2. What is debt trap (  want to know how it works exactly)
  3. Israll palestine
  4. Jogging pace

Member 2

  1. Israel some tribe have vanished
  2. Some trube in india in northeast is becoming jews
  3. One nation one election

Member 3

  1. Event management what i did
  2. ( other i am not able to recall)

Member 4

  1. Suppose dm organise a event in hardoi
  2. Why hardoi famous( i said handloom)
  3. What is loom
  4. Difference between khadi and nylon
  5. Many Pms from up then why backward

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #130 : M Sathiyavathy Board, Law Optional, Reading English Novels Hobby


Board: M Sathiyavathy
Optional: Law
Hobbies: Reading English Novels


  1. What kind of books do you read?
  2. Do you buy them in print or on Kindle?
  3. 3 to x. Insert intense grilling moot court style for 5 minutes on whether election manifesto can be treated as a contract?
  4. Answered in Negative. Asked to explain why. Cross questions on each element of contract formation.
  5. Asked to act as her lawyer and present a case to court to still enforce it and to make sure she wins. Some cross questions. Joked how lawyers always ask for time and adjournment when I asked for a few seconds before presenting final arguments.

Member 1

  1. What are some examples of void and voidable contacts.

No I didn’t like the example. Give me some other.

  1. Why do we say police must maintain Law AND Order. Why two terms.
  2. Define Public Order
  3. Judiciary has craftly expanded its role since 1990s. Is Judiciary overstepping
  4. React to my statement that judicial activism is due to failure of executive plus cross questions.

Member 2

  1. How can disputes in case of contract be solved?
  2. Follow up: difference between arbitration and conciliation
  3. Follow up: enforceability of conciliation award and 1 cross question
  4. Any mechanism of ADR for MSME?

Replied but wanted to refer to Samadhan portal so he indicated about the same. Asked about it it’s working in detail. Sorry sir.

  1. Share of industries in hometown. Which industries exist. Which will you introduce. How will you get money. (all asked in one breath- answered. Fumbled and used the term GDP for district. 🤦🏽‍♀️) when I came to last question. Took a pause. He made a joke that money will come from somewhere. We will see)
  2. Is there Mens Rea in contracts like criminal law.

Member 3

  1. Why is there liability of each member of a mob in case of riots
  2. Offences affecting Public order
  3. Answered 2/3. He kept saying No and asking for more. Till I stopped
  4. Difference between President rule and Governor Rule
  5. Maximum duration for Governor rule
  6. Was repeal of 370 correct?
  7. No. Governance perspective aside. Give me Constituional perspective
  8. 7? Was it a good decision.
  9. Chairperson asked me to adjust my slipping mask
  10. Article 35A
  11. Why removed. Impact of removal.

Member 4

Insert two minute rant on lack of punishment for judiciary. Use of contempt.

  1. Is Judiciary moving towards self destruction. React to this statement.
  2. Loooong Statement on Judicial appointment pattern disrupting separation of power and checks and balance. What’s your opinion.
  3. What can be done

Thank you. You may leave.
One question on hobby. One on home district. Everything else quite legal.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #133 : M Sathyiavathy Board, Kerala Home State, Geography Optional, Sports Hobby


Date of Interview: 22/04/22
Board: M Sathyiavathy Ma’am
Bsckground: Btech ECE
Work exp: 2.5 years IT firm
Optional: Geography
Home State: Kerala
Hobbies: sports (no Question)


Remove faceshield and put on lap
Pull down mask for verification and asked to wear it throughout
Read out DAF aloud

  1. You had decent job with good pay, why did you resign?
  2. you studied in NIT Calicut, why 2 names Calicut and Kozhikode. Few Questions on history of names
  3. an air accident happened recently in kozhikode.what are reasons?
  4. what is peculiarity of airport? (Used my hands to explain, other members were surprised)
  5. what is use of black box? what is its colour?

Member 1

  1. explain smart wheelchair project you did in college? (Daf)
  2. will it be useful for specially abled in buildings?
  3. what measures to be taken to make buildings accessible?
  4. does Kozhikode have a railway station?
  5. Suppose you want to implement accessibility in railway station (which is under Union govt.), What steps will you take? ( Whenever I said a point, member kept on saying next what, a bit impatient here)
  6. largest district in Kerala?
  7. state capital of Kerala? Which temple there? What controversy behind temple and follow up
  8. Thiruvananthapuram vs Bangalore (worked here) in terms of ease of living.?said Bangalore, mention 3 reasons( Specifically cautioned not to mention climate as factor)
  9. public transport vs private transport. (Follow up on my answer that public transport better in Bangalore)
  10. metro transport falls under which ministry?
  11. (Since I mentioned Bangalore metro)

Member 2: (had to repeat most answers, as member did not hear)

  1. Since you took geography optional, I will ask from there
  2. which river flows through Badrinath shrine?(didn’t know)
  3. giving hint, he talked about recent disaster in Joshimath. What was it?
  4. Which river ? It did not happen in Joshimath, which peak it took place? (Didn’t know)
  5. long monologue on Himalaya being young and fold mountains. Which are old mountains ?
  6. relation of European discovery of India and kozhikode. Where did Vasco da gama land?
  7. 4g vs 5g?
  8. 5g uses ?how it heps in national security ?
  9. what is NSS? (daf) and follow up questions

Member 3

  1. what is your service preference?
  2. based on my answer, and issue of political violence in Kerala. Suppose you are posted as DM, get orders to bulldoze to curb violence your action plan?
  3. if not bulldoze, then what actions?
  4. based on answer, those are soft mechanism, What else?
  5. coming to ECE, how it helps in defence?
  6. Indian PSU based on defence electronics? private company? Globally?

Member 4

  1. pointing to earlier question, recently bulldoze issue happened . Are you aware?
  2. what was reason for it? (Member hinted about delay of communication between judiciary and Mayor)
  3. in times of tech, are such delay acceptable? (Said no), coming from ECE background, what are solutions?
  4. confirmed whether Amadeus software labs( job) is the company related to air ticketing. Then asked randomly, what is unicorn? Asked stats about unicorn and follow up on startups
  5. most startups are located in Bangalore, delhi  (based on my answer). How to ensure startups come up in other areas? Few follow up
  6. difference between cell and mobile phone.


  1. Interview over
  2. Thank you .all the best
  3. May be forgetting few questions
  4. PS: board repeatedly asked to pull up mask.
  5. This impacted flow of answers

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #134 : M Sathiyavathy Board, Anthropology Optional,


Date of Interview: 20/04/22
Board: M Sathiyavathy Ma’am
Optional: Anthropology
Background: NCC, Mechanical Engineering, Bhavna yog
Hobby: Yoga
Work Experience: Bajaj Auto Ltd., UPL Limited.
Utility of Mocks: Interview etiquette, few themes repeated.

Chairman: read whole DAF loudly.

  1. Compare between Bajaj Auto Ltd. and UPL limited.
  2. What was your role in BAJAJ Auto. Ltd.?
  3. Why automobile sector did better than Fmcg sector in India?

Member 1

  1. What is difference between petrol vehicle and electric vehicle.
  2. Why you did NCC C, what was it’s advantages?
  3. Why petrol bike have too many parts than electric vehicle?
  4. What is full name of Maulana Azad.?

Member 2

  1. Work regarding internship
  2. Why there is a crisis in semiconductor sector?
  3. China plus one strategy
  4. Stocks of internship company
  5. Question regarding hometown
  6. Question on Bhavna Yoga( hobby)
  7. Electric vehicle issue – battery and charging infrastructure

Member 3

  1. Why Anthropology, favourite subject in it.
  2. Application of Anthropology in administration (long question)
  3. Digitalization- impact on future civil servants.(long question)

Member 4

  1. Why Four wheeler trend is rising over two wheelers?
  2. Why India is lagging in research ?

Ma’am wished all the best.
Cordial Board, Overall good experience.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #140 : M Sathiyavathy Ma’am Board, Haryana Home State, Medical Science Optional


Board: M Sathiyavathy Ma’am
Background: MBBS
Optional: Medical Science
Home State: Haryana
Job: Railway


  1. Wish me good morning before i do that
  2. Tell me to remove mu face shield and put it in my lap
  3. Ask me for removal of mask for photo identification
  4. Read out all details from DAF
  5. Ask me if I am confortable if questions are asked in English
  6. What initiative did you take for e governance (Daf)?
  7. Are these initiatives already in Railways?
  8. Are they implemented anywhere else in Railways?
  9. Why do you think that new initiatives which are taken by one person are not replicated at other places?

Member 1

  1. In your opinion stand alone initiatives are good or there should be a system for taking innovations
  2. What are hinderance in replicating new initiatives?
  3. What should be done so that SOP can be made out of new initiatives?
  4. What government is doing in this regards?

Member 2

  1. You are a doctor why you want to come to civil services?
  2. Suppose you are Putin, when will you stop war?
  3. What russia want to achieve in the war?
  4. Tour of duty? He explained me and ask have you heard about that
  5. What elon musk is so interested in twitter and crypto currency
  6. Have you invested in cryptocurrency

Member 3 

  1. Dont you think joining civil service after medicine is sort of brain drain.
  2. How you use your knowledge of medicine in IAS.
  3. Ques regarding progress made by india in nutrition?
  4. What are schemes of nutrition improvement.
  5. Food fortification
  6. Your hobby regarding spending time with family and friends, do you think it is a hobby?

Member 4

  1. Status of poverty in India.
  2. BPL and multidimentional poor
  3. Another criteria
  4. What are components of Multidimentional poverty index
  5. Why health is there.
  6. Why education is there.
  7. Which sector you want to work other than health.
  8. why manufacturing sector
  9. Do you think automation leads to job loss
  10. What is sustainable manufacturing
  11. How to make manufacturing ennvironment friendly.

Chairman madam Thank you very much.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #142 : M Sathiyavathy Board, Management Optional, Swimming, cooking Hobbies


Date of Interview: 25th April, afternoon
Board: M Sathiyavathy Ma’am
Optional: Management
Background: NIT Hamirpur (B.Tech), IIT Madras (MBA)
Hobbies: Swimming, cooking, DIY repairs, Home workout
Your experience in interview- 1st

Utility of mocks (if any)- Useful as my main interview based on DAF

Almost 80% of interview based on DAF and even other questions were derived from it. Hence use this transcript with caution.


  1. What is difference between safety and security with respect to Vizag?
  2. Safety and security difference in respect to airplane?
  3. What are green building?
  4. What are green corridor?
  5. Why you are leaving your better paying job for civil services?

Member 2

  1. What is red corridor?
  2. Socio-economic similarity in these regions?
  3. Should we do something or leave it as it is? Steps to undertake?
  4. Budget- how will you tell someone how to read it?
  5. What is primary deficit?
  6. How much is it?
  7. What is fiscal deficit of India? How much it should be?
  8. Why is it so high?
  9. What is India’s debt to GDP ratio? How much it should be ?
  10. What is debt to GDP ratio for US and Japan?
  11. Then why should India keep it so low?
  12. Why is US$ the global currency?
  13. What are threats to US$ as global currency?
  14. Can Indian rupee in future be the global currency?

Member 3

  1. What are cryptocurrencies? Can they be a global currency?
  2. Can cryptocurrencies be hacked? Or is it individual broker issue?
  3. What could be other alternatives to a global currency?

Member 4

  1. You did mechanical engineering then MBA? Didn’t your engineering go to waste?
  2. Do you think Indian engineers are of lower quality?
  3. Why they are not so good?
  4. What is McKinsey ethical —( don’t know) and Darknet?
  5. Have used darknet?
  6. If a cyberattack on Indian stock exchange by China, what will be its implications?
  7. What triathlon you did and how is it different from Ironman triathlon?
  8. What are your favorite swimming strokes?
  9. What is difference between freestyle and crawl?

Member 5

  1. What is e-waste?
  2. What is polluter pays principle?
  3. You like cooking? What all dishes?
  4. How does cooker help in cooking?
  5. How you can maintain or improve nutrient of food by cooking?
  6. You did engineering and MBA and now civil services, isn’t it internal brain drain?
  7. Will you use your existing knowledge and improve system or come here to learn?

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #146 : M Sathiyavathy Ma’am Board, Uttar Pradesh Home State, vipassana meditation Hobby


Date of Interview: 25/4/2022
Board: M Sathiyavathy Ma’am
Home State: Uttar Pradesh
Hobby: vipassana meditation
Background: Engineering

  1. Tech- Electronics and Communication, 2016


  1. आप 2016 से क्या कर रहे हैं, आपकी मदद कौन करता है?
  2. vipassana meditation बाकी meditation से कैसे अलग है?
  3. vipassana के बारे में आपको कैसे पता चला?
  4. web series को कैसे regulate किया जाता है?
  5. क्या वेब series पर pre sensorship लगा देनी चाहिए या moive से हटा देनी चाहिए?

Member 1

  1. आपको vipassana के बारे में कैसे पता चला?
  2. vipassana से क्या लाभ हुआ, कुछ practicle लाभ बताओ?
  3. कब और कैसे करते हो vipassana?
  4. webseries पर समय खराब नहीं होता और उससे पढ़ने और vipassana में disturb नहीं होता?
  5. Engineering के बाद हिंदी साहित्य क्यों लिया?

Member 2

  1. Afspa की क्या ज़रूरत है?
  2. Afspa के हटाने से क्या लाभ और क्या नुकसान होंगे?
  3. रूस- यूक्रेन में भारत का official stand क्या है?
  4. क्या भारत का western countries के अलग रहना, future में कुछ चुनौतीपूर्ण हो सकता है?

Member 3

  1. UP की तीन समस्याएँ?
  2. UP का division होना चाहिए?
  3. UP का विकास कैसे हो तथा कैसे पता चलता है कि up गरीब राज्य है?
  4. local language में engineering की जानी चाहिए? New education policy में कुछ कहा गया है इस विषय में!!!

Member 4

  1. Electronics policy के क्या फीचर हैं?
  2. semiconductor crisis क्यों है तथा भारत में यह industry क्यों develop नहीं है?
  3. India को electronics market develop करने के लिए क्या करना चाहिए?
  4. semiconductor crisis से और कौन कौन से sector प्रभावित हो रहे हैं? इसका overall economy पर क्या प्रभाव है?
  5. electronics policy बनाते समय आप क्या ध्यान में रखेंगे?

ज्यादातर सवालों पर कुछ और जुड़े हुए सवाल पूछे थे!! अंत में समय काफी हो गया था तो chair person ने qus नहीं पूछे!!!

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #152 : M Sathiyavathy Ma’am Board, Rajasthan Home State, PSIR Optional


Board: M Sathiyavathy Ma’am
Home State: Rajasthan
Optional: PSIR


Read DAF aloud, Asked if any work ex, part time or otherwise?

  1. Difference b/w Hindi and Hindustani. Example with a sentence and translation of the same. .
  2. What you did in slum areas (DAF)
  3. What issues slum children face?
  4. How did you try to address them?
  5. How many hours you taught in slums?

Member 1

  1. Recently, proposal for mandatory explanation of veto in UNSC. India objected. Reason for the same.
  2. Cryptocurrency? Non Fungible tokens?

Member 2

  1. China has no treaty with India with respect to water sharing. What impact can it have on India?
  2. Any recent incident when China tried to use domination in this regard?

Member 3

  1. Relation b/w Jatropha and Raj?
  2. Kathak – how long have you been learning?
  3. Any ruler associated with Kathak?
  4. His contribution
  5. Teaching in slums – what changes needed among teachers?

Member 4

  1. Difference between political system in USA and India – relative advantages and disadvantages
  2. Simultaneous elections – benefits, disadvantages?
  3. Should India adopt simultaneous elections? Your take?

Chairman: Ok Thank you.

Board was very formal, Two members smiled, rest just observed. But experience was great, and enjoyable.
Mocks’ utility: confidence and communication skills. That’s it.

All the best!

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #155 : M Sathiyavathy Ma’am Board, SOCIOLOGY Optional, Sports Hobby


Date of Interview: 25 april, afternoon
Board: M Sathiyavathy Ma’am
Background: Biotechnology  MNNIT, PRAYAGRAJ
Hobby: playing cricket
Medium of interview: HINDI

Utility of mocks-

  1. good to build confidence and have a formal conversation
  2. Real was totally different, more cordial and no बकवास questions

Total interview time-  Around 32 minutes

Major themes of discussion-

  1. Tribes and way of interaction
  2. covid -19 and its socio economic, and environmental effects,
  3. cricket popularity and impact on other sports,
  4. digital currency, bitcoin etc.
  5. vaccines,
  6. child marriages and raising age of marriage,
  8. Ukraine- russia war


We will ask questions in English and you can answer in hindi, if you want translator, we can arrange

Remove your  face shield and mask, after seeing my beautiful, she told please wear 😷.

Member 1

  1. Have u attended mocks in coachings ?
  2. What were coaching’s focus areas where they emphasised
  3. Have you ever visited south india or any place other than Uttar pradesh.
  4. Have u visited a tribal place( as my optional is sociology)
  5. Do you about an American Christian person was killed by a tribe in Andaman and Nicobar ( 2019 incident -The life and death of John Chau, the man who tried to convert his killers)
  6. Name of that tribe
  7. It was right to go there or not ?
  8. Suppose you are DM of that area, and there is large scale spread of disease and their population is decreasing day by day, what you will do?
  9. How will you communicate and build consensus, if they are not interacting.
  10. How will you identify community leader, if they are not interacting? ( Tried to provoke)
  11. Recently, girls’ age of marriage has been improved, tell me its sociological impact.
  12. How would it improve health and education?
  13. Child marriages in your state, district and village

Member 2

  1. TOR term in defence, did you hear about it?
  2. Difference in digital currency and Bitcoin
  3. Difference in Bitcoin and Ethereum.
  4. Who releases them
  5. Who is controlling authority ?
  6. Few questions on covid and its impact( not able to recall)

Member 3 

  1. Continued with covid and sociol impact.
  2. Difference in covaxin and covishield vaccines.
  3. Why do covaxin claim to be more effective even for the upcoming variants of COVID -19.
  4. Why cricket is so popular in India ?
  5. Why cricket is popular in rural India ?
  6. Do you think, it is suppressing other games in india

Member 4

  1. Covid-19 imapct on violence
  2. Covid -19 imact of environment
  3. What we learn from covid ?
  4. Do you think a small lockdown every year is necessary for Better environmental conditions ?
  5. I said yes, he asked but it would leads to disruption of industrial activities and it is not possible . How we can do it and why ?
  6. Suppose you are health secratary, what steps you would take to prevent such pandemic in future ?

Member 5

  1. Continued with covid and its impact
  2. Idea of work from home
  4. Do you think , we should continue with WFH.
  5. What is impact of Ukraine – russia war on India
  6. What India can learns ukraine – russia crisis
  7. As per you, what are top priorities area where India should be self reliant( last question)

Note- few counter questions i might have missed

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #156 : M Sathiyavathy Ma’am Board, Rajasthan Home State, Anthropology Optional, Jogging, badminton Hobbies


Date of interview: 27 april
Board: M Sathiyavathy Ma’am
Optional: Anthropology
Background: MBBS
Home State: Rajasthan
Profession (if any)- Medical officer
Hobbies: Jogging, badminton
Interview medium: Hindi


  1. Why gap of 2 years after graduation
  2. Why civil services despite being in Noble profession
  3. What kind of preventive care you give on PHC
  4. why doctors are not willing to go to rural areas
  5. What can be done?
  6. Should Bond be compulsory after Graduation from Govt medical College
  7. Doctors usually don’t live in village even during posting to PHC, Do you live in that village?

Member 1

  1. Difference between tageted medicine and chemotherapy
  2. How to calculate heart rate in joggers
  3. Give me 3 reason to not to administer precaution dose of covid vaccine
  4. How to make QUAD more effective
  5. How to solve problem of water scarcity in district of western rajasthan

Member 2

  1. Do you play badminton
  2. Who is emerging player now
  3. What is his recent achievement
  4. Which medal he won in England open
  5. Who won medal in Tokyo Olympics in badminton
  6. Tell me about player who won medals in para Olympics
  7. Which other games you play
  8. Tell me about Indian vollyball status

Member 3

  1. Whats famous in your district
  2. Any recent incident of violance against doctors in rajasthan
  3. Should we make law?
  4. So how to wear this surgical mask properly?
  5. What is the reason to have this side towards nose?
  6. How will you use your knowledge of mbbs in civil services
  7. Anthropology in adminstration

Member 4

  1. Renewable energy possibilities in rajasthan and what role could be played by biofuel and tell me some source of biofuel in rajasthan
  2. How to improve swacch bharat mission
  3. Accountability of vetoing country in unga,
  4. What should be India’s stand
  5. Should we conduct licencing exam like USA for doctors in india (to check skills)?
  6. If you become civil servant , which areas will you focus most

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #170 : M. Sathiyavathy Board, Rajasthan Home State, History Optional


Date of Interview: 27 April morning session
Ms. M. Sathiyavathy
Home State: Rajasthan
Optional: History
Background: Bsc + MA (history )
TIME- 26_28 mint

(  Mask, gloves phn kar interview tha, face shield htwa di thi )


  1. Jrf aap ne clear kiya hain PhD/ MPhil kar rhe ho ya ?
  2. UG or PG me aapne gap kyon liya tha
  3. 2018 k bad se kya kar rhe ho ?
  4. 4.aapki camel riding hobby hain
  5. Ye kese aapki hobby ho gyi hain ?
  6. Aapne horse riding ki hain ?
  7. Camel riding or horse riding me kya main deference hain ?
  8. Camel k aaj kal kya utilities hain ?
  9. Camel milk me kya kya hota hain ?
  10. Camel mill k medicine benifit kya hain

( Second mamber ki or ishara krte hue ,   qsn kijiye )

Member 1

  1. aap barmer se hain  Barmer me refinery ki kya progress chal rhi hain ?
  2. Barmer refinery k kya fayde hain ?
  3. Es refinery me barmer k alawa bahri crude oil use hoga? Kha se aayega?
  4. Rajasthan biofuels ki progress hain ?
  5. Biofuels k khan Khan centre hain
  6. Renewable energy of Rajasthan k bare m batahiye ?

Member 2

Qsn asked in English and qsn very long ( chairman mam ,  qsn nhi smjh me aa rha hain to anuvadak bualaun ? Yh UPSC ne  aapke liye hi  rakhe hain ? Bell bjakr , anuvadak ko bula kar bitha diya )

  1. Corona me Indian doctor ne , medicine bevjah likh di thi ?kya aap mante hain
  2. USA me medical me countie exam hote hain or India me doctor ki koi progress chek nhi hoti ? India ko kya krna chahiye ?
  3. China me corona se konse City effected hain ?
  4. China ki zero COVID policy kya hain ? Uske point batahiye ?
  5. Quad Kya hain?
  6. Quad k reform k 3 point btahiye ?
  7. Jammu, Kashmir,  laddakh 3no ko state banane chahiye? Some cross qsn

Member 3 

  1. Aapke district me only one river hain – Luni ? But irrigation me use nhi hoti ! Why?
  2. Barmer me desert hi desert hain

Eska development kese ho skta hain ? Some cross qsn

  1. Camel riding aapki hobby hain ! BSF kis border par use krti hain ?
  2. Barmer – Pakistan border ki challenge kya hain ?
  3. Barmer border me very less taskri hoti hain ? Punjab me bhaut jyada ! Esa kyoun hota hain ?

Member 4 ( only women releted qsn and corss qsn )

  1. Rajasthan ki women ki kya condition hain ?
  2. MMR kya hoti hain ?
  3. MMR full form?
  4. Women status Rajasthan me low level par kyun hain ?
  5. Ese improve krne k 3 upay bataiye ?
  6. Aapko lgta hain women marrige age , 21 kar deni chahiye ?
  7. Child marriage case esase or badh jayenge ?
  8. To kya 21 se aage bhi badha skte hain ?
  9. Thik hain ,Women empowerment ki 2 scheme bta dijiye


( Aapka interview ho gya hain , aap aarm se ja skte hain , face shield bahr lga dijiye )


Mock helpful hain, specially DAF k prepration me
Fact and New information khin bar hamre knowledge se bahr se aa skti hain, Esme confidence k sath sorry bol skte hain

All the best 👍

Source: Telegram

Mehak Jain [Rank – 17, 2021] TOPPERS NOTES PDF


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[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #172 : M Sathiyavathy Board, Tamilnadu Home State, PSIR Optional, Sports Hobby


Date of Interview: FN 29th April 2022
Board: M Sathiyavathy
Home State: Tamil Nadu
Optional: PSIR
Service: CRPF AC (T)
Background: BE Civil
Hobby: Basketball, Volunteering

(5th person to go – 25 to 30 mins)

Prior work experiences: Freelance CE consultant with specialization in RWH, Faculty at an IAS Academy.

Smt.Satyavati Madam board + 3 male members + 1 lady member

Greeted me the moment I entered the room. I wished her as well as other members. Went to sit immediately but then told sorry and unfastened my coat button , sat in the chair.

Chairman remove your mask.

Me: (After removing)Madam do I have the permission to place my mask on the table in front of me?

Ch: No wear the mask. I wanted to see your face.

Chairperson read my DAF to other members but didnt know that I am under training in CRPF so had to declare it. She asked why I didnt mention it in DAF , then She verified  other files regarding my profile and said OK

Ch: What is volunteering? (my hobby) why did you take it up? What all have you done in volunteering?

Ch: After training you are likely to be posted in LWE areas , is knowing the local language important?

Ch: If language is important,  why is that people of TN oppose learning Hindi?

Ch: You are in training , Do you know Hindi ?

(I said ” I am learning now and before coming to Haryana for training  I learnt only 1 sentence in Hindi “. I though she will ask me what that sentence is but she didnot. She just laughed for me  knowing only 1 sentence)

Ch: Why is that 3 language policy not accepted in TN ?

(I said schools in TN teach Hindi on voluntary basis. The 3 language policy is slowly being accepted. Even the recent approval to establish JNV in TN , will help to learn Hindi on voluntary basis.)

Ch: So you mean to say TN government has accepted the 3 language formula ?

(Sorry Madam , I didnt mean it that way. If my words had given such conclusion I apologize for that. I meant in TN hindi is taught and learnt voluntarily.)

Ch: Let’s leave it , why there is fall in no. of people from TN qualifying CSE AND CAPF exams, is language an issue ?

Ch: How did you know about CAPF exams?

Member 1

M1: You know army is also used for internal security like CRPF but why there is high operational failure in CRPF , why is CRPF inefficient ?

M1: Though I appreciate your loyalty towards your organization , what is the difference between army working in JK and CRPF working in LWE ?

M1: Have you heard about weaponization of water ? How is it possible ? Will India use it ?

M1: How can China use it against India ?

(Made a blunder by mentioning about 3 gorges dam for which he replied that the dam has no relation with weaponization. Then I apologized for my misinformation)

M1: If China uses it , where will it divert the water?

(I said I have to look into it )

M1: Take a guess.

(I was thinking , immediately he said the answer is not important)

M1: what are the latest developments in the field of civil engineering?

M1: Can you recollect the recent development done by IIT Madras?

( I said about glass fibre reinforced panel building done in the year 2017 😂recent)

M1: That’s right. Thank you.

Member 2

M2: You are from chennai. What problem you faced in Chennai recently?

M2: what’s the reason and solution for water scarcity?

M2: can we go for desalination of seawater since India is surrounded by sea in all three directions ?

M2: What is the problem in desalination?

M2: Have you heard about river interlinking project , can that be done ?

M2: Name one process used in desalination?

Member 3

M3: 1 country has launched Gross National Happiness , do you know ?

M3: What is GNH ?

(I said I need to look into it detailly)

M3: What is GNP , difference between GNP and GDP ?

M3: What is the current rate of Inflation ?

M3: Why Inflation is a important indicator?

M3: Does India need Inflation?

M3: Last question How to control Inflation?

Member 4

M4: Like Black gold , what is digital gold ?

M4: Gov has huge amount of this gold. Can we monetize it ?

M4: What are your suggestions for data security ?

M4: Why cant the gov monetize it like google , facebook ?

M4:  Can the data be shared among other government departments ?

M4: You being a sportsperson, how can we popularize basketball , kabbadi in India ?


Thank you

I wished the chairperson alone , fastened my coat button and walked out.

Review : Entire interview can be reduced to 7 themes: Hindi language , Internal security , Civil engineering , Water crisis , Inflation , Data governance , Basketball.

There were only follow up questions and felt could have done better in few questions.

I expected the chairperson to say atleast Interview is over and ask me if I to share anything. Then came to know from others that such things does not happen in this board.

All the best 👍😀✌️

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #178 : M Sathiyavathy Board, Uttar Pradesh Home State, Geography Optional, Food vlogs  Hobby


Date of interview: 22 April
M Sathiyavathy mam
Optional: Geography
Home State: Uttar Pradesh
Background: polymer science
Hobby: Food vlogs

Initially they messed up with the sheet of attendance after DV . It took 10 min to resolve , anyway –

I entered the room, greeted mam and the other 4 board member

Chairperson read the daf aloud. Asked to put down my mask and she was not able to match my current look with photograph. I had to explain.


  1. asked for clarification of hobby (food vlogs of Indian cuisine)
  2. What is taught in the graduation
  3. What are industrial application of polymers?
  4. What are technical textile
  5. Tell me some technical textile in the room.
  6. How would u use your learning as president in administration(daf based)?

Member 1

  1. What step will you take as secretary of tourism to develop street food culture in India?
  2. i told some stuff then he asked
  3. tell me something related to infrastructure and other step
  4. Is uttar pradesh uttam pradesh
  5. 6 strength of uttar pradesh in bullet point
  6. (Was cut short on 2nd point)
  7. What are the infrastructure status of uttar pradesh?

Member 2

  1. Which is sarvottam pradesh ( based on my earlier answer)?
  2. What polymer used in this room.
  3. Up lokayukta ( i did not know much)
  4. Few more question don’t recall (sorry)

Member 3 ( more concerned about home district)

  1. Distance from Delhi
  2. History of the district
  3. What routes we may take
  4. what are technical textile used in eastern uttar pradesh agriculture?
  5. one or two more question. dont remember.

Member 4

  1. What step will u take in addressing crime issue if u are posted as ssp in your home district.
  2. Tell me some proactive measure.
  3. Who guards our border
  4. When army is deployed
  5. Tell me inert polymer( here tried trap me by saying I am not an expert update my knowledge)
  6. 6 . Is teflon an inert polymer , why is it so?
  7. Which part of the complex hydrocarbon reacts?

Utility of mocks – attended 6 mocks

  1. Next ias – some question asked directly
  2. Vajiram- help me in identifying my mistakes , here board motivated me alot
  3. Won’t name coaching- but demotivated alot ( although I resolve to bounce back)
  4. Vajirao – back with confidence ( feeling good after this)
  5. Ksg- confidence and body language improved exponentially
  6. Drishti- just a final practice , some question were asked directly .

One to one session

  1. Raveendran sir- excellent boosted my confidence
  2. Shabbir sir- anticipating question, and answer in conversational manner
  3. Khan sir- ( met 2 days before interview) – helped in building confidence to peak.


  1. Prepare daf well ,even if, question are not asked u will feel confident
  2. Mocks helpful in mannerism confidence build up , never to give wrong answer , broadening knowledge.
  3. Take mock as learning rather than final judgement
  4. Confidence in interview = comprehensive preparation of current affairs+ daf + sufficient number of mock ( number of mocks to be personally evaluated – don’t go by coachings).


Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #189 : M. Sathiyavathy Board, Zoology Optional, singing, Hobby


Date of Interview: 2nd may afternoon 1st to go
Board:  M. Sathiyavathy
Background: Calcutta University
HOBBIES: Singing Tagore songs, Diploma in Classical music, Tagore songs , Fine arts

YOUR EXPERIENCE IN INTERVIEW-very cordial board, very positive environment even in waiting room, all my nervousness and anxiety was gone after entering UPSC Bhawan

UTILITY OF MOCKS- Confidence building, pointing out my lackings habituation in handling tensed situations, tricky ques and grilling (one still can’t get a good night sleep before actual interview)


  1. welcomed me and read out DAF aloud,
  2. graduation in 2020, future alternative plans if fail to crack UPSC? Higher studies? How can you pursue distant learning in science bcz you needa do practical experiments?
  3. UGC new guidelines in dual course? How can PHYSICAL+PHYSICAL possible if 75% attendance required for a year?
  4. Do support75% mandatory attendance bcz in foreign countries it’s not mandatory? (YES..)
  5. Students don’t pay attention and scribbles sitting  at back bench so kya faida aise attendance ka?

Member 1

  1. Malnutrition, what can be done? Food fortification? Risks of it?
  2. WHAT DO YOU PREFER LOVE MARRIAGE OR ARRANGE MARRIAGE?  (Got uncomfortable and fumbled in the beginning😒)

Member 2

  1. Durga idol immersion stopped related communal controversy few years back..your opinion?
  2. In zoology, physiology dissection of frog is unethical? Your opinion

Member 3

  1. What do you know about Naxal?
  2. Jignesh Mevani (MLA Guj) related controversy?
  3. Governor becoming political your opinion?
  4. What will you do if in your district let’s say in Malda  Bangladeshi nationals coming illegally? Role of BSF still can’t be stopped totally, so what more will you do?

Chairman proposal to divide West Bengal into smaller dist.s? Do you support?

Thank you. All the best T.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #191 : M. Sathiyavathy Board, Chhattisgarh Home State, Medical science Optional, Baking, jump rope Hobbies


Date of Interview: 2nd may( Afternoon session)
Board: M. Sathiyavathy Ma’am
Home State: Chhattisgarh
Background: MBBS
Optional: Medical science
Profession:  junior resident AIIMS Raipur, previously medical officer Sukma (c.g)
Hobbies: Baking, jump rope
Medium: English

Your experience in interview-
Cordial board, Felt like a round table conference. Took 5 minutes to internalize that i’m in actual upsc interview
They gave sufficient time to think & structure your answer.
Utility of mocks (if any)-  helpful to present yourself in a formal setting..but their feedback should be taken with a pinch of salt.

Chairperson: Read my DAF aloud. Asked whether i have any covid related symptoms or not.

  1. So after working for 2 years, Why did you resigned. What are u doing since then?
  2. Difference between Alzheimers & dementia. Pathological difference also.
  3. At what age, we can call some geriatric? Who decide it?
  4. Then who is a Senior citizen.
  5. What do u mean by Ergonomics.

Member 1

  1. What sukma is famous for?
  2. Have u met naxatile people.
  3. Hobbies related-what is free style jump rope. Why did u start. Its benefits.
  4. As a doctor, whats ur take on Generic medicines. Should we promote it or not.
  5. Opinion on alternative medicine- ayurved, yoga, siddha, unani, homeopathy.

Member 2

  1. Do you speak chhattisgarhi?
  2. As you hv Worked in aiims, what is the status of aiims raipur?
  3. How are Doctors in aiims?
  4. Can u tell me about origin of naxalism.
  5. Do u support their methods, Can violence be justified?
  6. Why want to join IAS, when being a doctor is equally respectable?

Member 3

  1. Status of Euthanasia in india & would you choose it for ur patient?
  2. Your take on Ayush practitioners precribing medicines?
  3. Why naxalism still prevalent in Chhattisgarh.
  4. What u will do as ias officer to decrease naxalism?
  5. Should we allow Ayush practitioner to do surgery?

Member 4

  1. What a about naxal surrender policy of the government.
  2. Regulators of medical education. Why NMC replaced MCI.
  3. Why Charak oath was in news. Your opinion on it.
  4. bridge course for ayush practitioners?

Overall-Totally DAF based. Not able to answer 4-5 questions ( said sorry). But on a brighter side, got opportunity to give UPSC interview & its an achievement in itself.

All the best comrades. Be confident & positive.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #196 : M Sathiyavathy Board, Mathematics Optional, Swimming, Sports, Music Hobbies


Date of Interview: 2nd May, Afternoon session
Board: M Sathiyavathy Ma’am
Optional: Mathematics
Background: Engineering Physics from IIT Delhi
Hobbies: Swimming, playing Badminton, listening to Rock Music

Experience of Interview : Overall a good interaction especially with M-4. Very cordial board. Questions asked from DAF & current affairs. Ma’am did not ask any last question and no personal questions asked in the interview.

Utility of Mocks : Beneficial for developing confidence, communication skills, mannerism and facing eminent people, some questions repeated in the real interview. However, real interview experience is very different (minimal cross questioning and no grilling).

Duration : 25 minutes

Masks and Gloves were mandated in board. Ma’am asked to bring mask down for verification and then asked me to wear it again. She started reading out DAF aloud for other members. Place of birth, optional, graduation subject, college, hobbies and achievements.


  1. What are you doing since 2020? (Graduation year)
  2. What do you understand by Engineering Physics? (Graduation)
  3. First you study engineering or physics?
  4. What is the difference b/w Science, Engineering and Technology?
  5. Differentiate b/w Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Technology.

Member 1

  1. Why you chose Mathematics optional?
  2. Since, you like to swim, what is the difference b/w Swimming and Synchronised Swimming?
  3. Lucknow is known as the cultural capital of India. Can you tell me the reason why Lko emerged as cultural hub since such pattern is not witnessed in other parts of Uttar Pradesh?

Member 2

  1. Do you know who is Boris Johnson?
  2. Why was he in news?
  3. Recently, he was fined by the local police. Why was he fined and what is your opinion on this issue?
  4. Should UP be divided?

Member 3

  1. Consider that you are an advisor to the Chief Minister. What advice will you give for retaining manpower in UP?
  2. How can industries be used for the same?

Member 4

  1. If you would like can we discuss upon the same issue as M-3 asked? (I said yes sir) What is the harm if people go out from UP to Tamil Nadu, Gujarat or other parts of country?
  2. Should people have the right to freely move across states?
  3. Recently, an emerging school of economics found out that global economy would flourish more had there been no borders between states. Do you agree with this?
  4. What is the Belt and Road Initiative? I have never heard about it. Can you explain?
  5. Why India not part of this huge infra drive and not leveraging the economic gain posed by CPEC?
  6. What is Mau famous for? (place of birth)
  7. You mentioned about the rich Awadh cuisine (mentioned with M-1). Give me some examples of the same. (I answered Kebabs, Biryani especially Dum Biryani).
  8. What is special about Dum Biryani?
  9. Recently some Electric Vehicles started catching fire. What impact does these incidents have on consumers and EV market and what can govt can do to tackle this?


  1. Thank you your interview is over

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #216 : M Sathiyavathy Board, Telangana Home State, Anthropology Optional


Date of Interview: 6th May, forenoon session, last to go.
Board: M Sathiyavathy ma’am
Background: MBBS
Home State: Telangana
Optional: Anthropology
Hobbies: Vipassana meditation, watching documentaries on climate change, awareness campaigns on Reproductive and child health and child labour
Duration: 25 -30 mins

Utility of mocks – have given limited number, helped in holding nerves(final interview was a whole different game, nerves went out of control in the initial 5 mins), formal interaction setup.

Read out my name loudly and asked me if she was pronouncing it right. Read out my DAF loudly

“So, you’ve finished graduation in 2019 and you’re into this preparation since then!” I said Yes ma’am.


  1. You’re a doctor already, why do you want to come into civil services, don’t you think you’re wasting a medical seat?
  2. You’re interested in child labour, define child labour
  3. Can you say something about 2016 amendment of Prohibition of child labour.
  4. What is the age till which child is not supposed to work in hazardous industries?

Member 1

  1. Now that I know why you want to be a civil servant, give me 5 reasons why you should be a doctor. (CW – laughed and said that’s what she’s trying to avoid.. I said, ma’am I’m sorry but that’s the only answer I have😅. She smiled
  2. Are you aware of Red Sanders? What is it, in which part of the world is it found?
  3. Can you tell me to which country does the smuggled product goes the most? What is it used for there? ( I said China and luxury items- musical instruments and expensive gifts) he added coffins and said they believe that souls of such bodies placed in such coffins go to heaven directly ( CW laughed and said really?)
  4. Increasing conflict between patients and doctors on self treatment and Google based treatment, your take on the same?

Member 2

  1. Are you from Telangana or Andhra Pradesh?
  2. Population of Telangana?
  3. Do you see any chances of reunification of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh?
  4. Why is diamond market of Hyderabad very famous?
  5. He asked some random dam name and said tell me something about it. ( I said, I’m not aware and will read about it)
  6. Naxalism status in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

Member 3

  1. You like watching climate change documentaries?
  2. ( Erratic question framing) 😒😒 There’s a resolution in UN on climate change. What’s that resolution and did India accept or deny it? ( I said, I didn’t understand sir, can you be specific 😆😆)
  3. He repeated the same vague question. ( I said, sorry sir it very difficult to comprehend the question. I’m sorry) 😅😅
  4. What’s India’s promise to reduce emissions intensity.
  5. India denied it, tell me the reason.

Member 4

  1. What’s your opinion on PM -JAY?
  2. I’ll say that there’s an increase in C- sections in India after PM- JAY. What would you say?
  3. As a doctor, how is Vipassana helpful to you and other doctors?
  4. Food fortification and it’s side effects.
  5. When is Doctor’s day celebrated and why? When’s civil services day celebrated and why?

I don’t remember a few questions.
Ma’am said, your interview is over. You can leave now. All the best.
Overall, a cordial board, questions seemed very superficial but relevant.

All the best guys! 🙂

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #222 : M Sathiyavathy Board, Rajasthan Home State, PSIR Optional, Cricket, movies, folk music, web series Hobbies


Date of Interview: 9th May
Board: M Sathiyavathy
Optional: PSIR
Home state: Rajasthan
Hobbies: Cricket, movies, folk music, web series
Background: BBA, pursuing MA in political science
Attempt: 7th attempt, fourth interview


  1. What you have been doing since 2013?
  2. How are you sustaining yourself?
  3. Sedition law and counter questions?

Member 1

  1. Which is your favorite team in ipl?
  2. Impact of commercialization of ipl?
  3. Is it distracting people from work?
  4. Should india play cricket with Pakistan?

Member 2

  1. Rajasthan- what attracts foreign tourists?
  2. Cultural factors?
  3. How to balance concerns of environment with solar power and refinary in Barmer?
  4. Impact on locals of crude oil production?

Member 3

  1. Recent movie watched?
  2. What it is about?
  3. Turning point of 83 world cup?
  4. Economic impact of Russia Ukraine war on India?
  5. Why psir after management.

Member 4

  1. North eastern states problems?
  2. Why border disputes in North eastern states?
  3. Asha and anganwadi workers- relevance?

Overall the board was chilled out, no grilling, no interruption.

Utility of mocks- just to boost your confidence, you can consider their feedback wrt attire, sitting posture etc but don’t take everything by heart.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #226 : M Sathiyavathy Board, Andhra Pradesh Home State, Anthropology Optional


Date of Interview: 9th May forenoon, 2nd to go.
Board: M Sathiyavathy ma’am
Background: ECE NITW
Home State: Andhra Pradesh
Optional: Anthropology
Hobbies: Travelling, Badminton, reading books on emerging technologies and social impact.
Work ex: SanDisk Bangalore (2014-16)
Micron Hyderabad (2020-present)


Read my daf out .. education, workex , hobbies

  1. What is this reading books on emerging technologies and their social impact? What books did you read
  2. Block chain, FM said anonymity is bigger problem ..do you agree with it
  3. Different between bitcoin ethereum and cbdc
  4. Why some countries adopted crypto as legal currency, why India didnt adopt it
  5. Why gap between two jobs
  6. How did you manage to get a job after a gap of ~4 years. (said I have good domain knowledge and it’s a niche technology)
  7. Which technology you work on.

Member 1

  1. You are a DM and incharge of budgeting subsidies..how do your prioritise the allocation
  2. Which areas will you spend more
  3. So you think subsidies to industries are not beneficial
  4. How do you plan when you are short on budget.
  5. How do you improve connectivity to North east , apart from existing rcs schemes railways etc
  6. Don’t you think we have problems like illegal immigration if we open a way via Bangladesh.

Member 2

  1. You are from vizag..tell me about vizag
  2. Where are you staying these days (hyderabad)
  3. Tell me about hyderabad
  4. Recently there is an issue with contonment board and Telangana government
  5. What did Telangana govt (CM and IT minister ) doing to improve IT in hyderabad
  6. You stayed in Bangalore..where did you stay..how far is your office from there
  7. Traffic problems in Bengaluru and reasons, solutions.
  8. Connection of tippu sultan to Bengaluru
  9. Beaches in Visakhapatnam.
  10. 10.. What’s famous about RK beach..
  11. You have anthro optional, what’s Indus valley civilization
  12. What was the recent discovery
  13. How Harappan cities inspired modern Indian cities.

Member 3

  1. Heatwave..who declares and criteria
  2. Ukraine war and long term implications
  3. What’s GPS and it’s Indian version

Member 4

  1. What’s demographic dividend
  2. What’s the skill development framework in India
  3. What types of skills are needed for India
  4. How India should plan its energy mix in next 20 years.

(Some more questions i forgot)


All the best , you may leave.


Board is cordial..no interruptions.. few members asked good questions, that need us to think apply and answer.

Overall average interview..didn’t have major high points but didn’t do any great blunders.

On hindsight ,Could have done much better in some questions.

For major part, board members thought I’m from Telangana and asked questions from there, which took me by surprise..i tried my best to answer them..but..i wish I got questions from Andhra (which I’m thoroughly prepared)

Baaki..fate will decide.

Utility of mocks..

Helps in developing ability to sustain a conversation for 30-35 minutes..body language , tone etc

Almost all my offline mocks , common feed back was i was dull, not enthusiastic and energetic..

I had a solid double biriyani yesterday night..and slept for a good 8 hours. 😂

Energy wise and confidence, atleast i believe I’m far better today.

I thank this group for thier selfless work to aspirant community. You guys are gold.

I wish all my fellow aspirants all the very best. 🙂

Source: Forum IAS