Tuesday, September 3, 2024

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #73 : RN. Choubey Board, Uttar Pradesh Home State, Geography Optional, Teaching Hobby


Date of interview: 12 April afternoon, 1st one to go
Board: RN. Choubey sir
Optional: Geography
Background: B.tech ECE
Home State: Uttar Pradesh
Service: (if any)- Commercial Tax Officer UP government
Hobbies: Teaching underprivileged children, listening to retro Bollywood music

Your experience in interview- very cordial, no unnecessary grilling and very nice atmosphere

Utility of mocks (if any)- Took only one mock. Got to know shortcomings about my body posture and expression.


  1. Explained about the process and told that it is not a police enquiry. Asked me to frankly tell if I don’t know the answer to any question. He also said that the board wanted to have a purposeful conversation with me.
  2. – introduce yourself in short by telling your background and academic details.
  3. – You work in Tax department. Tell me if GST Act is unconstitutional as it takes away the power of states to levy and collect taxes?
  4. – then gave a long monologue about some study which stated that income tax be replaced by taxes on banking transaction and asked my views on it

Member 1

(Seemed to have studied taxation a lot)

  1. – told some quote regarding taxation and asked if I knew who said it to which I told that I didn’t
  2. – at least you would have heard this quote? ( Again I told that I have not heard it ever)
  3. – changed the question and again quoted something to which I again told that I’ve not heard but allowed me to explain its meaning
  4. – why are educational institutions not taxed in GST?
  5. – some counter questions on this
  6. – Again quoted some lines which were something like : “the only legitimate child is one which is born out of a legal wedlock and is the only legitimate heir”. What do you think about it?

Member 2 

  1. – Quoted something and asked to explain (can’t remember now)
  2. – What do you think of skill India?
  3. – Why we need skilling?
  4. – Do you think private sector needs to be included in this?
  5. – Will private sector involvement bring better results?
  6. – we are skilling people in India for world also. Is that a good strategy? Should we keep skilling them for foreign needs?

Member 3

  1. – You have Geography optional, that’s interesting. Tell me if India and China can ever become friends?
  2. – If territorial issues are solved then do you see them becoming friends?
  3. – but what about Sphere of influence? Won’t that become an issue even if other issues are ironed out?
  4. – do you think Indo-China border issues will be resolved in next 100 years?

Member 4

  1. – what do you mean by  underprivileged children?
  2. – do you know about a Nobel laureate who works for underprivileged children ( about Kailash Satyarthi ji)
  3. – what kind of children does hi work for?
  4. – what is the name of his organisation?
  5. – how did you make sure that children didn’t drop out of school(DAF based)
  6. – What are the issues with Land Acquisition in India?
  7. – What are the features of Land Acquisition Act (LARR)?
  8. – How is the amended LARR better than previous Act?

Chairman :

  1. We enjoyed talking to you. Anything which you want to tell us?
  2. I said sir I have mentioned about Bollywood retro music in my DAF.
  3. He said that he doesn’t want to ask anything but if I want to tell I can go ahead. I told that when I’m not in good mood I listen to songs of 60s and 70s and feel better.
  4. He said that he was pleased to know that and other members also smiled on this

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #74 : RN Choubey Board, Medical Science Optional,


Board: RN Choubey sir
Background: MBBS, MS
Optional: Medical Science
Work experience: AIIMS; Govt District Hospital

Overall: The board went out of its way to make it pleasant and relaxed. Hardly any interruptions but there were follow ups/cross questions. Largely stuck to the DAF keywords with a bit of polity and current affairs.

Mocks helped but didn’t reflect the tone and tenor of the actual interview.

Chairman: We are friendly and are here to make you comfortable. Stay calm; you can remove the face mask if you have no Covid symptoms and even the gloves if you wish to.

  1. Tell us in a minute about yourself, educational background and work experience.
  2. You said you were working in the district hospital until before prelims – did you quit the job or you took a break?
  3. I’m giving you three choices – judicial reforms, police reforms and electoral reforms. Pick any one. Tell about the problems that exist currently and what in your view must be done to address them.

He asked cross questions on the points I said.

  1. What are electoral bonds? What is your view about them? Have they helped our electoral process?

Member 1

  1. What is your view about Big Pharma? Is it clean/corrupt?
  2. What can be done to address the problems you cited? If you were the Health Secretary, what would be your priorities
  3. A lot of Indian medical students have returned from Ukraine. Do you think they should be rehabilitated? How about completion of their education?

Member 2

  1. Why choose civil services when you’re already a doctor?
  2. You have worked for Covid. How do you rate India’s performance in managing Covid? Give me both the good things and the other side. What can be done about the problems? How to be ready for the next pandemic?
  3. India’s pharma industry is not where it should be. What do you think are the reasons?

Member 3

  1. What is Uniform Civil Code? What is your opinion about it?
  2. Should we implement it or not?
  3. There is a Special Marriage Act since so many years. Still it is not being used. So how will the society become ready for the reform/change to come from within, like you suggest?
  4. Suppose marriage and inheritance laws are separated from each other and legislations are enacted under UCC for the same. What do you think about that?
  5. Why not have a Common Civil Code when a Common Civil code can solve the problems?
  6. Have you heard the term constitutional morality? What is your understanding of it?

Member 4

  1. I see that you have won a lot of quiz competitions. You also mentioned APIs in your answer to the earlier panelist. Name any major company or big manufacturer of APIs in India.
  2. Mini speech on India’s success and failures on nutrition. What are the government schemes that you know which tackle malnutrition?
  3. What about food fortification?
  4. Questions on fortified rice. Can edible oils be used for fortification? Will that be useful?
  5. You have mentioned reading popular science as one of your hobbies. What is popular science, is it science fiction or science magazine or science news articles?
  6. What are the books you have read on it?

Chairman: Doctor, we have asked you all that we wanted to ask. Is there anything you want to tell us or want us to know?

Thank you. Your interview is over.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #86 : RN. Choubey Board, Civil engineering Optional, IFS Service


Date of Interview: (13th April 2022)
Board: RN. Choubey Sir
Optional: Civil engineering
Service: IFS
Background: NIT
Attempt: 3rd attempt 3rd interview


Started with typical choubey sir style…Asked me to be comfortable…if you don’t know something you can say no etc etc…told me to remove mask if I don’t have any COVID symptoms


  1. Tell me about yourself ?
  2. If you are posted in a naxalite affected area as an IPS. You are in a remote location where some naxalite have gathered and you have orders to nab everyone. No one should escape. When you go to a suspected naxalite gathering, suddenly one woman starts running. She is carrying a child. You appeal but she does not stop. Will you shoot at her or not?
  3. Suppose if she does not have that child. Then what will you do? Fire or not?

Member 1

  1. Questions on food inflation: causes etc (it was on first page of IE newspaper)
  2. Commodity price volatility e.g onions : discussion, causes, infra problems etc
  3. Which state produces onions the most?
  4. Hindi language : should we make it national language?

Member 2 : sequence of questions can not remember ( almost all are related to current affairs)

  1. Media trials : what? Does it affect judicial decisions or process?
  2. NGO and foreign funding : what to do? Tell me one NGO which has been hugely successful?
  3. RTI and impact : successful or not?
  4. Labour codes : why govt brought them? Why delay in implementation then?

Member 3

  1. Employment : unemployment reasons? youth why not employable? Main problem : lack of jobs or unemployability? For educational reforms which is more suitable ; private sector or government sector?

Member 4

  1. One factual question can’t remember
  2. Man animal conflict and pressure on land (open ended statement)
  3. As a nation are we moving from reading books ( listening to audiobooks : my hobby)
  4. Nayi roshni scheme?

Chairman: we had a great time talking to you. This is your time if you want to share something.

Mocks: didn’t give this time.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #87 : RN Choubey Board, PSIR Optional


Date of Interview: 06/04/2022
RN Choubey Sir
Optional: PSIR
Attempt: 5th attempt, 2nd interview


  1. sked about sharing education and work background.
  2. Further asked about nature of my work.

Member 1: (All random questions, neither of them were related to my DAF)

  1. People are visiting mountains for recreation and tourism. They create so much waste and put pressure on local ecology. How should we change such irresponsible behaviour?
  2. Students till class 5th should be taught only 5 languages and nothing else: Hindi, English, Local language, Maths and Computer programming. What do you say?
  3. Which is the most pressing problem of our nation today?

Member 2: (Again all random questions)

  1. Tell me why India is trying to become defense exporter when we ourselves are top importer of defense products?
  2. Have you heard about GeM? Has it truely helped MSMEs in our country?

Member 3

  1. What do you know about land reforms?
  2. Is Green revolution a success?
  3. Tell me features of recent land acquisition programs of government?

Member 4

  1. Impact of Political and constitutional crisis in Pakistan on India?
  2. Asked about my service preferences? Then asked me about three qualities of an IFS officer.
  3. Asked about mindfulness meditation, What is different in this kind of meditation? Has it helped you in real life?
  4. If you won 1 crore rs right now, what would you do?

Chairman: Do you want to talk about anything?

Experience: Extremely cordial board. They gave me ample amount of time to frame my answers. They were smiling and nodding throughout the interview.

All the best to everyone.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #88 : RN Choubey Board, Economics Optional


Board: RN Choubey
Optional: Economics
Background: Ess
Attempt: First attempt


  1. Introduce yourself in a minute
  2. Opinion on CAA and Farm Laws..follow up questions on the same

Member 1

  1. state of the economy/is it recovering/have efforts succeeded + follow up questions
  2. Plastic pollution
  3. EVs & pollution abatement

Member 2

  1. JJM – what is it
  2. Millets – why they must be encouraged
  3. Women empowerment schemes

Member 3

  1. Service pref
  2. Quad and AUKUS – are they complementary
  3. Highlights of today’s paper
  4. Things you’d do as a civil servant

Member 4

  1. Do we need civil services
  2. What’s good/what’s bad
  3. Two or three follow up questions on civil services that I am unable to recall
  4. Chairperson winded up asking if I have anything to ask or tell the board.
  5. Overall the board was extremely cordial. Very conversational and non combative.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #89 : RN Choubey Board, Poem writing, books Hobbies


Date of Interview: 18/04/22
Board: RN Choubey
Background: In service
Hobbies: Non fiction books, Poem writing
Work experience: ITC Cigarette


  1. -Tell us about yourself.
  2. -Choose one amongst Police reform electoral reform and judicial reforms.
  3. -Speak about it what has been done till now.
  4. -What future reforms you propose for it.

Member 1

  1. -What is called dollar town of India which is in Karnataka.
  2. -What’s trade balance do we have. What’s the export and import value of goods and service that we have.
  3. – Value of service export and service import
  4. – -What act  CBI is governed through? Why some state oppose it? What is general consent? Do we need to have a seperate act for CBI?

Member 2

  1. -What you did in ITC?
  2. -Is ITC diversifying  good? Share value is almost constant. How?
  3. -Tell me the renewable energy scenario in India and World.
  4. -How do you change the attitude of the police? Isnt it a long drawn process?
  5. -Which book you read recently? What is it about.

Member 3

  1. -Have you read ‘why do we sleep’ book?
  2. -Say three good and bad things about “small states bring development”
  3. -Tell me the instrument that this artists use. Multiple musical personality recalled.
  4. -Tell me who wrote Clash of civilizations?
  5. -Who wrote Argumentative Indian?
  6. -Who wrote accidental prime minister?
  7. -Tell me new development on technologies you have seen recently
  8. -Whether social media is good or bad?

Member 4

  1. -Karnataka is said to be “one state many nations”. Do you concur? What is causing problems in it?apart from tourism angle. How to solve it?
  2. -What’s the role of DM and Police in this
  3. – Srilanka crisis. Explain. Why it happened. Does “welfarism” as a theory work? Does India has similar future like Sri Lanka meltdown?


  • Do you have anything to ask us?

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #92 : RN Choubey Board, Maithili Optional, Cricket Hobby


Date of Interview: 18th April, forenoon
Board: RN Choubey
Optional: Maithili
Background: IIT Bombay
Hobby: Cricket
Service: IRS(IT), AFHQ, ICICI Lombard


  1. Tell me about your self and your process experience
  2. Tell me different styles of leadership

Member 1

  1. What is faceless assessment?
  2. Do you agree with it?
  3. Is everything good about faceless assessment?
  4. What did your learn in your insurance job?

Member 2

  1. Tell me  about Ramkrishna Mission
  2. What did you do at Afhq?
  3. Any digital chnages  in defense  that you brought?

Member 3

  1. Tell me names of 2 gurus of Ramkrishna Paramhans
  2. Name of tribal University in India and where it is, since you are from Jharkhand?
  3. What is nuclear fission and fusion?
  4. What is work of solar photovoltaic cell?
  5. Tell me about grand slams in Tennis and few more Q on it ( my hobby is cricket, didn’t get the point of this q)

Member 4

  1. Tell me about literature of maithili?
  2. You have been in leadership roles , give an example where you lead from front?

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #96 : RN Choubey Board, Maharashtra Home State, PSIR Optional, Reading Hobby


Date of Interview: 18th april afternoon session
Board: RN Choubey Sir
Optional: PSIR
Home State: Maharashtra
Background: Btech Mechanical, Commodities Trader for 2 years (Maharashtra)
Hobbies:  Reading Non-Fiction Books, Playing Contract Bridge

Utility of mocks: Helped a lot. Not in the sense of line of questioning but  Mannerisms and handling tricky questions.

Chairman: We are nice people. Just here to have a conversation. If you don’t understand any question you can ask again. It’s okay if you don’t know – tell that and we can move to next topic. One can’t know everything.


  1. Tell me about yourself in one minute.
  2. Accrual accounting or cash accounting which one is there in India? (Random)
  3. Air India disinvestment. Whether correct or wrong? Where should government be invested.

Member 1

  1. One body above ICAI and tell about in brief (NFRA)
  2. Again questions on disinvestment – private sector and public sector, should government be in education and health sector or not?

Missing few questions

Member 2

  1. You were commodities trader. Commodity market is booming so what are you doing here?
  2. You know Rakesh Jhunjhunwala? He must be your role model?
  3. Again on disinvestment – Don’t you think private sector adds efficiency?
  4. You have PSIR. French presidential election – process?
  5. What do you think will be impact on NATO if Marine Le pen is elected?
  6. What are your hobbies apart from Commodities trading? (Reading books)
  7. What was the latest book that you read? Tell in brief about it.

Member 3

  1. So you have mechanical background. What is cryogenic engine?
  2. Temperature in cryogenic engine
  3. You play chess. What is Elo rating?
  4. Criterion to become grandmaster
  5. Tell me which are 4 parts of criminal justice system?
  6. Tell me about contribution of Vikram Sarabhai and Homi Bhabha
  7. Have heard about UDAN scheme – long form, how is it working?

Member 4

  1. Your district is backward. In Maharashtra it is seen that Bombay and nearby region is forward. Vidarbha and Marathwada backward. What are the reasons? Do you think it should be bifurcated or trifurcated?
  2. Don’t you think we have done everything in 70 years. Still they are backward!
  3. Irrigation scam is also very famous. How will it reach general population?
  4. Have you heard about Ketanji Brown? (First Black woman appointed in US SC)
  5. In India as well representation of women in judiciary is very less. Don’t you think we should have affirmative action?

Chairman: Do you want to share anything more?

Your interview is over.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #97 : RN Choubey Board, Tamilnadu Home State, Sociology Optional


Date of Interview: 12.04.2022 AN
Board: RN Choubey Sir
Optional: Sociology
Home State: Tamil Nadu
Background: Mechanical Engg


  1. Tell us about you, your education and work experience in 2 mins.
  2. Disadvantages for private sector in PPP partnership?
  3. Reorganization of states in the context of AP and TS?
  4. Can states be bifurcated if more demands are there?

Member 1

  1. Role of Homemakers
  2. Can we legalise monetary benefits for home makers?
  3. Follow up questions on Care economy.
  4. What is Professional ethics?
  5. Question on Article 13- Can customs and usage be evidences before law?
  6. Your view on CBCS and NEP 2020?

Member 2

  1. National electronics policy 2019- current  status?
  2. Follow up question – Why achievement is low?
  3. Provisons of PLI scheme? Time period?
  4. What can be done after 6-8 years, how to be competitive?
  5. Defence industrial corridors – why no significant investment?

Member 3

  1. Tell me few Tamil ancient literature
  2. Current literature from Tamil
  3. Caste conflicts in TN
  4. What are the reasons for caste conflicts?
  5. What steps you will take to solve such conflicts?

Member 4

  1. What is offroading?
  2. Why adventure sports demand is low in india?
  3. Economic crisis in Srilanka – What is the reaction among people in Tamilnadu?
  4. Why TN movie stars end up in politics and what is the current trend?
  5. F1 race in TN?
  6. Follow up question on F1 race.
  7. Controversial role of Governors and opinions on resolving the deadlock between elected govt and Governors.
  8. Talked about Jallikattu and asked about other traditional sports involving bulls.

Chairman: Do you want to ask or share something?

Your interview is over.

Couldn’t recollect a few questions.

Overall the board was very cordial.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #98 : RN. Choubey Board, Uttar Pradesh Home State, Mathematics Optional, Sports Hobby


Board: RN. Choubey sir
Optional: Mathematics
Background: B.Tech (M.E) IIT Bombay
Home State: Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Hobbies: Playing cricket


  1. Amit..Tell me about theoretical mathematics? And what are its real life applications?
  2. What ethics you learnt in mechanical engineering that can help you in civil services
  3. what are the challenges to India from its neighbouring country?
  4. Do you think UN is becoming irrelevant because it is not able to stop any wars?
  5. Why IITian don’t join DRDO?
  6. Why there is regional inequality in Uttar Pradesh?

Member 1

  1. Have you heard of intelligent design theory ? What’s it?
  2. What are the problems faced by surgarcane farmers in Uttar Pradesh?
  3. what are the challenges to India from its neighbouring country?
  4. How do you analyse India’s position in Ukraine?
  5. What is reverse swing in cricket?

Member 2

  1. Do ou know about game theory?
  2. How can game theory be applied to look at Russia Ukraine crisis?
  3. Tell me some handicrafts products of eastern UP.
  4. If there is a conflict between central and state government order and you are an IAS, Whose order will you follow.
  5. Cricket is your hobby. Should India play cricket with Pakistan?

Member 3

  1. What’s your opinion on the current budget ?
  2. Do you think it’s growth oriented ?
  3. What is the current growth rate of agriculture?
  4. Have you heard of dream budget?
  5. Why education is poor in rural areas. and What measures would you take to bring in online education to rural areas?

Member 4

Amit .. You have very good academic record from childhood to graduation. So your parents must be loving you very much.

Ans – ma’am  I think even with poor academic record my parents would love me because I am their child. Academic record and parents love need not be necessarily related.

Yes you right but they must be happy with your academic performance

Ans- Yes ma’am

Are your parents happy with you now?

Ans- Yes ma’am


Ans- I am facing the board of upsc interview my father and sister is waiting outside with smiles and excitement all over.


  1. Amit do you fell that there are any other areas where you want to be questioned?

Ans- I said, Sir I have studied mathematics for long time in my life and  I would be comfortable in answering more questions from that area.

  1. But we have already asked questions from that part.

So your interview is over.

  • I said thank you to everyone gracefully and left the room.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #102 : RN Choubey sir Board


Date of Interview: 19.04.22
Board: RN Choubey sir
Session: Noon( 3rd to go)


We are very friendly people. This is an interaction basically where we try to extract the best and even if possible learn something from you. Sir said if u dont understand the question properly ask us to repeat and if you dont know the answer tell u dont know( he was very particular here).


  1. Briefly tell me ur grad subject and word exp
  2. Any plan B
  3. How does RBI print money(on what basis)
  4. What is cryptocurrency
  5. Why dont we make it a global currency
  6. What happens if it is made a global currency

Member 1

  1. Tell me about renewable energy
  2. Isn’t the transition to it costly
  3. How will u attract investment in India as a diplomat
  4. What is UN global compact

Member 3

  1. Tell me about Shankaracharya
  2. Does India need a P5 membership?
  3. QUAD

Member 3

  1. Tell me about the issues among food aggregators (gig economy)
  2. Is climate change real
  3. Kerala floods
  4. Mitigation measures
  5. Name a film critic and where and why u vary with him citing a movies as an example( hobby- watching movies)
  6. Social media( had mentioned social media in the previous answer)

Member 4

  1. Lic IPO and issues around it
  2. % of FDI allowed in insurance sector
  3. Fdi vs fii
  4. Recent census based delimitation and issues around it
  5. J n K delimitation

CP was walking around the room while I was talking with the other members. He knew what was going to be the last question, because the moment j n k question was asked he came and sat down.

Chairman: Your interview is over. If you want to share something please do. I spoke for a few moments and left.

Overall a very cordial board. Nowhere related to the mocks I gave. But que were random as no ques came from my daf or grad subject.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #107 : RN Choubey Board, PSIR Optional, Travelling & Movies Hobbies,


Date of Interview: 20th April afternoon session
Board: RN Choubey Sir
Optional: PSIR
Background: DU and JNU
Hobbies: Travelling and Movies


  1. Introduce yourself
  2. Features which green revolution 2.0 and economic reforms 2.0 should have
  3. (Counter questions on this)
  4. Millets and crop diversification. How millets cultivation will help small farmers ?
  5. Are economic laws and policies gender neutral ?

Member 1

  1. Founder of Bihar school of yoga ?
  2. where all travelled in recent times ?
  3. What did you like about Assam and Meghalaya
  4. Where is North Eastern Police Academy situated ?
  5. What is brexit ? Which do PMs resigned over it ?
  6. Quote – “Eat in silence. Work in silence. Because God loved silence”. Meaning and appropriateness?

Member 2

  1. Questions regarding JNU. Why recent incidents?
  2. Who all are alumni of JNU?
  3. Suggest reforms in JNU?

Member 3

  1. Parasite movie – what message it conveyed?
  2. Who were the parasite in this movie?
  3. Freebies good or bad ?

Member 4

  1. Contractual labours? What should be done for them ?
  2. Is UN successful in achieving its objectives ?
  3. What can India do for reforms in UN ?
  4. What should be done for making Hindi as official language of UN ?

Chairperson – Anything you want to discuss?

Board was cordial. They give sufficient time to answer. Mocks helped me to generate confidence and questions and many were asked in actual interview also.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #108 : RN Choubey Board, Walking, Yoga Hobbies


Date of Interview: 20 April Afternoon session
Board: RN Choubey Sir
Background: BE Mechanical
Hobbies: walking, yoga
Utility of mock – Experience of facing interview panel


  1. Introduce yourself.
  2. What did you eat.
  3. Internship experience
  4. Criteria to bifurcate states.
  5. Economic viability to bifurcate states

Member 1

  1. If I do all wrong things in life and die in Kashi will I get Moksha.
  2. What is karma yoga, bhakti yoga, Gyan yoga
  3. What is Raja yoga
  4. Who was Paramhansa yogananda
  5. What did he do in west?
  6. What kind of Yogi was Mahatma Gandhi?
  7. What is the first shloka of Isha upanishad.

I have not written anything about spirituality or meditation in my DAF. Totally random stuff.

Member 2

  1. Pollution in your city? How to curb it.
  2. 2.Why thermal power plant is not following guidelines
  3. Why pollution in mining areas?
  4. Role of parliamentary committees?
  5. Kind of committees?
  6. What is public account committee.
  7. Comparison with the US Senate and parliamentary committee of India.
  8. Why you go for walking (hobby).

Member 3

  1. What is balance sheet.
  2. Profit and loss account of company
  3. Emission balance sheet of company?
  4. What is net zero?
  5. What steps should be taken to reach net zero.
  6. Do you watch Netflix? Any recent event related to it.

Don’t know why he asked about balance sheet and profit loss. No relation with DAF.

Member 4

  1. What is automation?
  2. Will it affect employment
  3. Cross questions related to it.
  4. New mines are following regulations but the old mines are not following. What’s your take(Picked up from my answer to M2)
  5. Russia Ukraine war. Whether stand of India is good?

Chairman – Anything you want to tell us.

Board was very cordial.

My advice : Don’t get afraid from random questions but have some general understanding of major issues.

All the best.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #110 : RN. Choubey Board, Sociology Optional, Playing Dhol-tasha, fitness Vlogs Hobbies


Date of interview: 20th April, morning session
Board: RN. Choubey Sir
Optional: Sociology
Profession: (if any)- Lecturer (1 yr)
Hobbies: Playing Dhol-tasha, watching fitness Vlogs

– Your experience in interview- board was cordial, no mask no shield (  intro by sir on the same lines, to stay calm and accept anything you dont know). Nothing specifically from daf.

– Utility of mocks (if any)- benefits in managing nerves, greetings, staying calm…. questions quite different in original interview, but 4-5 can be given.

( interview happened in more of a conversation manner, so not able to recall many cross questions.)


  1. Intro and then no questions, directly asked other member to start. ( sir stood up and started taking a walk around the room)

Member 1

  1. Writ petitions
  2. Difference between HC and SC writs
  3. Dr Ambedkar had called some provision as soul of our constitution, name it.
  4. Articles related to services( which I couldn’t tell exact ones he wanted, said sorry sir cannot recall)
  5. Views on KGF 2 ( random)
  6. What about violence and society?
  7. What are your views on vulgarity and nudity?

(Few more questions, cannot recall)

Member 2

  1. Many cooperatives in maharashtra, your views?
  2. What are their problems?
  3. Drinking Water crises especially in western Maharashtra? ( couldn’t find much,asked her that i am not aware of specific drinking water scarcity issue in that region, so may i provide probable reasons – permitted )
  4. Question on pakistan, what can be the future course?
  5. Some progress has been done recently with pakistan, you know? ( had no idea, said sorry I am not aware of the event)

Member 3

  1. Significance of Ayushman bharat, what new?
  2. Why so many people in AIIMS?
  3. What to do? Shouldn’t it be only for specialist care?
  4. What are your views on parenting style? ( west vs India)
  5. 5. why Indian better ( had a conversation about how our family structure is different, had few more exchange and laughs)

Member 4

  1. Russia ukraine, west has issues with us, elaborate it?
  2. Are we correct?
  3. Finance minister has said something in US, do you know? (Wanted crypto, i said something else)
  4. You are a mechanical engineer, why is manufacturing sector lagging than services, what to do?
  5. You said earlier about regulation of content, but we do have censor?
  6. Do you mean OTT? Should we regulate it all?
  7. What other methods you think are viable?


we are done, you want to say something?

so I asked permission to speak about local cuisine of Ahmednagar and its part in tourism development. Told them that everyone visits temples but are not aware of these places. Requested them if they visit Shirdi someday please visit those food joints(Hurda Party) .it helps to boost farmer’s income and will be a nice experience for them as well.

Chairman : We keep learning about new things from young people like you, thank you, we shall visit.


No idea how it went, but questions were very random. Only convergence was maharashtra related and sociology, that too society part.

( thank you transcripts team, your work has made our life easy as well, reading transcripts does help

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #112 : RN Choubey Board, Anthropology Optional,


Date of Interview: 12th April, afternoon session
Board: RN Choubey sir
Optional: Anthropology
Background: IIT Roorkee
Profession– 2 years of experience in private sector
Experience- cordial board. Enjoyed the conversation.
Utility of mocks- To understand your shortcomings and work on them


  1. tell me about yourself
  2. What did you do in your job
  3. What is AI.
  4. Is thermostat an example of ai?
  5. Is finance commission a constitutional body?
  6. What are its function?
  7. Why do we share revenue with states?

Member 1

  1. what do you understand by min government and max governance?
  2. Should we remove the government?
  3. Or do we increase the government?
  4. Should liberal studies be introduced in IITs?
  5. Some more discussion on liberal studies.

Member 2

  1. Law vs morality ?
  2. Relation between law and morality?
  3. Are international laws based on morality?
  4. Why are countries not adhering to international law?
  5. Few other questions wrt Russia Ukraine crises.

Member 3

  1. Why initially state was named Uttaranchal ?
  2. Why was it changed to uttarakhand ?
  3. Tagline of uttarakhand tourism ?
  4. How many tourists visit uttarakhand ?
  5. Which states in India receive maximum tourists?
  6. How would you boost tourism in uttarakhand?

Member 4

  1. Shall women from uttarakhand join army? ( since a lot of young men from uttarakhand join army)
  2. What problems will they face?
  3. What should we do to remove these problems?
  4. Social movements like chipko movement are not successful now. Why?
  5. Digitization vs digitalization?


Anything you would like to tell us?
You are free to go now.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #113 : RN Choubey Board, Chemistry Optional,


Date of Interview: 20th April, Afternoon, last person to go.
Board: RN Choubey Sir
Optional: Chemistry
Background: IIT Delhi
Profession (if any)- CAPF AC
Hobbies: Endurance exercises

Chairman: Asked me to remove the mask if I dont have any covid symptoms, I politely said that the positivity rate for Covid in Delhi is around 7%, if you allow me, I will keep it as it is, for which he readily agreed to.

  1. Introduce yourself in 1 min, he cut short in between as I said I got recently selected as Assistant Commandant(which is not yet updated in DAF2) He congratulated me.
  2. Covid fight, how do you rate The Center’s and State’s performance on the scale of 10.
  3. What steps did the Center and States taken to fight Covid?
  4. Demonetisation=> was it a right/wrong step? Rate it on the scale of 10 => Follow up questions
  5. What is Black Money?
  6. Let’s say gambling is banned, and you earn some money out of it, and you pay taxes on this income, will it be considered black money?

Member 1

  1. CAPF force preference order and reason behind the way I’ve chosen?
  2. What about the order I’ve chosen for Civil services?
  3. Do you know why Germany is in news today? (apparently Hitler’s birthday)
  4. Why did WW2 started?
  5. How did Hitler die?
  6. if WW3 comes, which side should India take?=> follow up questions.
  7. Why aren’t we becoming UNSC permanent member?
  8. Why China is opposing?

Member 2

  1. IMF/WB Differences?
  2. Boris Johnson visit, why is he coming now, what’s on the agenda?
  3. Hockey=> status now? Is it bouncing back?
  4. Why Odisha is promoting Hockey?
  5. Marathon Distance?

Member 3

  1. What is Subordinate Legislation?
  2. Pearl Harbor incident?
  3. Capital Punishment=> should we continue or not?

Member 4

  1. 2008 Financial crisis=> why did it occur?
  2. Do we get similar crisis if we continue with similar populistic policies?
  3. Green Building=> what components needed?
  4. Nuclear power=> is a green energy? why aren’t we able to harness it?
  5. What are the steps we are taking to harness it?
  6. Make in India=> Atmanirbhar Bharat=> initiatives taken?
  7. NGOs regulation on foreign funds? is it good or not?
  8. Amnesty international issue=> Aakar Patel, why did authorities blocked him from going abroad=> can it be done?

Chairman: We’re done young man, Do you have anything to say? I pointed out the quality of sanitisers provided at UPSC, said that they might be of duplicate quality and not suitable for regular use=> given the spelling mistakes and the caution given on the bottle

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #118 : RN Choubey Board, Anthropology Optional, Theatre, Tennis Hobbies


Date of Interview: 21st April 2022
RN Choubey
Optional: Anthropology
Hobbies: Theatre, Tennis

Mock: Good for habit. Not much help in content.


  1. Introduce yourself in 1 min
  2. What is function of RBI?
  3. There is a brick wall under load. From where we can remove the brick work so that wall will not fall.

Member 1

  1. Challenges in jharkhand
  2. Why Jharkhand is unable to achieve its potential despite being resource rich after bufurcation?
  3. What can be done in jharkhand for socio-economic development?
  4. Issues of naxalism.
  5. There is an issue regarding MICA mining in jharkhand.

Member 2

  1. Israel is nuclear state. Why is it against the Iran’s nuclear enrichment?
  2. Will US intervene if china attacks Taiwan?
  3. Which last tournament you watched in tennis?
  4. Who beat whom?
  5. Daniel medvedev is banned from Wimbledon, what’s your take on this.

Member 3

  1. Whether America is just targeting Russia and not looking to end the war?
  2. Why HEC is not performing at its potential?
  3. UN has failed to achieve its goals?

Member 4

  1. WHO is a failure in pandemic. What you think?
  2. What steps are needed in jharkhand to improve socio-economic development?
  3. What is difference between CGST, SGST, IGST?

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #120 : RN Choubey Board, Sociology Optional, palmistry, abstract painting, badminton. Hobbies


Date of Interview: (21-04-22), 4th slot
Board: RN Choubey
Optional: Sociology
Hobbies: palmistry, abstract painting, badminton.
Attempt: 1st attempt
Work exp- 9 months (Saint Gobain glass India).

Utility of mocks- helps you to have a formal conduct in interview, mannerism etc. Few questions were there in mock as well. Overall helped in framing answers in a better manner

Chairman- remove mask, going to be friendly chat, nothing like police inquiry, don’t worry.

  1. introduce yourself in 1 minute.
  2. Does saint Gobain manufacture sound proof glasses?
  3. your role in Saint Gobain .
  4. smart cities concept and give example.

Member 1

  1. do we need more UT’s? Considering better infra in UT
  2. why Punjab, haryana are against migrants coming in their states and taking up jobs?

Member 2

  1. is russia’s power increasing due to invasion of Ukraine?
  2. if nato expands and get Belarus and Ukraine under it, what would be implications for russia?
  3. tell about covid-19 philosophically?
  4. why Buddhism declined in India?
  5. is palmistry an exact science?

Member 3

  1. tell about India’s space sector initiatives (name related)
  2. impact of sanctions on USA?
  3. what is double glass which is used to cut sound ?
  4. how A/C bills come down by usage of different glasses?

Member 4

  1. why branded meds if generic meds are there. Few cross questions here.
  2. why undertrial prisoners in prisons?
  3. do you believe in life after death?
  4. significance of Saint Gobain logo?

We have asked many questions, now do you want to share with us something?
Some other questions by chairman and member 1 were there unable to recall.
Overall good experience, very cordial board.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #124 : RN Choubey Board, Uttar Pradesh Home State, PSIR Optional, Volleyball, Badminton Hobbies


Date of Interview: 18th April 2022, Last one to go in afternoon session.
Board: RN Choubey Sir
Home state: Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
Optional: PSIR
Hobbies: Volleyball and Badminton
Work Ex: 5 years as Simulator Engineer
Background: B.Tech: Mechanical Engineering from NIT Hamirpur

Asked me if I have any COVID symptoms and asked me to relax and enjoy the conversation.


  1. Opinion based question.
  2. Regarding the case of corruption where I am an IAS officer, who has to sanctioned a project worth 100 crores. There has been delay of 1 months and supplier says that he has already paid to your boss and is ready to pay you too. Supplier is L1 bidder what will you do ?

Member 1

  1. What do you see in a law made by Parliament to understand it’s intent and purpose.
  2. Asked about Right to recall and when it should be done and why?
  3. Is there any minimum number of votes required to win the election.

Member 2. Question related to my work experience.

  1. My role as simulator engineer.
  2. How it will help in Administration?
  3. Why you left job?

Member 3

  1. Top three country that won Medal in Volleyball Olympics.
  2. AS officer who won Badminton medal last year, his name and where he is posted at present.
  3. Indian who recently won Medal in All England Open championship.
  4. Who else won it in the past.
  5. Is uniform civil code mentioned in constitution.
  6. What is the difference between CAG and Attorney General of India.
  7. Beruberi case

Member 4

  1. Asked about Social Audit , and who conducts it. Asked about its impact.
  2. Relation between Kyoto and Varanasi why called twin City and progress made so far.
  3. Namami Ganga and relation between then Solid waste management
  4. Any relation between Namami Ganga and Sewage treatment plant?
  5. In the end asked about if I want to talk about any thing.
  6. Forgot to carry mask in the end. Chairman sir asked me to take.
  7. I thanked him and took the mask and left the room happily.
  8. Overall it was a wonderful experience.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #125 : RN Choubey Board, Geography Optional, Chess, Upcycling Hobbies


Date of Interview: 18/04/22 Forenoon
Board: RN Choubey Sir
Optional: Geography
Background: NITW CSE
Hobbies: Chess, NSS, Volunteering for stray animal rescue and rehabilitation, Repurposing and Upcycling


  1. He recognised me…. Due to my nomenclature and some questions like what went wrong
  2. Briefly introduce yourself in one minute
  3. 2 points that you don’t agree with Mr. Gandhi
  4. Gave a long monologue on Gandhi’s
  5. Self sustainable villages model…. Do you agree with it?
  6. Relevance at present time?
  7. What are your views on bifurcation of states and what are the “objective” criterias to determine if a state should be bifurcated or not apart from language(culture) etc. ?
  8. What’s the negative side of this??
  9. Who decides whether demarcating a state be it on linguistic lines could go against national interest?

Member 1

  1. 5 indian origin ceos
  2. Twitter issue
  3. Elon musk…. What happens if he takes over?
  4. Is it good for India or bad?
  5. Gave a monologue on IT sector and some stats….
  6. How can an agricultural area transform into an IT based area? What govt can do to increase IT services?

Member 2

  1. You talked about interdependence…..he gave a monologue of 4-5 minutes and asked something….and again he told that he would rephrase his question and asked me something unrelated to the above monologue… I’m unable to recall…. It’s something related to green energy
  2. Ukraine Russia crisis…. What are its implications on the seas that border this region from North to South?
  3. What happened recently in the black Sea and role of Turkey?
  4. Tell me a random topic that I should ask you questions from….. Except your DAF….

Member 3

  1. Except the 1st question and chess one, nothing related to my daf…. and most of them, I had a smiling face and repeated “I do not know Sir” in a loop…
  2. What is the motto of your college?
  3. What do you mean by ……. Some sloka…and which organisation has this? Later when I googled it, found it was of IIT KGP….not related to me in any way….
  4. Panch pandavs…. Agnyathavasa… What roles did each of them assume during this time? …. Again some random question
  5. 5 cities in ukraine from east to west?… Don’t even know why this topic popped up suddenly
  6. What are the seas that Russia is trying to dominate?
  7. You play chess… Elo rating system? Why and How it is given?
  8. Who is ELO?
  9. Who is Harnaaz Sandhu?
  10. Difference between miss world and miss universe?
  11. What is common between miss world Manushi Chillar and miss world xxxxx(I don’t even remember) ? ….. All these questions are in no way related to my Daf

Member 4

  1. Issue of stray cattle….. What can we do?
  2. How to fund it?
  3. Do you think people will be interested?
  4. How to increase the level of compassion in people? Not only towards stray animals but towards humans as well…. Something like this…. I couldn’t remember


Thank you… Anything you need to say?

My experience: As usual very cordial board….questions were not difficult but a little bit strange and some questions made me feel like I ran into a quiz competition… Got a feeling that M3 asked random questions wantedly…. Even he was laughing while asking the questions

Utility of Mocks: Katta Meetha…….

Mocks were like DCEU…. Original pt is like MCU

Source: Forum IAS