Tuesday, September 3, 2024

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #188 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas Board, public administration Optional, cricket Hobby


Date of Interview: May 2 April , forenoon session
Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas sir
Optional: public administration
Background: BCom Hons
College– srcc
Hobbies:  kinesics, cricket

Experience- pleasant . Board members coordinated and helped me to arrive at answers. Very cooperative people. Duration: 28-30 minutes


  1. how do you feel sitting here?
  2. How has indian economy recovered after 2 years of pandemic.
  3. What is growth projection of indian economy
  4. What is growth projection of other countries, world economy and its impact on India’s growth
  5. What is twin balance sheet problem
  6. What is 4 balance sheet problem

Member 1

  1. Some areas of country receives high rainfall and some suffer from drought. How to deal with problems
  2. River interlinking is costly. Tell me other solutions
  3. Can’t recall other questions

Member 2

  1. What did george Barnard shaw said on cricket
  2. Define bureaucracy.
  3. What are characteristics of bureaucracy in monarchy and democracy
  4. How is googly bowled. How is chinaman bowled. How are they different.
  5. Define artificial intelligence

Member 3

  1. Soft power diplomacy
  2. How is yoga helping in soft power
  3. When was first international yoga day celebrated.
  4. What is meaning of word yoga
  5. Free movement regime with which countries?
  6. Does Nepal’s free movement regime has any challenges or benefits for india.

Member 4

  1. What has pandemic taught us?
  2. How to make healthcare robust in India
  3. What is resilient healthcare system
  4. Preventive healthcare vs promotive healthcare
  5. How to make health care resilient
  6. If u are sdm in your district. Which first step will you take for the people.

Chairman: what is air quality index of delhi today? I said I’m sorry dont know.
Your interview is over. I said namaste and thank you
Experience of mocks- it helped me to develop an approach to answer questions which was useful. Some questions were repeated.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #204 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas Board, Geography Optional, Sports Hobby


Date of Interview: 25th April 2022
Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas
Optional: Geography
Background: Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. B.Sc. (MPC), M.A in IR (JNU), M.phil & Ph.D (continuing) (DU) CSE 2020 ICAS
Hobbies: umpiring cricket matches and kho- kho
Duration: almost 40 minutes


You were waiting outside long time, do you have tea/coffee? (Sir, I don’t have habit of tea and coffee). It’s good. So, at least u took water? (Yes sir, two small bottles with smile)

  1. You joined in service? You recently entered into government and services, How are u feeling ?
  2. You have GEOGRAPHY as optional and M.A. in International Relations, what do understand by the term Geo-economics? How the current Russia-Ukraine conflict has changed world Geo-economics and especially how it helped India?
  3. What do you understand by Geo-politics, explain how geopolitics changed in current crisis times?
  4. Assam-Meghalaya Border dispute ( continuation of geo-politics discussion in India), basis of this dispute?

Member 1: cool person in the board

  1. Do you support UCC? and counter questions on UCC?
  2. What two changes you want to bring in Guntur, that are not focused yet by government.
  3. What is your personal opinion on Andhra three capital decision?
  4. As a Chief Secretary of AP, How u will convience CM about your opinion on 3 capitals?

Member 2 asked questions more than 10 minutes

  1. Why are there too much controversy over Umpire decisions in cricket, tell some recent controversies ( world cup final & IPL match Rishab Panth incident) was Panth wrong? How to correct it?
  2. What are the differences between India and China approach in Africa?
  3. How African countries thinking about India and China support and which one is good for African Countries?
  4. Has WHO failed in COVID-19?
  5. WHO also failed in vaccine distribution to African countries. What it has done for vaccine delivery to African countries? How WHO and other developed countries should correct it? (This Discussion went around 4-5 minutes over covax and GAVI)

Member 3 The member with poker face the one who push into stress

  1. I don’t know much about cricket. Explain me how cricket plays and its basic rules. (I started my answer but after every two sentences he tried to confuse me and ask counter question on my previous statement like what is innings, what is test match, etc….basically he want to put me in stress zone)
  2. Why after graduation you have two years gap before joining M.A. in JNU?
  3. You played KHO-KHO INTER DISTRICT, I don’t know much about KHO-KHO, Explain me how kHO-KHO plays and its rules (same scene repeated in his first question)
  4. Baseball also similar to cricket, explain me its rules. ( Devudaa, ekkada konchem ekkuva avutundi (inner voice in telugu ). Finally, I showed white flag by saying sorry sir, I don’t know). Every one in room laughed 😄 loudly

Member 4 : she waiting for her turn with long list of questions

  1. Almost u have covered everything in Academics like B.Sc, M.A., M.Phil & Now Ph.D and also ur in account service, how ur research experience helps in account service perhaps in civil services.
  2. National Hydrogen policy (I said sorry ma’am, I’m unable recall exact provisions and i will read about it). Still, if u feel comfort, I want to ask some question on this? ( Ma’am, I don’t want to bluff, so I’m not comfortable on this area).

Chairman sir interrupted  and said that he is pro in IR, with big smile on his face.

  1. Falkland issue again came into NEWS. WHY? (TODAY NEWSPAPER)
  2. What are ur service preferences? Why IFS FIRST? ( I said my academic background aligns mostly to IFS and I put my last 5 years of energy in IR as a part of my HIGHER EDUCATION and now by giving IFS AS FIRST choice, I’m searching for opportunity where I can utilise my knowledge of specialisation to protect country interest in foreign land and foreign policy and give back society in better manner and also it helps in my career growth) Member countered my answer by

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #210 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas Board, Delhi Home State, History Optional, Sports Hobby


Date of Interview: 28 April 2022
Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas
Optional: History
Home State: Delhi
Background: Civil Engg, MDU, Rohtak
Hobby: playing cricket

I entered and greeted the board. Chairman asked me to sit . no intro asked or opening remarks. First one to go in afternoon session


  1. -what is UAV ?
  2. – difference between UAV and drone ?
  3. – application of drones in civil engg
  4. – applications of drones in administration
  5. Few more questions that i dont remember from chairman

Member 1

  1. – chipko movement? What was it ? Who led it ? What happened exactly in delhi similar to chipko movement ?
  2. – issue of encroachment and slums in delhi ? Causes and solutions?
  3. – how are trees taken care of while doing any construction in delhi ? There is a specific technique apart from transplantation.. What is it ?
  4. – which section is ur favorite in history.? one famous personality from history? Why?
  5. – personality from modern history famous for work towards environment? What exactly was done ?
  6. – what were you doing exactly after graduation ? A few follow ups on each question . few more questions that i dont remember .

Member 2

  1. -Space weaponisation? Which country is/are trying ? Are they allowed ?
  2. -Facial recognition technology? Applications in administration? How to balance right to privacy with it?
  3. Few follow ups on each

Member 3

  1. -Purpose of showing tanks,missiles , ammunitions on republic day? Should we do this or not and why ?
  2. I said yes.
  3. Follow up questions on same like why should we show imported items too.?
  4. – which places in delhi u haven’t visited ? Few follow ups(most detailed part of this members discussion)
  5. – impressive female personality from history ? I told from modern.. He said go back about 800 yrs ..

Member 4

  1. – various dance forms and some questions related to intricacies of dance forms that i dont remember.
  2. – Farm bills were rolled back? Why? Folow ups
  3. -What you would have done to gain support of farming community if u were a DM of a remote village ?
  4. – questions about a gap in my schooling.. Follow ups..
  5. – questions about my father’s profession but stopped in between.. May be the time issue ..

Chairman said thank you .. U can go .

Cordial interview
Most members were smiling
Didnt feel like any grilling
Less based on knowledge and more on opinion based analysis

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #7 : R.N. Choubey Board, Anthropology Optional, Quora reading Hobby


Date of Interview: 6 April Forenoon
Board: R.N. Choubey
Optional: Anthropology
Background:  NIT Bhopal
Hobbies: Versification, Quora reading


  1. about yourself background, job , qualification.
  2. what are the leadership styles
  3. what’s the meaning of your name
  4. do you think you have become dwij i.e. have you reached that stage
  5. situation based – government has to sell natural resources – what should be the methodology. Follow up question on that
  6. what was your job profile?(work ex). What did you worked on?

Member 1 

  1. Tell me about MSP, what are the challenges in msp. What are the solutions.

Member 2

  1. Nanotechnology, it’s use in drone.
  2. Integrated missile guiding programme – started in, at what stage it is currently,

Member 3 

  1. About solar vehicle, what are the challenges in industrial transition to electrical vehicle.
  2. How company will come in profit
  3. What are the changes you see in rto office, is there corruption prevailing in rto office.

Member 4 

  1. how are India China relations?
  2. galwan issue, how many rounds of talk, if you are made foreign minister how will you tackle China
  3. AUKUS, is there any country which is not in favour of AUKUS
  4. About quora reading (hobby)
  5. About Versification (hobby)

Cordial board, no cross questioning. 2 members were speaking very slow so had difficulty in decoding questions. Very different from mocks, they wanted just to have conversation.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #8 : R.N. Choubey Board, PSIR Optional, Sports Hobby


Date of Interview:  6th April, Afternoon
Board: R.N. Choubey
Optional: PSIR
Background: Aerospace engineer
Hobbies:  Football, mental health counseling


  1. why India is doing good in  aerospace, why not airplane.
  2. Should your course be discontinue if no jobs.
  3. Defence corridor location and purpose.
  4. Few q related to Aerospace.

Member 1

  1. Why psir not other subject as Optional.
  2. How food is related to culture,sdmc meat ban issue.
  3. How to stop war in russia and Ukraine.
  4. 5imp global events of 2022.

Member 2

  1. Agroforestry.
  2. Zero budget natural farming.
  3. Organic farming.

Member 3

  1. How drone can be misused.
  2. Why India is lagging In drone.
  3. Has isl been successful to uplift of Indian football..i said no..then follow up q was reasons.

Member 4

  1. Social legislation fails generally like child marriage,dowry.. reasons behind it behind it.
  2. 3social legislation of post independent india.
  3. Your district imp features .why it is famous.
  4. Naxal related issue in your district.
  5. Depression related issue.

Very cordial board.. allowed me to remove mask,globes .

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #11 : RN Chaubey Board, Delhi Home State, Commerce Optional, Theatre and caricaturing Hobbies


Date of Interview:  06/04/2022
Board: RN Chaubey
Optional:  commerce
Home State:  Delhi
Hobbies: Theatre and caricaturing


  1. Introduce yourself in 1 min – cross questioned by asking what is your native and then spoke to me in Tamizh for 1 min.
  2. Why do you want to do IAS since you have served in good institutions (I have 4 years of work ex)
  3. Speak to us about police reforms or judicial reforms or administrative reforms
  4. What are the directives of supreme court for police (I spoke about police reforms and sc directives)
  5. Are there any reforms taken before this judgement (I said statewise changes have been taken e.g. police in Mumbai is empowered)

Member 1

  1. Is the migration happening from rural areas to urban areas? Is it good for country?
  2. What can we do to improve industry in rural areas? (I had answered that villages have to be developed)
  3. How will you make industry to go to Village where there are so many problems?
  4. Can you give some examples of successful industries in rural areas developed by tax breaks?

Member 2

  1. Do you know about drone tech? Is India using it to full potential?
  2. How can we use it to full potential?
  3. What steps to ensure challenges of drone are mitigated?
  4. What other country uses drone tech very well?
  5. Do we have defence against drone attacks?
  6. Are there any startups in drone sector? What use case?
  7. Which state used drones in covid?

Member 3

  1. Election commission of India vs state election commission differences?
  2. Who conducts Vidhan Parishad election?
  3. Why municipal elections sometimes do not happen 5 yearly?
  4. Is Rajya Sabha important? Why?

Member 4

  1. You do theatre – have you read ulyssses? (Could not answer)
  2. Have you read works of Grant? (Could not answer)
  3. Habib tanveer? (Yes) what do you admire in him? Which state is he from (could not answer)
  4. Indo us relations – comments
  5. asked if indo Russian defence relations can be reduced keeping in mind the closeness with Us
  6. any defence tech tfr from us to India ( did not know)
  7. One question on Khushwant Singh wanted to do civil services because he felt the money was good. What is your opinion?

Chairperson – we enjoyed talking with you. Anything else you want to speak about? I said that we have covered my views on topics I would like to present my personality traits. Talked about strengths.

Chairperson then asked about my weaknesses.

Overall – interview was very cordial and dynamic. I could have done better in some questions.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #13 : RN. Choubey Board, Sociology Optional, Teaching, Travelling Hobbies


Date of Interview: April 6th,2022
Board: RN. Choubey Sir
Optional: Sociology
Background: Commerce
Work exp: Audit
Hobbies: Teaching, Travelling


  1. Tell us about yourself.
  2. Role of Chartered Accounts is in news. A new bill is being passed related to that. Can you tell us the provisions of that bill?
  3. Another background based ques- A huge company is being run by a family. Though it is a public limited company but family takes the major decisions. Is that right? Should it continue and some cross questions related to this.
  4. Should we have a law which should ban family members from being part of the decision making?
  5. What do you learn from teaching children?
  6. 1-2 more questions related to this.

Member 1

  1. Unfortunately, Corruption is so rampant in our country. How can technology help in eradicating that?
  2. Can you quote some recent technological innovations that have helped people at large?
  3. And some counter questions.
  4. Cnt recall more questions from this member.

Member 2

  1. Do you know about super computers?
  2. Can you trace its evolution?
  3. Has India contributed in it or it is just relying on other countries?
  4. What are India’s contributions?
  5. (This ques has no relevance to my background. It was a random one)
  6. Have you heard of plastic pollution? What are we doing to control it?
  7. What more can be done?
  8. Some related cross questions.

Member 3

  1. So you are interested in Education sector. Let me ask you questions on that.
  2. Commercialization of Pvt schools. Heavy donations are demanded. Parents are not able to send their children to such schools despite the children being qualified.
  3. What measures can you take to stop such practice?
  4. Cross questions.
  5. What is RTE? Has it helped? How?
  6. There is a stark difference between urban schools and rural schools. How can you solve this.
  7. Can CSR help in this? ( based on my reply)

Member 4

  1. Tell me your service preferences. No counter ques on this.
  2. Now Ill ask you about your hobbies.
  3. Teaching and Travelling. They are quite general ones .
  4. So what do you teach? Who do you teach and how it helps you?
  5. How travelling helps you?
  6. Tell me about India’s space programme.
  7. Name two missions which are about to be launched in the upcoming months/next year.
  8. Yoga- soft power of India. 21st june and everything he talked abt how world has accepted it as an Intl day.
  9. So is becoz of diplomacy or soft power?
  10. Do you practice yoga?
  11. Ill ask about your state now. Why is Haryana doing good in sports?
  12. I answered and he  apparently was satisfied with that.

Chairman Sir

  1. We are done with asking al what we wanted to. We would love to hear you talk about anything, if you want. Or if you want to ask us anything, you can.
  2. I talked about women empowernent.
  3. Then Chairman asked me about Glass ceiling. Why is it a glass ceiling and not an iron ceiling or any other..?
  4. I answered that.
  5. interview was done.
  6. It was an extremely pleasant experience. They even asked me to give marks to the board out of 100 based on my experience with them.
  7. Everyone laughed at the end. I said thank you and moved out.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #14 : RN. Choubey Board, PSIR Optional, Sports Hobby


Date of Interview: April 7th,2022
Board: RN. Choubey Sir
Optional: PSIR
Background: B.tech in computer science
Hobbies: cricket, observing behavioural pattterns


  1. be confortable , you can remove your mask , and all those talks
  2. introduce yourself
  3. should we abolish rajya sabha and legislative councils
  4. Some cpunter questions
  5. difference between IPC , CrPC , evidence act
  6. 420 under what, section 144 under what

Member 1 

  1. what is offset clause
  2. examples on success or failure of offset clause
  3. what is make in india? examples on success
  4. ease of doing business parameters

Member 2

  1. dont remember his questions

Member 3 

  1. what is ypur preference
  2. answer in one line qualities needed to excel in these services
  3. what is happening in pakistan
  4. can there ve strategic implications of water as resource
  5. is Indus water treaty not in favour of india

Member 4

  1. Situation in srilanka  and follow up questions why , how , what can india do , what can be done further
  2. How you see india doing in asia

Chairman sir – thank you, we are done, you want to talk on anything.

  • Talked about my hobby  and told them I feel grateful for the opportunity and it was done

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #16 : RN. Choubey Board, History Optional, Blogging Hobby


Date of Interview: 7 April 2022 – Afternoon
Board: RN. Choubey Sir
Optional: History
Background: B.Tech in Electrical Engineering
Employee:  Worked in an Edtech Company
Hobby: Writing an opinion based Blog


  1. Introduce yourself in brief.
  2. Asked about my work experience and what I did on the job.
  3. How I managed my team which worked in different subjects although (he told me) you must not be master in all the subjects.
  4. How India got forex reserves (Sources)
  5. What’s the current forex reserve. – I said ‘Not able to remember and then he told me to make a guess.
  6. Who owns this Reserve?

Member 1

  1. What is Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP).
  2. Follow up Q. on it – Missile name, current status, why started
  3. What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  4. Two Follow up Q. – AI would bring unemployment

Member 2

  1. What is a reserve forest:
  2. Follow up Q. – percentage, Have I ever visited, Can we take roots of a tree (can’t recall the name of the tree) from reserve forest.
  3. Percentage of forest in India – current & target
  4. Follow up Q. – How to increase it
  5. Current Union Budget – Is it balanced or not? & Why?
  6. Follow up Q. – Some Schemes, What provision taken with regard to Covid (not particularly mentioned in the COVID?  My opinion on this.

Member 3

  1. Is the Indian performance in the Tokyo Olympics satisfactory or not? My opinion on this.
  2. Sell of Air India? My opinion on this?
  3. Service priority? But no Q. on that.
  4. One more Q. – not able to recall it.

Member 4

  1. What provision was made in the recent election for 80 plus elders to vote?
  2. NOTA – what it is, utility of it, situation based Q.
  3. What I will write on my blog regarding ‘Russia – Ukraine’ war.


  1. We have asked whatever we wanted to. Would you like to tell us something?
  2. Experience in PT – Good & Enjoyed it.
  3. Utility of Mock – Helped in practicing to express me.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #18 : RN. Choubey Board, Electrical Optional, HAM radio, mentoring, art journaling Hobbies


Date  of Interview: 6th April afternoon
Board: RN. Choubey Sir
Optional: Electrical
Background: IIT
Profession: (if any)- internship in korea
Hobbies: HAM radio, mentoring, art journaling


  1. Honesty is the best policy? Your views on this?
  2. Educational background and work ex
  3. How did you achieve good grades in college?
  4. Using mobiles for voting? Possible challenges?
  5. How to resolve said challenges?
  6. Electoral bonds – what is the issue?
  7. What is wrong with someone wanting to donate to political party and not make it piblic knowledge?
  8. How is black money in electoral bond if no cash involved (i had mentioned black money so this question)

Member 2

  1. Elections happened in 5 states, new mechanism was used for handicapped voters, what was it?
  2. Why still laghing in solar if India is tropical country
  3. How to store renewable
  4. Current issues in solar and wind
  5. Future of solar and wind (something on these lines)

Member 3

  1. What did you do as coordinator of robotics club?
  2. Follow up question on my projects
  3. Nano tech relevance today
  4. Any plant manufactiring nano products? (Didn’t know)

Member 4

  1. What is biodiversity
  2. Related acts
  3. Species biodiversity in india
  4. What is Biodiversity 2002 act?
  5. Biodiversity hotspots in india?
  6. Kasturirangan report?
  7. Which plant was shut down post kasturi rangan report? (I didn’t know)

Member 5

  1. Pakistan current issue? Did you read today’s newspaper?
  2. Impact of pakistan on usa, Russia, China and India
  3. Cpec – what is India’s stand
  4. You went to korea, what did you observe there that you would like to emulate?


Anything you’d like to add? I spoke about my hobby (HAM radio)

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #19 : RN. Choubey Board, Sociology Optional, Teaching, Travelling Hobbies


Date  of Interview: April 6th,2022
Board: R.N. Chaubey Sir
Optional: Sociology
Background: Commerce
Work exp: Audit
Hobbies: Teaching, Travelling


  1. What did you have in breakfast?
  2. How did you come here?
  3. Tell us about yourself.
  4. Role of Chartered Accounts is in news. A new bill is being passed related to that. Can you tell us the provisions of that bill?
  5. Another background based ques- A huge company is being run by a family. Though it is a public limited company but family takes the major decisions. Is that right? Should it continue and some cross questions related to this.
  6. Should we have a law which should ban family members from being part of the decision making?
  7. What do you learn from teaching children?
  8. 1-2 more questions related to this.

Member 1

  1. Unfortunately, Corruption is so rampant in our country. How can technology help in eradicating that?
  2. Can you quote some recent technological innovations that have helped people at large?
  3. And some counter questions.
  4. Can’t recall more questions from this member.

Member 2

  1. Do you know about super computers?
  2. Can you trace its evolution?
  3. Has India contributed in it or it is just relying on other countries?
  4. What are India’s contributions?
  5. (This ques has no relevance to my background. It was a random one)
  6. Have you heard of plastic pollution? What are we doing to control it?
  7. What more can be done?
  8. Some related cross questions.

Member 3

  1. So you are interested in Education sector. Let me ask you questions on that.
  2. Commercialization of Pvt schools. Heavy donations are demanded. Parents are not able to send their children to such schools despite the children being qualified.
  3. What measures can you take to stop such practice?
  4. Cross questions.
  5. What is RTE? Has it helped? How?
  6. There is a stark difference between urban schools and rural schools. How can you solve this.
  7. Can CSR help in this? ( based on my reply)

Member 4

  1. Tell me your service preferences. No counter ques on this.
  2. Now Ill ask you about your hobbies.
  3. Teaching and Travelling. They are quite general ones .
  4. So what do you teach? Who do you teach and how it helps you?
  5. How travelling helps you?
  6. Tell me about India’s space programme.
  7. Name two missions which are about to be launched in the upcoming months/next year.
  8. Yoga- soft power of India. 21st june and everything he talked abt how world has accepted it as an Intl day.
  9. So is becoz of diplomacy or soft power?
  10. Do you practice yoga?
  11. Ill ask about your state now. Why is Haryana doing good in sports?
  12. I answered and he  apparently was satisfied with that.

Chairman Sir

  1. We are done with asking al what we wanted to. We would love to hear you talk about anything, if you want. Or if you want to ask us anything, you can.
  2. I talked about women empowernent.
  3. Then Chairman asked me about Glass ceiling. Why is it a glass ceiling and not an iron ceiling or any other..?
  4. I answered that.
  5. interview was done.
  6. It was an extremely pleasant experience. They even asked me to give marks to the board out of 100 based on my experience with them.
  7. Everyone laughed at the end. I said thank you and moved out.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #23 : RN. Chaubey Board, Jharkhand Home State, PSIR Optional, Cricket, Movies Hobbies


Date of Interview: 8th April
Board: RN. Chaubey Sir
Background: BA. Political science
Optional: PSIR
Home state: Jharkhand
Hobbies: Cricket, Movies, Wordle


  1. What is e-governance? Where does it have scope for implementation?
  2. Does India recognize Myanmar military regime?
  3. What is the difference in diplomacy when a country is recognized/not?
  4. Should India recognize Taliban government?
  5. Is Taliban a legitimate government?
  6. Does India recognize Taiwan?
  7. Does India recognize Tibet?

Member 1

  1. What are the different types of waste?
  2. We have a seen in rise in which type of waste recently?
  3. Why is the culture of recycling declining in India?
  4. What provisions have been introduced to reduce plastic waste?
  5. What are the provisions of the vehicle scrapping policy?

Member 2

  1. Is Cricket a gender-neutral sport?
  2. Which sport is gender-neutral?
  3. Which country has successfully managed to land a lander on the far side of the moon?
  4. ‘Ab tera kya hoga kaliya’ is a dialogue from which film?
  5. Does the young generation still watch old films?

Member 3

  1. What is a Chinaman?
  2. How do you analyse India’s position in the Ukraine war?
  3. What is curfew?
  4. What is the legal basis for implementing curfew?
  5. What is the origin of the word ‘curfew’?

Member 4

  1. What is the position of India’s drone programme?
  2. Is India’s drone capacity domestically produced or by imports?
  3. What are the issues with using drones?
  4. What are the counter-measures for drones?
  5. What is the government policy towards drones

I’m forgetting some questions. Overall, a good interview(only marks will tell for sure). Sir will tell you to take your mask off. Good luck

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #37 : RN. Choubey Board, Maharashtra Home State, Anthropology Optional,


Board: RN. Choubey Sir
Home State: Maharashtra
Hobby: Vipassana, web series, and movies
Background: Mechanical Engineering


chair- told me to remove mask if dont have any symptoms

1. Introduce urself with ur background

M1- when should one start doing meditation?young age or old age?

M2- Why Nano car didn’t take off in India?

Some counter que.

Rise of OTT and impact on movies.

M3-1.What is difference between strategy and policy?

2. Atmanirbhar Bharat context and que on what should be done to make India developed country?

M4- what’s famous in ur district?

origin of paithani Saree.

M5- why there is rise in inequality in world?

Impact of technology on inequality.

Electric vehicles -challenges in India, how should we roll out EVs in India.

Chair- is there anything u want to discuss.

I talked about Vipassana.


Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #42 : RN Choubey Board, Puducherry Home State, Geography Optional, Sports Hobby


Date of Interview: 11/4/2022 F.N.
Board: RN Choubey Sir
Optional: Geography
Background: B.Tech ECE,
Home State: Puducherry
Hobbies: Badminton & Squash Nationals, Dairy writing

Masks & gloves can be removed after chairperson says


Explained the process.
Asked me what to call me as my name was longer. Then he himself explained the meaning of my name to the other board members.

  1. Tell me about educational & work experience in a minute
  2. Can SC amend the constitution?

Member 1

  1. Sports in India and are we lacking in it
  2. Why cricket is more popular
  3. Steps taken by govt to promote sports
  4. How many hours you play everyday
  5. French president election in Puducherry
  6. How do people in India vote for it

Member 2

  1. Tax to GDP ratio
  2. How to improve tax revenue
  3. Is it fair to tax the rich (since I mentioned wealth tax)
  4. Is the revenue enough
  5. Should we spend our revenue on defense or livelihood development as India is a poor country
  6. How to improve defense budget
  7. How to improve R&D culture in India

Member 3

  1. CJI opinion about few govt not following judgements
  2. Did u go outside in Nagpur
  3. Gender neutral policy in college
  4. How much will the infrastructure cost will be increased if we go for it
  5. What can be an acceptable procedure according to you for gender identification

Member 4

  1. NEP
  2. What is the name of the chip which is in shortfall
  3. How diary writing started
  4. Three famous persons who maintained a memoir
  5. What can we learn from ‘My experiments with Truth’


  1. Anything you wish to discuss

Thank you

All the best for everyone

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #49 : RN. Choubey Board


Date of Interview: 8 April 2022
Board: RN. Choubey

(First makes the candidates comfortable by telling them it is a conversation and no need to be afraid as it is not a court interrogation. Offers removal of mask and gloves if not having covid symptoms.)

No question from hobby.


  1. Tell us something about you in 1 minute.
  2. What are the benefits of GST ? (related to my service)
  3. Do you think GST violates Indian constitution by restricting powers of state to impose taxes ?
  4. What is black money ?
  5. Ngo proposal to tax bank transactions only for tax collection. Your view ?
  6. What is black money ?

(after asking questions he stood up and was walking around his chair listening to the answers.)

Member 1

  1. What is contributing to global warming ?
  2. Solutions ?
  3. (Some follow up questions around it related to each sector)
  4. some question related to RCP-Representative concentration pathway (global warming)

Member 2

  1. What is sustainable development ?
  2. How do PSUs ensure sustainable development?
  3. What is CSR ?
  4. Limits of CSR ?
  5. Who ensures compliance of CSR ?

Member 3

  1. difference between diplomacy and foreign policy ?
  2. What is the importance of Australia for India ?
  3. Chandrayaan 3 ? What lessons to be learnt from chandrayaan 2 ?

Member 4

  1. Speak something on gap between India and Bharat (if you think it exists)
  2. Do you think people in India are aware about the problems of people in Bharat ?


  1. We are done. We have asked what we wanted to. Do you want to tell us something ?

Interview over.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #58 : RN Choubey Board, Rajasthan Home State, PSIR Optional


Date of Interview: 13/04/22 Afternoon
Board: RN Choubey Sir
Home state: Rajasthan
Current state: West Bengal
Optional: PSIR
Background: Tech ECE, PG Diploma in Rural Management,
Work Ex: Coal India Ltd.


  1. Tell us about yourself
  2. Why do you want to join Civil Services when you already have a stable job
  3. When was coal mining nationalised? The evolution of coal sector?
  4. Has commercial coal production started in India?
  5. As most of the coal reserves are in reserved forest areas, should we remove those reserves from our proven reserves

2-3 Counter questions on the last one

Member 1

  1. Last line of preamble?
  2. 2.What do the words adopt, enact and give to ourselves mean in legal terms? Counter qs on this
  3. What will you do as an administrator to stop child marriages on the upcoming Akshaya Tritiya? Counter qs on this
  4. Why is Kota infamous?
  5. Is parental pressure a factor in student suicides?

Member 2

  1. What is SAARC and why is it ineffective?
  2. SAFTA?
  3. What policy should India puruse in its neighbourhood?
  4. About India’s permanent seat in UNSC?

Member 3

  1. Which ruler was exiled to Kolkata?
  2. What kind of travel vlogs do you watch?
  3. What is one remote place you have travelled to?
  4. What were your learnings from the above journey?
  5. Why is Anand (city in gujarat) famous for?
  6. Evolution of coop movement in India. Recent steps of govt in this direction?
  7. Why there is so much interferrence of coal mafia? What will you do to control them? Is the govt not controlling already?

Member 4

  1. What is cryptocurrency?
  2. What is the legal status. Can it be taxed?
  3. Are we fulfilling the aspirations of tribals displaced due to mining? What will you do to fulfill them?

Chairman: Interview is over. Do you want to tell us anything else?

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #59 : RN Choubey Board, Medical Science Optional


Board: RN Choubey sir
Background: MBBS, MS
Optional: Medical Science
Work experience: AIIMS; Govt District Hospital

Overall: The board went out of its way to make it pleasant and relaxed. Hardly any interruptions but there were follow ups/cross questions. Largely stuck to the DAF keywords with a bit of polity and current affairs.

Mocks helped but didn’t reflect the tone and tenor of the actual interview.

Chairman: We are friendly and are here to make you comfortable. Stay calm; you can remove the face mask if you have no Covid symptoms and even the gloves if you wish to.

  1. Tell us in a minute about yourself, educational background and work experience.
  2. You said you were working in the district hospital until before prelims – did you quit the job or you took a break?
  3. I’m giving you three choices – judicial reforms, police reforms and electoral reforms. Pick any one. Tell about the problems that exist currently and what in your view must be done to address them.
  4. He asked cross questions on the points I said.
  5. What are electoral bonds? What is your view about them? Have they helped our electoral process?

Member 1

  1. What is your view about Big Pharma? Is it clean/corrupt?
  2. What can be done to address the problems you cited? If you were the Health Secretary, what would be your priorities
  3. A lot of Indian medical students have returned from Ukraine. Do you think they should be rehabilitated? How about completion of their education?

Member 2

  1. Why choose civil services when you’re already a doctor?
  2. You have worked for Covid. How do you rate India’s performance in managing Covid? Give me both the good things and the other side. What can be done about the problems? How to be ready for the next pandemic?
  3. India’s pharma industry is not where it should be. What do you think are the reasons?

Member 3

  1. What is Uniform Civil Code? What is your opinion about it?
  2. Should we implement it or not?
  3. There is a Special Marriage Act since so many years. Still it is not being used. So how will the society become ready for the reform/change to come from within, like you suggest?
  4. Suppose marriage and inheritance laws are separated from each other and legislations are enacted under UCC for the same. What do you think about that?
  5. Why not have a Common Civil Code when a Common Civil code can solve the problems?
  6. Have you heard the term constitutional morality? What is your understanding of it?

Member 4

  1. I see that you have won a lot of quiz competitions. You also mentioned APIs in your answer to the earlier panelist. Name any major company or big manufacturer of APIs in India.
  2. Mini speech on India’s success and failures on nutrition. What are the government schemes that you know which tackle malnutrition?
  3. What about food fortification?
  4. Questions on fortified rice. Can edible oils be used for fortification? Will that be useful?
  5. You have mentioned reading popular science as one of your hobbies. What is popular science, is it science fiction or science magazine or science news articles?
  6. What are the books you have read on it?

Chairman: Doctor, we have asked you all that we wanted to ask. Is there anything you want to tell us or want us to know?

Thank you. Your interview is over.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #66 : RN. Choubey Board, Telangana Home State, Anthropology Optional,


Date of Interview: 12th April, forenoon session, 3rd to go.
RN. Choubey
Optional: Anthropology
Background: Doctor of pharmacy
Home State: Hyderabad, Telangana

Very cordial, make you feel comfortable and at ease.


You may remove your mask, be at ease, we are like your friends and want to have conversation.

  1. Tell us about yourself, your background, work experience and personality.
  2. As you are a pharmacist, does Ayurveda medicine have pharmacopeia ?
  3. What is ministry of ayush doing to promote ayurvedic pharmacopeia ?
  4. Gave brief idea about power sector challenges in India and asked why is that the demand is high and there’s no adequate power supply to address that demand ?
  5. Some counter questions with respect to power sector.

Member 1

  1. Tell me about covid management in India ?
  2. What are these various models of covid management? India model, china model, Korea model ?
  3. Which one is best model?
  4. Why so?
  5. Why is female labour force participation is less in India ?
  6. What is the condition of FLFP in your state and city?
  7. How to improve it ?
  8. Are there any initiatives taken by Indian govt and Telangana govt for entrepreneurship ?

Member 2

  1. So you are from Hyderabad , place of biryani and charminar (smiled)
  2. Have you heard about euthanasia ?
  3. What is it ? (I referred about Aruna shanbaug case)
  4. What was the verdict of SC in that case ?
  5. What is the difference between active and passive euthanasia ?
  6. What is shayara Bano case ? What is your opinion ?
  7. But parliament has nullified the SC verdict ….?
  8. What are the percentage of people benefitting from Right to education act ?

Member 3

  1. Do you know the commission for linguistic organization formed post-independence?
  2. As it mentioned states to be divided on linguistic lines then why has Telangana been formed on developmental lines ?
  3. What were the reasons for pharmaceutical industry to boom in India during 1970’s ?
  4. What made India to be pharmacy of the world ?
  5. How does present ukrain crisis affecting the Indian pharmaceutical industry ?
  6. You have a very interesting hobby – interacting with elderly people that’s laudable.
  7. Sir gave a brief idea on the affect of inflation affecting elderly savings.
  8. Suggest some investment plans for elderly to save their savings from inflationary affect…

Member 4 

  1. Can you add Dr prefix to your name ?
  2. What is your opinion on the debate of hippocratic oath to be changed to charaka oath ?
  3. As you know generic drugs are cheap and affordable to masses, should government stop supply of brand drugs from market ?
  4. 4.What is your opinion on surrogacy ?
  5. Chairman interrupts and asks me whether there is provision for surrogate mother to visit the child ?
  6. How are patents applied in India for drugs ?


We are done from our side, if there is anything that you would like to say about any topic then you may and we will not ask any questions related to that.
( I spoke about my another hobby)
You may leave now.
Duration of interview 32-35 mins

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #71 : RN. Choubey Board, PSIR Optional, Jogging, Amateur sports


Date of Interview: 13/04/2022, forenoon
Board: RN. Choubey Sir  (same as last year, I was like history repeats itself…)
Optional: PSIR
Background: BSc,  M.A.
Service: IPS (earlier IRS and AC in CISF)
Hobbies: Jogging and Amateur sports


  1. asked to introduce
  2. Meanwhile, why you shifted from science to humanities (Stephen’s to Tiss)
  3. What are different styles of leadership (I was President of my college)
  4. Which style is more suitable to Army?

Member 1

  1. In india police is colonial, we have direct entry of officers whereas in developed countries lower ranks rise up to become officers. Which one is better?
  2. Which one should be adopted in india?
  3. Should we pursue big infra rail projects like Bullet train and Silver line project ?

(He asked have you heard about Silver line project,  I said yes. He didn’t ask further)

Member 2

  1. Dialogue works better or command?
  2. Did dialogue worked in case of farm protest
  3. Between representative democracy and dialogue Which one should get priority?
  4. Both are complimentry or supplementary ?
  5. Which FRs are available to foreigners?
  6. What does equal protection of laws mean?
  7. Who gave this statement ” law is the command of the sovereign?”
  8. What are three features of this theory?

Member 4 (IR expert)

  1. What is “Indo pacific”?
  2. What is Quad?
  3. How is Quad different from IORA?
  4. In IORA is trade a priority or security?

Member 4

  1. What steps will you take for health of adolescent girls?
  2. You have been to Sadhbhavna mission in j&k. Should military be involved in civil administration?
  3. Does similar programme exist in North Eastern states?
  4. What does competition commission of India do?
  5. Can you give 2 examples of its work?

Chairman– if you want to say or ask something.  Your interview is over.

I thanked all the members and came out happy.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #73 : RN. Choubey Board, Uttar Pradesh Home State, Geography Optional, Teaching Hobby


Date of interview: 12 April afternoon, 1st one to go
Board: RN. Choubey sir
Optional: Geography
Background: B.tech ECE
Home State: Uttar Pradesh
Service: (if any)- Commercial Tax Officer UP government
Hobbies: Teaching underprivileged children, listening to retro Bollywood music

Your experience in interview- very cordial, no unnecessary grilling and very nice atmosphere

Utility of mocks (if any)- Took only one mock. Got to know shortcomings about my body posture and expression.


  1. Explained about the process and told that it is not a police enquiry. Asked me to frankly tell if I don’t know the answer to any question. He also said that the board wanted to have a purposeful conversation with me.
  2. – introduce yourself in short by telling your background and academic details.
  3. – You work in Tax department. Tell me if GST Act is unconstitutional as it takes away the power of states to levy and collect taxes?
  4. – then gave a long monologue about some study which stated that income tax be replaced by taxes on banking transaction and asked my views on it

Member 1

(Seemed to have studied taxation a lot)

  1. – told some quote regarding taxation and asked if I knew who said it to which I told that I didn’t
  2. – at least you would have heard this quote? ( Again I told that I have not heard it ever)
  3. – changed the question and again quoted something to which I again told that I’ve not heard but allowed me to explain its meaning
  4. – why are educational institutions not taxed in GST?
  5. – some counter questions on this
  6. – Again quoted some lines which were something like : “the only legitimate child is one which is born out of a legal wedlock and is the only legitimate heir”. What do you think about it?

Member 2 

  1. – Quoted something and asked to explain (can’t remember now)
  2. – What do you think of skill India?
  3. – Why we need skilling?
  4. – Do you think private sector needs to be included in this?
  5. – Will private sector involvement bring better results?
  6. – we are skilling people in India for world also. Is that a good strategy? Should we keep skilling them for foreign needs?

Member 3

  1. – You have Geography optional, that’s interesting. Tell me if India and China can ever become friends?
  2. – If territorial issues are solved then do you see them becoming friends?
  3. – but what about Sphere of influence? Won’t that become an issue even if other issues are ironed out?
  4. – do you think Indo-China border issues will be resolved in next 100 years?

Member 4

  1. – what do you mean by  underprivileged children?
  2. – do you know about a Nobel laureate who works for underprivileged children ( about Kailash Satyarthi ji)
  3. – what kind of children does hi work for?
  4. – what is the name of his organisation?
  5. – how did you make sure that children didn’t drop out of school(DAF based)
  6. – What are the issues with Land Acquisition in India?
  7. – What are the features of Land Acquisition Act (LARR)?
  8. – How is the amended LARR better than previous Act?

Chairman :

  1. We enjoyed talking to you. Anything which you want to tell us?
  2. I said sir I have mentioned about Bollywood retro music in my DAF.
  3. He said that he doesn’t want to ask anything but if I want to tell I can go ahead. I told that when I’m not in good mood I listen to songs of 60s and 70s and feel better.
  4. He said that he was pleased to know that and other members also smiled on this

Source: Forum IAS