Tuesday, September 3, 2024

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #236 : Manoj Soni Board, PSIR Optional, reading, Travelling Hobby


Date of Interview: 10.5.22
Board: Manoj Soni
Optional: PSIR
Hobbies: books on India, travelling to rural areas.


  1. You were waiting outside for 5 hours. What were you doing ? (I said i talked to people and tried to learn from their experience and learnings )
  2. What did you learn?
  3. BRI : does it excites you as a IR enthusiast or civil engineer ?
  4. Why is china building BRI ?
  5. Is there a possibility of collapse of chinese regime ?
  6. India is often accused for carrying out covert operations in Baluchistan. Should india try to induce regime change in China ?
  7. How India is countering BRI ?
  8. Travelled to rural areas : why ?
  9. What books on India have you read recently ?

Member 1

  1. Challenges in rural areas ?
  2. As a DM, how will you solve this ?
  3. What is Srijan and Swadesh in your DAF ?
  4. How is policymaking done ?

Member 2

  1. I will give you name of 3 books, tell me the author and we will discuss one of them: letters from father to daughter, the wonder that was India and India won freedom.
  2. Why is India won freedom controversial ?
  3. India is having large deficit . You are posted in NITI aayog. What is your advise to bring down deficits ?

Member 3

  1. You said ‘property tax’,how will it bring down india’s fiscal deficit ?
  2. What happened in Doklam ? Did india statitioned its troops in Bhutanese territory ?
  3. What’s going on in Ladakh. Has China taken India’s territory ?

Member 4

  1. What is urban naxalism?
  2. Reasons for urban naxalism?
  3. How to prevent youths from subscribing to such ideology ?
  4. Why Delhi provides such env. for Urban naxalism ?
  5. Should sedition law be struck down ?

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #239 : Manoj Soni Board, Geography Optional, Quora, Mentoring Hobbies


Date of Interview: 11/05/2022
Board: Manoj Soni
Optional: Geography
Background: B.Tech ECE, Worked in Wipro
Hobbies: Reading Quora , Mentoring students , Watching Malayalam Political satire


  1. What have you been doing since you passed college .?
  2. So you left work to prepare for UPSC .?
  3. How long have you been watching Malayalam political satire( DAF based -only one)
  4. What is surgical strike ., where did India conduct surgical strike , why did India conduct surgical strike .?Why its called surgical strike  .? Tell me exact year
  5. Are you sure India conducted surgical strike in Myanmar .?
  6. What is invasion .?Is Russia invading Ukraine ?
  7. can surgical strike be called Invasion .?
  8. -Mentioned POK was considered to be Indian territory
  9. Any other reason .?
  10. Technology used in surgical strike.?
  11. Why has India done Aerial strike , motive for it .?
  12. Spirituality vs Religion.?
  13. World bank report on countries having highest net worth -Name 5 ( i asked him if he meant GDP – he was not . Did not understand question)
  14. What is data privacy ? Should it be absolute ..?
  15. What can be done .?
  16. Which is absolute authority according to constitution ? -Parliament or Supreme court or Executive
  17. -I went with check and balance system , with Supreme court being interpreter
  18. -Member helped me to reach answer -” We people of INDIA  …..”
  19. Kerala has huge migration to outside …. (long monologue  ..) .Is Kerala model sustainable .?.
  20. What has happened to remittance income ..?( meant COVID -19)
  21. Any exact data ? Current status ..?
  22. What is being done for this ..solution.?
  23. Is there any neighbouring country who was impacted by fall in remittance ?
  24. What is string of pearls .?
  25. Was Hambantota a military strategy by china or merely financial investment .?
  26. What is SDG goals .? Name 5
  27. Do you think common target for all is good idea .?
  28. What is India current position..?
  29. Why statue of unity is called so .?
  30. Where is it located  .?
  31. Is kevadia a district .?
  32. Seasons in India
  33. Why Land slides are happening in Himalaya (promoted for more and more reasons )
  34. Solutions
  35. Sustainable mining ..? can it be a solution for Landslides
  36. Technology used for Sustainable mining ..?( There was a long monologue on issues with use of dynamite before asking question)

-Some other questions I can not remember

– Overall: static topics , nothing from DAF , i did not feel any question related to current affairs were asked ( Sri Lanka was asked in 2 questions)

– Slightly Grilling experience

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #1 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas sir Board, Delhi Home State, Reading fiction, yoga Hobbies


Date of Interview: 5th April
Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas sir
Background: Biology
Hobbies: Reading fiction, yoga
Home State: Delhi


  1. Can you name 5 causes of pollution in Delhi? What can we do to tackle it.
  2. What are 3 top qualities of a public servant as per you?
  3. What is rule of law?
  4. What is gene editing. Applications in relation to covid.

Member 1

  1. Famous yoga teachers in India
  2. Interesting development in our Neighbourhood

Member 2

  1. Gene editing applications
  2. Concerns over GMOs
  3. Should we ban cloning

Member 3

  1. CUET is it good?
  2. As we enter amrit kaal, what are our achievements and failures so far.

Member 4

  1. Ukraine crisis: implications for India.
  2. Should Russia-china axis worrying us?
  3. Something about Electron Microscopy

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #2 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas sir Board, Haryana Home State, Anthropology Optional, Sports Hobby


Date of Interview: 5th April, Afternoon session
Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas sir
Optional: Anthropology
Background:  IIT Kanpur
Home State: Haryana
Hobbies: Watching football, fantasy premier league and sketching


  1. What have you been doing since 2019 Eye in the sky: what is it
  2. Geostationary Geosynchronous: which type of satellite would you put in these orbits Drones,
  3. Drones used where previously (Armenia Azerbaijan) Swarming of drones
  4. Why anthropology: is it because it’s easy
  5. A quote regarding strength of diversity: your views on it

Member 1

  1. Nationalism is it good or not- some derived questions which I can’t recall
  2. Nationalism and it’s impact on humanity
  3. Climate change: relation to Russia-Ukraine (I had referred to it so some question asking for my views- something like how humanity is progressing)
  4. Problems in Haryana- one problem which has in recent times improved

Member 2

  1. NCC: what did you learn
  2. NHFS: what are some data points you can recollect
  3. Sex ratio data, any Haryana specific you can recall?
  4. 1-2 factual stuff, can’t recall

Member 3

  1. Some aerospace related factual stuff
  2. Asked what my first preference is IAS or IPS
  3. What would you as an administrator do for women in a backward district: a couple of follow up questions
  4. Hydrogen: green blue difference (Nitin Gadkari reference)

Member 4

  1. Chandigarh: what decision would you take Water scarcity in Delhi and
  2. Haryana: your solution Linking of rivers and resolution of disputes
  3. Questions then revolved around these topics, but there initially was a gap between what he wanted to ask and what he asked, so created some confusion
    While leaving:
  4. There is so much pollution and fog during winters in Delhi, what technology has been used to allow landing?

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #3 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas sir Board, PSIR Optional, Delhi Home State, Teaching Hobby


Date of Interview: 5th April
Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas sir
Optional: PSIR
Hobby: Teaching
Home State: Delhi
Background: B.tech CSE


  1. What have you been doing since 2017.
  2. What do you understand by diplomacy?
  3. What can you tell about 2+2 diplomacy.
  4. What is AI and what is machine learning, are they both same ?
  5. What is EI ,what are its components and can we learn EI ?
  6. India and Israel got independence at the same time..then why india is so backward. Can we say india has failed?
  7. What is comprehensive national power ?
  8. What do you understand by soft state , deep state ?

Member 1 

  1. What do you think about Rajasthan and status of its women.
  2. How have local self governance has helped women in Rajasthan
  3. Suppose you are IAS Rajasthan Cadre, what will you do to uplift their status.
  4. Do you think policy makers have failed Rajasthani women.

Member 2 

  1. What is 5G ?
  2. Why are people protesting against it ?
  3. What was the motivation for skill india ?
  4. What so much focus now on skilling , can’t we go with business as usual?
  5. Do you think these steps have been successful ?

Member 3 

  1. Can you name 2 GOI programme I which NSS has played prominent role?
  2. Do you know about youth mobilization by NSS for election participation ?
  3. Har ghar nal se jal – which scheme is this ?
  4. Has it been successful ?
  5. What can you do to make it successful?

Member 4 

  1. India banned Chinese app etc, do you think we are giving a befitting reply to our neighbors for their wrong actions ?
  2. By your answer it appears we should abolish armed forces. Should we abolish them ?

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #6 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas Board, Haryana Home State, Sociology Optional


Board: Bharat Bhusan Vyas sir
Optional: Sociology
Background: B.tech: Mechanical engineering
Home State:  Haryana (GGN)
Work ex: taxation department


  1. Meaning of name then counter questions on meaning itself.. (this made all members cordial except member 2)
  2. Asked question abt GST, VAT, Sales tax [as I am working in GST department and sir told me that he has also worked in VAT]
  3. Excluded items from GST
  4. Should these items be brought under GST?
  5. Recent 3 changes in Gst ?
  6. difference between accuracy and reliability( from sociology)
  7. Poverty definition
  8. is poverty just economic aspects?
  9. Measurement of poverty means?

Member 1

(Gave a long monologue abt tribals in India)

  1. Took cue from poverty definition and asked about exclusion and inclusion w.r.t. scheduled tribes.
  2. Tribals should be left untouched as this would prevent there culture from external influence. Asked my views on this?

Member 2

(was constantly staring at my hand and shoes the whole time.. .probably a psychologist… 😀)

  1. Asked about economic effect of Ukraine-Russia war on India?
  2. Some counter questions regarding crude oil price from Russia w.r.t. other sources of crude oil of India

Member 3

  1. Asked about precision vs. Accuracy? (Didn’t know)
  2. Few factual current affairs e.g. meghdhoot.. (did not know)
  3. Corona effects on vulnerable sections?
  4. how to bring normalcy in such sections.. made me IAS of my home state.. then what steps would you take? (though my first choice was IPS.. probably did not read my DAF)

Member 4

  1. About Customs duty uses? (I deliberately brought in India-Australia FTA In this answer)
  2. Why should we not go for FTA with other nations as well as this would reduce custom duty and eliminate tarriff barriers altogether?
  3. some counter questions? (I Handled these effectively using facts)

Chairman: Interview is over

  1. My Experience and observations: Surprised as NO question asked on Hobbies, Home state, IPS as first choice …
  2. Overall board was cordial and chairman tried to make the atmosphere peaceful initially.
  3. My observation is that the DAF was not read properly (or at all) because as soon as the previous candidate left I was called in (within seconds) … asked about where i work.. and questions started from there and revolved around job and then basic optional knowledge(sociology)
  4. Main observation: “A lot of Supplementary Questions were asked based on the answers i gave”

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #10 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas Board, PSIR Optional


Date of Interview: 12/4/22, AN
Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas
Optional: PSIR
Background: IITB: Aerospace engg with minor Humanities and social sciences


Vyas sir (VS) : U r from IITB aerospace with minor in HSS.

Me: Yes sir (smiling)

VS: Do aerospace graduates have good opportunities

A: Yes sir the opportunities are rising these days (smiling) VS: Ok tell me abt open skies treaty

A: sir open skies Treaty is among countries to allow monitoring of military activities He was waiting to hear more. I was waiting for him to ask follow up

Vyas sir: Ok, tell more. U want me to ask question i guess. So any country came out of the treaty? Me: Yes sir. Russia and US came out

VS: yes yes. Good. So What may be repurcussion of it?

Me: Sir, it signals the end of peace divided that is said to have prevailed after end of cold war. It also shows geopolitical flux that is happening

VS: Ok ok.. So i read in the newspaper today or yesterday. We are signing some Spatial awareness treaty with US. It is interesting. Tell me about it

Me: Sir I have limited knowledge about it sir however I think it is to have coop on position of various spacecrafts, satellites and space objects. Helps to collaborate on space missions and also for dealing with what some are calling space as 5th arena….

VS: ..he interrupted and asked

We also signed some more treaties recently with US. What is that and why we r signing all these Me: Sir India recently signed BECA…

VS: Yes yes.. u got me right. I was thinking abt it.. so tell..

Me: Sir these treaties on positions help both nations through interoperability and coordination for join projects and reduced bureaucratic hurdle.

VS: Ok..I read in some paper … EU wants to make FTA with India Why now?

Me: Sir FTA is called BTIA sir bilateral trade and invt agreement. Sir due to WTO becoming

dysfunctional and not working as desired, countries are going for sub regional trade pacts like TPP RCEP. EU wants to increase its market sir so does India. (Could have talked abt brexit..missed it)

VS: Is it also cos we have FTA with Aus and UAE now, EU wants to have one

Me: Sir that could be one of the reasons sir but FTA btw India and EU has been long coming. VS: yes yes they were negoting for long

VS: Ok final question from me. Informalisation of Indian economy- How, Good or bad, steps taken by India

Me: Sir India is said to be 85-93% informal. It means these companies arent registered with factories act and other such acts. It has both adv and disadv sir. Adv: less compliance cost disadv: less social sec for workers. We are taking steps to reduce sir. Esp after ES talked abt Dwarfism- we focused on reducing incentives that keep them dwarf and also easing doing biz and recently labour laws liberalised sir.

VS: Ok ..pointed to next member

Member 1

M1: what are the objectives of setting up Niti ayog

Me: Sir NITI ayog was formed ti reppace PC.. its objectives are ..firstly promoting coop fed in our fed sys; then providing direction to the nation through agenda and strategy documents; sir in a way it signals shift towards indicative planning

M1: What r sucesses of NITI

Me: Sir, in coop fed- it is promoting competitive fed sir- ranking sys like health indices for states and today in newspaper i read sir about energy index which gujarat topped sir. ( yeah a bit mixed up.. coop and competitive but i felt i conveyed the point well enuf). Secondly it gave 3 yr action agenda and 7yr strategy doc and finally sir it has imp role in TADP (aspiration dist)

M1:  We had 5 yr plan what is need for 7 yr and 3yr. 5yr is good.. it is linked to government tenure of 5 yrs

Me: Sir 7 yrs and 3yrs give more flexibility to govt and states. 7 year gives medium term vision and 3 yr gives Short term targets. Considering these plans are not linked to funding unlike in PC, it is better this way than 5 yr sir.

M1: Do u know abt TBML (some money laundering related) Me: Sir I know abt ML but i dont know abt that sir. Sorry sir. M1: Do u know about IPRs

Me: Yes sir

M1: How many IPRs are there, What are all there and who regulates in India. What they do

Me: Sir I will try to list them sir. Patents, GI, trade secret, trade marks, Copywright, and sir plant varieties also sir.

Took a pause and tried to tell who regulates. Couldn’t recall.. said..sir I am not able to recall sir. M1: Ok. So in intl trade who ensures these patents are adhered to.

Me: Sir WTO does it under TRIPS… interrupted

M1: No not that.. who checks if a nike product is not counterfeit? Me: Sir I dont know sir. Sorry.

M1: So do u know how many counterfeit products come to India Me: Sorry sir. I am not aware of it.

He asked next member to take over.

Member 2

M2: randomly started with bank fraud. No connection with my daf

M2: Do U use debit cards? Me: yes sir

M2: Were u defrauded ever

Me: smiling.. sir fortunately no sir.

M2: Do u know anyone defrauded?

Me: sir my parents told me abt their friends being victims M2: Did they recover money- Me: Mostly no sir

M2: How to improve awareness on digital frauds esp in senior citizens who r more vulnerable and in other marginal sections. And what grievance redressal is available for the victims

Me: sir need for awarenes creation-: RBI creating awarenss through its sms regularly. But more can be done sir like using panchayats and SHGs more for awarenss creation in elderly in rural areas sir. Govt is also implementing Vittiya Sakshatkaran Abhiyan where clg students go to villages and educate sir.

(felt that i lost a bit of presence of mind here as i didnt answer redressal mech available..forgot the second part of ques asked)

M2: What are redressal available for someone defrauded

Me: Sir there is banking ombudsman( he was not satisfied) sir there is also CERT In.. (sir said it is institutional structure but what is available for people

Me: Sir i am not aware sir, probably some cyber police are there but i am not sure sir. M2: Ok so u know abt AI, how much is it impacting our lives and how much will it impact Me: Sir it is already impacting us atleast in cities.. we have personal asst like Google and

Amazons products like Alexa sir. Also e comm companies use AI for microtargetting their products sir. So AI will be part of our lives sir. There is need for balance between regulation and innovation to get best benefits sir

M2: Will networked homes lead to security threat?

Me: Sir IoT that is internet of things gives us netowrked homes and Yes sir it creates security threat but we can use AI here to reduce threat

M2: U know abt localisation? Me: Sir I am reminded about RBI norms for data localisation where it asked payment companies to store data in India only sir

M2: Ok u worked in Media ( related stuff in my daf- online learning platform, he wanted to ask abt social media)

Me: Yes sir

M2: Shud media be regulated? Me: Sir Media is crucial for democracy so it shud be regulated sir but self regulation needed.

M2: Any self regulation now? Me: Sir there is PCI M2: What abt social media

Me: Sir GoI has brought IT intermediary rules sir. As per it social media companies must have one resident official to be held accountable for regulation sir.

Ok..next member

Member 3

M3: all Q about aerospace and related defense sector

M3: What r defense corridors

Me: Sir, Govt in recent budgets talked abt defense corridors..we r establising two of them.. defense corridors aim at creating complete supply chain sys for easy defense production sir. We are getting them in UP and TN sir

M3: . What is India doing in jet fighters

Me: Sir India has recently put in LCA Tejas sir and are working on AMCA which is 5th generation… Sorry sir 5.5 generation aircraft sir.

M3: How r US Israel superior from our jet fighters

Me: Sir i was talking to a frnd of mine in aero industry ( he started looking more interested).. he said aero is a first come first capture market. Once a tech comes it captures whole market and new compabies must focus on next level technology. This is making it harder for India. Others are Superior in speed, range, endurance etc sir. But Tejas and AMCA are comparable to Rafale and F35 s sir.

M3: U talked abt generations of fighter jets, and we have 4 generation 5 gen in mobile wifi etc.. u know what is i7 in computers

Me: no sir I donno

M3: it is also generation of tech (I knew that…but. thought he was expecting me to explain like a hardware engg)

M3: What is this generation in various technologies.. ehat does it represent

Me: Sir it reps upgrade in tech sir.. for ex 4Gvs 5G- latency, bandwidth and num of ppl who can use 5g under one cell tower will be more sir. So generation represents tech upgrade, efficiency and better user experience sir

M3: Do u Know abt any budget provisions for defense sector? –

Me: pause for a while and said..Sir i am not able to recall budget provisions byt i have been reading recently abiut govt efforts to prohibit import of some technology in defense.. we are keeping them in negative import list sir so that defense indigenisation is promoted.(Budget actually had similar things.. when i checked after coming back)

(he seemed interested in what i was speaking on the whole)

Member 5 (Shortest time taken)

M5: u have HSS minor..Shud Humanities be taught to engineering students. How it helps

Me: Mam it shud be surely taught mam. Even our NEP talks about multidisciplinary approach in education and also easy exit options to change streams. I read a quote mam about tech: Tech without humanity is a sin. That way Humanities can make tech more humane mam

Member 4

M4: Thats ok..one aspect is humane tech but How it improved ur mental faculties

Me: After longer pause… Mam while tech and engg focuses on logical thinking and innovation, humanities has more emphasis on experiential learning and empirical studies mam.. we talk to people and their problems. And in Psir we read abt political philosophy..it also expanded my horizons mam

M4: 7 pillars of Gati shakti Me: Sorry mam I dont know

M4: Ok forget pillars u know what Gati shakti is?

Me: Yes mam. It aims at ensuring coord aming various ministries and dept for better infra projects completion.

M4: Which infra?

Me: Mam infra like ports roads and even digital infrA.. M4: Railways.. this that… Also…

Me: Yes mam. Thank u mam

Done ..over to chairman

Chairman: Thank u. All the best for ur future Me: Standing up. Thank u sir. Thank u mam………. etc

Overall i was smiling most of time with Chairman asking. He was happy that I was answering what he expected like BECA, status of EU Ind FTA.

Other members werent very cordial.. so i didnt smile much too.

Dealt with M3 very well. He looked impressed. M4 mam i think i used quote on tech well. M2 except bank fraud ques ..did well

M1: Except NITI ayog related questions didnt answer other 2-3 questions at all. Probably the least impressed

Except at 2 places didnt fumble while speaking. Confidence through out. Flow of answers well. My Voice was loud enuf.

Had to speak a bit faster cos they werent giving me much space to talk. It felt like a rapid fire QnA. Tried my best to give my views where possible as they were not at all asking me my opinions except 2-3 questions.

Felt i showed depth in aerospace and psir.

Chairman was barely looking at me after his turn. He was doing something in his book/phone

On the whole: No hints on how my PT went from the panel. But I felt good after PT. Now over to UPSC.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #24 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas Board, Economics Optional,


Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas
Optional: Economics
Hobby: Writing Hindi Couplets and Following Cricket
Background: MA Economics


  1. View on one border one force
  2. Challenges in border guarding
  3. Technologies that we can use in border guarding
  4. smart fencing

Member 1

  1. When & where first radio broadcast
  2. When printing press came to india
  3. Your couplet writing style is similar to whom Kabir, mira, Bihari
  4. Compare urself with above poets
  5. Whom do u read, name the writers
  6. Why poetry more famous than prose
  7. How poetry captures the prevalent situation
  8. Poet seems to be in anguish(in the verse that I had recited). Why?
  9. Why Bangladeshi immigrants come to India? How can we stop them ?

Member 2

  1. What are the qualities that I have as Commando and what qualities will prove to be useful as a civil servant?
  2. Elements of Good governance?
  3. How Bangladesh improved HDI score?
  4. Why can we not have FTA with China nd resolve border dispute?

Member 3

  1. Something special that Sikkim have done in last 5 yrs?
  2. Organic farming in Sikkim vs Sri lanka
  3. Are women more empowered in Sikkim?
  4. Does Swaccha Bharat Mission ends at ODF or there is more to it?

Member 4

  1. What are learnings post 26/11?
  2. What is kamikara?
  3. What are drone regulations?
  4. Methods of killing drones?
  5. What was PL 480? Bank nationalisation nd recent de nationalisation? nd it’s success?

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #25 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas Board, Delhi Home State, Commerce & Accountancy Optional


Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas
Background: B.com (H)
Optional: Commerce & Accountancy
Home State: Delhi
Work experience: under Training in BHEL (Finance Division)


  1. What did you do after completing b.com in 2017?
  2. Recent MPC meet is scheduled. Why hasn’t the govt changed the repo rate for last 11 months. MPC formation and related questions. What is current repo rate?
  3. Rationale of Navratnas, Maharatna categorisation.
  4. NPAs, what steps by govt for correction.
  5. What is corporate gov. Recent policy changes by govt. in CG
  6. Blockchain Strategy of India. 3 areas the strategy covers.
  7. Carbon dating. Carbon Pricing.
  8. Is AUKUS formation to counter China in Indo-pacific.

Member 1

  1. My internship at CMO
  2. What life lessons I learned there?
  3. Name all Navratnas.
  4. Who owns US forex reserves.
  5. Minimalism, Inspirational interviews (my hobby)

Member 2

  1. Ballot vs EVM. Which is better for India? Few questions on VVPAT.
  2. 2.Difference and similarities  between yoga and meditation (part of my hobby).
  3. Privatisation of PSUs

Member 3

  1. Continued with NPAs, shifted to ARCs. Counter question on utility of ARCs.
  2. Why RBI wants to maintain liquidity. Tools of doing that.
  3. Why to appoint women independent candidates on company boards.
  4. Why RBI is reluctant to legalise cryptocurrency.
  5. Has india lagged in taking advantage of CDM

Member 4

  1. Societal Patriarchy. Examples you have seen.
  2. Similarities in SL and Pak issues in news. How it will impact India.
  3. Role of communication in policy making- planning and implementation.

Chairman: What are Principles of Natural Justice.

(There were few other questions on Environment and Economy that I don’t recall)

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #28 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas Board, Kerala Home State, PSIR Optional, sudoku Hobby


Date of Interview: 8th April
Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas
Optional: PSIR
Home state: Kerala
Background: English Literature
Hobbies: sudoku, food history

Chairman: please pull down your mask and be comfortable (was asked to keep on face shield and gloves)

  1. Is the novel a moral fable?
  2. Can you tell us how the form of novel changed?
  3. What is innovation?
  4. What is India’s rank in Global Innovation Index?
  5. What is blue economy?
  6. What are blue flag beaches?
  7. Have you heard of Passage to India? How does Forster describe India?
  8. What are biosphere reserves? Can you name some?

Member 1: if we compare women of Kerala, women of Sri Lanka, women of Pakistan and women of R K Lakshman’s novel, can you draw some similarities and differences? (Wasn’t able to answer well and got a bit flustered so I said “sorry sir I don’t think I have been able to do justice to your question at the moment. Chairman sir very cordially replied that don’t give up try and say whatever you know we are just trying to have a conversation. So I answered somewhat, was even prompted to think along certain lines in this question)

  1. Should stray cows be allowed to roam around freely on roads?
  2. Think of the counter view to this argument.
  3. Is every woman in Kerala empowered?
  4. Can you say why despite education all women in Kerala are not empowered?

Member 2

  1. why is LSR such a good institution?
  2. What can we do to improve tourism in India?
  3. Is social media the best way to improve tourism in India?
  4. Why is sustainable development so important these days? What is being done? What is India’s stand?
  5. Why do you say India is at the forefront of climate change?

Member 3

  1. Tell us a little about why panchayati raj is effective in Kerala?
  2. What is the exact model of panchayat in Kerala called?
  3. When is the next presidential election in India?
  4. What kind of person would you like to see elected as a president?
  5. What are your views on disinvestment?
  6. What are the features of pm awas Yojana?

Added that women are main beneficiaries.

  1. Have you heard about recent UNHRC news. When it was formed and why?

Member 4

  1. can you tell about India France relations?
  2. Asked about exact statement issued by India Pak in Sharm-al-Sheik in 2007.
  3. Have you heard of NCLT, NCLAT, and some other organisation can’t remember the name of it. What is their function?
  4. Explain dark web.
  5. What is tor?
  6. Have you heard about dabbawalas? What do they do?
  7. Have you heard about padmanabhaswamy temple. Why an IAS is in charge of the temple?

Overall experience: extremely cordial board. But very factual based questions. Barely any DAF coverage. Nothing about hobbies, achievements etc

Utility of mocks: learnt how to handle unexpected questions, etiquette of facing a board.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #29 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas Board, Madhya Pradesh Home State, Sociology Optional,


Date of Interview: 7th April
Bharat Bhushan Vyas
Optional: Sociology
Home State: Madhya Pradesh
Background: Commerce
Hobby: Mandala Art and Upcycling waste


I was the very last one for the day, he asked so you are the last one today, u must be tired.. and smiled. said to pull mask to the chin, and therefore I gave Interview with face shield on.

Repeated all details of my background from my DAF and asked why i left my job.?

  1. Why has india shifted from look east policy to act east policy.
  2. What did we do in act east policy.
  3. Shud social media be regulated? If yes. How?
  4. What is India’s foreign policy.
  5. Diff between fiscal federalism and fiscal consolidation.

Member 1

  1. What is upcycling waste? Give an example how u did it?
  2. Clean city? Why can’t Delhi be made that clean?
  3. Tax terrorism? Govt steps for the same.
  4. Govt Economic growth policies…what are you suggestion for improving it.
  5. Some factual ques.. i said sorry.

Member 2

  1. What is mandala art?
  2. How to manage Menstrual waste ?
  3. Voters turnout in last LS election? And what is ECI doing to increase it?
  4. What is govt doing for our farmers?
  5. What is e-nam?

I m unable to recall a few more ques

Member 3

  1. Sociology diff from anthropology?
  2. What more do you upcycle? Explain more.
  3. Brief about Wipro technologies, it’s activities, and leadership
  4. What was ur job profile?

There were some more ques..

Member 4

  1. Explain with examples ..waste to wealth?

(Multiple cross ques came here, including agriculture, sugar industry, thermal industry, )

  1. MP: Medieval history.
  2. Tendu leaves and tribals loosing livelihood? Explain? What can be done?

(Multiple cross ques)

  1. Bhimbetka
  2. Some more facts.


Ok we are done, have a good day. thank you

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #39 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas Board, Geography Optional, Basketball, marathon, poetry writing Hobbies


Date of Interview: 5th April, Afternoon
Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas
Optional: Geography
Background: B.Tech(CS) + MBA
Employee: (if any)- investment banking, software engineer
Hobbies: Basketball, marathon, mandala painting, poetry writing


  1. Where were you working?
  2. What is PayU?( work ex)
  3. What is a start-up?
  4. What is a unicorn?
  5. What is a megacorn?
  6. Why the name unicorn ?
  7. What is fintech ?
  8. What is FDI? Why is it important?
  9. How will FDI be managed along with atmanirbhar bharat?
  10. What is your view on privacy ?
  11. What about surveillance ?
  12. Laws under which surveillance is allowed ?
  13. What id bobble? Why is bay of bengal important?
  14. What is the difference between cyclone, hurricane, typhoon , haloween storms? Who names cyclones?

Member 1

  1. What is internal complaints committee( POR )? What were your responsibilities?
  2. If you are a district collector and a lady comes with sexual harassment complaint what will you do?
  3. What is your view on simultaneous elections?
  4. Is there scope for innovation in civil services ?
  5. What about non technological innovations ?

Member 2

  1. Why the name marathon ?
  2. Where all have you run ?
  3. What is the distance ?
  4. What is your service preference ? Why IAS over IFS?
  5. What is sea of Azov? Geopolitical significance ? Environmental concern ?

Member 3

  1. Which book has Abdul kalam written ?( answered : wings of fire)
  2. What is wings and what is fire ?
  3. One more book. Didn’t know
  4. Why is there corruption in services ?
  5. Why are you then leaving a high paying job? 2-3 follow up questions ?
  6. If your chief secretary is charged with sexual harassment and you are in ICC what will you do? 2-3 follow up questions

Member 4

  1. What are non tarrif barriers? Examples?
  2. What is PLI scheme? issue with WTO?
  3. What is China + 1 policy ?
  4. Do you feel we are moving towards localisation from globalisation ?
  5. Technology has been a facilitator as well as a bane ? Comments ?


  1. I want to ask one last question. Why do we call foreign dignitaries in our republic day ?
  2. Who was the chief guest this year and last year ?
  3. A lot of people come to visit the republic day parade. What are the 3 key takeaways they take with them.

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #41 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas Board, Law Optional


Date of Interview: 8/4/2022
Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas
Optional: law

(Interview was more of factual rather than daf based. Nothing from hobbies or achievement.)


  1. sir started with question that I have seen you earlier.
  2. I will ask some quick questions from you.

Member 1

  1. what is SCO. ITS MANDATE
  2.  its importance for India
  3. coastal security infrastructure
  4. what is Sagar initiative.
  5. what section 498A of IPC( relax it is from my optional law)

Member 2 

  1. achievements and challenges of India as we are entering into Amrit kaal
  2. waste mangaement issue of india and solutions
  3. when will phase out plastic.
  4. India coming foreign relation meeting with USA

Member 3

  1. what is MISA act ( law optional)
  2. type of emergency in constitution
  3. What is sovereign default

Member 4

  1. why is Bengali doctors called Bengali( totally unexpected as he started with meerut that while visiting to meerut you can see lots of Bengali docs)
  2. Issue of quick doctors.
  3. issue of phc chc in India

Member 5

  1. started with sovereign default which country has faced this issue recently then gave answer Greece.
  2. response to 1991 financial crisis.

Some questions I am not able to recall

Unexpected experience due to factual interview 10 percent daf rest was current affairs or random questions. In 4 to 5 questions I answered that I am not able to recall or I don’t know.

Advice – prepare for worst keep calm and have  confidence we can do it

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #43 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas Board, Law Optional, traveling, cooking Hobbies


Date of interview: 07/04/2022, 2nd half
Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas
Optional: LAW
Background: B.sc, LL.B, LL.M
Employee: (if any)- IRPS
Hobbies: backpack traveling and cooking

Your experience in interview- it was a pleasant experience, smooth I must say.
Utility of mocks (if any) – yes three benefits for me

  1. since very less time to prepare so i needed the confidence to face uncertain questions.
  2. mocks helped me boost confidence. (since they went good.) can be other way for some.
  3. mannerism and crystallization of my content.


  1. asked about my services where I am and then began
  2. what do you mean by distributive justice? how can we ensure it.
  3. what do you mean by ADR?
  4. delhi High court program for the same.
  5. what do you think about AFSPA ? should we repeal it ?
  6. What about the consumer protection act and recent amendments. I answered related to e commerce and big giants. to this there were follow up questions .
  7. and  how to manage them.
  8. should FoSPE be curtailed ? in the new privacy laws ? should they not be made absolute.

Member 1

  1. based on DAF. whats common in wardha and Ahmedabad.
  2. Gandhiji story and why he was there.
  3. which movement he started there.
  4. Gandhijis relevance in todays time.
  5. traveling today and issues due to it in himalayas.
  6. any benefit of travelling to the local community.
  7. provisions for Sc and Sts in the constitution.

Member 2

  1. Views on Air India sale .
  2. law questions related to justice.
  3. position of child welfare and laws in India today. .are they sufficient ?
  4. what things you would want to do for them.
  5. Nanavati case brief.
  6. mathura rape case. what was it about.
  7. why custodial rape is more severely punished .

Member 3

  1. whats different between public order and law and order.
  2. What about NSA act? who has the power to issue areest order under NSA ?
  3. State electoral funding views.
  4. how would you implement it . whT criteriaas you would keep for the same. this was followed up with a lot of questions and rebuttals.

Member 4

  1. how long have you stayed in kanpur (birthplace)? since i have 6-7 address of different states in my DAF. I ANSWERED in totality 8-9 months. then no follow up question on it.
  2. as a DM what steps and for which section of people will you work to ensure human rights in your district.
  3. ( I emphasized on sanitation workers ,homeless and destitutes. )
  4. last question. – Why can we not tax farmers? and solution for the same.
  5. 2-3 more questions i cannot recall them all.

The chairman said interview was over. .everyone smiled , I smiled. and I put an end to the aspirant Journey with a big smile 🙂 I have happy and relieved to come out of the room. lost a lot of weight at that chair.

I expect the best for all. . ENJOY THE INTERVIEW AND THE JOURNEY !

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #47 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas Board, Maharashtra Home State, PSIR Optional,


Date of Interview: 12/04/2022
Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas
Optional: PSIR
Home State: Maharashtra
Background: Chemical Engineering
Work ex: Working in NABARD


  1. You are working in Nabard, tell me about directed lending?
  2. Don’t you think, it is a burden on commercial banks ?
  3. In which section you are working in NABARD (RIDF)
  4. How much interst rate does banks get to deposite money into RIDF?
  5. How much NABARD gets from these deposits ? So, it is a profitable business (sarcasm)
  6. If you are given an opportunity by NABARD to travel to three countries, where will you go?

Member 1

  1. Why Israel is so much advanced in agri technology? Why not India ?
  2. You come from Vidarbha, why there is farmer suicide vis a vis rest of Maharashtra?
  3. Warora (my town) is famous for something ? (Anandwan). Tell me abou it and the personality associated with Anandwan?
  4. Apart from Saoji cuisine, which dishes are famous from Vidarbha ?
  5. What are the issues facing Indian agriculture
  6. Tell me 3 priorities with respect to agriculture that you would focus upon as a DM

Member 2

  1. Tell me about India’s agriculture export and import
  2. Which commodities India exports and imports?
  3. What is anti dumping duty ?
  4. What is the % of anti dumping duty we impose ?

Member 3

  1. How to identify whether a particular country is dumping the goods in india?
  2. How do we decide how much % of anti dumping duty to be imposed
  3. As a DM, which areas you would focus upon to improve dignity of people ?
  4. What does a citizen expect from an administrator?
  5. Which areas are yet to be under the ambit of e governance?
  6. Which chemicals do we import and export ?

Member 4

  1. Tell me about SHG and Nabard linkage.
  2. Whether SHG is successful or there is scope to improve
  3. If you are made an ambassador of a country, which three things will you promote about India?
  4. Won’t you promote Indian wine? Can you rate Indian and foreign wine as per taste, quality?

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #51 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas Board, Bihar Home State, PSIR Optional, Debating Hobby


Date of interview: 12/04/2022
Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas
Optional: PSIR
Home State: Bhojpur Bihar
Background: B.E civil engineering
Employee: (if any)- Previously in a construction firm,
Service: IRTS
Hobbies: Post Independence Indian Military history, Debating

Your experience in interview- it was better than the last time. Board was cordial
Utility of mocks (if any) – yes five benefits for me
Don’t go by their negative feedback. Just know the areas that may be asked from. Collect questions from the mock.


  1. What is Bhojpatra
  2. How did this name Bhojpur come from
  3. Tell me benefits and issues of IRMS
  4. Three biggest reforms of Indian Railways
  5. Your take on India Brazil relations and follow up questions
  6. Difference between FTA and PTA
  7. What’s National cooling Action plan
  8. What is National cooling Action plan

Member 1

  1. What is Rashtriya Military school
  2. What’s your order of service
  3. Why didn’t you Put IPS as First preference.
  4. What’s the perception of police in the eyes of common man?
  5. How has been your experiences with Police
  6. What’s your opinion on Traffic police personal
  7. What’s 112. Tell me three services provided by 112.

Member 2

  1. Why civil engineering projects take lot of time to complete
  2. What’s the difference in technology of bullet trains of China and Japan
  3. Why are we going for Japanese technology and not Chinese
  4. What’s levitation? Is it being used in India

Member 3

  1. Since you have worked in construction sector, do you think new technologies have led to reduction in job
  2. What about the job prospect of Civil Engineers now a days
  3. How is Micro processors used in Civil engineering
  4. What do you mean by Smart building construction
  5. Have you heard about ECBC. What does it say?

Member 4

  1. Newer technology leas to unemployment. Do you agree
  2. Then how to increase employment in that case.
  3. What’s your thoughts on Gini coefficient and rising inequality.
  4. Do you think that it is impacting India also.

Chairman: Thank you X. Your interview is over. You may leave.

Source: Telegram

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #57 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas Board, Football, Meditation Hobbies


Date of Interview: 12th Afternoon
Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas
Background: B.COM, CA
Work: Deloitte, IFSCA, IA&AS
Hobbies: Football and Meditation


  1. – Tell about ….
  2. – Defense procurements changes in last three years
  3. – Indo Japan relations
  4. – How Ifsca as a regulator is different
  5. – Three things happened in Indirect taxes
  6. – Why leave ifsca and join iaas?

Member  1

  1. – How Gst is different from earlier regine?
  2. – What is SeZ Online portal?
  3. – What is ICISA?
  4. – What’s your service preference
  5. – How would you use your CA expertise in administration

Member 2

  1. – How international audit done by cag?
  2. – Which UN agencies are audited by CAG?
  3. – Unique key word of Gst, Vat, Excise? (Gst- supply of goods and services)
  4. – How export refunds are processed
  5. – How Bullion trade is affecting investment in country?

Member 3

  1. – Automation taking jobs in Accounting?
  2. – Can cryptocurrency replace Traditional mode of currency
  3. – What are different Accounting software
  4. – Declining financial health of States and Srilanka crisis, how does India’s financial health doing?

Member 4

  1. – How faceless assessment reduce role of Ca?
  2. – Can there be a possibility where role of CA can be made zero?
  3. – What 3 areas that are not addressed in this budget?
  4. – What 5 areas we should focus in budget?
  5. – Expenditure on Defense?
  6. – Does India’s foreign policy is in convergence with Vasudev Kutumbkum?

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #61 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas Board, Chemistry Optional, IFS


Date of Interview: 13/04/22
Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas
Optional: Chemistry
Background: B.Tech Mechanical
Service: IFS


  1. Define a drought?
  2. Land degradation reasons? Solutions? Any international commitment?
  3. Heard of 2 proton gas?
  4. India has a rich strategic culture. Explain?

Member 1

  1. Would you donate in a temple or donate to uplift the poor?
  2. 2.What challenges you are facing at your workplace? What have you done?
  3. 3.Drone technology?
  4. Price of a nano drone?
  5. Diff b/w ISO and ISI standards?
  6. What star labels on electronics and Bharat Stage signify?
  7. Which organization gives star rating?
  8. Name prominent companies which do CSR

Member 2

  1. Problems of multiple courses by colleges recently?
  2. Administrative issues?
  3. Technological improvements required to assess forest cover more accurately?
  4. Did any of your college batchmates do startup? Did they succeed?
  5. Why some startups succeed? Is it because of college factor? What is your opinion?
  6. Why industries are needed in India?
  7. What perception people generally have about big industrial houses?

Member 3

  1. High pendency in courts. What type of cases should not go to SC?
  2. Your opinion on changing capital of our country given Delhi has lot of pollution etc?
  3. Your top 3 service preferences?


  1. What about states who will suffer revenue losses?
  2. Heard of Land ports authority of India?
  3. Role of Integrated Check posts?
  4. What is your opinion on development of border road infra as people say Chinese will use it to enter our territory?

Member 4

  1. You do Mobile photography and watch F1. Will mobiles replace DSLRs?
  2. There are many aggregators like Make my trip etc. Any sector where you think aggregators must be there?

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #64 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas Board, Rajasthan Home State, PSIR Optional


Date of Interview: 11th April, Afternoon
Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas Sir
Optional: PSIR
Home State: Rajasthan
Background: BITS Pilani
Work ex: 2yrs in Samsung


  1. What are supercomputers
  2. What is national supercomputing mission
  3. Is China at war with itself
  4. What is economic problems that China is facing
  5. What is sovereign credit rating
  6. What is 2 front war
  7. What is diplomacy
  8. What is 2+2 diplomacy
  9. What is HDI. Who introduced it and how is India’s performance in hdi

Member 1 

  1. What is difference between culture and religion. Are they both same
  2. What are our major IT exports
  3. What can we do to further to encourage startups
  4. Why startup culture in bits pilani
  5. What is machine learning
  6. Do you think we have achieved women empowerment
  7. What is women empowerment

Member 2

  1. What are Q LED and Neo Q LED Tvs
  2. What is happening in Yemen
  3. What happened in Sudan
  4. What was Arab spring
  5. What is big data
  6. Which tree smuggled in pushpa movie. Where is it found and its CITES status

Member 3

  1. ICC in Samsung and its details.
  2. What is national interest
  3. How is present crisis in SriLanka going to affect India
  4. How will relations between india and pak change due to events going on there
  5. What is national interest

Member 4

  1. What are new mobile pho e technologies of Samsung
  2. Why samsung grew but companies like nokia and blackberry failed
  3. What are the harmful effects of radiations on human body

Chairman –

What are water harvesting structures in Rajasthan

Interview over

Source: Forum IAS

[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #67 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas Board, Chandigarh Home State, Sociology Optional


Date of Interview: 13th April , 2022 forenoon session (4th to go)
Bharat Bhushan Vyas
Optional: Sociology
Background: civil engineer
Home State: Chandigarh
1st attempt , no work experience


  1. related to SCO and why was in news
  2. why not go with civil engineering only
  3. when decided you want to go for civil services exam?
  4. civil infra projects in news
  5. highway vs State Highway vs expressway difference
  6. nomenclature change of highways
  7. infiltration issue pb
  8. one border one force meaning and why needed


  1. stubble burning in pb reasons , solns( some counter ques)
  2. swachch Bharat related
  3. why since 70 yrs India still facing basic development issues
  4. civil engineering new innovation– roads , construction field
  5. talked about plastic roads so asked to explain the process
  6. generalist vs specialist question
  7. u want to do specialisation in which fields
  8. Chandigarh issue
  9. soln of chd prblm
  10. crr and slr meaning
  11. meaning of fintech companies
  12. No ques on hobbies , optional, achievement, sports , apart from sco no ques on IR
  13. Belonged to  Chd — but all questions related to Punjab
  14. (They were saying so you are from pb tell us this)

Vyas sir – asked to keep face shield and gloves on,  mask down

Source: Telegram