Environment UPSC Mains Previous Year Questions (1979-2023)
The Environment and Ecology segment significantly influences the UPSC Prelims examination. In 2011, UPSC incorporated changes by merging the preliminary exams for UPSC CSE (Civil Service Examination) and UPSC IFS (Forest Services), thereby augmenting the importance of this section in the IAS Prelims Exam. Given this trajectory, successfully navigating the Prelims becomes considerably challenging without a thorough grasp of the Environment and Ecology section for UPSC. In the past decade, UPSC has posed a total of 127 questions on this subject.
- Indicate the sources of atmospheric pollution in the major urban centres in India and the steps to be taken to minimize the problem.1979
- What is the scope of the Silent Valley Project and what are the issues which have been raised in relation to it? Having regard to the different views expressed. How should the Central Government proceed further in regard to this project? 1980
- What do you understand by ecology? What measures are being taken to preserve the wild flora and fauna and protect the endangered species of animals in India? Name three species of animals for which special measures have been taken to preserve them. What results have so far been achieved in this regard? 1981
- When is the World Environment Day observed every year? What are the major factors which have contributed to the degradation of the environment in India? 1982
- Explain the importance of Project Tiger. 1983
- The environmental pollution poses serious health hazards in developing and developed countries. Describe the various human activities that cause environmental pollution. Suggest ways and means for containing environmental pollution in India. 1984
- Why do the leaves look green in light? 1984
- Give examples of some serious problems associated with the operation of chemical industries in India and other countries. What technical steps can be taken to achieve maximum safety in chemical factories? 1985
- Why are floods such a recurrent feature in India? Discuss the measures taken by the Government for flood control. 1985
- What is the “Chipko’ movement about, and what is its significance? 1985
- What do you understand by Ecological Balance? Why is this balance necessary? What is being done in India today to maintain this balance? 1987
- What is “Science City.” 1987
- State the types of environmental pollution and some of the places where it has occurred due to the progress of industrialization in India. 1988
- Which parts of India were mainly affected by the severe drought of 1987-88? What were its main consequences?1988
- Where is the Desert National Park situated in India? Why has it been created? 1988
- Some experts are of the opinion that the dams and the reservoirs located in different parts of the country may lead to undesirable consequences. How far are these fears justified? 1988
- What is El Nino? How is it relevant to India? 1988
- What are the harmful consequences of excessive noise? 1988
- What is Ozone pollution? 1988
- What is Sugar Sampada? What have been its contributions? 1989
- What is Sardar Sarovar Project? What is the nature of the controversy surrounding it? 1989
- It has been estimated that there are more than four million leprosy patients in India. What steps are being taken by the Government of India for their treatment and rehabilitation? 1989
- What is a “Biosphere Reserve”? Explain its significance. 1990
- Account for the varied environmental problems resulting from widespread deforestation in both Aravallis and Himalayan regions. 1990
- What is biodiversity? Why should it be preserved? (250 words) 1990
- What are the main recommendations of the Montreal Protocol to protect the Ozone layer? What are the implications for India of the latest convention held in London? (250 words) 1990
- What is meant by global warning? What are its effects? 1990
- What was the magnitude of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy and what were the salient features of the Supreme Court verdict on the Bhopal Gas Tragedy? 1991
- What do you understand by Environmental Pollution? Mention the various kinds of pollution and their effect on human health in India. 1992
- Give your assessment of the soundness of large river valley projects with high dams vis-a-vis smaller river valley projects. 1993
- What is a biosphere reserve? 1993
- What is ‘El Nino’? 1994
- Describe the salient features of Project Tiger. How far has it helped in saving the tiger from extinction? 1994
- What is the greenhouse effect? What are its adverse effects on the Earth’s environment? What steps are being taken to check the same? (250 words) 1995
- What is lead-free petrol? What are its merits and demerits? 1995
- What is El Nino? What is its relevance to India? 1994
- What is an ozone hole? How is it formed and what effect does It have on the earth? 1996
- What is the safe level of noise for the human ear? Give the noise level of an electric bell. 1997
- What is an ozone hole? How is it caused and what are its implications for life on Earth? 1999
- What is CNG? How can it reduce air pollution? 1999
- What are greenhouse gases? What impact do they have on the Earth’s climate and with what consequences? Elaborate. 2000
- What does the Montreal Protocol deal with? Discuss its role in protecting Earth’s environment. 2001
- Write a short note on El Nino. 2001
- Write a short note on Kaziranga Park. 2002
- Plastic hazards – Discuss. 2002
- Discuss about ‘Environment’, its components, and its awareness. 2002
- What do you understand by depletion of the ozone layer and why is it considered harmful? Name ozone-depleting substances and processes. What international ramifications took place to protect the ozone layer and what was the target agreed upon?
- “Global Warming” – Discuss. 2003
- Short note on El Nino, La Nina and monsoon. 2004
- Write notes on the causes of droughts in India. 2004
- Describe the sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiations and their effects on the biotic components of the atmosphere. 2005
- Why do environmentalists regard asbestos and polythene as a pollutant? 2005
- What is energy independence? Discuss how India can be transformed into an ‘ Energy Independent Nation’. 2005
- What is disaster Management? Discuss the steps required to tackle natural disasters. 2005
- Justify with necessary logic “Biological clean-up methods can be cheaper than the conventional physical and chemical pollution treatments”. 2006
- How has the Indian State tackled the trade-off between environment and development? 2006
- Blue Revolution has definite advantages in India but it is not free from environmental impacts. Discuss. 2006
- Differentiate between Natural and Cultural heritage. 2007
- Write about The UN Conference on Environment and Development (The Earth Summit). 2007
- Answer any one of the following: 2007
- Explain the phenomenon of ozone depletion, and its causes and effects. What effects are needed to reduce it?
- What do you understand by the term biodiversity? Examine the causes and consequences of the degeneration of biodiversity.
- Write a short note on Desert National Park. (20 words) 2009
- Write a brief note (30 words): PFCs and liquid breathing. 2009
- Comment on the spatial components in urban solid waste management in the country. (150 words) 2010
- Bring out the salient features of the evolution and the current status of the Bharat Stage vehicle emission norms in the country. (150 words) 2010
- List any eight Illamsar wetland sites located in India. What is the Montreux Record’ and what Indian sites are included in this Record? 2010
- Comment on the recent HFC-23 emissions controversy that includes in its ambit some Indian companies. 2010
- Bring out the applications of computer models in studying climate changes, with special reference to the Community Earth System Model (CESM). 2010
- In the context of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), distinguish between Annex I’ and ‘Annex II’ countries. 2010
- As regards the increasing rates of melting of Arctic Sea ice, the interests of the Arctic Council Nations may not coincide with those of the wider world.” Explain. 2011
- The diminishing population of vultures. Comment. 2011
- Why has the L’Aquila earthquake been in the news recently? 2011
- Phase – IV of the tiger monitoring program in India. Comment.
- Why have Billion Acts of Green’ been in the news recently?
- Composition and Functions of the National Executive Committee of the National Disaster Management Authority. Comment. 2011
- What Permaculture? Give examples where permaculture is put to use. (100 words) 2012
- Explain the concepts of “Environmental Sustainability” and *Sustainable Development of People”. (50 words) 2012
- In the context of growing demands for the ban of Endosulfan in the country, critically examine the issues involved. What, in your view, should be done in the matter?
- The issue of tourism in core areas of tiger reserve forests in the country is a subject matter of debate. Critically examine various aspects of this issue, keeping in view pronouncements. (250 words) 2012
- The recent cyclone on the east coast of India was called “Phailin. How are the tropical cyclones named across the world? Elaborate. (100 words) 2013
- What are the consequences of illegal mining? Discuss the Ministry of Environment and Forests’ concept of GO AND NO GO zones for the coal mining sector. (200 words) 2013
- Enumerate the National Water Policy of India. Taking river Ganges as an example, discuss the strategies that may be adopted for river water pollution control and management. What are the legal provisions for the management and handling of hazardous wastes in India? (200 words) 2013
- How important are vulnerability and risk assessment for pre-disaster management? As an administrator, what are key areas that you would focus on in a Disaster Management System? (200 words) 2013
- Drought has been recognized as a disaster in view of its spatial expanse, temporal duration, slow onset, and lasting effects on vulnerable sections. With a focus on the September 2010 guidelines from the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), discuss the mechanisms for preparedness to deal with likely El Nino and La Nina fallouts in India. 2014
- Most of the unusual climatic happenings are explained as an outcome of the El-Nino effect. Do you agree? 2014
- Tropical cyclones are largely confined to the South China Sea, the Bay of Bengal, and the Gulf of Mexico. Why? 2014
- Bring out the relationship between the shrinking Himalayan Glaciers and the symptoms of climate change in the Indian sub-continent. 2014
- Mumbai, Delhi, and Kolkata are the three Megacities of the country but air pollution is a much more serious problem in Delhi as compared to the other two. Why is this so? 2015
- The states of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand are reaching the limits of their ecological carrying capacity due to tourism. Critically evaluate. 2015
- The frequency of earthquakes appears to have Increased In the Indian subcontinent. However, India’s preparedness for mitigating its impact has significant gaps. Discuss various aspects. 2015
- The frequency of urban floods due to high-intensity rainfall has increased over the years. Discussing the reasons for urban floods, highlight the mechanisms for preparedness to reduce the risk during such events.2016
- Concerning National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) guidelines, discuss the measures to be adopted to mitigate the impact of recent incidents of cloudbursts in many places of Uttarakhand. 2016
- Major cities of India are becoming more vulnerable to flood conditions. Discuss. 2016
- Rehabilitation of human settlements is one of the important environmental impacts that always attract controversy while planning major projects. Discuss the measures suggested for mitigation of this impact while proposing major developmental projects. 2016
- Discuss the concept of Air Mass and explain its role in macro-climatic changes. 2016
- Not many years ago, river linking was a concept, but it is becoming a reality in the country. Discuss the advantages of river linking and its possible impact on the environment. (150 words) 2017
- In what way can floods be converted into a sustainable source of irrigation and all-weather inland navigation in India? (250 words) 2017
- “Climate Change’ is a global problem. How India will be affected by climate change? How Himalayan and coastal states of India will be affected by climate change? (250 words) 2017
- On 26 December 2004, the Tsunami brought havoc on fourteen countries including India. Discuss the factors responsible for the occurrence of the Tsunami and its effects on life and economy. In the light of guidelines of NDMA (2010) describe the mechanisms for preparedness to reduce the risk during such events. (250 words) 2017
- ‘Describe various measures taken in India for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) before and after signing the Sendai Framework for DRR (2015-2030). How is this framework different from Hyogo Framework for Action, 2005? (250 words) 2018
- What are the impediments in disposing of the huge quantities of discarded solid wastes that are continuously being generated? How do we remove safely the toxic wastes that have been accumulating in our habitable environment? (150 words) 2018
- What is wetland? Explain the Ramsar concept of ‘wise use’ in the context of wetland conservation. Cite two examples of Ramsar sites from India. (150 words) 2018
- What are the consequences of the spreading of ‘Dead Zones’ on marine ecosystems? (150 words) 2018
- “Access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy is the sine qua non to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).” Comment on the progress made in India in this regard. (150 words)
- Sikkim is the first *Organic State’ in India. What are the ecological and economic benefits of an Organic State? 2018 (150 words)
- How does biodiversity vary in India? How is the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 helpful in the conservation of flora and fauna? (250 words) 2018
- Assess the impact of global warming on coral life systems with examples. (150 words) 2019
- Coastal sand mining, whether legal or illegal, poses one of the biggest threats to our environment. Analyze the impact of sand mining along the Indian coasts, citing specific examples. (150 words) 2019
- Define the concept of the carrying capacity of an ecosystem as relevant to an environment. Explain how understanding this concept is vital while planning for the sustainable development of a region. (250 words) 2019
- Vulnerability is an essential element for defining disaster impacts and its threat to people. How and in what ways can vulnerability to disasters be characterized? Discuss different types of vulnerability with reference to disasters. (150 words) 2019
- Disaster preparedness is the first step in any disaster management process. Explain how hazard zonation mapping will help in disaster mitigation in the case of landslides. (250 words) 2019
- Discuss the recent measures initiated in disaster management by the Government of India departing from the earlier reactive approach. (250 words) 2020
- How does the draft Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2020 differ from the existing EIA Notification, 2006? (150 words) 2020
- What are the salient features of the Jai Shakti Abhiyan launched by the Government of India for water conservation and water security? (150 words) 2020
- What are the key features of the National Clean At Programme (NCAP) initiated by the Government of Init (250 words)
- Account for the huge flooding of a million cities in India including the smart ones like Hyderabad and Pune. Suggest lasting remedial measures. 2020
- Explain the purpose of the Green Grid Initiative launched at the World Leaders Summit of the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow in November 2021. When was this idea first floated in the International Solar Alliance (ISA)? 150
- Describe the key points of the revised Global Air Quality Guidelines (AQGs) recently released by the World Health Organisation WHO). How are these different from its last updated 2005? What changes in India’s National Clean Air Programme are required to achieve these revised standards? (250 words)
- Describe the major outcomes of the 26 sessions of the conference of the parties (COP) to the United Nations Frame Work Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) What are the commitments made by India in this conference? (250 words)
- Each year a large amount of plant material, cellulose, is deposited on the surface of Planet Earth. What are the natural processes this cellulose undergoes before yielding carbon dioxide, water, and other end products? (Answer in 150 words) 2022
- Discuss in detail the photochemical smog emphasising its formation, effects, and mitigation. Explain the 1999 Gothenburg Protocol. (Answer in 150 words) 2022
- Explain the mechanism and occurrence of cloudburst in the context of the Indian subcontinent. Discuss two recent examples. (Answer in 150 words) 2022
- Discuss global warming and mention its effects on the global climate. Explain the control measures to bring down the level of greenhouse gases that cause global warming, in the light of the Kyoto Protocol, 1997. (Answer in 250 words) 2022
- Explain the causes and effects of coastal erosion in India. What are the available coastal management techniques for combating the hazard? (Answer in 250 words)
- What is oil pollution? What are its impacts on the marine ecosystem? In what way is oil pollution particularly harmful for a country like India? (Answer in 150 words) 2023
- The adoption of electric vehicles is rapidly growing worldwide. How do electric vehicles contribute to reducing carbon emissions and what are the key benefits they offer compared to traditional combustion engine vehicles? (Answer in 250 words) 2023
- Comment on the National Wetland Conservation Programme initiated by the Government of India and name a few of India’s wetlands of international importance included in the Ramsar Sites. (Answer in 250 words) 2023
- The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has predicted a global sea level rise of about one meter by AD 2100. What would be its impact on India and the other countries in the Indian Ocean region? (Answer in 250 words) 2023