Economy UPSC Mains Topic wise Previous Year Questions (1979-2023)
1. Development (Industrial, Agricultural, and Service Sector )- Policies, measures, and achievements
- Briefly review our achievements in industrial development over the plan periods. What roles have been assigned to the Public Sector and the Small- Sector Industries in our industrial development plans and programmes? (About 500 words) 1979
- Appraise the performance of the Public Sector Enterprises in India with reference to their objectives and the role assigned to them. Give your concrete suggestions for toning up their performance. (About 500 words). 1980
- What is India’s largest ( i ) departmental undertaking, and ( ii ) public sector enterprise as measured by the investments made in? What are the investments made in ( i ) and ( ii )? 1980
- It has been estimated that over Rs. 2 000 crores of public funds are looked up in sick industrial units and the number of small sick units in the private sector is about 22,000. What steps have the Government taken in the matter? ( Not more than 150 words) 1981
- What is the procurement price’ for food grains? What purpose does it serve? 1981
- Why do laborers in small-scale industries normally get lower wages than those in large-scale ones? 1882
- What is social forestry? 1982
- What are the locational advantages of setting up port-based steel plants in India? 1982
- Discuss the Industrial Policy of India adopted in the Sixth plan, tracing the changes in industrial policy since independence. (About 250 words). 1983
- India requires 225 million tons of food grains by the end of the twentieth century. Briefly discuss the elements of the strategy of agricultural growth that can ensure an increase in food grains output to meet this projected demand. 1984
- Profitability is one index for judging the performance of public sector enterprises. What other indices can be used for the purpose? Do you consider that the performance of the public sector has improved during the last decade? 1984
- Per capita, per day availability of cereals in India has during the last two decades ( i ) remained constant ( ii ) gone up ( iii ) gone down Give two major factors responsible for the situation. 1984
- Name three big business houses in India. (In terms of assets). 1984
- How would you measure the industrial relations climate in a country? Out of the last three years , when did we have the best climate? 1986
- Account for the growing incidence of industrial sickness in India. Would you advocate privatization of these sick units? Give reasons for your answer. (About 250 words ) 1987
- Distinguish clearly between ’Joint Ventures’ and’ Foreign Collaboration’. Use appropriate examples to illustrate from India’s recent experience. 1987
- What are the limitations of mechanized farming in the Indian context? 1987
- Recall three specific incentives given by our government to attract industries to the backward areas . Name two such areas and their location. 1987
- Discuss the contribution of public sector enterprises to the economic development of India. Are these enterprises generating enough resources for further investment in the economy? (About 250 words) 1988
- Discuss the progress of Indian economy during ’Forty Years of Freedom’. What structural changes do you think, have taken place in the economy? 1988
- What are ’administered prices’ and what is their role? Examine their impact on the general price level. 1988
- What is Minimum Wage? Is there any such provision in India? 1988
- What is shifting cultivation, and where is it carried on? 1988
- What are the basic objectives of the agricultural price policy of the Government of India and how is it implemented? (About 250 words) 1989
- Despite having high saving and investment rates. India is experiencing a low growth rate. Why is it so? 1989
- What is meant by a high cost economy? Has India developed into a high cost economy and if so , how? 1989
- Which part of India has developed comparatively more marine-based industries and why? 1989
- Name the minerals used in generating nuclear energy and the places where they are found in India. 1989
- Identify and analyze a few major management problems that Indian public enterprises are facing today. In light of your analysis, would you advocate “privatization” of some of our public enterprises? (About 250 words) 1990
- State and explain briefly the economic implications of the “Right to Work” 1990
- What is the Exchange Risk Administration Scheme? 1990
- What usually is meant by the expression an underdeveloped economy? What, according to you, are the basic causes of underdevelopment in India? (About 250 words) 1991
- Analyze the main defects of the Indian Trade Union Movement. 1991
- Bring out the main features of India’s Trade Policy. 1991
- What role were the Public Sector Undertakings expected to play in our planning process? Briefly state the current policy of the Government of India with respect to Public Sector Undertakings. (250 words) 1992
- What are the main sources of short-term and long-term finance for Indian industries? 1992
- What are ’Footloose Industries’? 1992
- What do you mean by Government Buffer Stock Operations? 1993
- What is Opportunity Cost? 1993
- What is ICOR? What does a high ICOR indicate? 1993
- What are the recommendations of the Malhotra Committee?
- Discuss the desirability of removing all controls in India or the import and export of agricultural commodities. 1994
- Which sector of the economy is the informal sector? 1995
- What is an MOU? What does it mean? 1996
- What are Bailey’s beads? 1996
- Give your assessment of land reforms in India. 1997
- Examine the important changes in India’s Industrial Policy since the year 1991. 1997
- What are the objectives of Social Forestry? 1997
- What are the main reasons for industrial sickness in India? How can it be overcome? 1998
- What has been the role of NRIs in the economic development of India in the recent past? 1998
- What constitutes a Minor Irrigation Project? 1998
- What is meant by Environmental Impact Assessment? 1998
- What is new ‘in India’s New Industrial Policy of 1991? (About 250 words) 1999
- India is rapidly emerging as an Information Technology (IT) Superpower. Discuss some aspects of the growth of this Sector in the Indian economy. What role can public policy play in further enhancing growth prospects in this Sector? 2000
- What do you mean by Parallel Economy’? 2000
- What are the objectives of the New Economic Policy of the Government of India? 2000
- Write a note on Rao – Manmohan’s model of development. 2000
- What do you mean by providing industry status to agriculture in India? 2001
- Distinguish between the human development index” and “the gender-related development index”. 2001
- What is meant by “trickle-down” theory of development? 2001
- What are ‘Minimum Support Prices’ in agricultural products? What are their objectives? 2002
- Elucidate ‘Special Economic Zones’. 2002
- State the comprehensive structural reforms undertaken to improve the Indian economy since 1991. 2004
- Examine the effect of economic development on environmental degradation in India. 2004
- How is the human development index for life expectancy measured? 2004
- Explain the necessity and role of controls in a mixed economy like India. 2004
- Distinguish between primary sector, secondary sector, and tertiary sector. What is the change in the share of each sector in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) during the period of 1950- 2000? 2004
- What has been the policy of agricultural development during the last two decades in India? 2004
- Write about the Physical Quality Life Index. 2005
- What are the reasons for industrial sickness in India? Suggest suitable remedies. 2005
- Write about: Crude oil prices and the Indian economy. 2005
- Write about: What is the Gandhian economy? 2005
- Write about: Second Green Revolution. 2005
- Write about: The notion of development of under-development. 2005
- What were the terms of reference of the Abid Hussain Committee? 2005
- What is a rogue state? 2005
- Describe the main sources of Industrial finance in India. How could India benefit from recent developments in International finance? 2006
- Discuss the role of the public sector during the post-reform period of the Indian economy. 2006
- What is the Phillips curve? 2006
- Write short notes on Footloose Industries. 2007
- Comment on the relationship between credit availability and agricultural growth in India. (250 words) 2007
- Answer any two of the following (the answer to each question should be in about 150 words) :
- What is the meaning and aim of Social Forestry? What are the main weaknesses noticed in the Social Forestry Programme?
- Bring out the main objectives of Rashtriya Krishi Bima Yojana. The scheme is being implemented by which agency?
- Explain Mega Food Park Scheme of Government of India. 2007
- Explain the terms : (2007 each)
- Merit Goods.
- Trickle Down Theory
- Engel’s Law
- Meaning of CCIL
- Administered Price
- Capital-Output Ratio.
- Discuss Assistance to the States for Development of Export Infrastructure and other Activities (ASIDE ). (150 words) 2008
- How far has the impact of the global meltdown been reflected in the Economic Survey 2008- 09? Identify some of the core areas given priority to neutralize the adverse effects of the global downturn. 2009
- “Small-holder farms need to be strengthened to achieve national food security”. Do you agree with this assessment? Substantiate. ( 150 words) 2010
- Domestic resource mobilization, though central to the process of Indian economic growth, is characterized by several constraints. Explain. ( 150 words) 2012
- List the main objectives of the National Manufacturing Policy ( NMP ),2011. (50 words) 2012
- The Central Government frequently complains on the poor performance of the State Governments in eradicating the suffering of the vulnerable sections of the society. Restructuring of Centrally sponsored schemes across the sectors for ameliorating the cause of vulnerable sections of population aims at providing flexibility to the States in better implementation. Critically evaluate. (200 words) 2013
- What are the different types of agriculture subsidies given to farmers at the national and at state levels? Critically analyze the agricultural subsidy regime with reference to the distortions created by it. (200 words) 2013
- Examine the impact of liberalization on companies owned by Indians. Are they competing with the MNCs satisfactorily? Discuss. (200 words) 2013
- Normally countries shift from agriculture to industry and then later to services, but India shifted directly from agriculture to services. What are the reasons for the huge growth of services vis-a-vis industry in the country? Can India become a developed country without a strong industrial base? 2014
- There is also a point of view that Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMCs) set up under the State Acts have not only impeded the development of agriculture but also have been the cause of food inflation in India. Critically examine. 2014
- Livestock rearing has a big potential for providing non-farm employment and income in rural areas. Discuss suggesting suitable measures to promote this sector in India. 2015
- There is a clear acknowledgment that Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are a tool of industrial development, manufacturing and exports. Recognizing this potential, the whole instrumentality of SEZs requires augmentation. Discuss the issue plaguing the success of SEZs with respect to taxation, governing laws and administration. 2015
- Has the Indian governmental system responded adequately to the demands of Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation Started in 1991? What can the government do to be responsive to this important change? 2016
- “Traditional bureaucratic structure and culture have hampered the process of socioeconomic development In India.” Comment. 2016
- “To ensure effective implementation of policies addressing water, sanitation, and hygiene needs the identification of beneficiary segments is to be synchronized with the anticipated outcomes.” Examine the statement in the context of the WASH scheme. (150 words) 2017
- Explain various types of revolutions that took place in Agriculture after Independence in India. How these revolutions have helped in poverty alleviation and food security in India? (150 words)2017
- “Industrial growth rate has lagged behind in the overall” growth of Gross-Domestic-Product (GDP) in the post-reform period.” Give reasons. How far the recent changes in Industrial Policy are capable of increasing the industrial growth rate? (250 words) 2017
- Assess the role of the National Horticulture Mission (NHM) in boosting the production, productivity, and income of horticulture farms. How far has it succeeded in increasing the income of farmers? (250 words) 2018
- The need for cooperation among various service sectors has been an inherent component of development discourse. Partnership bridges the gap among the sectors. It also sets in motion a culture of ‘collaboration’ and team spirit. In the light of statements above examine India’s development process. 2019
- “Economic growth in the recent past has been led by increase in labour activity” Explain this statement. Suggest the growth pattern that will lead to the creation of more jobs without compromising labor productivity. (Answer in 250 words) 2022
- Faster economic growth requires increased share of the manufacturing sector in GDP, particularly of MSMEs. Comment on the present policies of the Government in this regard. (150 words, 10 marks) 2023
- What is the status of digitalization in the Indian economy? Examine the problems faced in this regard and suggest improvements. (150 words, 10 marks) 2023
2. Planning- Objectives- Centralized, Decentralized, Regional & Urban, Development during FYPs Allocation of funds and Population /Poverty / Unemployment
- State: Rolling Plan. 1979
- What is meant by ‘planning from below’ and ‘planning from above’? 1980
- Growth with stability has been enunciated as a major objective in the Policy Framework of the Sixth Five-Year Plan. Analyze the nature of the task and its operational problems. Examine the feasibility of this objective, keeping in view our planning process. (About 400 words) 1981
- Health care for all by 2000 A.D. is an important objective of the Sixth Five Year Plan. What steps are being taken for the supply of safe drinking water and provide adequate notational safeguards, particularly to the vulnerable sections of the community? What is the present status of preventive medical facilities in our country? (About 400 words) 1981
- Unemployment in India is of many types and therefore a complex issue. Describe the nature of this problem and the measures adopted to deal with it, particularly in rural areas. (About 150 words). 1982
- In the emphasis placed by planners on the primacy of the rate of economic growth, scant attention has been paid to the structural and ideological objectives of planning in India. Critically examine this statement. (About 150 words) 1982
- Describe the various types of unemployment in India. What are the measures devised in the Sixth Plan to deal with rural unemployment? 1982
- What is the criterion adopted to draw the poverty line in India? What is the extent of India’s population living below the poverty line? 1982
- In what respects, is the Sixth Five-Year Plan an improvement on the Fifth Plan? In light of the mid¬ term review, how far are the targets and objectives likely to be realised? (About 250 words) 1983
- Describe the major objectives for Science and Technology in the Sixth Plan in energy, mining, and minerals telecommunication and broadcasting sectors. (About 250 words) 1983
- Attainment of self-reliance has been a major objective of Planning in India. Analyze the Implications of this policy. Assess the progress made so far in this regard. 1983
- Why does the Government of India impose a surcharge on income tax? 1983
- Enumerate the salient features of the Approach to the Seventh Five-Year Plan. Do you think the new approach will be able to harmonize the objectives of growth, reduction in unemployment, and better social justice? Evaluate in this context, the Seventh Plan Approach. (About 250 words) 1984
- Recall the important measures undertaken by the Government to reduce the operations of parallel economy in India. Do you think these measures have been effective? 1984
- Examine the case for balanced regional development as an objective of economic planning in India. How far has it been achieved? (About 250 words) 1985
- What is meant by’ manpower planning ‘? Has it been carried out in India? Examine the problem of brain drain from India. (About 250 words) 1985
- What is black money and why is it so called? Specify the main causes of its generation in India. 1985
- In course of planned economic development, India’s actual growth has mostly been lower than the larger growth. How would you explain this shortfall? 1986
- Describe briefly the development strategy of the Seventh Five Year Plan. 1986
- Name three economic legislations India and specify the objective of each. 1986
- What Is a ‘ subsidy’? Name two major items of central subsidies in India. 1986
- Comment on the employment strategy as envisaged in our Seventh Five Year Plan. 1987
- What are the likely advantages of the recent Government policy of Broad-banding? 1987
- Economic offenders often thrive in a parallel economy. Is it true or false? Explain your view. 1987
- Discuss the problem of rural unemployment in India. What specific schemes have been launched by the Government to generate employment opportunities in rural areas? (About 250 words) 1988
- There is renewed emphasis on district planning in India. Examine its rationale, past experience and scope for success. 1988
- India is planning to provide for the generation and distribution of 38 ,000 MW of electric power in the Eighth Plan. How are these objectives to be achieved? What are the constraints that are likely to be met with? (About 250 words) 1989
- What are the main components of the non- Plan expenditure of the Government of India? Discuss the recent trends in the growth of this expenditure. 1989
- What are ‘economic’ offenses? Name two such offenses and the laws enacted in India to deal with them. 1989
- What is meant by population explosion? Has it occurred in India. 1989
- What is the rationale for decentralized planning in India. Discuss the obstacles that have stood in the way of such planning? (About 250 words) 1990
- What measures have been taken under the Five Year Plans to increase employment opportunities in rural areas? 1990
- Discuss the measures taken in the Five-Year Plans to mitigate rural poverty. (About 250 words) 1991
- What is Non-Plan Expenditure? 1991
- Discuss the main features of India’s Eighth Five-Year plan with special reference to the agricultural sector. 1992
- Explain the term ‘Integrated Rural Development. Bringing out its strategic importance. 1992
- One of the priority objectives of the Eighth Five Year Plan is the generation of adequate employment to achieve near full employment level by the turn of the century. (Eighth Five Year Plan) What is the strategy envisaged for the fulfillment of this objective? (About 250 words) 1993
- In a developing country like ours what, according to you, should be the basis of taxation-income or consumption? Spell out your arguments clearly. 1993
- What is meant by growth rate of population? 1993
- Differentiate between indicative and target planning. Where should the Eighth Five Year Plan be placed? (About 250 words) 1994
- Explain the significance of the April 1994 Supreme Court judgement on the proclamation of President’s rule. 1994
- Can excessive economic backwardness itself be a cause of excess population? 1994
- In what ways do land reforms help agricultural growth? Briefly state the aim of land reforms as envisaged in the Eighth Five Year Plan.(About 250 words) 1995
- Comment on the view that economic planning can raise the rate of capital formation appreciably above the rate attainable under a system of private saving and investment. (About 250 words) 1996
- How has the Census (1991) defined the Urban Areas? 1997
- What are the main objective of Ninth Five Year Plan? 1997
- “The past 50 years of development in India were characterized by planning but the next 50 years of development would be led by the market. Comment. (About 250 words) 1998
- How is absolute poverty line measured? What are the important measures taken by the Government to eradicate rural poverty in India? (About 250 words) 1998
- What is Plan Holiday? 1999
- Control overgrowth of population in India is an essential condition for the country’s rapid economic development. Discuss. 2000
- Discuss the economic effects of Black money (Parallel economy) in Indian economy. 2000
- What are the main objectives of the 9th Five-Year Plan of the Government of India? 2000
- What has been the impact- of the recent economic reforms programme on the incidence of poverty in India? 2000
- What are the UNDP indicators with reference to the planning process? 2001
- What is the incidence of poverty in India? How should poverty alleviation programmes be constructed? 2001
- What is meant by “couple protection ratio”? 2001
- Explain rolling plan” . 2001
- Illustrate Lorenz curve. 2001
- What is “misery index? 2001
- Outline the main targets fixed in the National Population Policy 2000.What have been the follow up measures to this policy? 2002
- Define Sex ratio in the population of India. What is its present status? 2002
- Write a note on the strategy of planning in India since 1951 2003
- Outline the important objectives of the Tenth Five Year Plan – 2003
- What is Plan Holiday? 2003
- What is the main objective of the Competition Act, 2002? 2003
- How is poverty level measured? Evaluate poverty eradication programmes in India. 2004
- What is social justice in the context of Indian economy? 2004
- Difference between absolute poverty and relative poverty. 2005
- What is Structural unemployment? 2005
- What are the implications of gender disparities in India? 2006
- What is Laffer curve? 2006
- What is disguised unemployment? 2006
- What is rolling settlement? 2006
- Benefits and potential drawbacks of’cash-transfers’ to ‘Below Poverty Line’ (BPL) households. Comment, (in about 150 words) 2011
- New initiatives during the 11th Five Year Plan in the National Programme for Control Blindness (NCPB). Comment, (in about 150 words) 2011
- “There is an urgent need for the Planning Commission to revise the chapter on health in the 12th Plan document”. Comment. (150 words) 2012
- With a consideration towards the strategy of inclusive growth, the new Companies Bill, 2013has indirectly made CSR a mandatory obligation. Discuss the challenges expected in its implementation in right earnest. Also discuss other provisions in the Bill and their implications. (200 words) 2013
- Capitalism has guided the world economy to unprecedented prosperity. However, it often encourages short-sightedness and contributes to wide disparities between the rich and the poor. In this light, would it be correct to believe and adopt capitalism for bringing inclusive growth in India? Discuss. 2014
- Though there have been several different estimates of poverty in India, all indicate reduction in poverty levels over time. Do you agree. Critically examine with reference to urban and rural poverty indicators. 2015
- The nature of economic growth in India in recent times is often described as a jobless growth. Do you agree with this view? Give arguments in favour of your answer. 2015
- Comment on the challenges for inclusive growth which include careless and useless manpower in the Indian context. Suggest measures to be taken for facing these challenges. 2016
- One of the intended objectives of Union Budget 2017-18 is to transform, energise and clean India’. Analyse the measures proposed in the Budget 2017-18 to achieve the objective. (250 words)2017
- What are the salient features of ‘inclusive growth? Has India been experiencing such a growth process? Analyse and suggest measures for inclusive growth. (250 words) 2017
- How are the principles followed by the NITI Aayog different from those followed by the erstwhile Planning Commission in India? (150 words)2017
- Mention core strategies for the transformation of aspirational districts in India and explain the nature of convergence, collaboration and competition for its success. (250 words)2018
- Despite Consistent experience of high growth, India still goes with the lowest indicators of human development. Examine the issues that make balanced and inclusive development elusive. 2019
- In the context of the neoliberal paradigm of developmental planning, multi-level planning is expected to make operations cost-effective and remove many implementation blockages’. Discuss. 2019
- It is argued that the strategy of inclusive growth is intended to meet the objectives of inclusiveness and sustainability together? Comment on this statement. (250 words) 2019
- Explain intra-generational and inter-generational issues of equity from the perspective of Inclusive growth and sustainable development. (150 words) 2020
- Is inclusive growth possible under market economy? State the significance of financial inclusion in achieving economic growth in India. (Answer in 150 words) 2022
- Most of the unemployment in India is structural in nature. Examine the methodology adopted to compute unemployment in the country and suggest improvements. (250 words, 15 marks) 2023
3. Foreign Trade & Balance of Payments Policy, Liberalization, Convertibility of rupee and other measures
- Why are most jute mills located in the neighborhood on River Hooghly? 1981
- Why should India export iron ore when we still produce so little steel per capita? 1982
- Do you consider a policy of import substitution or export promotion to provide an enduring solution to our balance of payments problem? Has the export promotion policy been able to achieve its objectives? (About 250 words) 1984
- Would you accept or reject the view that in recent years, the tendency in our economic policies has been towards liberalization? Give reasons in support of your stand, quoting necessary evidence. (About 250 words) 1986
- Recall the set of incentives available for investment by the non-resident Indians. What are the likely uses and abuses of such investment? 1986
- What are the major components of our total foreign exchange reserves? 1986
- Are there good reasons behind the suggestion that in the new program of economic liberalization, India should go slow in the matter of exit policy’? (About 250 words) 1992
- What is the Partial Convertibility of Rupee? What are its basic objectives? How is it going to benefit the Indian economy? 1992
- Discuss the main issues involved in the provisions regarding the Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights in the DUNKEL Draft Text, about India. (About 250 words) 1993
- What measures have been taken by the Government of India to attract direct foreign investment, as a part of the new strategy of Industrial Development in India? 1993
- What does SDR stand for? How are the countries benefited from it? 1993
- Explain the concept of ‘global village’. 1994
- What are Euro issues? 1994
- What is the Marraesh Declaration? 1994
- What is Eurostar? 1994
- What is innovation? What kind of economic compulsions in a country like India, you think, could stimulate innovations? 1994
- Differentiate between Trade and Balance of Payments. 1996
- What is a Multilateral Agreement on Investment? How will it affect the economy of a developing country like India? (About 250 words) 1999
- Discuss the reasons for the failure of the Seattle Millennium talks on the WTO (World Trade Organization). Discuss some implications of this failure for the Indian economy. 2000
- Liberalization of the Indian economy since 1991 has led to excessive consumerism and over-production of ‘white goods’ Elucidate. 2001
- What do you understand by “Current Account Convertibility of Rupee”? 2001
- What is meant by the “Most Favoured Nation” policy? 2001
- The main thrust of Export-Import Policy 2002-07 is to create a framework for enhancing India’s export capability. In light of this statement outline the salient features of EXIM Policy 2002-07. 2002
- Outline the main objectives and achievements of the for quite some time. What difference would an increase in FDI make? Critically evaluate the pros and cons. 2014
- Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the defense sector is now set to be liberalized. What influence this is expected to have on Indian defense and economy in the short and long run? 2014
- The craze for gold in Indians has led to a surge In the Import of gold in recent years and put pressure on the balance of payments and the external value of the rupee. Given this, examine the merits of the Gold Monetisation scheme.2015
- Justify the need for FDI for the development of the Indian economy. Why there is a gap between MOUs signed and actual FDIs? Suggest remedial steps to be taken to increase actual FDIs in India. 2016
- Account for the failure of the manufacturing sector to achieve the goal of labor-intensive exports. Suggest measures for more labor-intensive rather than capital-intensive exports. (150 words) 2017
- How would the recent phenomena of protectionism and currency manipulations in world trade affect the macroeconomic stability of India? (250 words) 2018
4. Fiscal Policy- Tax Structure, Reforms and changes, Budget and Fiscal Federalism
- State the distinctive features of the national budget for 1979-80. To what extent are the present inflationary trends derived from the budget provisions? (About 200 words) 1979
- What are ‘bearer bonds’? Why were special bearer bonds devised in February, 1981? What were their budgetary objectives? Examine how far such bonds achieved their objectives? 1981
- Discuss the specific schemes announced in the Union budget for 1982-83 for fostering saving. 1982
- Examine the pros and cons of increasing the level of taxation on the agricultural sector. 1982
- What tax concessions were given in the Union Budget for 1983-84 to persons and industries? Examine the rationale for granting such concessions. 1983
- Why does the Government of India impose a surcharge on income tax? 1983
- Name at least five taxes levied by the State Governments in India. Which tax brings them the largest amount of revenue? 1985
- What is a MODVAT? Examine its possible advantages and disadvantages. 1986
- What is Zero-base budgeting? 1987
- Examine the debt burden of the Government on India. Is the country heading towards a ‘debt trap’? 1988
- Name the direct and indirect taxes levied by the Government of India. Which of these yields the highest amount of revenue? 1988
- What is fiscal drag? What is its effect? 1992
- Indicate briefly the tax reforms that have been introduced in India after the coming in of the New Economic Policy. 1994
- What is meant by equity in taxation? 1994
- Why should fiscal deficit in India be rising again? 1994
- Do you agree with the view that, in a country like India, a tax on wealth would be a useful supplement to the income tax? Argue the case In the light of Raja Chelliah Tax Reform Committee Report. (About 250 words) 1995
- Does reduction In fiscal deficit necessanly assure reduction in inflation? 1995
- Do you think that income tax reduces economic incentives? Give your reasons. 1995
- Briefly comment on the purpose and type of changes made in our tax structure in the context of liberalisation and structural reforms during the first half of the 1990s. 1996
- How do you distinguish between specific and ad valorem duties? 1996
- Why was MODVAT Scheme introduced in the year 1986? 1997
- What is Tobin tax? What are its main features? 1999
- How is revenue deficit different from budgetary deficit? 1999
- Write a note on MODVAT Scheme of 1986. 2000
- What do you mean by revenue deficit in the Central Government’s Budget? 2000
- What are the hurdles faced by the Finance Ministers of India in keeping the fiscal deficit below 3-4 percent of the GDP? Suggest steps to lower the fiscal deficit. 2001
- What is peak rate of Custom duty? What are its objectives in India? 2002
- Define fiscal deficit. 2002
- The Union Budget 2002-03 recommended some services to be taxed. Name any 4 of these services. 2002
- What is ‘dumping’? What is its objective? 2002
- Distinguish between ad-valorem and specific duties. 2002
- Define zero-based budget. 2002
- What were the major recommendations of the Task Force on direct taxes appointed under the Chairmanship of Shri Vijay L. Kelkar? 2003
- What is Value Added Tax? 2003
- What is the main thrust of the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Bill? 2003
- Explain the essential feature of differential rate of interest scheme. 2003
- Which are the three major items of expenditure of the Government of India on revenue account? 2003
- What is Minimum Alterative Tax (MAT)? 2004
- What is deficit financing? 2004
- Explain the implications of the implementation of Intellectual Property Clauses in our patent law regime after joining the WTO. 2006
- What is twin deficit? 2006
- What were the reasons for the introduction of Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management ( FRBM ) Act, 2003? Discuss critically its salient features and their effectiveness. (200 words) 2013
- What is the meaning of the term Tax expenditure’? Taking housing sector as an example, discuss how it influences the budgetary policies of the government. (200 words) 2013
- Discuss the rationale for introducing Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India. Bring out critically the reasons for the delay in roll out for its regime. (200 words) 2013
- Comment on the important changes introduced in respect of the Long-term Capital Gains Tax (LCGT) and Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT) in the Union Budget for 2018-2019. (150 words) 2018
- Enumerate the indirect taxes which have been subsumed in the Goods and Servies tax in India. Also, comment on the revenue implications of GST introduced in India since July 2017. (150 words) 2017
- The public expenditure management is a challenge to the government of India in the context of budget making during the post-liberalisation period. Clarify it. (250 words) 2019
- Explain the rationale behind the Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to States) Act of 2017. How has COVID-19 impacted the GST compensation fund and created new federal tension. (250 words) 2020
- How have the recommendations of the 14th Finance Commission of India enabled the states to improve their fiscal position? 2021
- Distinguish between Capital Budget and Revenue Budget. Explain the components of both these Budgets. 2021
- Do you think India will meet 50 percent of its energy needs from renewable energy by 2030? Justify your answer. How will the shift of subsidies from fossil fuels to renewables help achieve the above objective? Explain. (Answer in 250 words) 2022
- Distinguish between ‘care economy’ and ‘monetized economy’. How can care economy be brought into monetized economy through women empowerment? 2023
5. Monetary Policy- Banking, Prices, and Inflation
- State as to what the MONEX stands for? 1979
- The phenomenon of rising prices has been largely responsible for putting Indian economy and planning out of gear; it is also a source of acute hardship to the people. What are the basic reasons for continuous inflation in India and what has been the Government strategy to control it? What specific measures have recently been taken by the Government of India for controlling price level? (200 words) 1981
- Analyse the functioning of dual pricing of sugar in India. Offer your comments. (82/II/6a/20)
- What do you understand by’MONEX’? 1982
- Describe the organisation and the functions of Regional Rural banks, Review their achievements. Is there any conflicting jurisdiction between these rural banks and cooperative credit societies? 1983
- Inflation has been a major and persistent cause of poverty and inequality in India. ‘Analyse. 1983
- What is Bank Rate? What is the Bank Rate in India at present? 1983
- What are the main components of money supply jn India? 1984
- Examine the controversy regarding the sharp rise in the price of sugar in India in the recent past. What steps have been taken by the Government to curb it? 1985
- Despite an increase in the pay-packet, the purchasing power of the people has not really gone up. How can this happen? 1987
- What are lead banks? 1988
- Discuss the factors that have led to the recent increase in the general price level and the measures taken by the Government to Combat it. 1990
- What is Statutory Liquidity Requirement of commercial banks? 1991
- What is ICICI? 1991
- It is claimed that the price situation in India improved considerably in 1992-93 with a gradual decline in the annual rate of inflation in the course of the year. What are the factors that moderated the inflationary pressures? 1993
- It is being suggested that the commercial banks in India should reduce their holdings of non-performing assets. Does it mean that the former should abandon social priorities? (About 250 words) 1994
- What has been the rationale for deregulating commercial bank’s lending rates as a policy strategy? 1995
- Explain the factors responsible for the decline in the value of Indian Rupee vis-a-vis U.S. Dollar during the Financial year 1995-96. Enumerate the corrective measures undertaken by the Reserve Bank of India in this regard. (About 250 words) 1996
- Discuss the steps taken by the Government in recent years to control inflation. 1997
- Comment on the view that Monetary Policy in India is used more as a stabilisation device rather than as a development tool. 1998
- What is Cash Reserve Ratio? 1999
- Differentiate between “galloping inflation and” run-away ‘nation” . 2001
- Describe the recommendations of Narasimham Committee regarding the banking sector in India. 2004
- What is Cash Reserve Ratio? 2004
- What does “priority sector lending mean? 2004
- Write about Cost-push inflation. 2005
- What is stagflation? (20 words) 2007
- What is Venture Capital? (20 words) 2007
- What do you understand by ‘repo rate and reverse repo rate’? What are the implications in raising these rates? 2010
- Salient recommendations of the RBI- appointed Damodaran committee on customer service in Banks. Comment, (in about 150 words) 2010
- Why the Central Statistics Office has notified a new series of Consumer Price Index from this year? Comment. 2011
- Electronic cash transfer system for the welfare schemes is an ambitious project to minimize corruption, eliminate wastage and facilitate reforms. Comment. (200 words) 2013
- Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) is necessary for bringing unbanked to the institutional finance fold. Do you agree with this for financial inclusion of the poor section of the Indian society? Give arguments to justify your opinion. 2016
- Among several factors for India’s potential growth, savings rate is the most effective one. Do you agree? What are the other factors available for growth potential? (150 words, 10 marks) (2017)
- Do you agree with the view that steady GDP growth and low inflation have left the Indian economy in good shape? Give reasons in support of your arguments. (150 words, 10 marks) (2019)
6. Programmes- Poverty alleviation, Employment generation related to Rural Development and Environmental Protection
- Discuss the role of Village Cooperative Movements in promoting rural welfare and development in India. How is the National Dairy Development Board achieving their objectives? (About 500 words) 1979
- ‘Removal of poverty’ was a principal objective of the Fifth Five Year Plan; this has been reiterated in the Sixth Plan. Analyse the nature of the problem and the impediments involved. How far is this objective likely to be realized during the Sixth Plan Period? 1981
- What are the main reasons for launching the Integrated Rural Development Programme? State its main objectives. How is it being financed? ( Not more than 150 words) 1982
- Why did the Prime Minister of India announce in June 1982″new” Twenty-Point Programme? Mention briefly the main points included in the new programme which would directly benefit the rural population and rural economy. (Not more than 200 words) 1982
- Attempt a critical overview of various types of Anti- Poverty Programme at work in India today. (About 250 words) 1986
- Examine the working of the Public Distribution System in India, with particular reference to its objectives and constraints. Suggest a set of measures towards an improvement in the present system. 1987
- What is the economic rationale for undertaking the Backward Area Development Programme? Discuss the specific measures taken by the Government in this direction. 1989
- What, according to you, are the remedies to the problem of rural indebtedness in India? 1991
- What are the factors that ensure the success of the Public Distribution System? 1991
- Explain the term ‘Integrated Rural Development’ Bringing out Its strategic importance. 1992
- Describe the main objective of DPAP . 1992
- Make a case for strengthening the social sector in India. 1994
- What policy has the Government of India adopted in recent years to protect our environment, control pollution and maintain ecological balance? State briefly. 1995
- What are fringe benefits? 1995
- How is poverty-line defined in India? Briefly enumerate the measures undertaken by the Government in recent years to alleviate poverty. 1996
- What is a Lorentz curve? 1996
- What measures has the government taken to make women economically independent and self reliant during the last decade? 1997
- Why was the rationale for ‘Mid-day Meal’ Scheme? 1997
- Describe the use of ‘Command Area Development’ in India. 1997
- What is (Revised) Targeted Public Distribution System? What are its main features? 2000
- What are the objectives of Social Security? 2000
- Describe the use of ‘Command Area Development’ in India. 2000
- How has the Census (1991) defined the Urban Areas? 2000
- What is the rationale for ‘Mid-day Meal’ Scheme? 2000
- With what objectives was ‘Essential Commodities Act 1955’ amended last year? 2002
- With what objectives was ‘Annapurna’ Scheme launched? 2002
- Elucidate ‘Sampooma Gramin Rozgar Yojna’. 2002
- Why was Janastiree Bima Yojana introduced? 2003
- What was the essential feature of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana? 2003
- Explain the objectives of Plant Varieties Rights Act,2002. 2004
- Write about Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Yojana. 2005
- What is the difference between Green Box subsidies and Blue Box subsidies? 2006
- Write on Rajiv Gandhi Seva Kendra in about 20 words. 2009
- Comment on the salient features of the recent draft Model Real Estate(Regulation of Development) Act of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation of the Central Government. 2010
- Critically examine the design of the National Rural livelihoods Mission ( NRIM) scheme. Do you think it has a better chance of success than the Swamajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) in achieving its objectives? (in about 250 words ) 2011
- The concept of Mid Day Meal ( MDM ) scheme is almost a century old in India with early beginning in Madras Presidency in pre- independent India. The scheme has again been given impetus in most states in the last two decades. Critically examine its twin objectives, latest mandates and success.(200 words) 2013
- Do government’s schemes for up-lifting vulnerable and backward communities by protecting required social resources for them, lead to their exclusion in establishing businesses in urban economies? 2014
- Two parallel run schemes of the Government, viz. the Adhar Card and NPR, one of voluntary and the other as compulsory, have led to debates at national levels and also litigations. On merits, discuss whether or not both schemes need run concurrently. Analyse the potential of the schemes to achieve developmental benefits and equitable growth. 2014
- Discuss the Namami Gange and National Mission for clean Ganga (NMCG) programmes and causes of mixed results from the previous schemes. What quantum leaps can help preserve the river Ganga better than incremental inputs? 2015
- “Poverty Alleviation Programmes in India remain mere showpieces until and unless they are backed by political will”. Discuss with reference to the performance of the major poverty alleviation programmes in India. (250 words) 2017
- “Despite implementation of various programmes for eradication of poverty by the government in India, poverty is still existing.” Explain by giving reasons. (150 words) 2018
- “Policy contradictions among various competing sectors and stakeholders have resulted in inadequate protection and prevention of degradation’ to environment.” Comment with relevant illustrations. (150 words) 2018
- “Earn while you learn’ scheme needs to be strengthened to make vocational education and skill training meaningful.” Comment. 2021
- What are the salient features of the National Food Security Act, 2013? How has the Food Security Bill helped in eliminating hunger and malnutrition in India? 2021
- What are the major challenges of Public Distribution System (PDS) in India? How can it be made effective and transparent? (Answer in 150 words) 2022
7. Money Market and Capital Market
- What do you understand by ( i) a right share issue , and (ii) a bonus share issue? 1980
- What is a ‘soft loan’? 1982
- What are mutual funds? Do we have such funds in India? 1989
- In the context of recent institutional developments in our capital markets, what do the following abbreviations stand for : (i) CRISIL (ii) SEBI (iii) SHCI 199l
- What is Call Money? 1995
- What is meant by Mutual Fund? 1998
- What does buy- back of shares mean? 1999
- Discuss the nature and causes of the UTI crisis with particular reference to US- 64 . How does this UTI fiasco affect the investment climate in India? 2001
- What Is’ CRISIL ‘? What does it do? 2001
- Expand the term nasdaq”. 2001
- Distinguish between a ‘hard’ currency and a ‘soft’ currency. 2001
- Highlight the main feature of the policy relating to buy back of shares. 2003
- Write about Dow Jones. 2005
- Write about Repo market. 2005
- What is Hundi? 2006
- What is the main difference between free trade area and common market? (2006
- What is forward currency market? 2006
- What is offshore currency market? 2006
- What are Eurobonds? 2006
- What are nifty and the nifty junior? 2006
- What is Cheap Money.(20 words) 2007
- What is Hot Money. (20 words) 2007
- After the September Ist changes, do you think that Unit Linked Insurance Plans (UUPs) and Mutual Funds ( MFs) are on a level playing field? Substantiate your answer from the perspective of an ordinary investor. 2010
8. National Income
- Distinguish between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Product (GNP). 1992
- Explain per capita income as a measure of economic growth. 1998
- What is meant by ‘Quality of life’? 1998
- What is the difference between Gross National Product and Net National Product? 1998
- Explain per capita income as a measurement of economic growth. 2000
- What is green GNP? 2001
- What is Green GDP? 2005
- What is Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM)? 2005
- Critically examine the differing estimates for ( i ) poverty figures, and ( il ) GDP growth data for April June 2010, that have been in the news recently. In your view, what estimates are more reflective of the ground reality, and why? 2010
- Define potential GDP and explain its determinants. What are the factors that have been inhibiting India from realising its potential GDP? (150 words) 2020
- Explain the difference between computing methodology of India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) before the year 2015 and after the year 2015. 2021
- Do you agree that the Indian economy has recently experienced V. shapes recovery? Give reasons in support of your answer. 2021
9. Infrastructure
- Assess the success and failure of Indian education and indicate the desirable changes needed in the present system. (About 200 words) 1979
- Name the Railway in India that carries the largest quantity of coal. Give reasons. 1983
- What are the principal components of economic infrastructure? Inadequacy of the infrastructure as well as Its poor utilization have been the principal bottlenecks in economic development. Comment. 1984
- What is the HBJ pipe line? What will it carry , from where to where , and for what purpose? 1988
- Infrastructure bottlenecks continue to stifle the economic growth in India . Comment. 1998
- Highlight salient feature of ‘ National Highway Development Project’. 2002
- What ails India’s road transport economy? Suggest measures of remedy. 2004
- In the context of recent incidents, suggest measures on how security of passengers and property can be Improved over Indian Railways. 2009
- Are the ‘Dedicated Freight Corridor’ railway project and the ‘Golden Quadrilateral’ road project mutually complementary or competitive? Assess. 2010
- Write a note on India’s green energy corridor to alleviate the problem of conventional energy.(200 words) 2013
- Adoption of PPP model for Infrastructure development of the country has not been free of criticism. Critically discuss pros and cons of the model. (200 words) 2013
- The setting up of a Rail Tariff Authority to regulate fares will subject the cash strapped Indian Railways to demand subsidy for obligation to operate non- profitable routes and services. Taking into account the experience in the power sector , discuss if the proposed reform is expected to benefit the consumers, the Indian Railways or the private container operators. 2014
- Explain how Private Public Partnership arrangements, in long gestation infrastructure projects, can transfer unsustainable liabilities to the future What arrangements need to be put in place to ensure that successive generations’ capacities are not compromised? 2014
- National Urban Transport Policy emphasises on moving people ‘instead of moving vehicles’ Discuss critically the success of the various strategies of the Government in this regard. 2014
- Examine the development of Airports in India through joint ventures under Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model. What are the challenges faced by the authorities in this regard. (150 words) 2017
- “Investment in infrastructure is essential for more rapid and inclusive economic growth.” Discuss in the light of India’s experience. 2021
- Why is Public Private Partnership (PPP) required in infrastructural projects? Examine the role of PPP model in the redevelopment of Railway Stations in India. (Answer in 150 words) 2022.
10. Capital Formation
- What measures do you suggest to raise the volume of Public Savings In our country? Briefly state the importance of such savings for the contemporary economic scene. 1996
- What is ICOR (Incremental Capital Output Ratio)? 2000
- Indian economy presents a paradox of high savings rate with low- income and high savings rate with low growth rate. Analyze. 2001
- Write brief note on National Investment Fund. 2010
11. Land Reforms In India
- Establish relationship between land reforms, agriculture Productivity and elimination of poverty in the Indian economy. Discuss the difficulties in designing and implementation of agriculture friendly land reforms in India.(200 words) 2013
- The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 has come into effect from 1st January, 2014. What are the key Issues which would get addressed with the Act in place? What Implications would It have on industrialization and agriculture in India? 2014
- In view of the declining average size of land holdings in India which has made agriculture non-viable for a majority of farmers, should contract farming and land leasing be promoted in agriculture? Critically evaluate the pros and cons. (200 words, 12.5 marks) (2015)
- Discuss the role of land reforms in agricultural development. Identify the factors that were responsible for the success of land reforms in India. (200words, 12.5 marks) (2016)
- How did land reforms in some parts of the country help to improve the socio- economic conditions of marginal and small farmers? (150 words, 10 marks) (2021)
- State the objectives and measures of land reforms in India. Discuss how land ceiling policy on landholding can be considered as an effective reform under economic criteria. 2023
12. World Economic Organisations /Agencies
- Describe briefly about – The World Bank. 1979
- State as to what the The Group of 77 stands for? 1979
- Write short notes on the following. Your answer should cover inter alia the points mentioned :IMF Loan to India : Reasons for seeking the loan assistance : quantum of loan sanctioned : amounts so far released by IMF. Corrective measures taken by the Government of India in pursuance of their discussions with IMF . (Not more than 100 words) 1982
- What is ‘Black Box’? What are the functions of FDR and CVR? (About 35 words) 1985
- Write a short note on European Common Market (1992) .1992
- Give the full names of : ( i) EAO ( ii ) FOB ( iii ) GATT 1992
- What is Group of 77? 1995
- Examine the functions of the European Free Trade Association. 2005
- What is CEMA bloc? 2006
- Discuss India’ s stand on agricultural issues in WTO’ s Ministerial Conferences since Doha Round. (250 words) 2008
- ” In the WTO negotiations over the years of the DOHA Round, India appears to be diluting its stand on agriculture issues to pursue perceived gains in services. Critically examine this statement. 2009
- Does India need the World Bank? 2009
- Have the Uruguay Round negotiations and the resultant Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement helped in resolving trade conflicts arising out of variations in different nations’ IPR regimes? Also list the steps taken by India to conform to TRIPS. 2010
- Compare and contrast the role of the IMF with that of the World Bank. 2010
- Comment on the reasons for the recent economic crisis in the so- called ‘PIGS’ countries of Europe. 2010
- Functions of the World Customs Organisation (WCO). Comment 2011
- The World Bank and the IMF , collectively known as the Breton Woods Institutions, are the two inter-governmental pillars supporting the structure of the world’s economic and financial order .Superficially, the World Bank and the IMF exhibit many common characteristics, yet their role, functions and mandate are distinctly different. Elucidate. (200 words). 2013
- Some of the International funding agencies have special terms for economic participation stipulating a substantial component of the aid to be used for sourcing equipment from the leading countries. Discuss on merits of such terms and if, there exists a strong case not to accept such conditions in the Indian context. 2014
- India has recently signed to become founding member of New Development Bank (NDB) and also the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB ). How will the role of the two Banks be different? Discuss the strategic significance of these two Banks for India. 2014
- What are the key areas of reform if the WTO has to survive in the present context of “Trade War’, especially keeping in mind the interest of India? (250 words) 2018
13. Indian Economic Organisations
- Discuss the status and the specific role of the Finance Commission in India. 1985
- Give an account of the mechanism employed in India to transfer financial resources from the Centre to the States. 1987
- What is NABARD and what is its main role? 1989
- Discuss briefly the main recommendations of the Tenth Finance Commission. 1996
- Discuss the advantages of Alternatives Scheme of Devolution suggested by the Tenth Finance Commission of India. 1997
- When and why was SEBI established? 1999
- What is SIDBI? What are its functions? 1999
- What are the main objectives of NABARD? 2000
- What do you know about 11th Finance Commission? 2000
- What is the role of SEBI? 2002
- What is a Finance Commission? 2003
- When was the idea of Agriculture Insurance Corporation mooted? 2003
- What are the objectives of the Twelfth Finance Commission? 2004
- what is the main objective of Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)? 2004
- What is IFC? 2005
- The product diversification of financial institutions and insurance companies, resulting in overlapping of products and services strengthens the case for the merger of the two regulatory agencies, namely SEBI and IRDA. Justify (200 words) 2013
14. Agreements involving India and/ or affecting India’s Interests
- The aim of InformationTechnology Agreements (ITAs) is to lower all taxes and tariffs on information technology products by signatories to zero. What impact would such agreements have on India’s interests? 2014
- Present an account of the Indus Water Treaty and examine its ecological, economic and political implications in the context of changing bilateral relations. 2016
- Do the government’s schemes for uplifting vulnerable and backward communities by protecting required social resources for them, lead to their exclusion in establishing businesses in urban economies?
- Does the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 ensure an effective mechanism for empowerment and inclusion of the intended beneficiaries in the society? Discuss (150 words)
- The performance of welfare schemes that are implemented for vulnerable sections is not so effective due to the absence of their awareness and active involvement at all stages of the policy process. Discuss. 2019
- Besides the welfare schemes, India needs deft management of inflation and unemployment to serve the poor and the underprivileged sections of society. Discuss. 2022
- What are the impediments in marketing and supply chain management in developing the food processing industry in India? Can eCommerce help in overcoming this bottleneck? 2015
- What are the reasons for the poor acceptance of cost-effective small processing units? How the food processing unit will be helpful to uplift the socio-economic status of poor farmers? (150 words) 2017
- Examine the role of supermarkets in the supply chain management of fruits, vegetables, and food items. How do they eliminate a number of intermediaries? (150 words) 2018
- Elaborate on the policy taken by the government of India to meet the challenges of the food processing Economy sector. (250 words) 2019
- What are the challenges and opportunities of food processing seetor in the country? How can income of the farmers be substantially increased by encouraging food processing? (150 words)2020
- Elaborate the scope and significance of the food processing industry in India. (Answer in 150 words) 2022
- What are the main bottlenecks in upstream and downstream process of marketing of agricultural products in India? (Answer in 250 words)2022
- In order to enhance the prospects of social development, sound and adequate health care policies are needed particularly in the fields of geriatric and maternal health care. Discuss. (150 words) 2020
- National Education Policy 2020 is in conformity with Sustainable Development Goal-4 (2030). It intends to restructure and reorient education system in India. Critically examine the statement. (250 words) 2020
- “Besides being a moral imperative of Welfare State, primary health structure is a necessary pre-condition for sustainable development.” Analyse.2021
- Do you agree with the view that increasing dependence on donor agencies for development reduces the importance of community participation in the development process? Justify your answer. 2022
- The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 remains inadequate in promoting incentive-based system for children’s education without generating awareness about the importance of schooling. Analyse. 2022
- In what way could the replacement of price subsidy with direct benefit Transfer (DBT) change the scenario of subsidies in India? Discuss. 2015
- Hunger and Poverty are the biggest challenges to good governance in India today. Evaluate how far successive governments have progressed in dealing with these humongous problems. Suggest measures for improvement. (150 words) 2017
- How do subsidies affect the cropping pattern, crop diversity, and economy of farmers? What is the significance of crop insurance, minimum support price and sod processing for small and marginal farmers? (250 words) 2017
- What do you mean by Minimum Support Price (MSP)? How will MSP rescue the farmers from the low income trap? (150 words) 2018
- There is a growing divergence in the relationship between poverty and hunger in India. The shrinking of social expenditure by the government is forcing the poor to spend more on non-food essential items squeezing their food budget.- Elucidate. 2019
- What are the reformative steps taken by the government to make food grain distribution system more effective? (250 words) 2019
- “The incidence and intensity of poverty are more important in determining poverty based on income alone”. In this context analyse the latest United Nations Multidimensional Poverty Index Report. (250 words) 2020
- The increase in life expectancy in the country has led to newer health challenges in the community. What are those challenges and what steps need to be taken to meet them? (Answer in 150 words) 2022
- What are the direct and indirect subsidies provided to farm sector in India? Discuss the issues raised by the World Trade Organization (WTO) in relation to agricultural subsidies. 2023
- How can the “Digital India’ program help farmers to improve farm productivity and income? What step has the government taken in this regard? 2015
- What is allelopathy? Discuss its role in major cropping systems of irrigated agriculture. 2016
- What are the major reasons for declining rice and wheat yield in the cropping system? How crop diversification is helpful to stabilise the yield of the crops in the system? (250 words) 2017
- How has the emphasis on certain crops brought about changes in cropping patterns in recent past? Elaborate the emphasis on millets production and consumption. (250 words) 2018
- How far is the Integrated Farming System (IFS) helpful in sustaining agricultural production? (150 words) 2019
- Elaborate on the impact of the National Watershed Project in increasing agricultural production from water-stressed areas. (150 words) 2019
- What are the main constraints in transport and marketing of agricultural produce in India? (150 words) 2020
- What are the maior factors responsible for making rice-wheat system a success? In spite of this success how has this system become bane in India? (250 words) 2020
- Suggest measures to improve water storage and irrigation system to make its judicious use under depleting scenario. (250 words) 2020
- What are the present challenges before crop diversification? How do emerging technologies provide an opportunity for crop diversification? 2021
- What is Integrated Farming System? How is it helpful to small and marginal farmers in India? (Answer in 250 words) 2022
- How does e-Technology help farmers in production and marketing of agricultural produce? Explain it. 2023