Anthropology Optional Paper 1 UPSC CSE Mains Topic Wise Previous Years Question

Anthropology Optional Paper 1 UPSC CSE Mains Topic Wise Previous Years Questions

The UPSC CSE Mains Anthropology Optional Paper 1, with its topic-wise questions, plays a pivotal role in shaping candidates’ understanding of historical events and their significance. It fosters subject mastery, enhancing analytical thinking and critical evaluation skills. Click here for UPSC CSE Mains Anthropology Optional Paper 2 Topic-wise Questions.

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1.1 Meaning scope and development of Anthropology

1. Anthropology studies at the “micro” level, but aims at “macro” level theory. Elaborate. (1982)
2. Anthropology is a source of values. Substantiate. (1982)
3. Analyse the comparative method of the nineteenth century anthropology and its limitations as to the nature and purpose of social-cultural anthropology. (1983)
4. Discuss how Anthropology is concerned with common humanity and universal values. (1983)
5. Examine the influence of the humanistic tradition on the growth and development of anthropology. (1985)
6. Write a note on Anthropology in the service of humanity.(1987)
7. Discuss the relevance of anthropological approach in national character studies.(1987)
8. Write a note on Background of Anthropological Comparison. (1989)
9. Discuss the relevance of anthropological approach to national character studies. (1991)
10. Do you think it is possible to bring uniformity of method in the natural and social sciences ? Will it lead to advancement of anthropological research? (1993)
11. Write a note on Holistic and atomistic approach.(1998)
12. Critically examine the contribution of Anthropologists in the interpretation of symbols.(2011)
13. Critically examine the role of anthropology in Contemporary India. (2014)
14. Define Anthropology. Describe the major branches of Anthropology elaborating on any one branch. (2017)
15. Write a note in 150 words on the Relevance of Anthropology. (2018) 
16. Critically examine Arjun Appadurai’s conceptualization of global cultural economy. (2023)
17. Discuss political and methodological aspects of national character studies. Elucidate the contemporary relevance of such studies.

1. 2 Relationship with other disciplines:

History, Economics, Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, Life Science, Medical Science, Earth Science and Humanities

  1. Identify the controversies around the relation between History and Social Anthropology. (200 words) (1981)
  2. In Anthropology, science and humanity converge. Examplify.(1982)
  3. Assess the relative strength of anthropological techniques for scientific study in social sciences.(1983)
  4. Write a note in 200 words on the relation of Anthropology to the social sciences.(1985)
  5. Write a note on Relationship between Social anthropology and History.(1986)
  6. Do you regard Social Anthropology as a Social Science or a humanistic discipline? Give reasons for you answer.(1986)
  7. Write a note on Prehistoric anthropology and its relation to other science.(1987)
  8. Write a note on Psychological anthropology.(1988)
  9. Write a note on Relationship between Social Anthropology and History.(1989)
  10. Discuss the relationship of anthropology with psychology and medicine.(1999)
  11. Write a note in 150 words on How do you situate Anthropology in Social Sciences ? (2013)
  12. Differentiate between Economics and Economic Anthropology. (150 words) (2013)
  13. Write a note in 150 words on differences between Social Anthropology and Sociology.(2016)
  14. Elaborate the scope of anthropology and elucidate the uniqueness in the field of other social sciences. (2021)

1.3 Main branches of Anthropology, their scope and relevance:

  • Social- cultural Anthropology.
  • Biological Anthropology.
  • Archaeological Anthropology.
  • Linguistic Anthropology
  1. Discuss the comparative method of cultural evolutionists, diffusionists and modern social anthropologists.(1982)
  2. Does structuralism in social anthropology coincide with that in linguistics ? Critically assess their analogy.(1983)
  3. What are the common aspects of structural anthropology and linguistics?(1985)
  4. Discuss the types of comparison in social anthropology.(1985)
  5. Write a note on Empiricism in social anthropology.
  6. Write a note on New Physical anthropology(1985)
  7. Bring out the merits and demerits of different contributions on the methods of comparison in social-cultural anthropology.(1988)
  8. Write a note on Theme of Linguistic Anthropology.(1989)
  9. Write a note on ‘New Physical Write a note on ‘New Physical.(1989)
  10. Write a note on Linguistic anthropology. (1990)
  11. Write a note on Recent trends in psychological anthropology (1990)
  12. Write a note on ‘Classical’ Physical Anthropology (1991)
  13. Discuss the merits and demerits of different methods of comparison used in social-cultural anthropology. (1991)
  14. Write a note on Archaeological Anthropology (1992)
  15. Write an essay on the aims and scope of applied anthropology with special reference to India. (1992)
  16. Write a note on Social and cultural anthropology.(1994)
  17. Write a note on Action anthropology.(1995)
  18. Write a note on Medical Anthropology.(1996)
  19. What is cognitive approach ? Critically examine its implications in Sociocultural Anthropology. (1996)
  20. Write a note on Action anthropology.(1999)
  21. Write a note on Biological Anthropology.(2002)
  22. Write a note on Biological Anthropology.(2008)
  23. Write a note in 150 words on Linguistic Anthropology (2013)
  24. Write a note in 150 words on Major sub-divisions of Anthropology (2014)
  25. Write a note in 150 words on Archaeological Anthropology. (2015)
  26. Give an account of- the field methods used in the study of Archaeological Anthropology.(2018)
  27. Write a note in 150 words on the relationship between Linguistics and Social-Cultural Anthropology. (2019)
  28. How can synergising the core branches Anthropology reinvigorate the holistic spirit of the discipline? (2020)
  29. Mention the major branches of linguistic anthropology and discuss language use in social and cultural settings.(2021)

1.4 Human Evolution and emergence of Man;

Biological and Cultural factors in human evolution. Theories of Organic Evolution (Pre-Darwinian, Darwinian and Post-Darwinian). Synthetic theory of evolution; Brief outline of terms and concepts of evolutionary biology (Doll’s rule, Cope’s rule, Gause’s rule, parallelism, convergence,adaptive radiation, and mosaic evolution).

  1. Has biological evolution caused in man? Briefly substantiate your answer. (200 words)(1981
  2. Discuss the synthetic theory of human evolution. How does it differ from Darwinism? (1981)
  3. Man has made himself. Justify. (1982)
  4. Human evolution has cultural dimensions. Elaborate.(1982)
  5. Sociocultural evolution is not parallel to biological evolution in man. Substantiate. (1983)
  6. Microevolution has not ceased.Comment. (1983)
  7. Darwinism is not adequate to explain Darwinism is not adequate to explain view. (1983)
  8. Distinguish between : Lamarckism and Darwinism (1984)
  9. Distinguish between : Macro-evolution and Micro-evolution (1984)
  10. Discuss the inter-relation of biological and cultural dimensions in Human Evolution. (1984)
  11. Write a note on Theory of organic evolution. (1985)
  12. Write a note on Biological evolution and concept of new physical anthropology. (1986)
  13. Write a note on Lamarckism and Darwinism. (1986)
  14. Write a note on Relationship between cultural evolution and biological evolution. (1986)
  15. ‘Evolution is biological and cultural’. Discuss. (1987)
  16. How is Darwinism different from Lamarckism ? Critically evaluate their contribution to synthetic theory of evolution. (1987)
  17. Give a critical account of the processes of organic evolution, and explain how they contribute to speciation. (1988)
  18. Elucidate the Theory of Evolution as put forward by Lamarck. (1989)
  19. Write a note on Meaning of Biological and Socio-cultural Evolution (1989)
  20. Write a note on Micro evolution (1990)
  21. Write a note on Synthetic theory of evolution (1990)
  22. Evolution is biological and sociocultural. Discuss. (1990)
  23. Write a note on Social-cultural evolution. (1991)
  24. What is organic evolution ? Describe the theories of organic evolution. (1991)
  25. Discuss the contemporary trends in evolutionary studies. (1992)
  26. Write a note on Synthetic theory of evolution (1992)
  27. What is organic evolution ? Give evidences for human evolution.(1992)
  28. What is Synthetic Theory of Evolution?Discuss how this theory helps us in understanding the evolutionary mechanism. (1993)
  29. How Darwinism differs from the synthetic theory of organic evolution ?(1994)
  30. Discuss the geographic distribution and taxonomic issues concerning early hominids. Elucidate evidence in support of alternative positions. (1996)
  31. Write a note on Biological evolution of early man (1997)
  32. Write a note on Molecular evolution (1999)
  33. What is Organic Evolution ? Explain the theories of evolution. (2002)
  34. Discuss the modern theory of evolution with special reference to the concepts of gradualism and punctuationalism. (2008)
  35. Distinguish between ‘chronological age’ and ‘biological age’. (2009)
  36. What are the major craniofacial changes that occurred during Hominid evolution ? Discuss. (2010)
  37. Critically examine the synthetic theory of human evolution. (2010)
  38. Write a note in 150 words on Synthetic theory (2011)
  39. Write a note in 150 words on Adaptive tradition in context of evolution (2012)
  40. Discuss how Neo-Darwinism integrated the fields of Genetics and Evolution. (250 words) (2013)
  41. Elucidate the biological and cultural factors in Human Evolution. (2015)
  42. Critically examine Darwin’s theory of evolution in understanding evolution.(2015)
  43. Elucidate the biological and cultural factors in human evolution. (2016)
  44. Explain the biological changes that made human beings capable of making culture. (2018)
  45. Write a note in 150 words on Advanced Molecular Anthropology Techniques .(2018)
  46. Elucidate how Darwin and Post-Darwin theories of evolution resulted in the development of Synthetic theory of evolution. (2020)
  47. “The bio-cultural approach is the hallmark of Biological Anthropology.” Explain. (in about 150 words). (2021)
  48. Explain the genetic mechanisms of micro and macro evolution.(2021)

1.5 Characteristics of Primates; Evolutionary trend and primate Taxonomy; Primate Adaptations (Arboreal and Terrestrial) Primate Taxonomy; Primate Behaviour; Tertiary and Quaternary fossil primates; Living Major Primates; Comparative Anatomy of Man and Apes; Skeletal changes due to erect posture and its implications

  1. Discuss how man is unique primate. (1981)
  2. Man has not descended from monkeys. Justify. (1982)
  3. Discuss the claim of India to be the cradleland of man kind with references to fossil evidences. (1983)
  4. Living anthropoid apes are our distant cousins. Discuss. (1983)
  5. Give a brief account of the distribution and physical features of the Asiatic Anthropoid apes. (1985)
  6. Discuss the evolution of primates with special reference to dentition. (1986)
  7. What are different fossil primates of the Palaeocene and Eocene times ?(1986)
  8. Discuss critically the contribution of these primates to human origin. (1986)
  9. Write a note on Anthropoid apes.(1987)
  10. Write a note on Characters of primates.(1988)
  11. Write a note on Causes of human variation (1990)
  12. Why is Man a primate ? Describe the place of Man in the animal kingdom. (1991)
  13. What are the characteristic physical features of the Primate ? Show the position of Man among the other Primates in a tabular form. (1992)
  14. Write a note on Anthropoid apes (1992)
  15. Discuss similarities and difference between Chimpanzee and Man in salient physical and anatomical Characteristics. (1993)
  16. Describe the various way of getting mate in primitive society. Give examples from Indian context. (1994)
  17. Write a note on Primate. (1994)
  18. Narrate with reasons man’s place in Primate order. (1994)
  19. Write a note on Adaptive tradition in primates (1995)
  20. Discuss primate locomotion with special reference to adaptations to arboreal life. (1996)
  21. Discuss the gradualist view of evolutionary change vis-a-vis the punctuationalist view giving an example from primate evolution that supports one view or the other. (1997)
  22. ‘Man can stand erect while anthropoid apes cannot.’ Discuss the anatomical changes that occurred in Man due to erect posture. (1998)
  23. Write a note on Fossil men (1999)
  24. Describe the range of locomotive behavior of contemporary non-human primates and state how does it help in understanding the structural-functional correlations of their limbstructure. (2000)
  25. List the major skeletal modifications in humans due to assumption of erect posture·. (2009)
  26. ‘Man is a primate.’ Discuss. (2011)
  27. Compare and contrast the skull of Gorilla and Man. (2012)
  28. Write a note in 150 words on Role of primatology in Anthropological studies (2013)
  29. Elucidate the skeletal differences between humans and chimpanzees. (2014)
  30. Explain the skeletal changes due to erect posture and their implications. (2016)
  31. Bring out the comparative anatomical features of man and apes. Discuss their evolutionary significance. (2017)
  32. Discuss the evolutionary significance of bipedalism and erect posture. (2019)
  33. Write a note in 150 words on Adaptive primate radiation. (2019)
  34. Write notes on Jane Goodall’s contributions in studying primate behaviour in about 150 words.(2020)
  35. Illustrate with examples the various types of locomotion patterns among the non-human primates. (2020)
  36. Write notes on : The losses and gains of erect posture. (in about 150 words) (2022) 
  37. Discuss various methods of personal identification based on skeletal remains. (2023) 

1.6 Phylogenetic status, characteristics and geographical distribution of the following:

(A) Prepleistocence fossil primates- Oreopithecus.
(B) South and East African hominids-Plesianthropus/Australopithecus Africau Paranthropus, Australopithecus.
(C) Paranthropus, Australopithecus. .Paranthropus-Homo erectus-Homo erectus javanicus, Homo erectus pekinensis.
(D) Homo Heidelbergensis.
(E) Neanderthal man-La-chapelle-aus-saints (Classical type), Mt.Carmelites types (Progressive type).
(F) Rhodesian man.
(G) Homo sapiens-Cromognon, Grimaldi, Chancelede.

  1. “Homo Erectus was too specialized to have been the direct ancestor of Homo Sapiens.” Discuss. (1981)
  2. Dryopithecus holds the clue for human origin. Discuss. (1982)
  3. Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis was less capable than Homo Sapiens to Survive. Critically examine the views. (1982)
  4. Homo erectus was not the earliest erect man of prehistoric times. Justify. (1983)
  5. Distinguish between : Homo sapiens and Homo Neanderthalensis (1984)
  6. Determine the phylogenetic position of Homo-erectus. (1984)
  7. What do you understand by the term ‘homo sapiens’ ? Give an account of the distribution and physical features of the earliest fossil homo sapiens. (1985)
  8. Write a note on Homo Sapiens Sapiens and Homo Sapiens neanderthalensis. (1986)
  9. Discuss the spatial distribution, physical features, cultural status or origin of Australopithecines. (1987)
  10. Discuss the different types of evidence of the Pithecanthropines, and give a critical appraisal of their place in human evolution in the light of latest discoveries in Africa. (1988)
  11. Write a note on Morphological Character of Homo erectus. (1989)
  12. Write what you know about Homo sapiens and Neanderthalensis. (1989)
  13. Discuss the origin of Australopethecines. Describe their spatial distribution and growth and development. (1990)
  14. Write a note on La Chapelle-aux-Saints.(1991)
  15. Write a note on Ramapithecus (1991)
  16. Compare the fossil remains of ‘Progressive’ and ‘Classic’ Neanderthal men for anatomical characteristics and spatial distribution. Examine their phylogenetic position in human evolution. (1993)
  17. Write a note on Homo Sapiens – Neanderthalensis (1994)
  18. Write a note on Homo erectus finds from Africa (1995)
  19. Write a note on Homo sapiens sapiens (1996)
  20. Discuss the question of single sources vs. multiple sources of the origin of Homo sapiens. Which one of the two hypotheses do you think is more tenable? Give reasons in support of your answer. (1995)
  21. Write a note on Homo habilis (1997)
  22. Write a note on Pithecanthropus erectus.(1998)
  23. Write a note on Australopithecus .(1999)
  24. Write a note on Erect Postrute (2001)
  25. Write a note on Homo Erectus (2003)
  26. Write a note on Neanderthal Man .(2004)
  27. Write a note on Australopithecus .(2005)
  28. Write a note on Rhodesian Man .(2006)
  29. Write a note on Homo erectus (2007)
  30. Write a note on Homo habilis (2009)
  31. Distinguish between major categories of Australopithecines. How are Australopithecines different from Apes? (2009)
  32. Write a note in 150 words on Culture of Homo erectus (2010)
  33. Why are Neanderlands called Premodern humans ? The Upper Palaeolithic period provides evidence of their coexistence with modern man. Discuss. (2010)
  34. Write a note in 150 words on Neanderthal Man (2011)
  35. Describe major skeletal similarities and differences between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens. (2011)
  36. Comment briefly on the phylogenetic position of Austrolopithecines. (2012)
  37. Write a note in 150 words on Asian Homo erectus (2014)
  38. Describe the salient characteristics and geographical distribution of Homo erectus. (2015)
  39. Write a note in 150 words on Rhodesian Man (2016)
  40. Describe the culture related to Homo erectus. (2018)
  41. “Europeans are closer to Neanderthals”. Critically discuss in view of the African origin of humankind. (2019)
  42. Write a note in 150 words on Olduvai Gorge (2019)
  43. Critically evaluate the contesting theories of the emergence and dispersal of modern Homo Sapiens. (2020)
  44. What are the physical and cultural characteristics of Homo erectus ? Discuss its phylogenetic status.(2021)
  45.  What is hominization process? Discuss the major trends in human evolution with the help of suitable examples and illustrations. (2023)
  46. Discuss major species of Australopithecus discovered from South and East Africa. Describe the discovery, physical features and significance of Taung baby. (2023) 

1.7 The biological basis of life:

The Cell, DNA structure and Replication, Protein Synthesis, Gene, Mutation, Chromosomes and Cell Division

  1. Give an outline of the anthropological perspective of genetics and -critically evaluate the genetic significance of meiotic cell division. (1988)
  2. Write a note on Genes (1992)
  3. Write a note on Protein Synthesis (2008)
  4. Write a note on Thrifty genotype.(2009)
  5. Write a note in 150 words on Implications of mutation in evolution.(2019)

1.8 Principles of Pre-historic:

Archaeology, Chronology, Relative and Absolute Datings Methods; Cultural Evolution -Broad Outlines of Prehistoric cultures: Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Copper-Bronze Age and Iron Age

  1. Write a note on Chronometric dating methods .(1995)
  2. What is the neolithic phase of culture in Europe called revolution ? Describe its distinctive features. (1995)
  3. Write a note on Radiometric methods of dating fossils (1996)
  4. Write a note on Problems of dating in Prehistoric Archaeology (1997)
  5. Neolithic is a ‘self-sufficient food producing economy.’ Critically examine this expression. (1998)
  6. Write a note on Carbon dating method (1999)
  7. Describe any chalcolithic site in India with particular reference to mdustry and town planning. (1999)
  8. Write a note on Copper-Bronze Age. (2000)
  9. Write a note on Mesolithic culture in India. (2001)
  10. Write a note on Neolithic Culture (2002)
  11. Write a note on Universal Cultural Evolution (2002)
  12. Write a note on Chalcolithic Culture (2004)
  13. Write a note on Microlith (2005)
  14. Write a note on Lower Paleolithic Culture (2006)
  15. Write a note on Neolithic (2007)
  16. Write a note in 150 words .on Importance of chronology in prehistory (2010)
  17. Write a note in 150 words on Relative dating methods (2012)
  18. Discuss the typology and distribution of Upper Paleolithic cultures in India. (2012)
  19. Write a note in 150 words on Carbon -14 method of dating (2013)
  20. Give a broad outline of Paleolithic culture emphasizing upon its tool technology. (250 words) (2013)
  21. Describe the absolute dating methods in Archaeology, highlighting the importance of each method. (2014)
  22. Describe the Neolithic culture of India.(2014)
  23. Write a note in 150 words on Paleolithic culture. (2015)
  24. Delineate the salient features of Chalcolithic cultures. (2016)
  25. Write a note in 150 words on Neolithic Cultures of India (2016)
  26. Write a note in 150 words on salient features of Mesolithic culture (2017)
  27. What are dating methods? Discuss one a solute method and one relative method in detail.(2017)
  28. Give an account of the consequences of food production of Neolithic culture.(2018)
  29. Describe the principles of radiocarbon dating. Mention its limitations. (2018)
  30. Write a note in 150 words on Town Planning of Harappan Culture.(2018)
  31. Write a note in 150 words on Relative Dating Methods (2019)
  32. Elucidate’ Mesolithic culture and associated rock art with examples from India. (2019)
  33. Discuss briefly the major traditions in the Upper Paleolithic culture of Europe.(2019)
  34. Discuss with examples the Megalithic culture of India in the archaeological context. (2019)
  35. Write notes on Natufian culture in about 150 words. (2020)
  36. Differentiate between Lower Palaeolithic culture and Middle Palaeolithic culture with suitable examples. (2020)
  37. Write notes on Thermoluminescence (TL) dating in about 150 words.(2021)
  38. Describe the features of early farming cultures and Neolithic of the Near East.(2021)
  39. Discuss the salient features of different traditions of European Mesolithic. (2021)
  40. Identify the major Mesolithic sites and describe the typo-technological features with special reference to India. (2023)     
  41. Discuss the Palaeolithic environment in light of available evidences with special reference to India. (2023) 

2.1 The Nature of Culture:

The concept a characteristic of culture and Civilization; Ethnocentrism vis-a-vis Cultural Relativism

  1. Indicate the implications of culture relativism for applied Anthropology. (200 words) (1981)
  2. All cultures are hybrid. Substantiate. (1982)
  3. Civilization is a special development of culture. Elaborate. (1983)
  4. What is cultural relativism ? Evaluate its importance for the development of comparative method in social anthropology. (1984)
  5. Write a note on Cultural relativism (1987)
  6. How does culture differ from civilization? Describe the attributes of culture. (1987)
  7. What do you understand by ‘norms and values’ ? Discuss their anthropologicalperspective and relevance in the context of contemporary times. . (1988)
  8. Write a note on Culture as Construct or Reality. (1989)
  9. What do you understand by ‘norms and values’ ? Discuss their anthropological perspective and relevance in contemporary times. (1990)
  10. Write a note on Culture and civilization (1991)
  11. What do you understand by ‘norms and values. Write briefly on cultural relativism. (1992)
  12. Write a note on Norms and Values (1993)
  13. Write a note on Cultural relativism (1995)
  14. What is cultural change ? How did the Austro-German school put up the scheme of cultural change ? (1995)
  15. Write a note on Acculturation and contra-acculturation (1997)
  16. Elucidate the various concepts of social and cultural changes indicating the specific problems involved in the change process. (1997)
  17. What do you understand by cultural relativistic approach and ethnocentric approach in the study of culture ?
  18. Discuss the logical premises of cultural relativist approach. (1997)
  19. Write a note on Pattern of culture. (1998)
  20. Write a note on Superorganic view of culture (1998)
  21. Write a note on Culture trait and Culture complex (1999)
  22. Write a note on Culture Area & Age Area (2000)
  23. “Components of culture are vast and varied.” Explain this statement. (2002)
  24. Write a note on Cultural Materialism. (2003)
  25. Write a note in 150 words on Cultural; relativism and subseqent violation on human rights (2010)
  26. What stage is known as the incipient stage of food production ? Point out major features of this cultural stage.
  27. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples from a specific area in the old world. (2010)
  28. Bring out the distinguishing features of culture and civilization. (250 words) (2013)
  29. Why has the concept of Cultural Relativism been so dear to anthropologists ? (250 words) (2013)
  30. Is culture unique to human beings ? Critically examine. (2014)
  31. Write a note in 150 words on Cultural Relativism (2016)
  32. Discuss the development of the concept of culture in Anthropology. (2017)
  33. Write a note in 150 words on Cultural Relativism.(2019)
  34. Write notes on Human rights and Cultural relativism in about 150 words. (2020)

2.2 The nature of Society:

Concept of Society; Society and Culture; Social institutions; Social groups and Social stratification

  1. Write a note on Differences between temporary groups and permanent groups. (1986)
  2. Write a note on New ethnography (1987)
  3. Write a note on Ethnography (1990)
  4. Write a note on New ethnography (1991)
  5. Write a note on Group and Association” (1992)
  6. Write a note on Social institution (1993)
  7. Describe the means of social control in simpler societies and compare the legal system of simple and complex societies. (1993)
  8. Describe the nature, scope and methods of new ethnography. (1994)
  9. Write a note on New ethnography (1995)
  10. Critically assess the role of ethnography in the development of anthropological theories. (1997)
  11. Elucidate the salient differences between tribal social system and caste system giving suitable examples in support of your answer. (1997)
  12. Write a note on Caste mobility (1998)
  13. ‘Primitive society is governed by the traditional customary law.’ Do you agree with this statement ? Explain (l998)
  14. Write a note on Social structure (1999)
  15. Write a note on Social stratification (2000)
  16. Write a note on Folk-Urban Continuum (2003)
  17. Discuss mechanisms of social control in simple societies citing suitable examples. (2007)
  18. Write a detailed note on polyandrous societies, citing Indian examples.(2009)
  19. Discuss different modes of exchange in simple societies with suitable examples. (2011)
  20. Explain the concept of ‘Status’ and ‘Role’ in Anthropology. (2012)
  21. What are the bases of social stratification? Discuss with examples. (2012)
  22. Define Status and Role. Distinguish between Ascribed and Achieved Status. (2014)
  23. Write a note in 150 words on Society and Culture. (2015)
  24. Define ethnography and present a brief history of ethnographic studies. (2018)
  25. Discuss social stratification according to any three major approaches. (2019)
  26. Discuss Erving Goffman’s concept of total institutions and its relevance in contemporary society. (2020)
  27. Critically evaluate different types of social stratifications with suitable examples

2.3 Marriage: Definition and Universality; Laws of marriage (endogamy, exogamy, hypergamy, hypogamy, incest taboo); Types of marriage (monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, group marriage). Functions of marriage; Marriage regulations (preferential, prescriptive and proscriptive); Marriage payments (bride wealth and dowry)

  1. “Marriage payments are an example of reciprocity between two social groups.” Elaborate. (200 words) (1981)
  2. Marriage institution is found in all societies and at all times. Discuss. (1982)
  3. Incest is universally the basis of enduring family. Comment. (1983)
  4. Endogamy and preferential marriage are characteristic of closed societies. Discuss. (1983)
  5. Define Marriage. Describe its different forms with suitable examples as prevalent among the tribal people of India. Point out the functions of marriage. (1989)
  6. Describe the problems of universal definition of marriage. Describe the different forms of marriage among the tribal people of India. (1991)
  7. Write a note on Incest Taboos (2006)
  8. Write a note in 150 words on Ways of acquiring a spouse in simpler societies (2012)
  9. Where do you situate ‘live-in relationship’ within the institution of marriage ? (250 words) (2013)
  10. Define marriage and describe the various types of marriages in human societies. (2014)
  11. Write a note in 150 words on Incest Taboos. (2015)
  12. Discuss the different forms of preferential marriage with suitable examples from tribal societies in India. (2017)
  13. Write a note in 150 words on Ways of Acquiring Mate in Tribal Society (2018)
  14. Write notes on “Marriage Regulations and Alliance Theory” in about words. (2020)

2.4 Family: Definition and universality; Family, household and domestic groups; functions of family; Types of family (from the perspectives of structure, blood relation, marriage, residence and succession); Impact of urbanization, industrialization and feminist movements on family.

  1. Is family universally the cornerstone of human society? Discuss. (1981)
  2. Account for the universality of the nuclear family and describe its functions (1984)
  3. What are the major functions of the family? Indicate the recent changes that have taken place in its types and functions with special reference to India. (1985)
  4. Give a comparative account of the different types of family in tribal and non-tribal societies of India. (1987)
  5. Write a note on Universality of family. (1988)
  6. Give a comparative account of different types of family in the tribes of India. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples. (1990)
  7. Write a note ,m Matrilineal society (1991)
  8. Is family a Universal Social Group ? Critically examine this with examples. (1993)
  9. Examine family both as a social group and as an institution. Describe the functions of family and household, indicating therein the recent changes. (1996)
  10. Do you agree with the view that family is a ‘universal association’ ? Critically examine the above statement. (1998)
  11. Critically comment on the forces and factors that have brought about changes in the family structure in recent times.(1999)
  12. What do you understand by Feminist movements ? Discuss their impact on family. (2002)
  13. Write a note in 150 words on : Is family a social institution ? (2012)
  14. Discuss the impact of urbanization and feminist movement on family. (250 words) (2013)
  15. Define family and critically examine the universality of family. (2015)
  16. Discuss the impact of urbanization and feminist movements on family in India. (2016)
  17. Explain the impact of feminist movement on universality of marriage and family structure. (2020)

2.5 Kinship: Consanguinity and Affinity; Principles and types of descent (Unilineal, Double, Bilateral, Ambilineal); Forms of descent groups (lineage, clan, phratry, moiety and kindred); Kinship terminology (descriptive and classificatory); Descent, Filiation and Complimentary Filiation; Descent and Alliance.

  1. “Unilineal kinship is more characteristic of segmentary society than bilateral kinship.” Discuss.(1981)
  2. The modern State has taken over many functions of the family and kin groups. Discuss. (1982)
  3. Extended family and kinship ties are incompatible with an industrial society. Critically examine the view. (1983)
  4. Distinguish between: Double descent and bilateral descent. (1984)
  5. Descent is a cultural rule. Discuss. (1984)
  6. Evaluate the role of kinship in regulating sex and marriage. (1984)
  7. Write a note on Differences between clan and lineage in primitive society. (1986)
  8. What are incest regulation? Bring out their socio-cultural functions in the context of stability in the institutions marriage, family and kinship. (1988)
  9. What is kinship system? Discuss its relevance in understanding the social structure of society. (1991)
  10. Write a note on Kinship terms and kinship behaviour (1994)
  11. Write a note on Lineage and clan (1994)
  12. What is kinship system? Describe the changing roles of the system in the context of westernization in India. (1995)
  13. Discuss the distinguishing features of unilineal, bilineal and bilateral kin groups with suitable examples. (1997)
  14. Now we live more in a class than a caste. Discuss foe role of kinship in this changed situation. (1998)
  15. Explain the salient features of Descent and Alliance theories. Discuss the relevance to the analysis and understanding of Social Structure. (2001)
  16. Define Kinship and throw light on the functional importance of Kinship in Anthropology. (2003)
  17. Write a note on Forms of descent groups (2008)
  18. Write a note in 150 words on. Segmentary lineage and territoriality (2010)
  19. What factors are responsible for bringing about variation in residence of different societies ? Explain how kinship influences man’s social life. (2010)
  20. Describe the types of kinship groups formed on the basis of different principles. (2012)
  21. Write a note in 150 words on Various types of descent (2013)
  22. Write a note in 150 words on Double Descent (2014)
  23. Write a note in 150 words on Lineage and Clan (2016)
  24. Describe the cardinal points of descent and alliance theories. (2016)
  25. Write a note in 150 words on Bilineal and Bilateral descent (2017)
  26. Elucidate the determinants of Kinship terminology. (2017)
  27. Write a note in 150 words on Kinship Terminology. (2018)
  28. Write notes on : Descent Groups. (in about 150 words) (2021)
  29. Critically discuss A.L. Kroeber’s contribution to kinship studies. (2023)

3. Economic organization:

Meaning, scope and relevance of economic anthropology; Formalist and Substantivist debate; Principles governing production, distribution and exchange (reciprocity, redistribution and market), in communities, subsisting on hunting and gathering, fishing, swiddening, pastoralism, horticulture, and agriculture; globalization and indigenous economic systems.

  1. “Economics relations are an aspect of social relations.” Justify. (200 words) (1981)
  2. Distinguish the modes of exchange in primitive society from those of the peasant society. (1982)
  3. Social processes function to coordinate economic exchange and redistribution.Discuss. (1985)
  4. Discuss the meaning and scope of economic anthropology. Explain the method of exchange in the context of simple societies. (1987)
  5. Write a note on Tribal Markets.(1988)
  6. Discuss the role of reciprocity and redistribution in tribal economy with examples. (1988)
  7. Discuss the meaning and scope of economic anthropology. (1990)
  8. Define market. Discuss the nature and role of market in tribal Countries.(1992)
  9. Critically examine the view of formal and substantive schools of thought in Economic Anthropology. (1993)
  10. Describe the economic organization of gathering hunting tribes..Illustrate your answer from that of Indian situation. (1994)
  11. Delineate the meaning and scope of economic anthropology and discuss the principle that govern production distribution and consumption in hunting and gathering communities. (1997)
  12. Write a note on Kula Ring (2003)
  13. “Primitive economic organization has several peculiar features relating to the production, consumption, distribution and exchange.” Discuss the above statement by providing appropriate illustrations. (2003)
  14. Write a note on Ceremonial Exchange (2004)
  15. Write a note on Trade and Barter (2005)
  16. Critically discuss the formalist and substantivist approaches in the context of economic anthropology. (2005)
  17. Critically examine the debate between Formalists and Substantivists. (2011)
  18. Discuss the impact of globalization on tribal economy. (350 words) (2013)
  19. Write a note in 150 words on Horticulture. (2015)
  20. Critically examine the Formalists and Substantivists’ views on the applicability of economic laws in the study of primitive societies. (2015)
  21. Discuss the principles governing production, distribution and exchange in simple societies. (2016)
  22. With the help of appropriate examples,explain the various forms of exchange system. (2017)
  23. Write the characteristics of hunting and gathering economy. (2018)
  24. Write a note in 150 words on Pastoralism in India (2019)
  25. Discuss how indigenous people encounter globalization. (2019)
  26. Write notes on : Modes of Subsistence.(in about 150 words) (2021)
  27. Discuss the impact of globalization on the economic systems of indigenous communities.  (2023)

4. Political organization and Social Control:

Band, tribe, chiefdom, kingdom and state; concepts of power, authority and legitimacy; social control, law and justice in simple societies.

  1. Differentiate between the State and Stateless political systems with regard to locus, power and functions of the legitimate authority. (1981)
  2. Civil laws are present also in simpler societies. (1983)
  3. Describe a stateless political system. (1984)
  4. Write a note in 200 words on Tribal India : Distribution and major economic pursuits of the tribal population. (1985)
  5. What are the basic features of law and what are its functions ? Substantiate your views with illustrations. (l985)
  6. How is law administered in primitive societies ? Give suitable examples. (1986)
  7. Explain the meaning and scope of Political Anthropology. Describe how law and order are being maintained in the so called preliterate societies. (1989)
  8. Write a note on Band and tribe (1990)
  9. Explain the meaning and scope of political anthropology. Describe how law and justice are maintained in simpler societies. (1991)
  10. Differentiate between state and stateless political systems. Do you think that a stateless political system can function in modern societies ? (1994)
  11. Differentiate between centralized political systems and stateless political systems, and state how law and justice are administered in stateless societies. (1996)
  12. Describe the evolution of political systems. (2006)
  13. Discuss the factors affecting ethnic boundaries giving suitable examples. (2006)
  14. Write a note on Chiefdom in tribal society. (2009)
  15. Write a note in 150 words on Band and Tribal societies (2012)
  16. Discuss the nature of Law and Justice in simple societies citing suitable examples. (2014)
  17. Differentiate between State and Stateless Societies. (2014)
  18. Discuss different social control mechanisms tn sample societies(2016)
  19. Mention the characteristic features of band with suitable examples. (2017)
  20. How does customary law function in the tribal society ? Discuss its different sources. (2018)
  21. How is the construct of power linked to the notion of conspicuous consumption and its impact on distributive justice? (2020)
  22. How do political organizations of simple societies establish power, authority and legitimacy ? (2021)

5. Religion:

Anthropological approaches to the study of religion (evolutionary, psychological and functional); monotheism and polytheism; sacred and profane; myths and rituals; forms of religion in tribal and peasant societies (animism, animatism, fetishism, naturism and totemism); religion, magic and science distinguished; magico-religious functionaries (priest, shaman, medicine man, sorcerer and witch).

  1. “Nature Totemism continuities is a religion .” Substantiate based (200- words) (1981)
  2. Discuss the theories of origins of religion. Which one appears to be most adequate? (1982)
  3. Distinguish between : Animism and animatism.(1984)
  4. How do you explain the origin and evolution of religion ? How does religion continue to function in human society ? (1985)
  5. Write a note on differences between primitive religion and world religion. (1986)
  6. Distinguish between religion and magic. Critically examine the different theories of religion and comment on their relevance today.(1987)
  7. What do you mean by totemism ? Discuss the role of totemism in the tribal life of India. (1989)
  8. Describe the origin of religion. Distinguish between religion and magic.(1990)
  9. What is religion ? Discuss Taylor’s theory of origin of religion. (1991)
  10. Write a note on Religion and Magic (1992)
  11. What is Taboo. Discuss the Significance of Taboo in primitive societies. (1992)
  12. Highlight the significance of religious practices in Tribal Communities of India. (1993)
  13. Describe the role of totemism in primitive religion, according to Durkheim. (1994)
  14. Why have religion and magic become stable features of a society ? What role do the religious functionaries play in simple and non-literate societies ? (1996)
  15. Write a note on Witchcraft and sorcery (1998)
  16. Discuss some of the characteristic features of tribal religions in India and state how far have they changed in recent times. (1999)
  17. Distinguish between magic and religion. Give suitable examples. (2004)
  18. “Witchcraft accusation is the result of strained interpersonal relations.” Explain. (2005)
  19. Discuss Anthropological approaches to the study of Religion. (2006)
  20. Write a note on Shamanism (2007)
  21. How anthropologists define Religion? Describe various forms of religion with suitable examples? (2007)
  22. Explain various anthropological approaches to study religion. (2011)
  23. Distinguish between Religion, Magic and Science. (2012)
  24. Write a note in 150 words on Totemism (2013)
  25. How does taboo serve as a means of social control ? (250 words) (2013)
  26. What is understood by ‘Rites of Passage’ ? Describe the various phases of the ‘Rites of Passage’ and their significance.(2014)
  27. How do you relate the concepts of ‘Sacred’ and ‘Profane’ in Durkheim’s theory of religion with a focus on the role of totem ?(2015)
  28. Write a note in 150 words on Totemism.(2016)
  29. Critically different Anthropological approaches to religion. (2016)
  30. Write a note in 150 words on Difference between religion and magic. (2017)
  31. Discuss the different traditional forms of religion in tribal societies. (2017)
  32. Write a note in 150 words on Difference between Science and Magic (2018)
  33. Critically explain the anthropological approaches to religion. (2019)
  34. Write notes on Animism and Deep Ecology in about 150 words. (2021)

6. Anthropological theories:

Classical evolutionism (Tylor, Morgan and Frazer)

  1. Discuss the basic assumptions of 19th century evolutionism. Are these valid today? (1981)
  2. Write a note on Contributions of Morgan and Tylor in the history of anthropological thought.(1985)
  3. Write a note on 19th century evolutionism. (1988)
  4. Write a note on Classical evolutionism (1996)
  5. Point out the differences in the concepts of classical evolutionism and neo- evolutionism in socio-cultural anthropology. Which stage of prehistoric culture is known as cultural revolution and why ?(2010)
  6. How did Morgan explain the evolution of marriage, family and Socio-Political organization and how did other evolutionists disagree with his explanation ? (2015)
  7. Critically evaluate Lewis Morgan’s classification of family. (2021)

Anthropological theories: Historical particularism (Boas); Diffusionism (British, German and American)

  1. Diffusionism is an extremist view.Exemplify (1983)
  2. Distinguish between : British school of diffusion and Austro-German school of diffusion.(1984)
  3. Write a note on Franz Boas (1988)
  4. Write a note on Franz Boas (1991)
  5. Write a note on Diffusion and Diffusionism (1992)
  6. Bring out the merits and demerits in the British Diffusion Studies and the American Distribution Studies. (1993)
  7. What was Boas approach of studying primitive cultures ? Delineate the role of field work and history in anthropological study.(1995)
  8. What is meant by cultural diffusionism ? Give an account of Fritz Graebner’s contributions to the theory of cultural diffusionism.(1996)
  9. Critically examine the Historical Particularistic approach of Franz Boas to the study of culture.(1997)
  10. Define ‘culture area’. How did it help the American diffusionists to understand diffusion of culture ? (1998)
  11. Write a note in 150 words on Historical Particularism.(2015)
  12. How do diffusionism and evolutionism differ as explanations of Cultural Change ? (2015)
  13. Write notes on Historical Particularism and Franz Boas, (in about 150 words).(2021)

Anthropological theories: Functionalism (Malinowski); Structural-functionlism (Radcliffe-Brown)

  1. Specify limitations of Radcliffe-Brown’s method of comparison as actually used by him. (200 words) (1981)
  2. “Structure-functional studies do not explain casual relationships.” Discuss the view. (1981)
  3. Discuss contributions of Malinowski. Radcliffe Brown and Firth to the concept of Function.(1982)
  4. Functionalism is not confined to Anthropology among social sciences. Elaborate.(1983)
  5. Distinguish between : Note Malinowski’s contribution to functionalism in social anthropology.(1984)
  6. Evaluate the contribution of Radcliffe Brown for the development of structural method.(1984)
  7. Examine Malinowski’s theory of needs and state its merits.(1986)
  8. Write an essay on ‘structure-function theory of Radcliffe-Brown.'(1986)
  9. Evaluate Malinowski’s contribution to functionalism. (1987)
  10. Re-examine the view of Radcliffe-Brown in connection with structure and function in Anthropology.(1989)
  11. Discuss Malinowski’s contributions to functionalism in social anthropology. (1990)
  12. Define social function. Critically evaluate the concepts as postulated by Malinowski.(1992)
  13. Write a note on A.R. Radcliffe-Brown (1994)
  14. Give the names of two prominent British functionalists in social anthropology. Describe the functional theory attributed to any one of them. (1995)
  15. “To Radcliffe-Brown ‘function’ was the contribution an institution makes to the maintenance of social structure.” Elucidate in the light of RadcliffeBrown’s contributions to structural functionalism theory. (1998)
  16. What is meant by functionalism? Discuss the basic tenets of Malinowski’s functionalism.(1999)
  17. Discuss the approaches of RadcliffeBrown and Evans-Pritchard to Methods Comparative in Anthropological Research (2001)
  18. Describe structural features of social life as suggested by Radcliffe-Brown in his theory of social structure. (2003)
  19. Write a note on Structural functionalism. (2008)
  20. In what ways is Functionalism different from Structural Functionalism? (350words) (2013)
  21. What is functionalism? Discuss the functional approach to the understanding of Religion.(2014)
  22. Write a note in 150 words on Functionalism (2016)
  23. Write a note in 150 words on Basic tenets of structural-functionalism. (2017)
  24. How did Radcliffe-Brown and Levi-Strauss study kinship in terms of social structure? (2019)

Anthropological theories: Structuralism (Levi-Strauss and E. Leach)

  1. Discuss how social structure is conceived as models, following Levi-Strauss and Leach. (1981)
  2. Discuss the structural study of myth by Levi-Strauss. (1982)
  3. Discuss how structuralism derived from modern linguistics ? (1984)
  4. Discuss in brief model and myth in Levi- Strauss anthropology.(1985)
  5. Critically examine the contribution of Levi-Strauss in providing a theoretical ‘ frame for the structural analysis in society.(1986)
  6. Discuss how Edmund Leach viewed ‘Social Structure’ as a model. (1988)
  7. Examine critically the concept of Model and myth in Levi-Strauss Anthropology (1989)
  8. Discuss how Edmund Leach views social structure as a model. (1991)
  9. Write a note on Edmund R Leach (1993)
  10. Write a note on Structuralist approach to the study of myth (1994)
  11. Analyze how Raymond Firth’s concepts of structure, function, organization and process accommodate the study of both static and dynamic aspects of the social structure.(1996)
  12. What are the major criticisms of the theory of ‘Structuralism’ as propounded by Claude Levi-Strauss ? (2009)
  13. How do the concepts of binary opposite and exchange figure in Levi-Strauss’ structural analysis of Kinship ? (2016)
  14. Explain the structural analysis of kinship as proposed by Levi – Strauss.(2021)

Anthropological theories: Neo-evolutionism (Childe, White, Steward, Sahlins and Service)

  1. Write an essay on neo-evolutionism and cultural ecology. (1989)
  2. How do the approach of the 19th Century Evolutionists differ from those of the Neo-Evolutionists ? Discuss.(1993)
  3. Write a note on Neo-evolutionism(1997)
  4. What do you mean by cultural ecology ? Evaluate how Julian Steward’s particularistic approach is helpful in understanding multilineal evolution. (1998)
  5. What do you understand by neo-evolutionism ? Evaluate how Leslie A. White’s approach is helpful in understanding cultural evolution. (2000)
  6. Discuss the contribution of Julian Steward of Cultural Ecology. (2002)
  7. Explain the theory of Neo-evolutionism’.(2009)
  8. Critically examine the Stewardian view of neo-evolutionism.(2017)
  9. Write a note in 150 words on Gordon Childe’s Theory of Cultural Evolution.(2018)

Anthropological theories: Cultural materialism (Harris)

  1. Write a note in 150 words on Cultural materialism (2011)
  2. Write a note in 150 words on Cultural Materialism (2019)

Anthropological theories: Symbolic and interpretive theories (Turner, Schneider and Geertz)

  1. Write a note on Symbolism. (1999)
  2. Write a note on Symbolic Anthropology (2001)
  3. Write a note on Symbolism (2007)
  4. Bring out the contribution of Turner and Geertz in symbolic and interpretive theories in Anthropology. (250 words) (2013)
  5. What made Geertz’s Interpretive Anthropology distinct from Turner’s symbolic anthropology? What does each of them mean by the terms ‘Symbol’ and ‘Symbolic’ ?(2015)
  6. According to Geertz, how does the cock-fight reveal aspects of Balinese culture? (2016)
  7. Examine critically the contributions of Victor Turner and Clifford Geertz in anthropology. (2019)
  8. Write notes on Victor Turner and Liminality in about 150 words. (2020)
  9. Elucidate the concept of “thick description” of Clifford Geertz with a suitable example.(2021)
  10. How did Clifford Geertz look at religion? Differentiate between anthropological and psychological approaches to the study of religion. (2023)

Anthropological theories: Cognitive theories (Tyler, Conklin)

  1. Write a note on Cognitive Anthropology (2002)

Anthropological theories: Post-modernism in anthropology

  1. Write a note in 150 words on Post-modernism in Anthropology (2012)
  2. Explain the basic features of ‘Postmodernism’ in Anthropology. (2015) 

Anthropological theories: 

1. Critically discuss the controversies related to fieldwork of Bronislaw linowski and Margaret Mead.  (2023)

7. Culture, language and communication:

Nature, origin and characteristics of language; verbal and non-verbal communication; social context of language use.

  1. Write a note on Language and culture (1993)
  2. State the theories regarding the origin of spoken languages in human societies both from biological and cultural points of view. (2010)
  3. Write a note in 150 words on Nonverbal communication.(2017)
  4. Critically examine that the structure and content of language are influenced by culture.(2018)
  5. Write notes on Sapir-Whorf hypothesis in about 150 words.(2020)
  6. Explain how variations in language usage is related to social inequality.(2020)

8. Research methods in Anthropology;

Fieldwork tradition in Anthropology

  1. Discuss the place and importance of fieldwork in anthropological method. (1981)
  2. Fieldwork has served on develop theory in Anthropology. Discuss. (1983)
  3. Describe the nature of anthropological ‘ field work and evaluate its role in the formulation of anthropological theories.(1984)
  4. Write a note in 200 words on Field work traditions in Anthropology. (1985)
  5. Explain the significant role of an informant in anthropological fieldwork. (1986)
  6. Write a note on Anthropological fieldwork. (1987)
  7. Discuss the different fieldwork traditions in anthropological research. (1988)
  8. How does fieldworker strike a balance between theoretical requirements and real field situations? Describe with suitable examples. (1989)
  9. Discuss the nature and logic of anthropological field work methods.(1991)
  10. Discuss the nature and method of Anthropological Field work and explain its uniqueness. (1993)
  11. Discuss the nature and logic of anthropological field work methods. Do these differ from those of other social sciences ? Discuss. (1994)
  12. Examine the importance of observation as a fieldwork technique in Anthropology. Differentiate between participant and non-participant observation and analyze the problem of objectivity in participant observation. (1996)
  13. Trade the genesis and development -of field work in anthropological research. Assess its import-ance in the development of Anthropology. (1998)
  14. Discuss the contribution of field work in the development of anthropological concept and theories. (1999)
  15. Write a note on Etic and Ernie approach (2000)
  16. Discuss the importance of field work in anthropology and describe various tools of data collection. (2008)
  17. Write a note in 150 words on Fieldwork tradition in Anthropology. (2011)
  18. Write a note in 150 words on Field work tradition in Anthropology. (2014)
  19. Explain the difference between emic and etic, and how does the difference derive from the study of language? (2015)
  20. Describe the evolution of fieldwork tradition in Anthropology. (2016)
  21. Elucidate the basic characteristics of anthropological fieldwork methods. (2017)
  22. Write notes on the Experiential Ethnography in about 150 words. (2020)

Research methods in Anthropology: Distinction between technique, method and methodology

  1. Trace the rise and development of empiricism in Anthropology. (1986)
  2. Distinguish between technique, method and method mood methodology. Examine their role in anthropological studies. (1987)
  3. Discuss the difference between the technique, method and methodology as employed in anthropological studies. (1990)
  4. Write a note on Method and Methodology (1993)

Research methods in Anthropology: Tools of data collection: observation, interview, schedules, questionnaire, Case study, genealogy, life history, oral history, secondary sources of information, participatory methods.

  1. Write a note on Participant Observation in Anthropological Field Work. (1989)
  2. Write a note on Genealogical method of field investigation (1994)
  3. What are questionnaire and schedule techniques of field study? Assess their relative usefulness in anthropological studies. (1995)
  4. Write a note on Participatory Rapid Assessment (PRA) (2004)
  5. Write a note on Schedule and Questionnaire (2005)
  6. Critically examine the role of subjectivity in Anthropological Research. (2006)
  7. Critically examine the contribution of Positivistic and Non-Positivistic approaches in Social Science Research. (2007)
  8. Write a note on ‘Schedule’ and Questionnaire’ in research methodology. (2009)
  9. What are the tools of data collection? Discuss the advantages and limitations of participants observations as a technique of data collection. (2012)
  10. Discuss the relevance of Case Study method of data collection. (250 words) (2013)
  11. Write a note in 150 words on Questionnaire. (2017)
  12. Write a note in 150 words on Genealogical Method (2014)
  13. How is case study method helpful in understanding a social phenomena? Explain with suitable example. (2018)
  14. Evaluate participant observation in producing anthropological knowledge. (2019)
  15. Discuss phenomenology as a research method in anthropological studies. (2019)
  16. Discuss various tools of data collection in conducting anthropological research. (2021)
  17. Describe various methods of qualitative data analysis. Highlight some popular computer softwares used in qualitative analysis. (2023)

Research methods in Anthropology: Analysis, interpretation and presentation of data.

  1. Write a note on Life-Table (2006)
  2. What do you understand by the following terms?  
    1. Systemic sampling
    2. Stratified sampling
    3. Multistage sampling…(2010)
  3. How have interpretation and presentation of data changed from classical to contemporary writings in anthropological texts? (2020)

9.1 Human Genetics – Methods and Application:

Methods for study of genetic principles in man-family study (pedigree analysis, twin study, foster child, co-twin method, cytogenetic method, chromosomal and karyo-type analysis), biochemical methods, immunological methods, D.N.A technology and recombinant technologies

  1. “Genetic similarities far outweigh the racial differences among men.” Discuss. (1981)
  2. Write a note on Heredity and environment. (1988)
  3. Discuss the genetical and clinical aspects of the anomalies of sex chromosomes in man with special reference to the associated mosaic constitutions. (1995)
  4. Why are gender studies gaining importance these days ? Assess the contribution of anthropology to gender studies. (1996)
  5. Discuss the recent developments in genetic techniques and comment upon their potential social significance. (1997)
  6. Define twins. Describe the method of diagnosis of twins. In what ways are twins useful in the study of human genetics. (1998)
  7. Discuss the role of twins in nature nurture problems and illustrate your answer with suitable examples. (1999)
  8. What do you understand by recombinant DNA technology ? Discuss its application and limitations in improving human health. (2000)
  9. Write a note on Recombinant DNA technology (2001)
  10. Write a note on Pedigree Analysis (2007)
  11. Write a note in 150 words on Twin method in human genetics (2013)
  12. Briefly describe the various methods used in the genetic study of man. (2017)
  13. Describe the practical applications of DNA technology in the current scenario. (2023)

9.2 Mendelian genetics in man-family study, single factor, multifactor,lethal, sub-lethal and polygenic inheritance in man.

  1. Mendelian principle are equally applicable to animal populations as well as to human populations. Discuss. (1982)
  2. Discuss the laws of inheritance propounded by Mendel on the basis of his classic experiments. Explain how these laws are applied in the study of human genetics. (1986)
  3. Discuss how the laws of heredity propounded by Mendel can be understood in the context of meiotic cell division and their application on Man.(1987)
  4. Write a note on Law of Heredity as Propounded by Mendel. (1989)
  5. Describe Mendel’s laws of Inheritance. What are the recent advances in human genetics and human cytogenetics ? (1990)
  6. Write a note on Mendelism (1991)
  7. What are Mendel’s laws of inheritance ? Describe the recent advances in human genetics.(1992)
  8. What are the contributions of Gregor Mendel to the field of Genetics ? Discuss with suitable examples how Mendel’s laws of inheritance are applicable to Man? (1993)
  9. Discuss monogenic and polygenic inheritance in man, citing suitable examples. (2011)
  10. What are lethal and sub-lethal genes ?Explain.(2012)
  11. Critically discuss the Mendelian principles and their application to human populations.(2016)

9.3 Concept of genetic polymorphism and selection, Mendelian population, Hardy-Weinberg law; causes and changes which bring down frequency -mutation, isolation, migration, selection, inbreeding and genetic drift. Consanguineous and nonconsanguineous mating, genetic load, genetic effect of consanguineous and cousin marriages.

  1. ‘Inbreeding is not necessarily deleterious in effect.’ Comment (200 words) (1981)
  2. Discuss the role of genetic drift, mutation and migration as the causes of variation. (1985)
  3. What are the various forms of preferential mating? Explain with Indian examples. (1986)
  4. Is inbreeding different from consanguinity? Give an account of inbreeding studies in India and comment on their social relevance. (1987)
  5. Write a note on Inbreeding and hybridization. (1988)
  6. Write a note on Inbreeding and crossbreeding (1993)
  7. Discuss the concepts of balanced polymorphism and relaxed selection with special reference to Malaria dependent polymorphisms in man. (1996)
  8. Discuss the concept of ‘Mendelian population’ and its application in the study of anthropogenetic variations in India. (1997)
  9. Write a note on Mutation (1998)
  10. Define Hardy-Weinberg law and state briefly how Hardy-Weinberg law is applicable in population human genetics ? (1998)
  11. Write a note on Genetic Adaptation (2000)
  12. Write a note on Genetic Polymorphism and Selection (2003)
  13. Describe in brief the major causes of change in gene frequency of a population. (2003)
  14. Write a note on Problems of Inbreeding. (2005)
  15. Write a note on Genetic Polymorphism (2006)
  16. Write a note on Inbreeding (2008)
  17. What do you understand by Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? Discuss the factors that produce and redistribute variations. (2008)
  18. Write a note on Natural selection in humans (2009)
  19. Write a note on Anthropological relevance of population genetics (2009)
  20. What is ‘genetic load’ & what factors influence it ? (2009)
  21. What is Balanced Genetic Polymorphism? How is it maintained in a population? (2010)
  22. Write a note in 150 words on Conditions necessary for the operation of Hardy. Weinberg Law(2011)
  23. Write a note in 150 words on Genetic polymorphism (2011)
  24. Write a note in 150 words on How ‘natural selection’ acts on variation? (2012)
  25. What are the genetic effects of consanguinity? Give examples (2012)
  26. What do you understand by ‘Genetic Load’ in a population? How is it measured and what are the important factors that can influence it? (250 words) (2013)
  27. Discuss the factors affecting gene frequencies among human populations (2014)
  28. Define genetic polymorphism. Give details of its types with suitable examples. (2015)
  29. What do you understand by Immunogenetics? Explain with suitable examples. (2015)
  30. Write a note in 150 words on Hardy-Weinberg Law (2017)
  31. Differentiate between transient and balanced genetic polymorphism. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples from human populations. (2019)
  32. Write notes on the Genetic drift in about 150 words. (2020)
  33. How do marriage rules impact the gene pool of populations? (2020)
  34. What assumptions must be met for a population to be in genetic equilibrium? Explain the importance of genetic equilibrium. (2023)
  35. Discuss the role of marriage regulations in traditional societies in India for strengthening social solidarity. (2023) 

9.4 Chromosomes and chromosomal aberrations in man, methodology.

  • Numerical and structural aberrations (disorders).
  • Sex chromosomal aberrations – Klinefelter (XXY), Turner (XO), Super female (XXX),intersex and other syndromic disorders.
  • Autosomal aberrations – Down syndrome, Patau, Edward and Cri- du-chatsyndromes.
  • Genetic imprints in human disease, genetic screening, genetic counseling, human DNA profiling, gene mapping and genome study.
  1. Write a note on Tourodontism (1987)
  2. Write a note on Gene therapy (1995)
  3. Write a note on Genetic counselling (1998)
  4. Discuss the relevance of human DNA Profiling and Gene Mapping in the prevention and cure of diseases. (2001)
  5. Write a note on Genetic Counselling (2002)
  6. Write a note on Klinefelter syndrome (2003)
  7. What is Genetic Counselling? Discuss its relevance in the present day context. (2006)
  8. Write a note on Genome Study (2007)
  9. Discuss different types of sex chromosomal aberrations. (2007)
  10. Write a note in 150 words on Oncogenes (2010)
  11. Chromosomal deletions and numerical fluctuations may lead to gross abnormalities in man. Discuss with the help of suitable examples. (2010)
  12. Write a note in 150 words on Genetic Counselling (2012)
  13. Discuss the chromosomal aberrations and manifestations of Klinefelter and Turner syndromes. (2012)
  14. Write a note in 150 words on Genetic Counselling (2014)
  15. Describe Turner and Klinefelter Syndromes in humans. (2014)
  16. Write a note in 150 words on Down’s Syndrome. (2015)
  17. Discuss chromosomal aberrations in man illustrating with examples. (2015)
  18. Explain the significance of screening and counseling for genetic disorders. (2016)
  19. Write a note in 150 words on Categorise Genes that influence Human Survival. (2018)
  20. Describe the mechanisms for structural anomalies of autosomes with diagrams. (2018)
  21. How may numerical aberrations in sex chromosomes lead to genetic disorders ?(2020)
  22. What are the applications of human genomic research in human welfare? (2020)
  23. “Chromosomal aberrations can play havoc with the human body and mind.” Explain with suitable examples. (2021)
  24. Describe the causes of structural abnormalities of chromosomes with suitable examples. (2023)

9.5 Race and racism, biological basis of morphological variation of nonmetric and metric characters. Racial criteria, racial traits in relation to heredity and environment; biological basis of racial classification, racial differentiation and race crossing in man.

  1. Discuss the role of environment and heredity in formation of races. (1982)
  2. Racial superiority is not based on science. Substantiate. (1982)
  3. Do you find a serological basis: of racial classification? Discuss. (1983)
  4. Discuss the role of environment and heredity in the formation of race. (1984)
  5. Define race and describe its relevance to modern anthropological studies. (1984)
  6. Write a note on Factors involved in race formation in man. (1985)
  7. Write a note on Controversies of race (1996)
  8. Write a note on Racism (1987)
  9. Define race as a biological concept and discuss the various criteria of racial classification.(1988)
  10. Examine critically the basis of racial classification in the light of modern development in Physical Anthropology. (1989)
  11. How are the races formed ? Describe the physical characteristics and distribution of different racial types in India ? (1990)
  12. What is race ? Describe the criteria employed for the classification of human races: (1991)
  13. Discuss the main processes involved in the formation of races. (1992)
  14. Write a note on Racial types in India (l993)
  15. Discuss the role of heredity and environment in formation of race (1994)
  16. What is ‘race’ ? Enumerate and discuss the factors responsible for the formation of races.(1998)
  17. Write a note on Racial criteria (1999)
  18. Write a note on Race and Racism (2004)
  19. Write a note on Racial Criteria (2006)
  20. Is Race a valid concept ? Critically assess the relevance of racial classification in the Indian context. (2010)
  21. Discuss race crossing in humans with suitable examples. (2012)
  22. Differentiate between Race and Racism. What are three races of the world ? Give important biological criteria used frequently for such a classification. (250 words) (2013
  23. Explain the role of heredity and environment in the formation of races. (2016)
  24. Write a note in 150 words on Concept of race (2017)
  25. Write a note in 150 words on Race is a Myth. Justify its Present Day Relevance. (2018)
  26. With reference to the somatoscopic and morphometric characteristics commonly used for racial classification, make critical comments as to whether ‘Race’ is a valid concept. (2019)
  27. Write notes on the Racism and Eugenics in about 150 words. (2020)
  28. Write notes on : Is race a valid and biologically meaningful concept ?(in about 150 words) (2021)

9.6 Age, sex and population variation as genetic marker-ABO, Rh blood groups, HLA Hp, transferring, Gm, blood enzymes. Physiological characteristics- Hb level, body fat, pulse rate, respiratory functions and sensory perceptions in different cultural and socio-economic groups.

  1. Evaluate genetic heterogeneity of ABO, Rh and Gm antigens. Discuss how the principlehuman groups can be distinguished on the basis of their blood antigen characteristic. (2000)
  2. Write a note on ABO and Rh blood group distribution in human populations. (2008)
  3. Write a note on Genetics of HLA and organ transplantation (2009)
  4. Write a note in 150 words on Respiratory functions (2011)
  5. Discuss the role of ABO blood group system in resolving cases of disputed paternity. (2012)
  6. Give a comparative account of variations in hemoglobin level and respiratory functionsamong the populations living under different environmental stresses. (2012)
  7. What are genetic markers and what is their usefulness? Why are blood groups considered asgood genetic markers? Illustrate with examples. (250 words) (2013)
  8. Write a note in 150 words on Rh-Blood Group (2016)

9.7 Concepts and methods of Ecological Anthropology. Bio-cultural Adaptations – Genetic and Non- genetic factors. Man’s physiological responses to environmental stresses: hot desert, cold high-altitude climate.

  1. Stature is susceptible to environmental influences. Substantiate. (1983)
  2. Define adaptability. Compare the adaptive response in man to stresses at high altitudes and in a hot desert environment. (1995)
  3. What is cultural ecology ? Discuss how man adapts himself to different environments, giving suitable examples.(1995)
  4. Write a note on Ecological Anthropology (1997)
  5. How are body size and shape related to climatic adaptation ? Discuss the ecological rules with examples from human situations. (1997)
  6. Discuss the mechanism by which the human body adapts to altitudinal changes and other geographical stresses. (1999)
  7. Define ecosystem. Explain with examples, how biocultural ad~ptive qualities have helped human survival in stressful eco-conditions. (2000)
  8. Write a note on Ecological Anthropology. (2001)
  9. Write a note on Biological adaptation (2002)
  10. Examine adaptive significance of Human Variations in Tropical and Arctic climatic zones.(2007)
  11. Define adaptability. What biocultural adjustments do humans show in coping up with stress at high altitude ?(2008)
  12. Native highlanders are well adapted to the high altitude environment. Discuss. (2011)
  13. How does improved aerobic fitness increase exercise tolerance in warm humid climates ? Give suitable examples in support of your answer. (2012)
  14. Justify “Though human growth is under tight genetic control but it is influenced by various environmental factors.” (250 words) (2013)
  15. Elaborate upon major human adaptations to heat and cold. (250 words) (2013)
  16. Write a note in 150 words on Ecological Anthropology (2014)
  17. What are the stresses at high altitudes? How do better cardio-respiratory functions help the native highlanders in combating low environmental pressure (2014)
  18. Critically examine the physiologicaI responses and acclimatization to cold climate in Man.(2015)
  19. Discuss the genetic and non-genetic factors in the bio-cultural adaptations of human beings to different environments. (2016)
  20. Discuss the responses and acclimatization to high altitude stresses.(2017)
  21. Distinguish between adaptation, adaptability and acclimatization with examples. (2018)
  22. “Human adaptations are always biocultural in nature.” Discuss with reference to human adaptation to high altitude climate. (2019)
  23. Describe the biocultural responses to extreme climatic events. (2020)
  24. What is acclimatization? Discuss adaptive responses to high altitude and cold climate. (2021)

9.8 Epidemiological Anthropology: Health and disease. Infectious and noninfectious diseases. Nutritional deficiency related diseases.

  1. “Nutrition affects several physical features. ” Exemplify. (200 words) (1981)
  2. Write a note on Effects of malnutrition (1993)
  3. Write a note on Malnutrition (1994)
  4. Write a note on Malnutrition (2000)
  5. Write a note on Impact of smoking on Health (2004)
  6. Write a note on Drug Abuse (2005)
  7. Write a note on non-communicable diseases (2009)
  8. Write a note in 150 words on Social I concept of disease (2010)
  9. Write a note in 150 words on Epidemiological anthropology (2012)
  10. Briefly discuss the important causes for the variations in occurrence and intensity of parasitic diseases among different populations. (2012)
  11. What is meant by epidemiological transition? Elaborate upon its causes and consequences highlighting major health problems of our adult population today. (250 words) (2013)
  12. Discuss the role of anthropology in the understanding of health and disease. What specific understanding is available with respect to infectious and non-infectious diseases ? (2014)
  13. Write a note in 150 words on Epidemiological Anthropology (2014)
  14. Describe the scope of Epidemiological Anthropology in the study of infectious and noninfectious diseases. (2016)
  15. Narrate evolution of disease and major causes of ill health in human populations. (2018)
  16. Critically examine the demographic and epidemiological consequences with rise in food production and sedentism. (2020)
  17. Describe the impact of infectious diseases on indigenous populations. (2020)
  18. Elucidate the different forms of malnutrition. Describe protein-calorie malnutrition with suitable examples. (2023)
  19. Elucidate the different forms of malnutrition. Describe protein-calorie malnutrition with suitable examples.(2023)

10. Concept of human growth and development: stages of growth – prenatal, natal, infant, childhood, adolescence, maturity, senescence.

Factors affecting growth and development genetic, environmental, biochemical, nutritional, cultural and socio-economic.
Aging and senescence. Theories and observations -biological and chronological longevity. Human physique and somatotypes. Methodologies for growth studies.

  1. Give a short account of the present-day growth studies in India. (1985)
  2. Describe the methods of studying growth and physical development of children. Discuss the role of hormonal and nutritional factors on human growth and development. (1990)
  3. Describe the stages of human physical growth and development and discuss the effect of nutrition and inbreeding on growth and development. (1991)
  4. Discuss the changes which are taking place in the tribal societies in India and describe the factors responsible for this. (1992)
  5. Write a note on Senescence (1995)
  6. Describe the patterns of human physical growth and development from birth to maturity.(1995)
  7. Write a note on Longitudinal growth (1997)
  8. Write a note on Growth curves (1998)
  9. What is meant by physical growth: norms? How are these made and how do they depict the growth status of a population? (1999)
  10. Define growth and maturation and discuss the different factors affecting them. · (2001)
  11. Write a note on Methods for the study of human growth (2002)
  12. Differentiate between human growth and development and describe the various stages of human growth. (2003
  13. Critically examine the role of nutritional, socio-economic and cultural factors on human growth and development. (2004)
  14. Write a note on Aging (2005)
  15. Critically discuss the factors affecting human growth and development. (2005)
  16. Describe various methods of studying Human Growth specifying their merits and demerits.(2006)
  17. Differentiate between ‘growth’ & development’. List the factors affecting human growth and development. (2009)
  18. Discuss the theories of ‘Aging’. (2009)
  19. Write a note in 150 words on Senescence and socio-economics in contemporary times (2010)
  20. Describe different methods of studying human growth. (2011)
  21. Define somatotype. Describe the salient features of different components of somatotype.(2011)
  22. Explain any two biological theories of aging based on purposeful events (2012)
  23. Write a note on Aging and Senescence in 150 words (2013)
  24. Write a note in 150 words on Differentiate between Child Growth & Development (2013)
  25. Write a note in 150 words on Cross-sectional methods of studying human growth. (2014)
  26. What are the different stages of Growth? Describe any one of them in detail. (2014)
  27. Discuss Ageing and Senescence. Describe either the biological or social theories of Ageing.(2014)
  28. Write a note in 150 words on Longitudinal method of studying growth. (2015)
  29. What is an anthropometic and somatotype? Describe Heath and Carter’s method of somato typing. (2015)
  30. Discuss different factors affecting growth and development in human beings. (2016)
  31. Describe the various methods of studying growth highlighting their merits and demerits.{2017)
  32. Discuss Sheldon’s method of somatotyping. (2017)
  33. Write a note in 150 words on Issues of Elderly and Senescence in Developing and Developed Countries (2018)
  34. Explain the mechanisms of human variation in gene frequencies. (2018)
  35. Write a note in 150 words on Genetico -environmental factors affecting human growth.(2019)
  36. Discuss the methods of studying human growth with their merits and demerits. (2019)
  37. Write notes on the Senescence in about 150 words. (2020)
  38. Secular trend in human growth can be positive, negative or neutral. Illustrate with examples.(2020)
  39. Write notes on: Human adolescent growth spurt. (in about 150 words) (2021)
  40. Discuss the physiological and evolutionary theories of aging. (2021)
  41. What is mixed-longitudinal method of studying human growth? Discuss its merits and demerits. (2023)

11.1 Relevance of menarche, menopause and other bio-events to fertility. Fertility patterns and differentials.

  1. Write a note on Menarche and Menopause. (2001)
  2. Write a note on Bioevent of fertility. (2008)
  3. Discuss the relevance of menarche, menopause and other bio-events to fertility. (2014)
  4. Write a note in 150 words on Menopause and its impact. (2015)
  5. Write a note in 150 words on Age at menarche (2017)

11.2 Demographic theories- biological, social and cultural.

  1. Give a brief account of classification of Indian population as suggested by B.S. Guba, Critically examine his classification. (1986)
  2. Discuss the racial classification of Indian population as per B.S. Guba. Mention the criticism propounded by other anthropologists. (1994)
  3. Discuss the different theories which explain social and cultural changes. (1999)
  4. Write a note on Demographic Transition (2007)
  5. Write a note in 150 words on Demographic transition (2013)
  6. Do Allen’s rule and Bergmann’s rule hold for human populations ? Explain with examples.(2018)

11.3 Biological and socio-ecological factors influencing fecundity, fertility, natality and mortality.

  1. Discuss the biological and socioecological factors influencing fertility and mortality. : (2005)
  2. Distinguish between the terms ‘fecundity’ and ‘fertility’. Are the factors influencing them distinguishable? Discuss. (2010)
  3. Write a note in 150 words on Fertility and Fecundity (2014)
  4. Write a note in 150 words on Fertility and Fecundity (2016)
  5. Describe the biological and socio- ecological factors affecting fertility and mortality. (2017)
  6. Define fecundity and explain major factors affecting fecundity in Indian populations. (2018)
  7. Discuss the bio-cultural factors influencing fertility in light of the relationship between fecundity and fertility. (2019)
  8. Discuss the bio-social determinants of fertility and fecundity. (2021)

12. Applications of Anthropology:

Anthropology of sports, Nutritional anthropology, Anthropology in designing of defence and other equipments, Forensic Anthropology,Methods and principles of personal identification and reconstruction, Applied human genetics – Paternity diagnosis, genetic counseling and eugenics, DNA technology diseases and medicine, serogenetics and cytogenetics in reproductive biology, Application of statistical methods

  1. Distinguish between: Applied and action anthropology. (1984)
  2. Write a note on Applied physical anthropology. (1988)
  3. What is meant by Applied Anthropology? Explain its methods and scope in Indian context. (1989)
  4. Write a note on Applied anthropology (1990)
  5. Discuss the concepts of eugenics and euphenics and their potential applications to human welfare. (1996)
  6. Write a note on Forensic Anthropology (1996)
  7. Write a note on Nutritional ecology (1996)
  8. Critically examine the anthropological approaches to planning and socioeconomic development among the weaker sections of the Indian society, highlighting the issues of macroplanning in anthropology. (1997)
  9. Write a note on Anthropology of Sports (1997)
  10. Discuss the application of the human genetics in the field of forensic science and diagnosis and treatment of genetic disorders. (1999)
  11. Write a note on Chi-square Test (2000)
  12. Evaluate the role of Serogenetics and Cytogenetics in reproductive biology. (2001)
  13. Write a note on Sampling Methods (2001)
  14. What are the statistical methods used in Physical Anthropology. (2002)
  15. Write a note on Eugenics. (2003)
  16. Write a note on Forensic Anthropology (2003)
  17. What do you understand by applied Physical Anthropology ? Discuss the applications of anthropometry in designing defence and other equipments. (2003)
  18. Write a note on Anthropology of Sports (2004)
  19. Discuss the area in which the knowledge of human genetics can be applied. (2004)
  20. Write a note on Nutritional : Anthropology (2005)
  21. Write a note on Personal Identification (2006)
  22. Write a note on Forensic Anthropology (2007)
  23. Briefly Describe various applications of physical Anthropology. (2007)
  24. Write a note on Nutritional anthropology (2008)
  25. Discuss the role of anthropology in designing defence and other equipments. (2008)
  26. Analyse the various applications of anthropological knowledge to solve medico-legal problems and in the reconstruction of evidence. (2009)
  27. Write a note in 150 words on Role of forensic anthropology in the field of personal identification (2010)
  28. Write a note in 150 words on Personal identification (2011)
  29. Discuss the application of anthropological knowledge in designing equipment. (2011)
  30. Explain the application of anthropological knowledge in genetic counseling, forensic science, sports and nutrition. (2011)
  31. Write a note in 150 words on Applications of Anthropometry in designing. (2012)
  32. Briefly discuss the applications of the knowledge of human osteology in forensic investigations. (2012)
  33. Write a note in 150 words on DNA technology in Medicine. (2015)
  34. Elucidate the role of Anthropology in selection and monitoring of sports persons. (2015)
  35. Forensic Science can help in criminal investigations. Discuss. (2015)
  36. Describe the role of Anthropology in designing defence and other equipments. (2016)
  37. Write a note in 150 words on Forensic Anthropology (2016)
  38. Write a note in 150 words on Anthropology and designing of equipments (2017)
  39. What are the methods of personal identification ? Critically examine how personal identification helps in criminal investigation. (2017)
  40. Write a note in 150 words on Anthropological inputs in facial reconstruction (2019)
  41. “Applied human genetics has come to touch every sphere of human life.” Discuss in light of recent advances in molecular anthropology. (2019)
  42. Write notes on the Ethics and Genetic engineering in about 150 words. (2020)
  43. How are the cases of disputed paternity solved ? Discuss the recent techniques(2021).
  44. What is Anthropometry ? Discuss its role in assessing the nutritional status and sports capability of a person. (2021)

13. Concept of Development and Rehabilitation from Anthropological Perspective

  1. Reciprocity and redistribution inhibit social conflict in primitive society. Discuss. (1983)
  2. Discuss the methods concerning the welfare and development of scheduled caste and scheduled tribes. (1990)
  3. What is sustainable development ? How does anthropology help attain sustainable development in the tribal communities in India (1995)
  4. What is planning from below ? Critically assess the role of anthropology towards implementing sustainable development. (2000)
  5. Write a note on Displacement and Rehabilitation (2001)
  6. Explain the concept of sustainable development with reference to development andrehabilitation. (2004)
  7. Discuss the concept of people’s participation in planned development.(2005)

14. Relevance in understanding of Contemporary society, Ethnicity, Nationstate

  1. Write a note on Nation building processes in new states (1993)
  2. Write a note on Nation State (2002)
  3. What is ethnicity? Does ethnicity add to conflicts and tensions in the society? Illustrate.(2002)
  4. Write a note on Ethnic Conflict (2004)
  5. Explain Fredrik Barth’s concept of ethnic boundaries. Explain its distinction from cultural content. (2004)
  6. Discuss the relationship of ethnicity and nation-state. · (2005)
  7. Explain the impact of discovery of iron technology on contemporary society. (2018)