Date of Interview: 01.09.2021
Board: Sathiyavathy
Background: MSc Physics with Astrophysics as special
Optional: Physics


  1. What are you doing after 2017?
  2. So you have done MSc in Astrophysics. (Said -Yes)
  3. (Then they mixed it with S&T)
  4. What is recent failure of ISRO?
  5. What type of rockets ISRO is using?
  6. How geostationary and geosynchronous satellite are different?
  7. What is Polar Satellite?
  8. Why it is called so?
  9. Indian achievements in these satellites?

Member 1

  1. You can do much more in Astrophysics than here.
  2. Difference between weather and weathering.
  3. How weather plays role in satellite launches of ISRO?
  4. Comment on the statement: Green revolution has given us lot of pain.

Member 2

  1. How has you used your knowledge of astrophysics till now.
  2. How can help the children who are addicted to gaming with Astrophysics,, being a DM.

Member 3

  1. Astrophysics inventions are fuelled by imagination of sci fi stories.
  2. Which sci fi writer gave concept of geostationary satellite?
  3. Role of Einstein in Astrophysics?
  4. How Einstein proposed gravity as in General Theory of Relativity.
  • There was another member and other few questions were asked. But most of them were on these same lines.
  • I feel that they are just asking these questions as a warm up round but then

Chairman said Thankyou, your interview is over. It felt just like 10 minutes or so. It doesn’t feel like an interview at all.

  1. No questions were asked from hobby, current affairs etc. Overall board was cordial and nice

All the best 👍

Source: Forum IAS