How did your UPSC DAF look?
UPSC CSE 2017-18 , First attempt
AIR 56
This was my first attempt and believe it or not, I didnot know much about DAF until I had to actually fill it after my Mains.
Due to lack of proper guidance, I did a lot of mistakes in filling my DAF.
I added a lot of unnecessary hobbies (highlighted in Red). It took me a lot of time to prepare answers on such unnecessary information I had written in my DAF. Questions on such information might land you in trouble.
Always consult a senior before filling your DAF. More often than not, over half of your interview is based on your DAF. I was asked a lot of questions on a certain aspects of my DAF that the panel found interesting (highlighted in Blue)
*Be honest, but be Smart.
Fill in only those details that are easy to prepare from Interview point of view.
Add only those things you wouldn’t mind being questioned on and prepare them thoroughly.
Being unable to answer something from your DAF might give a wrong impression.
If possible, fill a rough DAF at the start of your UPSC preparation and develop your hobbies and personality accordingly over the course of your preparation.
Even if something goes wrong in the interview, stay calm. Everyone commits mistakes. Gather yourself and be confident and polite.
Suyash Chavan, UPSC 2017 | First Attempt | AIR 56 (IFS)