How do I prepare for geography for UPSC ?

How to Prepare for Geography
To Prepare for geography three things we need to focus on,
1) Why ?
2) From Where?
3) How ?
Geography tells us whatever formed you and your surroundings. All of this start with Big Bang.
Geography leads to Economy and Economy leads to Polity.
(Geography provide us Resources like mountains, Rivers, Sea, Ocean, Plains, Soil etc and allocation or interchange of resource leads us to Economy and how to control Economy we need some Law, Rule and Regulation, this is where Polity comes in Picture)
From Where
UPSC Syllabus, NCERT, Current Affairs, Previous year Paper and Some Basic Books
Analyze previous year Paper then Refer Syllabus after understanding syllabus read NCERT book, Current Affairs.
Attempt Mock test to examine yourself.
Now Geography preparation divided into few steps:
1) Introduction/ Weightage
2) Decoding the Syllabus
3) Right Resources and Books
4) Plan of Action
1) Introduction/ Weightage
Geography is one of the major disciplines that help fulfill people’s quest for knowledge about their surroundings. Many a times, it is geographical phenomena, which influences the social, cultural, political, economic and technological landscape. Whether it is the social practice of migration & transhumance; cultural aspects related to art and crafts or food and clothing; political dimensions like geopolitics and Geostrategic; economic dimensions related to the primary, secondary or tertiary sectors or technological aspects related to innovations in the field of mining, climate control, and transportation etc. These are all primarily related to Geographical dimensions. We can unarguably say that Geography gives us fundamental knowledge of spatial dimensions related to whatever is happening around us.
Prelims Analysis: 15-20% weightage (30 to 40 Marks)
2) Decoding the Syllabus
The exam notification says :
Indian and World Geography – Physical, Social and Economic Geography of India and the World.
1) World Geography – Physical, Social and Economic
2) Indian Geography – Physical, Social and Economic
Your study schedule should ideally have the above divisions. This will allow you to create a checklist to go through so that you can set your targets accordingly.
Now, you must learn to sub-categorize the syllabus. A good way is to follow the table of contents given in the NCERTs. The World Geography syllabus is given below:
1) World Geography
This covers the syllabus sub-categorisation for world geography. Similarly a break up of the Indian geography syllabus can be done. A good way is to use the table of contents of the NCERTs which ideally divide the syllabus along logical lines.
2) Indian geography
Indian Geography In Brief : Topics To Cover
Indian Geography can be divided into three – Physical Geography, Economic Geography and Social Geography. The major sub-topics under Physical Indian Geography are Physio-graphic divisions, Drainage, Climate, Vegetation, Natural Resources etc. Topics related to environment like Wild-life, Soil, Flora etc should be given stress too. Economic and Social Geography related aspects of Indian Geography should the studied in parallel to Physical Geography. Tip : NCERT Books will turn really handy for preparation of Economic and Social Geography.
Physio-graphic regions
Mountains (Himalayas).
Northern Plains.
Peninsular Plateau.
Coastal Plains.
Himalayan Rivers.
Peninsular Rivers.
Climate + Four Seasons of India
Hot Weather Season.
Advancing Monsoon.
Retreating Monsoon.
Cold Weather Season.
Tropical Rain-forest.
Tropical Deciduous Forests. (Monsoon Forests)
Mountain Vegetation.
Desert Vegetation.
Marshy land Vegetation.
Natural Resources
Minerals including Petroleum and Natural Gas.
Wild Life.
3) Right Recourses and Book:
Books and NCERT Reading
You Need to Study New NCERT of class 11th and 12th class books (Refer 6th to 10th NCERT if you are not able to understand language of class 11th and 12th NCERT because in 11th and 12th class all the class 6 to 10 is repeated)
It is highly advised that you do not directly jump to advanced books, especially the ones that students of Geography optional use.
1) Class IX NCERT: Contemporary India Part-I (Optional) Updated 2018-2019 Click here to Get [ English / Hindi ]
2) Class X NCERT: Contemporary India Part-II (Optional) Updated 2018-2019 Click here to Get [ English / Hindi ]
3) Class XI NCERT: Fundamentals of Physical Geography Updated 2018-2019 Click here to Get [ English / Hindi ]
4) Class XI NCERT: Indian Physical Environment Updated 2018-2019 Click here to Get [ English / Hindi ]
5) Class XII NCERT: Fundamentals of Human Geography Updated 2018-2019 Click here to Get [ English / Hindi ]
6) Class XII NCERT: India, People and Economy Updated 2018-2019 Click here to Get [ English / Hindi ]
7) Certificate Physical and Human Geography by Goh Cheng Leong, Oxford University Press Click here
8) School Atlas by any good publisher like Oxford University press, Orient Longman, DK etc. [will Upload….]
9) Keeping track of related articles in The Hindu, Yojana etc.
4) Plan of Action
I will share Separate Post for That .
Source Quora and Google.
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