Hello Everyone, Am happy to start this project which is Completely a free service. Though am not a mentor, Am just doing this for my self satisfaction and for supporting the Financially Backward. I think you all understand my intention in creating this and ultimate purpose of this blog is providing free material for the needy people.

Coming to UPSC Preparation, people created assumptions like UPSC is the toughest exam and You can’t clear it unless you join a coaching. By this false statements economically backward Students are dropping their aspirations even before they start.

To wipe out all those assumptions, I have started this. Here, all materials which are important for clearing UPSC will be shared for free of cost, yes this is completely free and we are doing this to serve the poor who can’t afford the coaching institutions.

Civil Services Preliminary exam comprises of two compulsory papers of 200 marks each (General Studies Paper I and General Studies Paper II). The questions will be of multiple choice, objective type. The marks in prelims will not be counted for final ranking, but just for qualification for main exam.

A candidate’s rank in UPSC Civil Service Exam depends only on the mark scored in Main and Interview. The main exam has 1750 marks while interview has 275 marks.The written examination (main) will consist of the following nine papers, but only 7 papers will be counted for final merit ranking. For the rest two papers, the candidate should secure minimum marks prescribed by UPSC each year.

Mains Materials>>

The decision of selection of the optional paper for IAS exam is an age old dilemma for Civil Services aspirants. As per the latest syllabus, the number of optional subjects to be selected is reduced to one, but aspirants are still confused if they make right choice or not. Though the weigtage of the optional paper is only 500 marks out of 2025 marks as per the latest pattern of UPSC Civil Services exam, it is still a deciding factor in the final ranks due to the unpredictability associated with General Studies Papers.

Optional Materials>>

Now a days every corner has its own Coaching institution and there are best players, I mean Top Institutions like Vajiram, Vision, Insights, GS Score etc…, and here we provide most of the top institutions Study Materials for free.

Coaching Materials>>

No Matter, How many institutes provide best materials or shortcuts, we always need old School methods to win the race and these books cover almost everything that needed for UPSC Preparation.

Standard Books>>

Test Series plays most important role in clearing any competitive exam. Like other competitive exam, UPSC also need more Hard Work and dedication and in fact 1000% more efforts are needed for clearing this exam.

Test Series>>

Last but not least, Most of the Preparation falls under preparing for Current Affairs and choosing what to read and what not to makes a huge difference in the preparation strategy and final results.So here, We arranged the best among all Current Affairs Magazines which are Completely available for Free

Current Affairs>>

I Hope My Work Helps at least one Poor Person to become an IAS and He/She who became, can serve this country in much better way.

Thank You